(18.7.2017) Facebook declined comment. Google and Apple did not respond to requests for comment.
The companies‘ relative inactivity is explained by several legal challenges in Europe to an agreement between the United States and the European Union, known as the Privacy Shield, the sources said.
Daily Archives: 25. Juli 2017
Senator Wyden Wants To Know How Many Times Americans Have Been Targeted By Executive Order 12333
Ever persistent, Wyden has returned with another set of questions [PDF] regarding NSA surveillance. This one pertains to the least-discussed surveillance authorization and the one almost everyone — including members of oversight committees — knows nearly nothing about: Executive Order 12333.
Like Section 702, there‘s a good probability intelligence gathered under this authority is being used by domestic agencies. Backdoor searches of NSA intel have been unofficial common knowledge for years now, so there‘s very little reason to believe the NSA‘s most mysterious authority doesn‘t have its own built-in peepholes for the FBI and other federal agencies.
Imperial Power Centers: Divisions, Indecisions and Civil War
In recent times, executive officials rule empires. They may be prime ministers, presidents, autocrats, dictators, generals or a combination of them. Imperial rulers largely ‘legislate’ and ‘execute’ strategic and tactical policies. In a crisis executive officials may be subject to review by competing legislators or judges, leading to impeachment (soft coup d’état. Normally, the executive centralizes and concentrates power, even as they may consult, evade or deceive key legislators and judicial official. At no point in time or place do the voters play any significant role.
$89 Billion AT&T, Time Warner Merger Approval Looking Likely Despite Trump Pledge To Block Deal
Needless to say, consumer advocates and smaller competitors aren‘t too keen on AT&T‘s $89 billion plan to acquire Time Warner. They argue that AT&T‘s long history of unethical behavior, empty promises, and anti-competitive shenanigans make it extremely likely the company will use its greater size and leverage to ill effect. They worry that AT&T will make it harder for competitors to license content necessary to compete with AT&T‘s DirecTV Now streaming service, and arbitrary usage caps and other tricks like zero rating to similarly put competitors at a disadvantage.
Traditionally, these kinds of vertical integration deals aren‘t blocked because it‘s harder to clearly prove potential antitrust harm, even if AT&T has a thirty-year documented history of all manner of fraudulent behavior.
Valerian – Die Stadt der tausend Planeten: Stab und Finanzierung
Kofinanziert wurde der Film von BNP Paribas, Orange, Gulf Film, River Road Entertainment, Belga Films, TF1 Films Production, Fundamental Films sowie Universum Film.
Filmkritik: Valerian – Die Stadt der tausend Planeten
Als „Valerian und Veronique“ erscheinen die Geschichten in Deutschland ab 1973 im Comic-Magazin „ZACK“, später auch als Alben im Carlsen-Verlag.
Besson ist mit „Valerian“ aufgewachsen. „Diese Comics waren meine einzige Flucht, ein Fenster ins All“, erzählt der Regisseur.
The Weird! Signal
Nine possible explanations for the Weird signal were given to the public in the survey: (1) stellar activity, (2) other astronomical source, (3) a satellite, (4) local interference, (5) instrumental glitch, (6) error in data acquisition, (7) error in data processing or calibration, (8) pattern in noise or (9) signal from aliens (a tenth possibility, “other explanation” was also included).
Nearly 800 people participated in this informal survey (including more than 60 astronomers); the consensus was that the most likely explanation was either (1) or (2), namely an astronomical phenomenon (see figure below).
After a careful analysis of the observations we performed last Sunday from the Arecibo Observatory, together with SETI Berkeley using the Green Bank Telescope and the SETI Institute’s Allen Telescope Array, we are now confident about the source of the Weird! Signal. The best explanation is that the signals are transmissions from one or more geostationary satellites. This explains why the signals were within the satellite’s frequencies and only appeared and persisted for Ross 128; this star is close to the celestial equator where many geostationary satellites are located.
Merkwürdige Signale von Ross 128 stammen wohl von Satelliten
Insgesamt bezeichnen die Forscher die Untersuchung als großartige Erfahrung in Sachen offener Forschung. Manchmal würden Analysen nicht zu den erhofften Ergebnissen führen. Aber das heiße nur, dass man weiter forschen und die Ergebnisse währenddessen teilen müsse.
Rätselhafte Signale von nahem Stern
„Wir stellten fest, dass wir einige sehr seltsame Signale im Zehnminuten-Spektrum von Ross 128 eingefangen hatten“, berichtet Abel Méndez vom Arecibo-Radioteleskop. Dieser Rote Zwerg liegt 10,89 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt.
Das Radioteleskop fing diese Radiosignale im Frequenzbereich von vier bis fünf Gigahertz auf, als es auf Ross 128 gerichtet war. „Die Signale bestanden aus Breitband-Pulsen, die nichtpolarisiert waren und sich quasi-periodisch wiederholten“, berichtet Méndez.
Idiocracy ..
Er zeigt eine Dystopie der Welt des Jahres 2505, in der eine geistig degenerierte Gesellschaft vor ihrem Ende steht.
Live-Ticker und Einschätzung zur Situation in Tripolis und Libyen
(August 2011) Seit an Seit mit der Informationsindustrie heisst es nun bei den Hirnspendern der öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehanstalten über die blutgurgelnden Bürgerkriegs-Milizen (wem schon die Hamas, die EU und das Weisse Haus zusammen gratuliert…), diese würden innerhalb kürzester Zeit Parteien, eine Verfassung und eine echte Demokratie gründen. Heisst das, daß Oppositionsparteien bei erfolgreichem Regierungsdiebstahl (Wahlen) nicht die Hand abgehackt wird?
Offensichtlich gegen die Kämpfe in Libyen weiter. Weiter zwischen einem autoritärem Regime und genau den Militärmächten, die es erst aufgerüstet, mit diesem profitable Geschäfte gemacht und dann über eigene Verbündete im Staat angegriffen haben, um es zu stürzen. Auch das eine direkte Parallele zu Afghanistan und Irak.
Weitere werden folgen.
Macron bringt libysche Kontrahenten in Paris zusammen
Mit einem Spitzentreffen will Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron zu einer Krisenlösung im bürgerkriegserschütterten Libyen beitragen. Auf dem Schloss von La Celle Saint-Cloud vor den Toren von Paris werden am Dienstag (15 Uhr) der Ministerpräsident der international anerkannten Übergangsregierung, Fayez al-Serraj, und der Militärführer Khalifa Haftar erwartet.
Cave Walls (Part One) by Rhyw
Avian Berlin, Germany
released July 24, 2017
Flüchtlinge im Mittelmeer: EU verlängert Marinemission „Sophia“ vor Libyen
Die EU-Marinemission „Sophia“ geht in die Verlängerung. Italien hat seine Blockade in letzter Minute aufgegeben.
Chinas Sondergesandte fordert Aufnahme von Gesprächen im Syrien-Konflikt
Die Lage in Syrien hat sich beruhigt. Die Konfliktparteien sollen diese Gelegenheit nutzen und Gespräche aufnehmen um zu einer Lösung im Syrien-Konflikt zu kommen. Dies sagte der Sondergesandte der chinesischen Regierung für Syrien, Xie Xiaoyan, am Montag auf einer Pressekonferenz in Ankara.
Universities Monitor Eating Habits to Subsidize Poor Students
Chinese universities are monitoring students’ eating habits to see if they might be in need of financial assistance, a public WeChat account affiliated with state news agency Xinhua reported Wednesday.
EU-Türkei-Verhandlungen: Erdogan wirft Bundesregierung Spionage vor
Eigentlich verhandeln Vertreter der Türkei mit der EU an diesem Dienstag in Brüssel über die Zukunft der gemeinsamen Beziehungen.
EU-Kommissar OetEU-Kommissar Oettinger plädiert für verlängerten Flüchtlingspakt mit Türkei
(4.7.2017) Für 2016 und 2017 seien insgesamt drei Milliarden Euro zur Unterstützung der Flüchtlinge in der Türkei zugesagt worden, dieses Geld reiche noch bis Ende des Jahres.
Germany will be the one to pay the price if it imposes an embargo on Turkey: Erdoğan
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has strongly slammed Germany’s threats to impose economic sanctions on Turkey amid ongoing tension in ties, saying Germany will be the one to pay the price in the event that it imposes an embargo.
“You have to take into account a bigger price [that you have to pay] if you think you can frighten Turkey with your threats of embargo,” Erdoğan told ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) lawmakers at a weekly meeting in parliament on July 25.
The Time for Negotiations With North Korea Is Now
North Korea is “The longest running failure in the history of American espionage.”
That’s the assessment of Donald P. Gregg, arguably, the man who knows more about North Korea than any living American.
Gregg, 89, is a retired State Department and CIA veteran, a North Asia specialist, and a recipient of the National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal. He says the absence of direct dialogue between the U.S. and North Korea has to change. “We can’t deal with them if we don’t understand them, and we won’t understand them if we aren’t talking to each other,” he says.
North Korea Would Hold Talks if South Korea Supports Peace Treaty with US
Y, who served as a senior official in Liaoning provincial government situated on the China-North Korea border, said, „North Korea is not opposed to inter-Korean dialogue itself. It wouldn‘t want to talk for nothing.“ He said it‘s obvious that North Korea rejected the South‘s recent proposal for military talks. He claimed that the North Korea might accept the South‘s offer if the South shows a positive attitude toward signing of Pyongyang-Washington peace agreement, saying, „I recently met a senior official of the North Korean Embassy. He talked about a precondition to the talks. It was South Korea‘s acceptance and support for conclusion of Pyongyang-Washington peace treaty.“
South Korea continues to wait for North Korea‘s response to offer of talks
(24.7.2017) More than a week has passed since the South Korean government offered military and humanitarian talks to North Korea.
Ein Land im Dauerkater
(2014) Die Alkoholkarriere beginnt bei vielen Koreanern früh. Eine Studie des Korean Alcohol Research Foundation (KARF) belegt, dass jeder dritte männliche Student mehr als dreimal pro Woche zur Flasche greift, und zwar bis zur Bewusstlosigkeit.
What‘s behind North Korean silence to talks offer?
(22.7.2017) Is North Korea agonizing? Just not interested? Something else?
Südkorea fordert von Nordkorea erneut Annahme von Gesprächsangebot
(21.7.2017) Die südkoreanische Regierung hat Nordkorea angesichts dessen ausbleibender Reaktion auf das Gesprächsangebot erneut aufgefordert, in einen Dialog einzuwilligen.
Südkorea schlägt Nordkorea militärische Gespräche und Rot-Kreuz-Gespräche vor
Das Verteidigungsministerium schlug dem Norden vor, dass Vertreter der Militärbehörden am 21. Juli zusammenkommen. Thematisiert werden soll der Stopp jeglicher feindseliger Handlungen an der militärischen Demarkationslinie, die die militärischen Spannungen erhöhen.
S-400-Deal: USA fordern Erklärung von Ankara – Erdogan kontert
Die Möglichkeit, dass die Türkei die S-400 kaufe, sei alarmierend, sagte der Vorsitzende des Vereinigten Generalstabs der US-Streitkräfte, Joseph Dunford, früher auf einem Sicherheitsforum in Aspen (US-Bundesstaat Colorado).
„Warum soll das alarmieren?“, meinte aber seinerseits der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Russland lehnt von USA eingebrachten Resolutionsentwurf gegen Nordkorea ab
Die Resolution des UN-Sicherheitsrats sollte keine wirtschaftliche Abschnürung Nordkoreas bezwecken, hieß es.
Die USA hatten nach dem Test einer Interkontinentalrakete durch Nordkorea am 4. Juli einen Resolutionsentwurf für Sanktionen gegen das Land ausgearbeitet und den anderen Vetomächten vorgelegt. Laut Informationen werden unter anderem der Stopp von Öllieferungen an Nordkorea und das Verbot der Beschäftigung nordkoreanischer Arbeiter im Ausland gefordert.
Die Nordkorea Situation ist das Problem Chinas. Und das hat es jetzt zu lösen.
(29.4.2017) Es ist offensichtlich, dass Nordkoreas Regime ein großer Fan der Kriegslobby des „Westens“ ist. China muss diesem Regime und ganz Korea jetzt genau den denkbar größten Gefallen tun, den es nicht will, und ihm endlich den Saft abdrehen.
Und zwar umgehend.
Why is China reinforcing its border with North Korea?
According to a report published last month on the official website of the People‘s Liberation Army (PLA), a „newly formed border defense brigade“ is conducting patrols to gather intelligence, assess the situation and more accurately map out the border.
Another report said the „whole area“ has newly been placed under „24-hour video surveillance“ including drones, patrol cars and high-tech cameras.
North Korea Threatens to Strike U.S. With ‚Powerful Nuclear Hammer‘
The North Korean regime has responded to CIA Director Mike Pompeo’s comments on regime change in Pyongyang.
A foreign ministry spokesman was quoted in the state-controlled Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) threatening a nuclear strike to “the heart of the U.S.” should the American secret service attempt to remove Kim Jong Un from power.
Duck and Cover – Full Version – 1951
Full length version of the 1951 civil defense film.
Hawaii just released a guide for how to survive a nuclear attack amid high tensions with North Korea
Hawaii‘s Emergency Management Agency released an ominous statement on how to survive and proceed in the event of a nuclear attack.
Citizens of Hawaii are advised to look out for emergency sirens, alerts, wireless notifications, or flashes of „brilliant white light“ that will indicate that a nuclear detonation is incoming or underway.
Korea is prompting new efforts to prepare for a nuclear attack
Fleets of big black trucks, harbor boats and aircraft, equipped with radiation sensors and operated by specially trained law enforcement teams, are ready to swing into action in Los Angeles for a catastrophe that nobody even wants to think about: a North Korean nuclear attack.
The New Middle East: Kurds in Iraq and Syria Used as a Trojan Horse. Washington’s Intent is to “Divide the Middle East”
The leader of Kurdistan Iraq, President Masoud Barzani, has called for a (second) general referendum on Independence, setting the date as 25th of September this year. He is determined to materialise the dream of establishing a Kurdish state in the Middle East.
This coincides with support from the US administration for Kurdish Syrians in al-Hasaka, Raqqah and Deir al-Zour northern provinces. The aim is to see another Kurdish Federation that can follow the path or even precede their Iraqi “brothers”.
Both the steps in Iraq and Syria relating to the Kurds are linked, regardless of borders. Nevertheless, the regional countries directly concerned – i.e. Ankara, Tehran, Baghdad and Damascus – believe that it is the US’s intention to reshape the region and form a “new Middle East,” as promoted during President George Bush’s eraby ex-US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice..
KRG not giving into US influence to postpone referendum, top Kurdish diplomat
He said there is an understanding among the US officials with regard to the Kurdish right to self-determination.
“They understand the rights of the Kurdistan nation to self-determination. They understand that we have had a difficult past. They respect the right of the Kurdistan nation to practice the right to self-determination,” Mustafa said.
“The only problem they have is the time — over which they have concern. The time is not compatible with their programs. They say ‘This may distract you; that you may not be able to continue in the fight against ISIS. That this may not be helpful in the programs we have outlined for Iraq.‘ Otherwise, apart from the time, they are not against the referendum process in any shape or form.”
This is not the time for Kurdish independence
Daniel Serwer is a professor of conflict management at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and a scholar at the Middle East Institute.
The Defeat of ISIS Must Mean an Independent Kurdistan
Aziz Ahmad ((at)azizkahmad) is an assistant to the chancellor of the Kurdistan Region Security Council.
Irak: 100 Millionen Euro zusätzliche Entwicklungshilfe für Mossul
Der deutsche Entwicklungshilfeminister Müller sagt der vom IS befreiten Stadt Mossul Unterstützung zu. Mit dem Geld sollen unter anderem Unterkünfte gebaut werden.
I thank King Abdullah as well for our close cooperation.
I thank @POTUS for directing Jared Kushner and sending Jason Greenblatt to help our efforts to bring the Israeli embassy staff home quickly.
Israel-Jordan Embassy Crisis Ends: Diplomats Evacuated, Cross Border Into Israel
The security guard‘s release and the embassy staff‘s evacuation was made possible after a phone call between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Jordan‘s King Abdullah. During their conversation, the king urged Netanyahu to solve the crisis surrounding the Temple Mount as quickly as possible, specifically calling on Netanyahu to remove the metal detectors as soon as possible.
Israel Removing Detectors From Shrine in Bid to End Standoffs
It wasn’t clear whether the deal — which was coordinated with White House aides Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt, who was dispatched to the region on an emergency mission — would be enough to ease tensions with the Palestinians, who saw the devices as an assertion of Israeli sovereignty over the hilltop, to which they also lay claim.
Israel entfernt Metalldetektoren am Tempelberg
Zuvor hatten Israels Inlandsgeheimdienst und andere Sicherheitsexperten Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu gewarnt, der Streit um die Metalldetektoren könne gefährlich eskalieren.
So many stories about me in the @washingtonpost are Fake News. They are as bad as ratings challenged @CNN. Lobbyist for Amazon and taxes?
The Amazon Washington Post fabricated the facts on my ending massive, dangerous, and wasteful payments to Syrian rebels fighting Assad…..
Syrienkonflikt: Trump bestätigt Ende der Unterstützung für Anti-Assad-Rebellen
Das Unterstützungsprogramm für die syrischen Rebellen war 2013 unter seinem Amtsvorgänger gestartet worden. Seitdem wurden Tausende Rebellenkämpfer ausgebildet und bewaffnet. Der politische Rückhalt für die islamistischen Rebellen ließ in den USA allerdings nach.
Macron pauses Lyon – Turin high-speed project
(24.Juli) “We will re-examine expenditure and resources to ensure we are no longer making unfunded promises, and have resources consistent with the promises we have made,” Borne says.
Prince William tours Germany to reaffirm close links with UK despite Brexit
The German council for foreign relations‘ director, Daniela Schwarzer, in an interview with the BBC said: “Policymakers in Berlin are surprised and worried at the degree of confusion in London, the lack of clarity as to the strategy the UK wants to follow.
China offers to mediate Djibouti-Eritrea border row as it expands military presence in Africa
The Djibouti-Eritrea border friction over Dumeira Mountain and Dumeira Island recently escalated as Qatar, a significant and influential investor in both countries and the only mediator between them, withdrew its peacekeeping forces in the area following its diplomatic crisis with other Gulf nations.
John McCain to return to US Senate days after brain cancer diagnosis as health vote teeters
US Senator John McCain returns to Washington on Tuesday for the first time since being diagnosed with brain cancer, his office announced, in order to take key votes on repealing Obamacare and passing sanctions on Russia.
My father and press freedom are on trial in Turkey – don’t look away, Europe
To the extent that democracy and human rights are fragile everywhere, our fight for these values must be carried out daily by each and every citizen. Everyone has to be an advocate of freedom of the press considering that it is the guarantee of other rights, and has a crucial role in solving problems and making good decisions. The fight for freedom of the press in Turkey is a fight for all of us. It is therefore incumbent upon us all to show solidarity with the truth-tellers of Cumhuriyet, who indeed have shown that the emperor has no clothes.
Amnesty calls on Saudi Arabia to halt execution of 14 dissenters
“By confirming these sentences Saudi Arabia’s authorities have displayed their ruthless commitment to the use of the death penalty as a weapon to crush dissent and neutralize political opponents,” said Amnesty’s director of campaigns for the Middle-East, Samah Hadid, on Monday.
Journalists in Azerbaijan get free flats for Press Day
Speaking at a ceremony in Baku to inaugurate the latest apartments, Aliyev said: „Officials… know that freedom of speech and media will not allow them to have any shortcomings in their work. That is why journalists are my helpers.“
Free Apartments No Substitute for Free Media in Azerbaijan
In Azerbaijan, Aliyev can get any local award he wants. But, he has to do much more than give free apartments to prove he is a true friend to journalists. Releasing those who are in prison on spurious criminal charges would be a good start.