Daily Archives: 21. Juni 2017

21.06.2017 - 18:55 [ Alon Ben-Meir ]

After Fifty Years Of Occupation, What’s Next: An open letter to President Mahmoud Abbas

During the uprising in 2015, you voiced full support for the so-called martyrs, stating that “We welcome every drop of blood spilled in Jerusalem.” It is tragic that you and many other Palestinian officials defend the use of “martyrdom” language when killing innocent Israeli civilians, many of whom want to end the occupation. In an interview on Israeli television Channel 2 in April 2016, however, you changed your tone when you said, “In one school, we found 70 boys and girls who were carrying knives. We took the knives and spoke to them and said: ‘This is a mistake. We do not want you to kill and be killed…’”

But then, in a sign of official endorsement, the village of Surda-Abu Qash in early 2016 named a park after Muhannad Halabi, a 19-year who was killed by Israeli police following a stabbing attack against Israeli civilians. Your public support of such occurrences only encourages more violence. It’s time for you to be honest with your own public by ending your damaging narrative. The young and impressionable would rather embrace the ‘glory’ of martyrdom than listen to your half-hearted, occasional pleas to abandon violence. Meanwhile, you are undermining your position in the eyes of Israelis as you are portraying yourself as a double-talker and a weak leader who is not in control.

21.06.2017 - 16:55 [ Haaretz ]

Report: Netanyahu Says 9/11 Terror Attacks Good for Israel

(16.4.2008) „We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq,“ Ma‘ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events „swung American public opinion in our favor.“

Netanyahu reportedly made the comments during a conference at Bar-Ilan University on the division of Jerusalem as part of a peace deal with the Palestinians.

21.06.2017 - 16:50 [ Marc Schulman / Newsweek ]

Tel Aviv Diary: Why Is Israel So Corrupt?

I have had an ongoing discussion, over the years, with a friend who has served in positions high up in the government as to whether there was more corruption in Israel today, or, rather, that the police are doing a better job ferreting it out.

Events of the last year have settled that argument. There is clearly more corruption today. The open question remains: Why?

21.06.2017 - 16:42 [ timesofisrael.com ]

US: Israel’s plans for new settlement homes won’t ‘help advance’ peace

The State Department gently chided Israel on Thursday for moving forward with plans to build roughly 2,500 new settlement homes in the West Bank, including housing units for the first new settlement in 25 years.

Asked about Israel’s plans for building the new housing units in the contested area, spokesperson Heather Nauert made a reference to US President Donald Trump’s February request to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to “hold back on settlements for a bit.”

21.06.2017 - 14:24 [ Epicenter.works ]

24. Juni 2017: Aktionstag gegen das Überwachungspaket

Trotz massiver Kritik von allen Seiten halten Innenminister Sobotka und Vizekanzler Brandstetter an ihren Plänen für das Überwachungspaket fest. Am 24. Juni 2017 formiert sich deshalb in vielen Städten Widerstand in Form von Kundgebungen und kreativen Aktionen. Hier erfährst du, welche Aktionen geplant sind bzw. wie und wo mitmachen kannst.

Wenn du mithelfen willst, komm zu einem unserer Stammtische. Wenn du eine Aktionsidee hast, melde dich bitte unter aktionstag(at)epicenter.works.

21.06.2017 - 13:21 [ Radio Utopie ]

„Personenscanner mit Gesichtserkennungsfunktion“: Die Anzeigen von Digitalcourage gegen Real und Post

Eine der wenigen ernstzunehmenden Bürgerrechtsorganisationen der Republik hat gehandelt: Digitalcourage hat die Deutsche Post AG und dessen Vorstandsvorsitzenden, sowie die Real SB-Warenhaus GmbH und deren Geschäftsführer angezeigt und diese Anzeigen nun veröffentlicht.

Im Zuge des Einsatzes von „Personenscannern mit Gesichtserkennungsfunktion“, einer Verarbeitung der Bildaufnahmen Betroffener durch das Programm „Adpack“ der Firma „Indoor“ und einer Weiterleitung der Aufnahmen an die Firma „Echion“, geht es konkret um den Verdacht auf Straftaten nach §§ 44, 43, 6b, 4, 33 und 11 Bundesdatenschutzgesetz.

21.06.2017 - 13:19 [ Wired.co.uk ]

Queen‘s speech shows the government is pushing through with plans to control the web

The law will „modernise and update the regime for data processing by law enforcement agencies,“ and it is said this will cover data in the UK and that which is transferred abroad.

The government documents don‘t make it clear how this new law will work with the European General Data Protection Regulation due to be introduced in 2018.

21.06.2017 - 13:03 [ Quartz ]

Emmanuel Macron’s political honeymoon is already over

In the past 48 hours, four government ministers have resigned from Macron’s administration following allegations of corruption. The rapid succession of the resignations is a sign that fighting graft in French politics won’t be easy. The resignations came just days after his new party, La République En Marche, won a decisive victory in Sunday’s (June 18) parliamentary election, characterized by extremely low turnout.

21.06.2017 - 12:56 [ Marco Rubio, US Senator for Florida ]

BREAKING NEWS: Additional photo from moments right after today‘s alleged failed hug provide new details to this developing story.


21.06.2017 - 12:54 [ BBC Trending ]

Marco Rubio and Ivanka Trump respond to failed hug gags

Ever had that awkward moment when you go in for a hug but the receiver doesn‘t really seem into it?

Republican Senator Marco Rubio knows the feeling. He was attending a business meeting on Tuesday with President Trump‘s daughter Ivanka when he was snapped in this failed interaction.

21.06.2017 - 12:44 [ The Tri-Faith Initiative ]

About The Tri-Faith Initiative

The Tri-Faith Initiative is made up of three Abrahamic faith groups who have chosen to be in relationship together as neighbors on one campus, committed to practicing respect, acceptance and trust. Our three members are of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic faiths: Temple Israel, Countryside Community Church (UCC), and The American Muslim Institute (formerly the American Institute of Islamic Studies and Culture).

We believe that we are being led together by our God and that we are all called to be a blessing to each other and our community. As far as we know, our shared commons is the only undertaking of its kind. But it’s a big world out there; we celebrate, support, and join in the flow of interfaith work that is practiced all around the globe.

21.06.2017 - 12:33 [ CNN ]

A rabbi, a reverend and an imam have a plan for peace in middle America

The location chosen for the sacred endeavor is the old golf course of Highland Country Club, a „Jewish Club“ developed in the 1920s when Jews were excluded from other clubs in the city and around the country.
Today, a new synagogue and mosque stand tall on the abandoned greens and fairways, and construction crews are readying to build a new church.
Further plans include a Tri-Faith Center, which will be completed in 2019 and serve as a shared community space for interfaith classes and activities.

21.06.2017 - 10:09 [ sueddeutsche.de ]

Triumph für Trump

Die Stichwahl in Georgia galt als Referendum über den US-Präsidenten – und endet mit einem Desaster für die Demokraten. Die Lehre aus dem Süden: Trump ist längst nicht so geschwächt, wie es sich viele wünschen.

21.06.2017 - 10:07 [ Haaretz ]

Trump Administration Pressuring Israel to Move Ahead With Peace Deal, Senior Israeli Minister Says

„There‘s mounting American pressure to advance a deal,“ Moshe Kahlon told a conference in central Israel on Tuesday. „Something has happened. The American government feels it can reach an agreement, maybe because the good ties with the Israeli government allow Trump more influence than was possible during Obama‘s term,“ he said.

21.06.2017 - 09:48 [ Radio Utopie ]

Neues vom Terror-Thomas: Automatisierte optische Massenidentifizierung der Bevölkerung

(10.6.2017) Zur Ankündigung der automatisierten Massenidentifizierung der Bevölkerung im Öffentlichen Raum heisst es im „Tagesspiegel“:

„Die Grundrechtseinschränkung sei dabei gering, da Unbeteiligte nicht erfasst würden.“

Verstehen Sie? Sie werden erfasst, aber nicht erfasst. Ihr erfasstes Gesicht wird einfach nur in eine Software eingespielt. Und wenn die nach Rückkopplung mit einer Datenbank sagt, dass sie kein Terrorist sind – dann wurden sie auch nicht erfasst.

21.06.2017 - 09:05 [ Motherboard ]

Supreme Court Rules Government Cannot Restrict Your Access to Social Media

„While we now may be coming to the realization that the Cyber Age is a revolution of historic proportions, we cannot appreciate yet its full dimensions and vast potential to alter how we think, express ourselves, and define who we want to be,“ Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the court‘s opinion. „The forces and directions of the Internet are so new, so protean, and so far reaching that courts must be conscious that what they say today might be obsolete tomorrow.“

21.06.2017 - 08:57 [ Junge Welt ]

Kapital hat gewählt

Gestern marschierten dort Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU), SPD-Chef Martin Schulz (SPD), der Grünen-Vorsitzende Cem Özdemir, Verkehrsminister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU) und FDP-Chef Christian Lindner auf. Die Linkspartei war nicht zur Ablieferung einer »Keynote« eingeladen. BDI-Präsident Dieter Kempf begründete das am Morgen im Deutschlandfunk (DLF): »Die Nomenklatur lautet, jeder, der Regierungsverantwortung in Bund und Land trägt, wird eingeladen.«

21.06.2017 - 08:33 [ neues-deutschland.de ]

SPD hofft auf Macron

(19.5.2017) Der Zeigefinger von Joachim Poß weist nach links. »Eine Partei, die bis heute ihr Verhältnis zu Europa und zum Euro nicht geklärt hat, sollte nicht so die Backen aufblasen. Sie haben das Recht dazu verspielt«, ruft der sozialdemokratische Abgeordnete am Rednerpult des Bundestags in Richtung der LINKEN. Die SPD-Fraktion applaudiert eifrig.

21.06.2017 - 08:24 [ spiegel.de ]

US-Demokraten verlieren bei Nachwahlen: Nur Anti-Trump – das reicht nicht

Der Demokrat Jon Ossoff, ein 30-jähriger flotter Filmemacher wurde von Donald Trumps Gegnern zur großen Hoffnung erklärt, zum Mann, der den Protest gegen den Präsidenten inhaliert und mit einem Sieg die Botschaft in die Hauptstadt sendet, dass Amerika sich wehrt.

Nix da. Ossoff verlor. Knapp zwar. Aber er verlor.