Daily Archives: 18. Juni 2017

18.06.2017 - 21:22 [ ukraine-journal.de ]

NATO trainiert Angriff Russlands auf baltische Staaten

Zwei Tage lang, waren britische und amerikanische Hubschrauber, Flugzeuge und Soldaten im Einsatz. Auch Truppen aus Polen, Litauen und Kroatien arbeiteten den Schutz potenzieller Brennpunkte ab. An der Übung nahmen 1500 Soldaten teil. Laut dem litauischen Kommandeur der Bodentruppen Valdemarasa Rupshisa, müssten im Fall eines dortigen Konflikts, allerdings deutlich mehr Aufwand betrieben werden.

18.06.2017 - 21:21 [ derbund.ch ]

US-Luftwaffe schiesst syrischen Kampfjet ab

Die syrische Maschine sei sofort abgeschossen worden, nachdem sie im Norden Syriens Kämpfer der Syrischen Demokratischen Kräfte (SDF) bombardiert habe, hiess es in einer in Washington veröffentlichten Erklärung der US-geführten Koalition. Die SDF bekämpft in der Region die Extremisten der Dschihadistenmiliz Islamischer Staat (IS).

18.06.2017 - 20:10 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Neue Kuba-Politik der USA stößt fast nur auf Ablehnung

Auch Medien in Kuba und den USA wiesen darauf hin, dass Trump mit seiner Kuba-Politik gegen den Willen von rund 75 Prozent der US-Bürger agiert, die eine Annäherung zwischen beiden Staaten befürworten. „Trump, Ihr Rückschritt mit Kuba schädigt nur die USA und die US-Amerikaner“, kritisierte etwa der Demokratische Abgeordnete Jim McGovern.

18.06.2017 - 19:48 [ Common Dreams ]

After Trump Calls Gulf Nation „High Level“ Funder of Terrorism, US Sells Qatar $12 Billion in Fighter Jets

Just days after President Donald Trump publicly scolded Qatar for being a „high level“ exporter of regional terrorism in the Middle East, its government announced Wednesday the signing of a deal to buy $12 billion worth of F-15 fighter jets from U.S. weapons makers.

The Pentagon justified the massive sale by saying the jets—reportedly 39 of them—would increase „security cooperation“ between the two countries.

18.06.2017 - 12:48 [ Kurier.at ]

Deutschland und Israel, das ist kompliziert

(26.4.2017) Das war eine leise Abkehr von der Doktrin, die seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg von der „historischen Pflicht“ Berlins getragen ist – Deutschland war stets großer Fürsprecher Israels; eine Anerkennung des Palästinenserstaates denkunmöglich. Die schwierige Freundschaft nutzte Israel in Wirtschafts- und Rüstungsfragen; Waffengeschäfte aus Deutschland wurden von der Regierung subventioniert. Zuletzt lieferte man ein U-Boot, Berlin schoss 135 Millionen zu – obwohl es mit Atomwaffen nachrüstbar sei, wie der Spiegel enthüllte.

18.06.2017 - 12:48 [ Washington Post ]

They were smokejumpers when the CIA sent them to Laos. They came back in caskets.

“[The] CIA specifically invited/recruited smokejumpers into the covert operations business for several reasons: 1) We were damned good looking. 2) We didn’t get airsick. … 6) We were not active duty military, so our direct involvement in an affair of arms didn’t constitute an official act of war. … 9) We were deniable. … 10) Did I mention that we were damn good looking?” wrote Don Courtney in “Smokejumpers and the CIA.”

18.06.2017 - 12:35 [ Jay Solomon / penguinrandomhouse.com ]

The Iran Wars

From the Wall Street Journal reporter who’s been breaking news on the historic and potentially disastrous Iran nuclear deal comes a deeply reported exploration of the country’s decades-long power struggle with the United States—for readers of Steve Coll’s Ghost Wars and Lawrence Wright’s The Looming Tower

18.06.2017 - 12:34 [ Jay Solomon / Wall Street Journal ]

Top North Korean Nuclear Negotiator Secretly Met With U.S. Diplomats

WASHINGTON—For more than a year, American diplomats have held secret talks in Pyongyang and European cities with North Korea’s top nuclear negotiator, hoping to free U.S. prisoners and even establish a diplomatic channel to constrain North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs.

The official dispatched by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un—Madame Choi Sun Hee—is well known to U.S. officials, fluent in English and is believed to…

18.06.2017 - 12:30 [ voanews.com ]

Russia Calls North Korean Nuclear Ambitions ‚Direct Threat‘

(4.6.2017) „It is not only [a] ballistic missile defense system — it has real function,“ said Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin. „That is why it is alarming. And it is direct threat to Russia. We are convinced that it will increase the tensions of the region. That is our principle position.“

Fomin spoke at the Shangri-La Dialogue, an international security conference in Singapore attended by defense ministers and experts from 39 countries, including U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.

18.06.2017 - 12:20 [ KBS ]

UN fordert von Nordkorea Erklärung zum Koma-Zustand von US-Student Warmbier

Der Hohe Kommissar der Vereinten Nationen für Menschenrechte hat Nordkorea aufgefordert, die Ursachen für den Koma-Zustand des US-Studenten Otto Warmbier gründlich zu erklären.

Tomás Ojea Quintana sagte am Freitag in einer Erklärung, der Zustand von Warmbier beweise die mangelnde Achtung von Menschenrechten der Gefangenen in Nordkorea. Pjöngjang solle die Menschenrechte der Gefangenen schützen, forderte er weiter.

18.06.2017 - 12:19 [ yonhapnews.co.kr ]

Backed by public support, Moon appoints new foreign minister

The opposition parties have taken issue with a range of Kang‘s past wrongdoings, which included false registration of address for her daughter, a crime punishable by up to three years in jail or a maximum fine of 10 million won.

These crimes, however, were confessed to immediately after Kang‘s nomination. President Moon then argued past wrongdoings of Kang and others must be reviewed in the context of why and when they were committed.

18.06.2017 - 12:11 [ worldtribune.com ]

From ‘Sunshine’ to ‘Moonshine’: Seoul bureaucrats debate name for new N. Korea policy

Seoul insiders and observers are suggesting that liberal South Korean President Moon Jae-In name his North Korea policy “Moonshine” in the spirit of former liberal leader Kim Dae-Jung’s “Sunshine” policy.

Both Koreas have political systems that assign unification of the divided country as the top priority. The Korean War which broke out in 1950 was paused by a truce in 1953 but has never ended.

18.06.2017 - 12:08 [ arabnews.com ]

UN veteran is S. Korea’s first female foreign minister

South Korean President Moon Jae-In on Sunday appointed a United Nations veteran as the country’s first female foreign minister, tasked with easing tensions over North Korea’s nuclear ambitions.
Kang Kyung-Hwa, 62, served as Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights and Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs before becoming a senior policy adviser to UN chief Antonio Guterres this year.

18.06.2017 - 12:07 [ theguardian.com ]

Google, not GCHQ, is the truly chilling spy network

“Surveillance”, as the security expert Bruce Schneier has observed, is the business model of the internet and that is true of both the public and private sectors. Given how central the network has become to our lives, that means our societies have embarked on the greatest uncontrolled experiment in history. Without really thinking about it, we have subjected ourselves to relentless, intrusive, comprehensive surveillance of all our activities and much of our most intimate actions and thoughts. And we have no idea what the long-term implications of this will be for our societies – or for us as citizens.

18.06.2017 - 12:06 [ attitude.co.uk ]

Exclusive: Gay GCHQ analyst reveals the reality of life as a British spy

On the topic of international travel for LGBT+ GCHQ employees who may have to go to countries with strict anti-LGBT+ laws, Ben realised that that the organisation needed a clearer, more definitive policy on travel.

“Obviously you have to be a bit sensitive when you’re travelling through quite a lot of countries anyway, about documentation and links to here you’ve come from,” he says.

18.06.2017 - 10:37 [ Radio Utopie ]

Eine absehbare Eskalation

(6.6.2017) Die Verlegung des Stützpunktes der deutschen Luftwaffe im Syrien- und Irak-Krieg vom türkischen Incirlik nach Jordanien hat Radio Utopie bereits vor einem Jahr prognostiziert. Diese Militärbewegung ist im Zusammenhang zu sehen mit der von Jordanien aus laufenden U.S.-Intervention im Syrien-Krieg, sowie mit einem transkontinentalen Datentauschring von deutscher Polizei bis zu in Jordanien basierten U.S.-Todesschwadronen.

18.06.2017 - 10:37 [ Europol ]

2017 EU Terrorism Report: 142 failed, foiled and completed attacks, 1002 arrests and 142 victims died

(15.6.2017) Julian King, EU Commissioner for the Security Union: „In the most recent terrorist attack on London Bridge and Borough Market the victims had many nationalities. Terrorists do not respect or recognise borders and in our resolve to defeat them we must draw on a new-found determination to work together, sharing information and expertise. We are stronger together.“

Rob Wainwright, Europol Executive Director: „Never before has the need for information sharing become more evident as it has in the past two years, with the unprecedented form of jihadist terrorist attacks across Europe that led to 135 victims. In contrast to ethno-nationalist and separatist terrorism, and most manifestations of both right-wing and left-wing violent extremism, jihadist terrorism has an international character and therefore needs an international answer from cross-border law enforcement.“

18.06.2017 - 10:36 [ rt.com ]

ISIS trains jihadists to hit European targets, has no shortage of volunteers – Europol

(17.6.2017) “IS is training operatives in Syria/Iraq to carry out terrorist acts in the West and has no shortage of volunteers to be part of teams to be sent abroad for this purpose,” it said.

Terrorist plots are being organized by both “remotely directed individuals” who are able to operate alone or in small groups, and non-directed lone-wolf terrorists inspired by Islamist propaganda.

18.06.2017 - 10:27 [ Radio Utopie ]

Krieg in Syrien, Irak, Türkei: „Die Linke“ hielt monatelang Regierungsantwort über Weitergabe von Bundeswehr-Aufklärungsdaten an Kriegskoalition zurück

(23.11.2016) Wo sitzt der Bundeswehr-Offizier, der die von Luftwaffe bzw „Aufklärung“ eingegangenen Spionagedaten vor der Weitergabe an die Kriegskoalition (oder gleich an deren terroristischen Proxy-Milizen) auf ihre „Mandatskonformität“ prüft?

Antwort der Regierung auf Frage 20:

„Der sog. Red Card Holder ist der deutsche „Senior National Representative“ im taktischen Luftwaffenhauptquartier (CAOC) in Al Udeid in Katar.“

Was machen die ehrenwerten Herren in den Machtzentralen der U.S.A., in Katar, in Saudi-Arabien, in der Türkei, etc, mit den „Aufklärungsdaten“ von Bundeswehr (und B.N.D.)?

„Grundsätzlich wird im vertrauensvollen Miteinander mit den Partnernationen davon ausgegangen, dass diese sich an diese zweckgebundene Verwendung der Aufklärungsergebnisse halten.“

Und diese Informationen hält die transatlantische, ergebnisorientierte geführte Partei „Die Linke“ im vertrauensvollen Miteinander monatelang zurück, bis am 10. November 2016 schließlich der Bundestag die Verlängerung dieses Kriegseinsatzes beschließt;

18.06.2017 - 10:19 [ Bundestag ]

Antrag der Bundesregierung: Fortsetzung und Ergänzung des Einsatzes bewaffneter deutscher Streitkräfte Streitkräfte zur Verhütung und Unterbindung terroristischer Handlungen durch die Terrororganisation IS ..

(13.10.2016) Einsatzgebiet: Der Einsatz deutscher Streitkräfte erfolgt vorrangig im und über dem Operationsgebiet der Terrororganisation IS in Syrien, auf dem Territorialgebiet von Anrainer-Staaten, von denen eine Genehmigung der jeweiligen Regierung vorliegt, sowie im Seegebiet östliches Mittelmeer, Persischer Golf, Rotes Meer und angrenzende Seegebiete.

18.06.2017 - 10:09 [ Radio Utopie ]

Nur Theater: Besuchsverbot in Incirlik soll Weg für Bundeswehr nach Jordanien ebnen

(23.6.2016) Incirlik bleibt weiterhin für die Bundeswehr offen und neue Stationierungen sollen hinzukommen, sei es in Jordanien oder in anderen entsprechenden Ländern. Syrien wäre nördlich und südlich unmittelbar an seinen Grenzen von der Armee eines Landes eingekreist, welches seit Jahren offen die Opposition der Regierung in Damaskus und diverse Rebellengruppen unterstützt.

Die gespielte Empörung über die türkische Regierung ist ein abgekartetes, durchsichtiges Spiel, nichts weiter als das.

18.06.2017 - 09:41 [ Bloomberg ]

Israel-Europe Gas Pipeline Emerging From Fantasy, Netanyahu Says

(15.6.2017) “A few months ago it was in the realm of fantasy,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told reporters after a three-way summit in Thessaloniki, Greece. “Now it’s becoming real.”

The meeting brought Netanyahu together with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades to sign a joint statement on strengthening economic cooperation. The centerpiece is the East-Med Pipeline, which would bring gas from Israeli fields to Greece and Italy through what would be the world’s longest undersea connection.

18.06.2017 - 09:41 [ Griechenland.net ]

Griechenland, Zypern und Israel: Erdgas und Zypernfrage im Mittelpunkt

(9.12.2016) Die Gespräche haben Energiefragen dominiert. Ziel der griechischen Regierung ist es, Transitland für Erdgas aus Israel und Zypern nach Europa zu werden. Unterdessen hat in diesen Tagen die griechische Energean Oil die Rechte erhalten, auf zwei Feldern nach Erdölvorkommen vor Israel zu bohren.

18.06.2017 - 09:28 [ Arutz Sheva 7 ]

Are Israel and Saudi Arabia getting closer?

Recently, however, there have been numerous reports of secret contacts between Israel and several Sunni Arab states, with which there are no formal relations.

Such meetings have also taken place in European countries, and one American report claimed that a senior Saudi official recently visited Israel and met senior officials.

18.06.2017 - 09:17 [ Forward ]

Why Has Israel’s Right Wing Turned On Trump Envoy Jason Greenblatt?

(13.6.2017) When he took on the position of President Trump’s special international negotiations adviser, with a portfolio focusing on Middle East peacemaking, Jason Greenblatt must have expected he’d come under a fair amount of pressure.

But the Orthodox Jewish lawyer could hardly expect to find, five months into his job, that his fiercest critics come from Israeli right-wing circles.

18.06.2017 - 09:04 [ Times of Israel ]

Abbas’s Fatah slams Israel for killing 3 Palestinians carrying out fatal attack

The three West Bankers, armed with an automatic weapon and knives, carried out near simultaneous attacks at two adjacent locations. Two attacked a group of police officers at Zedekiah’s Cave with an automatic weapon and knives, and a third stabbed Malka a short distance away at Damascus Gate.

The 23-year-old staff sergeant died of her wounds at Hadassah Hospital in Mount Scopus.

18.06.2017 - 09:03 [ World Israel News ]

Border policewoman, 23, stabbed to death in Jerusalem’s Old City

“The attack in Jerusalem is renewed proof of the continued revolution of the people against the occupier, and that the Intifada continues until full freedom is attained,” the Hamas terrorist organization declared.
Fatah, the ruling party of the Palestinian Authority, headed by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, denounced the Israeli security forces for killing the terrorists.

18.06.2017 - 08:58 [ Reuters ]

‚No doubt‘ over Britain leaving EU: Brexit minister Davis

Days after a suggestion from French President Emmanuel Macron that Britain could still choose to remain, Davis said there would be no backtracking from Prime Minister Theresa May‘s plan to deliver on Brexit, for which Britons voted in a referendum almost a year ago.

„As I head to Brussels to open official talks to leave the EU, there should be no doubt — we are leaving the European Union, and delivering on that historic referendum result,“ Davis said in a statement.