(11.8.2017) US-Präsident Donald Trump will nach Angaben des Präsidialamtes den Nahost-Friedensprozess wiederbeleben. Er werde demnächst seinen Schwiegersohn Jared Kushner und Unterhändler Jason Greenblatt in die Region entsenden, um mit führenden Politikern über einen Weg zu substanziellen Friedensgesprächen zwischen Israel und den Palästinensern zu beraten, sagte ein Vertreter des Präsidialamtes gestern.
Daily Archives: 13. August 2017
Fire McMaster, Urges Pro-Israel Group Backed by Sheldon Adelson
(10.8.2017) The Zionist Organization of America announced Monday that it was undertaking a review of McMaster’s record on Israel, according to an “exclusive” story in the right-wing website, Breitbart. On Wednesday, the group released a statement calling for McMaster to be reassigned from the National Security Council because, according to the ZOA, he “purged from the NSC those officials who were carrying out President Trump’s policies of combating Iranian and radical Islamist transnational threats.”
Trump and Kushner Push Back on Right-Wing Campaign to Fire McMaster, for Now
(5.8.2017) That campaign — which may include some top White House officials, but has primarily been conducted by nationalist, right-wing organizations and news sites — has sought revenge on McMaster for his ousting of four conservatives from Trump’s national security council, as well as for his opposition to simply voiding President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal without a backup plan. The #FireMcMaster campaign has proliferated on social media, too, including among Russian Twitter bots.
White House: Trump’s condemnation includes ‘white supremacists, KKK, neo-Nazi and all extremist groups’
While Bossert acknowledged that white supremacy is a problem in the country, he quickly shifted to talking about the greater threat of “a global jihadi terrorist problem.” This is a common tactic used by the Trump administration, which considered refocusing the government‘s Countering Violent Extremism program on Islamist groups, not white supremacists, and has proposed slashing funding for the program. A recent study found that between 2008 and 2016, the number of designated terrorist attacks on U.S. soil carried out by right-wing extremist groups, including white supremacists, outnumbered those carried out by Islamists by 2 to 1.
What We Know About James Alex Fields, Driver Charged in Charlottesville Killing
James Alex Fields Jr., left, in a crowd of white nationalists in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday. Hours later, the police say, he killed a 32-year-old woman and injured 19 other people by driving a car into a line of other cars.
So erlebte ein Undercover-Reporter eine Reise mit Rechten nach Israel
(2.8.2017) Eine erste Antwort bekomme ich, als ein kleiner Mann zu uns stößt, schwarzes Shirt, Südamerika-Hut auf dem Kopf, Wildledertasche, AfD-Pin. Fabian dürfte Anfang 40 sein, ist aus dem Saarland, lebt nun in Zürich und sagt über die Reise: „Ich möchte mich mit Menschen meiner Gesinnung austauschen – und vor allem reizt mich der Häuserkampf. Was wir dort lernen, können wir gegen die Invasionäre in unserer Heimat einsetzen.“
Invasoren, Invasionäre, Eindringlinge, Barbaren – so also nennen Teilnehmer der Reise Muslime. Sie sehen in Israel ein Vorbild, weil der Staat sich im Dauerkonflikt mit seinen muslimischen Nachbarländern befindet.
Republican Leader in Israel Hails Robert E. Lee as ‚Great Man,‘ Blames ‚Leftist Thugs‘ for Charlottesville Violence
Head of Republicans Abroad in Israel Marc Zell says counterprotesters at white supremacist rally represent the ‚ugly face of progressivism‘ in the U.S.
Secessionists push for South to break away from US again
The South has been at odds with the rest of the nation for generations over issues including education, race, politics, shared history and religion, Thompson said in a telephone interview, and some things just don’t change.
“It’s not that just the rest of the country would be better off without them,” he said. “It’s that everyone would be better off without them, both sides.”
Israeli Mossad chief says Iran working to ‚fill void‘ left by Islamic State
He added that Iran has also not given up its aspirations to become a nuclear threshold state and that the nuclear agreement between the two powers and Iran only reinforces this trend and is strengthening Iranian aggression in the region, according to a statement from the Prime Minister‘s office.
Zoabi denied entry to Russia
According to reports, Zoabi was refused entry by airport officials in Moscow because after she was found to be in possession only of her diplomatic passport, and did not have an entry permit as required.
The Israeli Embassy in Russia received notification of the delay and tried to help Zoabi enter the country. In the end, she was permitted to enter Russia.
Lavrov says country will be committed to Israel in negotiations with Palestinians: Russian media
According to the report Lavrov added that, „in any case of discussing the future of Jerusalem, Russia will take into account Israeli interests.“
The statement came shortly before the White House confirmed it was sending Trump‘s special Mideast delegation, including Jason Greenblatt and son-in-law Jared Kushner, to the region for another push for renewed peace negotiations.
Heuchler steht für:
Am Rande des Atomkriegs? CIA-Chef verfügt über entsprechende Geheimdaten
„Ich habe keine Aufklärungsdaten gesehen, die darauf hindeuten würden, dass wir am Rande eines Atomkriegs stehen“, sagte Pompeo in einem Interview mit dem TV-Sender Fox News.
CIA chief: Not surprising if North Korea tests missile again
“I am quite confident that (North Korean leader Kim Jong Un) will continue to try to develop his missile program, so it wouldn’t surprise me if there was another missile test,“ U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Director Mike Pompeo said on „Fox News Sunday.“
I look forward to returning to the Middle East soon with Jared Kushner & Dina Powell as we pursue peace. @POTUS is optimistic.
Netanyahu: We Will Welcome Trump‘s Envoys Kushner and Greenblatt
A delegation headed by Kushner is expected to travel to Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Arab states in the end of August in a new peace push
Netanyahu’s Inner Circle Is Fleeing Like Rats on the Titanic
There are certain similarities between Israel’s political scandals and the never-ending drama of President Donald Trump’s administration, but also certain differences. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s entourage isn’t as lurid as Trump’s; it has no Anthony Scaramucci of its own, just an heir apparent with a fondness for poop emojis. And the drama in Jerusalem is more rapidly nearing completion than its competition in Washington.
Netanyahu faces the political crisis of his life
In Israeli politics, the old saying goes, you can be dead or dead and buried. There are rarely second acts.
Seoul mulling all steps to ease tensions with North Korea: official
South Korea is considering all measures to defuse tensions with North Korea and will leave the door open for dialogue, the country‘s vice unification minister said Sunday.
Democratic Demagogues and ‘The Better Deal’
The Democratic Party proves itself to be a weird sideshow for the vast majority of American voters…and for good reason.
Fake DNC Guy Sneaks Into Politicon To EMBARRASS Democratic Party
Frank Spencer is not who the Democrats at Politicon thought he was. Watch the full episode here:
Dänischer U-Boot-Kapitän soll Journalistin getötet haben
Der dänische U-Boot-Bauer Peter Madsen wird verdächtigt, die schwedische Journalistin Kim Wall getötet zu haben.
Sie soll zumindest zeitweise auf Madsens U-Boot gewesen sein, das am Freitag vor der dänischen Küste sank. Madsen konnte gerettet werden, die Journalistin wird vermisst.
Privat-U-Boot geborgen: Schwedische Journalistin bleibt verschwunden
Die dänische Polizei hat das gesunkene U-Boot des Tüftlers Peter Madsen gehoben – und niemanden an Bord gefunden. Der 46-Jährige steht unter Verdacht, eine mitreisende Journalistin getötet zu haben.
Pressure grows on Kenyan opposition to concede election defeat
There have been at least 24 deaths in election-related unrest, a rights group said on Saturday. But by Sunday the violence appeared to have largely abated, to the relief of Kenyans who feared a repeat of the violence that followed 2007‘s disputed election.
Around 1,200 people were killed then and 600,000 displaced after Odinga called for political protests that sparked ethnic violence.
Britische Minister schlagen Übergangsphase nach Brexit vor
Fox und Hammond machten keine Angaben zur Länge der Übergangsphase Ihr Land werde im März 2019 die EU aber „ohne Hintertür“ verlassen, betonten sie.
Taibbi: Is LIBOR, Benchmark for Trillions of Dollars in Transactions, a Lie?
(11.8.2017) Years ago, we found out that the world‘s biggest banks were manipulating LIBOR. That sucked.
Now, the news is worse: LIBOR is made up.
Actually it‘s worse even than that. LIBOR is probably both manipulated and made up. The basis for a substantial portion of the world‘s borrowing is a bent fairy tale.
Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever
(25.April 2013) Conspiracy theorists of the world, believers in the hidden hands of the Rothschilds and the Masons and the Illuminati, we skeptics owe you an apology. You were right. The players may be a little different, but your basic premise is correct: The world is a rigged game. We found this out in recent months, when a series of related corruption stories spilled out of the financial sector, suggesting the world‘s largest banks may be fixing the prices of, well, just about everything.
You may have heard of the Libor scandal…
Die Kunst, Fiktion mit Wirklichkeit zu verschmelzen
Hauptsächlich arbeitet das Stuttgarter Unternehmen allerdings für die großen Automobilhersteller, erstellt Visualisierungen und Animationen oder entwickelt Lösungen, um den Designprozess mit Hilfe von virtueller Realität zu beschleunigen. „Ich bearbeite die Bilder künstlerisch, für mich ist das kein Unterschied, ob ich an einem Auto oder Film arbeite“, sagt Burda. „Beides bietet die gleiche Herausforderung: dass ich ein realistisches, echtes Bild erzeuge, was den Zuschauer täuscht“
„Brexit“: London veröffentlicht demnächst Positionspapiere
Die britische Regierung wird in den nächsten Tagen eine Reihe von „detaillierten Positionspapieren“ für die „Brexit“-Verhandlungen veröffentlichen. In ihnen gehe es sowohl um die Trennung Großbritanniens von der Europäischen Union als auch um die künftige Partnerschaft zu der Staatengemeinschaft, teilte das „Brexit“-Ministerium heute in London mit.
62 percent of KENYANS wants RAILA ODINGA to RETIRE and stop claiming he beat UHURU KENYATTA!-POLL
A survey conducted by one of the local dailies shows that majority of Kenyans wants National Super Alliance (NASA) presidential loser, Raila Odinga, to retire in politics and stop claiming that he beat President Uhuru Kenyatta in the just concluded poll.
According to the poll 62 percent of Kenyans wants Raila Odinga to go to Bondo and also dismissed his allegations that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) systems were hacked in favour of President Kenyatta.
(29.August 1982) The impression from Sergeant Okumu‘s testimony was one of lowranking air force personnel botching a coup. The Government‘s reaction to it, however, has raised speculation among Kenyans that there are other aspects to the attempted ouster, involving more senior figures whom President Moi has termed “big men,“ whose identities have not been made public or are being covered up.
35 years later, Kenya‘s Odinga is enigmatic on coup attempt
(7.8.2017) Odinga has seemed ambivalent about his purported role in the revolt, a sensitive subject in Kenya 35 years later. People are concerned that the current election might turn violent, echoing deadly unrest that erupted after the 2007 election, and the 1982 coup attempt is another troubling example of how a country known for its relative stability in a sometimes turbulent region can unravel.
„A lot of people do not want to speak openly about it,“ said Gitobu Imanyara, a lawyer who represented accused coup plotters. „It doesn‘t receive sufficient scrutiny, even from political historians.“
Gewaltausbruch nach Präsidentschaftswahl in Kenia
In Nairobi und im Westen des Landes demonstrierten derweil Unterstützer der Opposition, sie orten Wahlmanipulation. Bei einem ersten Gewaltausbruch gab es mehrere Tote, Menschenrechtler sprechen von über 20.
SPECIAL REPORT: How Nigerian law contributes to abject poverty in Niger Delta communities despite decades of oil wealth
The Gbaramatu Kingdom is in the cradle of the Niger Delta, a swampy maze of creeks, mangroves, streams, estuaries, and rivers.
It is a place of extremes – extreme pollution, extreme heat, and extreme poverty.
Major international oil companies have been drilling and exploring this area since 1958. This is where Nigeria has realised billions of dollars from oil exports for decades. Within that period, billions of naira have also been earmarked for development of the Niger Delta, but they often vanish with little trace.
Seit Monaten im Ausland: Nigerias Präsident meldet sich
2010 war der damalige nigerianische Präsident Umaru Musa Yar’Adua an einer Nierenerkrankung gestorben, über die die Öffentlichkeit zuvor nicht unterrichtet worden war. Die langwierige Behandlung Yar’Aduas im Ausland führte in Nigeria zu großer politischer Unsicherheit. Nach seinem Tod übernahm der damalige Stellvertreter Goodluck Jonathan das Amt.
Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?
In all my analyses of generational data—some reaching back to the 1930s—I had never seen anything like it.
Grüne stürzen ab – Wahlkampf- Umfrage: Kurz fällt am positivsten auf
ÖVP- Chef Sebastian Kurz darf sich derzeit als Umfragen- Kaiser bezeichnen. Sämtliche Meinungsforschungsinstitute sehen ihn bei der Nationalratswahl am 15. Oktober mit seiner „neuen Volkspartei“ auf Platz eins. Und auch sein Wahlkampf scheint nach dem Geschmack der Österreicher zu sein, wie eine neue Umfrage zeigt. Die Grünen hingegen scheinen bei den Wählern unten durch zu sein.
Sonntagsfrage Bundestagswahl
Wenn am nächsten Sonntag Bundestagswahl wäre …
Umfrage: Grüne fallen erstmals hinter FDP, Linke und AfD zurück
Condolences to the family of the young woman killed today, and best regards to all of those injured, in Charlottesville, Virginia. So sad!
#Charlottesville police chief Al Thomas says car crash killed 32-year-old woman. Dozens injured throughout protests.
McCain on Charlottesville: “White supremacists and neo-Nazis are, by definition, opposed to American patriotism.“
They are here, he says, to keep the peace. And, he says, with the blessing of Charlottesville PD. Virginia is open carry state 2/2.
Christian Yingling says he‘s the commander of 32 fully armed militia here. Says he doesn‘t support either side 1/2
Christian Yingling says militia coming to Unite The Right
Veröffentlicht am 31.07.2017
Colonel Christian Yingling of the Pennsylvania Light Foot Militia claims they are coming to the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 12th.
Violent clash at white nationalist rally
Violence erupts at white nationalist rally in Virginia
Violence erupts at a Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, as hundreds of white marchers clash with counter-protesters
Charlottesville – A car plowed through crowd
Protests in Charlottesville take a violent turn
Violent clashes have broken out between white nationalist protesters and police and counter-protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia. CBS News justice reporter Paula Reid joins CBSN from the protest.
Riot Breaks Out in Charlottesville, VA
Winship on another level.
My theory on why no cops and swat teams showed up in Charlottesville – because they were already there in the crowd holding torches