Daily Archives: 22. März 2017

22.03.2017 - 23:18 [ Hot Air ]

Nunes: Intelligence Community ‘incidentally collected’ info on Trump transition officials

“Who was aware of it? Why it was not disclosed to Congress? Who requested and authorized the additional unmasking? Whether anyone directed the intelligence community to focus on Trump associates? And whether any laws, regulations or procedures were violated.”

Nunes said he would be heading to the White House later today to inform them of his findings.

22.03.2017 - 23:08 [ Raw Story ]

WATCH: Schiff implores Nunes to decide if he’s head of the Intel Committee or a ‘surrogate for the White House’

On Wednesday afternoon, Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff (CA) addressed House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes briefing President Donald Trump on the committee’s investigation of surveillance of the Trump team.

In a brutal statement, Schiff wrote that he has “grave concerns” that “a credible investigation cannot be conducted” since Nunes tipped off the president to the investigation’s findings.

22.03.2017 - 22:56 [ CNBC ]

Trump transition members had information ‚incidentally collected,‘ House Intelligence chair says

„I recently confirmed that, on numerous occasions, the intelligence community incidentally collected information about U.S. citizens involved in the Trump transition,“ Nunes told reporters at a press conference Wednesday afternoon. „Details about U.S. persons associated with the incoming administration, details with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value, were widely disseminated in intelligence community reporting.“

22.03.2017 - 18:58 [ WSWS ]

Bundeswehrwerbung: „Mahnruf an alle jungen Menschen“

Der Autor dieses Artikels, Jahrgang 1931, bat uns, einige seiner persönlichen Erfahrungen und Erinnerungen an Kindheit und Jugend während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus und des Weltkriegs zu veröffentlichen– als „Mahnruf an alle jungen Menschen, gegen den Lockruf der Bundeswehr an Schulen und anderen öffentlichen Einrichtungen Stellung zu beziehen“.

22.03.2017 - 17:59 [ Radio Utopie ]

Dijsselbloem: Die Euro-Latten fallen vom Zaun

Der Vorsitzender der „Euro-Gruppe“ meint, die im Finanzsystem „Euro“ verschuldeten „südländischen“ Staaten hätten ihr „ganzes Geld für Schnaps und Frauen“ ausgegeben. Der Berufszyniker Dijsselbloem spricht dabei genau die „breite Mehrheit“ in Deutschland an, die keine Ahnung hat wie das Währungssystem funktioniert mit dem sie selbst immer weniger und Wenige immer mehr zu „Euro“ kommen.

22.03.2017 - 17:54 [ Krone.at ]

„Schnaps und Frauen“: Eurogruppen- Chef beleidigt Südeuropäer

Jeroen Dijsselbloem, niederländischer Finanzminister und Chef der Eurogruppe, hat in Italien mit Kritik an den südeuropäischen Ländern für Empörung gesorgt. Im Interview mit der „Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung“ hatte der Niederländer am Dienstag behauptet, die südeuropäischen Länder würden Geld verschwenden und sich nicht an die Regeln des Stabilitätspakts halten – und zu einer deftigen Wortwahl gegriffen.

22.03.2017 - 17:54 [ Süddeutsche ]

Was Claudia Stamm mit ihrer neuen Partei vorhat

Die grüne Landtagsabgeordnete Claudia Stamm verlässt Partei und Fraktion. Stattdessen will sie eine neue Partei gründen.
Antreten will sie vorerst nur in Bayern. Bei der Landtagswahl 2018 wollen Stamm und ihre Mitstreiter auf fünf Prozent kommen.

22.03.2017 - 17:53 [ Techdirt ]

JEFTA: The Latest Massive ‚Trade‘ Deal You‘ve Never Heard Of, Negotiated Behind Closed Doors, With Zero Public Scrutiny

As Techdirt has reported, the election of Donald Trump has turned the world of US trade deals upside-down. The US officially pulled out of TPP, although some still hope it might come back in some form. TAFTA/TTIP seems to be on ice, but Trump‘s choice for US trade representative has just said he is open to resuming negotiations, so it‘s not clear what might happen there (or with TISA). Against that confusing backdrop, the European Union has been quick to emphasize that it is in favor of trade deals, and is keen to sign as many as possible, presumably hoping to fill the economic and political vacuum left by the US.

One of the negotiations that has been going on in the background is for a major trade agreement between the EU and Japan. It began back in March 2013, but has garnered little attention, as people focused on the more imminent threats of TPP, TTIP, CETA and TISA. That‘s just changed, thanks in part to a joint statement signed by dozens of civil societies in both the EU and Japan, who write:

22.03.2017 - 17:52 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Ministry Trying to Compile Database of Citizens Who Support BDS

Strategic Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan wants to set up a database of Israeli citizens who are involved in promoting and supporting boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel or the settlements.

Senior Israeli officials noted that Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit is vehemently opposed to Erdan’s proposal, arguing that the Strategic Affairs Ministry has no legal authority to collect information on Israeli citizens.

22.03.2017 - 17:52 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Datenschützer: Geplantes BKA-Gesetz beschneidet Grundrechte

Tatsächlich nimmt [der Gesetzentwurf] sogar wichtige Datenschutzregeln und Verfahrenssicherungen zurück, die der Gesetzgeber nach dem Volkszählungsurteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts geschaffen hatte. Der Entwurf ändert den bisherigen Informationsverbund für alle Polizeibehörden grundlegend. Dieser ist nicht mehr nach Dateien untergliedert und führt zu unverhältnismäßig weitreichenden Speicherungen.

22.03.2017 - 17:44 [ Ansa.it ]

Bersani says PD giving fuel to Grillo

Pier Luigi Bersani, the former Democratic Party (PD) leader who was part of the recent formation of splinter group, on Wednesday accused his old party of giving material for the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) to feed on.

22.03.2017 - 14:12 [ Reuters ]

Macron faces down booing, whistles from hostile French mayors

French presidential election frontrunner Emmanuel Macron faced down booing and whistles of disapproval from an audience of hundreds of mayors on Wednesday, insisting he would aim to cut local authorities‘ spending and scale back a household tax.

Speaking before the influential grouping, Macron, a centrist who is running as an independent, repeated his plans to exempt 80 percent of households from a local council tax – an unpopular proposal among local officials who value one of the few levies not set by Paris.

22.03.2017 - 14:11 [ Indian Express ]

Francois Fillon’s camp decries ‘soap opera’ of sleaze reports a month from French election

“It’s clear that these are orchestrated leaks,” he told RTL radio. “We’re being dragged into a soap opera.”

Once the frontrunner, the 63-year-old conservative former prime minister has fallen to third place in polls and risks being eliminated in the first round of the presidential election a month from now in favour of a runoff between far-right leader Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Marcon, an independent centrist.

22.03.2017 - 10:37 [ Radio Utopie ]

Internationale Kriegskoalition trifft sich in Washington

Am heutigen Mittwoch treffen sich in Washington zum ersten Mal seit Amtsantritt von U.S.-Präsident Donald Trump achtundsechzig Außenminister der Internationalen Kriegskoalition, darunter natürlich auch Sigmar Gabriel.

Die von Washington geführte Internationale Kriegskoalition (offizieller Titel: „Internationale Allianz gegen den Islamischen Staat“ oder „Anti-I.S.-Allianz“) wurde Anfang September 2014 auf dem Gipfel des Nordatlantikpakts in Wales geschaffen (Radio Utopie berichtete vorher).

22.03.2017 - 09:08 [ Luzerner Zeitung ]

Trump bei NATO-Gipfel im Mai

US-Präsident Donald Trump nimmt am NATO-Gipfel Ende Mai teil und trifft zuvor am 12. April NATO-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg. Das Weisse Haus bestätigte Trumps Teilnahme an dem Spitzentreffen des Bündnisses am Dienstagabend.

22.03.2017 - 08:54 [ Reuters ]

South Korea liberals likely to win power, may bring softer North Korea stance

(12.3.2017) A presidential election will be held by May 9 and opinion polls suggest South Koreans will opt for change by electing a liberal into the presidential Blue House, ending nine years of conservative rule.

The front-runner is Moon Jae-in, a human rights lawyer who was a top aide to former President Roh Moo-hyun, an advocate of a „sunshine policy“ of engagement with North Korea.

22.03.2017 - 08:46 [ Washington Post ]

Trump won’t allow you to use iPads or laptops on certain airlines. Here’s why.

In this context, the United States is plausibly leveraging its control over access to U.S. airports, which are central “nodes” in the global network of air travel between different destinations. It is using this control to attack the key vulnerabilities of other networked actors, by going after the central nodes in their networks (the hub airports) and potentially severely damaging them.

22.03.2017 - 08:42 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

UK joins US electronics ban on flights from several Middle East, African countries

Phones, laptops and tablets larger than 16.0cm x 9.3cm x 1.5cm not allowed in the cabin on flights to the UK from Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Tunisia.

KTG understands that the UK ban will affect also the British Airways.

The UK restrictions, which also apply to tablets, DVD players, portable game consoles and phones over certain size, come after a similar US Department of Homeland Security ban.

22.03.2017 - 08:41 [ Techdirt ]

Homeland Security Starts Banning Laptops & Tablets On Planes From The Middle East

It‘s been a very long time since I last flew somewhere without my laptop. I actually am more productive than usual on planes, and I tend to use flying time to just focus in and get a ton of stuff done. I can‘t even begin to explain how ridiculously frustrating it would be to find out that I wouldn‘t be allowed to bring a laptop onto a plane, and yet it appears that our new Homeland Security overlords have put in place new restrictions on flights to the US from certain countries in the middle east barring tablets and laptops from the cabin (apparently no American carriers are impacted — just foreign ones).

22.03.2017 - 04:06 [ Nachtschwärmer bei Ernst ]

Nachtschwärmer bei Ernst – Die Kulturoase im Sprengelkiez

Sowohl die Band „Teresa Bergmann+Band“ hat es nicht im web-Kalender eingetragen: http://www.teresabergman.com/live/upcoming/ als auch die Kulturstätte „Nachtschwärmer bei Ernst“: http://www.bei-ernst.de/?Kalender
Wir wissen es aber trotzdem: Genau diese betörende Band tritt am 23.03. ab 0:00 Uhr genau dort in der Sprengelstr.15 auf!

22.03.2017 - 03:56 [ Bandcamp ]

Bird of a Feather by Teresa Bergman

Teresa Bergman’s ‚Bird of a Feather‘ is a début Album in the brightest sense. Sometimes raw sometimes shiny, this is an honest record. A fantail tale of self-definition, which carries the listener in an array of multi-coloured directions.
Teresa Bergman Berlin, Germany
released November 14, 2014

22.03.2017 - 02:09 [ DurhamRegion.com ]

Liberals look to extend Iraq mission

The current mission, launched last year, saw the government withdraw Canadian fighter jets from the U.S.-led bombing campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, but triple the number of special forces soldiers in northern Iraq.

22.03.2017 - 01:55 [ Radio Utopie ]

„Flüchtlingspakt“ und Terrorkrieg: Rattenrennen nach Ankara, Wettlauf nach Mosul

(August 2016) Wie passend, dass nun auf einmal 1,5 Millionen Kriegsflüchlinge aus dem islamischen Staat Irak bzw des separatistischen Kurdistan unter der Fuchtel von Masoud Barzani angekündigt werden, ausgerechnet wegen einer möglichen Befreiung Mosuls von den unter der Flagge „Islamischer Staat“ operierenden mörderischen Söldnerarmeen.