Daily Archives: 17. März 2017

17.03.2017 - 19:43 [ Bandcamp ]

Ichiru by Daigo Hanada

We‘re here to trace a line from electronic sound designers to classical composers, connecting them through the realms of ambient and cinematic music.
Moderna Records Montreal, Québec
released February 24, 2017

17.03.2017 - 19:16 [ M-Impresión ]

ETA vor der endgültigen Entwaffnung

ETA wird sich bis zum Nachmittag des 8. Aprils völlig entwaffnen. Das kündigte am Freitag der franco-baskische Umweltaktivist Txetx Etcheverry gegenüber der französischen Tageszeitung Le Monde an. Etcheverry gehört zum Forum „Weg des Friedens“, das seit Monaten versucht die Entwaffnung der baskischen Separatistenorganisation, die den bewaffneten Kampf im Oktober 2011 endgültig eingestellt hat, voranzutreiben.

17.03.2017 - 17:59 [ Wiener Zeitung ]

Abhör-Vorwürfe des Weißen Hauses gegen britischen Geheimdienst

Journalisten bombardierten Spicer am Donnerstag erneut mit Fragen zu der Affäre. Daraufhin erklärte der Pressesprecher, Trump halte an seinen Anschuldigungen fest, und zog einen jüngsten Bericht des erzkonservativen Senders Fox News heran: Darin wird Obama vorgeworfen, er habe zur Überwachung von Trump den britischen Geheimdienst GCHQ genutzt, um „keine amerikanischen Fingerabdrücke zu hinterlassen“.

17.03.2017 - 17:59 [ Techdirt ]

Once Again, Senator Wyden Wants To Know How Many Americans Are Being Surveilled By The NSA

Last week, Senator Wyden sent a letter to incoming Director of National Intelligence* Dan Coats, once again asking how many Americans are having their communications watched under Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act (which, again, is supposed to be used for foreign intelligence, but which we now know is regularly used to do surveillance on Americans).

17.03.2017 - 17:56 [ Diplomat ]

What’s Next in Cambodia-North Korea Relations?

Perhaps the most pressing challenge in bilateral diplomatic relation is North Korea’s stubborn insistence on upholding its nuclear program. North Korean’s recent missile test has caused much worry in its neighbor, South Korea. In this regard, South Korea, which is among Cambodia’s largest trading partners and biggest development assistance donors, wants Cambodia to join hands to pressure North Korea over its nuclear ambitions.
In response, Cambodia has made it very clear that Phnom Penh will not support any North Korean efforts to further develop its nuclear program, and that such actions will cause potential harm to peace and stability in the region and the world. To reinforce its claim, Cambodia has joined the UN and South Korea in the effort to prevent North Korea from advancing its nuclear programs, to the displeasure of North Korea.

17.03.2017 - 17:53 [ Volksblatt.at ]

Abhör-Vorwürfe gegen britischen Geheimdienst GCHQ

In dem Bericht erklärte der Justizexperte und Kommentator Andrew Napolitano, der Sender sei von „drei Geheimdienstquellen“ darüber informiert worden, dass Obama die „Kommandokette“ verlassen habe, um das Abhören anzuordnen. Er habe weder die eigenen Geheimdienste NSA und CIA, noch die Bundespolizei FBI oder das Justizministerium genutzt. Stattdessen habe er sich an das GCHQ gewandt.

Die Antwort aus London zu den Vorwürfen fiel harsch aus.

17.03.2017 - 17:41 [ Common Dreams ]

US Military Bombs Syrian Mosque During Evening Prayers, Killing Dozens

Airwars‘ Samuel Oakford reported that U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) confirmed that a raid „took place in the vicinity of al-Jinah village, which is located in western Aleppo governorate, just a few kilometers from the border with Idlib. CENTCOM spokesperson Maj. Josh Jacques said the target was ‚assessed to be a meeting place for al Qaeda, and we took the strike.'“
Jacques added that the target „happened to be across the street from where there is a mosque.“

17.03.2017 - 17:34 [ New York Times ]

White House Tries to Soothe British Officials Over Trump Wiretap Claim

The flap with Britain started when Mr. Spicer, in the course of defending Mr. Trump’s original accusation against Mr. Obama, on Thursday read from the White House lectern comments by a Fox News commentator asserting that the British spy agency was involved. Andrew Napolitano, the commentator, said on air that Mr. Obama had used Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters, the signals agency known as the GCHQ, to spy on Mr. Trump.

The GCHQ quickly and vehemently denied the contention on Thursday in a rare statement issued by the spy agency, calling the assertions “nonsense” and “utterly ridiculous.” By Friday morning, Mr. Spicer’s briefing had turned into a full-blown international incident. British politicians expressed outrage and demanded apologies and retractions from the American government.

17.03.2017 - 17:21 [ Techdirt ]

Court Says FBI Doesn‘t Have To Hand Over Its Rules For Surveilling Domestic Journalists

A couple of years ago, the Freedom of the Press Foundation sued the DOJ over its refusal to release its secret rules governing spying on the nation‘s journalists. This was prompted by revelations the FBI had used National Security Letters to obtain information on AP and Fox News journalists. The DOJ then issued new rules on the do‘s and don‘ts of surveilling journalists, but once again (a) redacted them into uselessness and (b) granted the FBI an NSL exception, undercutting the entire point of the recrafted rules.

17.03.2017 - 16:47 [ Stars and Stripes ]

Largest deployment in Latvian history takes place at NATO exercise in Germany

The March 8-31 exercise at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels brought together more than 2,700 participants from 13 countries. Allied forces traded tactics, techniques and equipment. Although more than half of the soldiers conducting the training are Americans, Latvia fielded an entire brigade, and Col. Ilmars Lejins commanded the exercise headquarters element.

17.03.2017 - 16:45 [ Ansa.it ]

EU ‚can‘t give up international role‘

„In a world increasingly based on big players, full-blown institutional giants, Europe cannot give up its role and its possibility for influence and make itself smaller,“ Mattarella said during a lunch at the presidential palace with speakers of EU parliaments.

17.03.2017 - 16:39 [ NNA Lebanese Republic ]

Hariri receives Frangie, SSCI delegation and German ambassador

NNA – The President of the Council of Ministers Saad Hariri received today at the Grand Serail a delegation from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) headed by its Chairman Senator Richard Burr in the presence of the US Ambassador to Lebanon Elizabeth Richard and Hariri‘s Chief of Staff Nader Hariri.(…)
Hariri also received the German Ambassador to Lebanon Martin Huth and discussed with him the situation and the bilateral relations.

17.03.2017 - 16:15 [ Aspen Times ]

Hartley: The inconvenient truth about St. Patrick’s Day

Patrick eventually returned to Ireland as a missionary, and a lot of people think he was the guy who first brought Christianity to the island, but that‘s not true. There apparently already were some Christians there when he got back. Patrick just did a better job of selling Jesus to the Irish pagans, and he was largely responsible for setting them on the path to the interesting brand of Catholicism they practice today.
In time, Patrick would be named a bishop, and though scholars don‘t seem to know the year of his death, somehow they‘re all dead certain that he died March 17. So when you get drunk today, know that you‘re actually celebrating the anniversary of his death, you sick bastards.

17.03.2017 - 14:10 [ Basis-Film Verleih ]

NO LAND´S SONG für den Deutschen Filmpreis „Lola“ nominiert

Wie die Deutsche Filmakademie am Donnerstag auf einer Pressekonferenz bekannt gab, ist NO LAND´S SONG in seiner Kategorie von den über 1800 Mitglieder der Akademie in ihrer jährlich stattfindenden geheimen Wahl zusammen mit zwei weiteren Filmen für den Deutschen Filmpreis nominiert worden. In der Kategorie „Bester Dokumentarfilm“ ebenfalls nominiert sind „Berlin Rebel High School“ von Alexander Kleider und „Cahier africain“ von Heidi Specogna.

Verliehen wird „die Lola“, wie der Deutsche Filmpreis auch genannt wird, am 28. April im Palais im Funkturm in Berlin. Die Preisverleihung wird live im ZDF übertragen.

17.03.2017 - 14:06 [ Deutsche Filmakademie ]

Bekanntgabe der Nominierungen 2017

Die Nominierungen zum DEUTSCHEN FILMPREIS 2017 stehen fest. Am 16. März haben Kulturstaatsministerin Prof. Monika Grütters, Iris Berben und Meret Becker die Ergebnisse der geheimen Wahl durch die über 1800 Mitglieder der Deutschen Filmakademie im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz in der Deutschen Kinemathek bekanntgegeben.

17.03.2017 - 12:58 [ Mirror ]

These are the 48 organisations that can see EVERYTHING you do online – even if you delete it

(25.11.2016) As Yui points out, the list of who has access to your records is laid out in Schedule 4 of the Act. „It‘s longer than you might imagine,“ he wrote.
Here‘s the full list:

– Metropolitan police force
– City of London police force
– Police forces maintained under section 2 of the Police Act 1996
– Police Service of Scotland
– Police Service of Northern Ireland
– British Transport Police
– Ministry of Defence Police
– Royal Navy Police
– Royal Military Police
– Royal Air Force Police
– Security Service
– Secret Intelligence Service
– Ministry of Defence
– Department of Health
– Home Office
– Ministry of Justice
– National Crime Agency
– HM Revenue & Customs
– Department for Transport
– Department for Work and Pensions
– NHS trusts and foundation trusts in England that provide ambulance services
– Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service
– Competition and Markets Authority
– Criminal Cases Review Commission
– Department for Communities in Northern Ireland
– Department for the Economy in Northern Ireland
– Department of Justice in Northern Ireland
– Financial Conduct Authority
– Fire and rescue authorities under the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004
– Food Standards Agency
– Food Standards Scotland
– Gambling Commission
– Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority
– Health and Safety Executive
– Independent Police Complaints Commissioner
– Information Commissioner
– NHS Business Services Authority
– Northern Ireland Ambulance Service Health and Social Care Trust
– Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service Board
– Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Regional Business Services Organisation
– Office of Communications
– Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
– Police Investigations and Review Commissioner
– Scottish Ambulance Service Board
– Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission
– Serious Fraud Office
– Welsh Ambulance Services National Health Service Trust

17.03.2017 - 12:49 [ Telegraph ]

Could GCHQ have spied on Donald Trump?

„We know that there is a very close collaboration between the UK and US intelligence agencies,“ said Javier Ruiz, policy director at the Open Rights Group. „There is nothing in UK law to stop GCHQ from conducting targeted interception of President Trump‘s communications before he became President – or even now.“

17.03.2017 - 08:40 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Deutsche Polizeibehörden erhalten Direktzugriff auf Europol-Dateien

Mit der neuen EU-Verordnung für die Polizeiagentur Europol sollen die Bundespolizei, der Zollfahndungsdienst und alle 16 Länderpolizeien künftig direkt auf Analysedatenbanken in Den Haag zugreifen können. Dies geht aus dem „Gesetz zur Änderung des Europol-Gesetzes“ hervor, den die Bundesregierung gestern im Entwurf veröffentlicht hat.

Hintergrund ist die Änderung der Rechtsgrundlage für Europol, wonach die Agentur nach dem Lissabon-Vertrag nunmehr vollends vergemeinschaftet ist. Der Europol-Ratsbeschluss von 2009 wurde deshalb durch eine EU-Verordnung ersetzt. Sie regelt die Informationsverarbeitung nicht mehr systembezogen für die verschiedenen Europol-Datenbanken, sondern definiert verschiedene Verarbeitungszwecke. Außerdem wird der Kreis der Zugriffsberechtigten auf weitere Behörden vergrößert. Mit Einschränkungen ist sogar der Vollzugriff möglich.

17.03.2017 - 08:22 [ Daily Mail ]

Britain‘s GCHQ makes rare public statement to dismiss ‚utterly ridiculous‘ White House claim Obama might have asked UK spies to give him transcripts of Trump‘s calls

– Just before Sean Spicer was to take questions from reporters, Senate Intelligence Committee chiefs affirmed a lack of evidence for wiretapping
– ABC News‘ Jon Karl attempted to question Spicer about their statement and similar comments that were made yesterday by heads of the House Intel panel
– In a long dressing down, Spicer pointed to a March 14 Fox & Friends broadcast and quoted Judge Andrew Napolitano
– Napolitano said he had three sources telling him that Obama used Britain‘s GCHQ intelligence agency to spy on Trump
– GCHQ said the claims are ‚utterly ridiculous and should be ignored‘

17.03.2017 - 08:21 [ Weißes Haus ]

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sean Spicer, 3/16/2017, #25

Last, on Fox News on March 14th, Judge Andrew Napolitano made the following statement. “Three intelligence sources have informed Fox News that President Obama went outside the chain of command. He didn’t use the NSA, he didn’t use the CIA, he didn’t use the FBI, and he didn’t use the Department of Justice. He used GCHQ, what is that? It’s the initials for the British Intelligence Spying Agency. So simply, by having two people saying to them, ‘the President needs transcripts of conversations involved in candidate Trump’s conversations involving President-elect Trump,’ he was able to get it and there’s no American fingerprints on this.”

Putting the published accounts and common sense together, this leads to a lot.

Q So, Sean, are you saying that despite the findings, the bipartisan findings of the Senate Intelligence Committee —

MR. SPICER: No, they’re not findings. There’s a statement out today. They have not begun this — as you know, yesterday, or two days ago, the Department of Justice asked for an additional week. So the statement clearly says that at this time, that they don’t believe that. They have yet to go through the information. The Department of Justice, as you know, has not supplied this.

But I’ve just read off to you — it’s interesting, when the New York Times reports —

Q I let you do that whole long answer. Can I just ask my question?

MR. SPICER: Thank you. Appreciate it.

Q Okay. So are you saying that the President still stands by his allegation that President Obama ordered wiretapping or surveillance of Trump Tower, despite the fact that the Senate Intelligence Committee says they see no indication that it happened? Does the President still stand by the allegation?

MR. SPICER: No, but — first of all, he stands by it, but again, you’re mischaracterizing what happened today.

17.03.2017 - 08:18 [ Fox News ]

Andrew Napolitano: Did Obama spy on Trump?

Sources have told me that the British foreign surveillance service, the Government Communications Headquarters, known as GCHQ, most likely provided Obama with transcripts of Trump’s calls. The NSA has given GCHQ full 24/7 access to its computers, so GCHQ — a foreign intelligence agency that, like the NSA, operates outside our constitutional norms — has the digital versions of all electronic communications made in America in 2016, including Trump’s. So by bypassing all American intelligence services, Obama would have had access to what he wanted with no Obama administration fingerprints.

17.03.2017 - 04:44 [ TruePublica ]

Why Do The French Hate Their Politicians So Much

Whoever wins the second round on 6 May, the vicious circle of high expectations and great disappointment is not likely to come to an end. The greater the disappointment, the more erratic electoral behaviour will be and the more trust in institutions and elites will decline. So far, there is clearly no political will to address those issues through institutional reforms. Some candidates have pushed for a 6th Republic, but the most likely outcome is institutional status quo after the election.

17.03.2017 - 04:28 [ Bandcamp ]

Prehistoric Meditations by Paleowolf

Paleowolf is a tribal/dark ambient project aimed at invoking the ancient spirits of prehistoric past. The era of Paleowolf is set in times before, during and after the Ice Ages, when humans were still living the lives of hunter-gatherers.
Paleowolf Belgrade, Serbia
released March 3, 2017

17.03.2017 - 03:42 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Zivilgesellschaft in Argentinien macht gegen die Regierung mobil

Die Regierung Macri und ihre Unterstützer antworten auf die zunehmenden Proteste indes vermehrt mit Repression. Am Rande des Marschs der Frauen kam es zu gewalttätigen Übergriffen der Polizei gegen Protestteilnehmerinnen, während sich LehrerIgewerkschafter Drohungen gegen Leib und Leben und gegen ihre Familien ausgesetzt sehen.

17.03.2017 - 03:22 [ WSWS ]

Berlin: Verdi stoppt Flughafenstreik

Die Linke sprach darin offen aus, was die erklärte Politik der Verdi-Führung auch heute ist. Ihre Antwort auf den scharfen Wettbewerb in Europa ist nicht die internationale Solidarität der Beschäftigten, sondern die Standortverteidigung – auf Kosten der Arbeiter.

Zu den damaligen Arbeitnehmervertretern im Aufsichtsrat gehörten neben einigen Betriebsräten auch die heutigen Verdi-Gewerkschaftssekretäre Holger Rößler und Jens Gröger. Heute sind sie Mitglied im soeben neu konstituierten Aufsichtsrat der Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH, ebenso wie Streikleiter Enrico Rümker. Die Linke ist mit Kultursenator Klaus Lederer im Aufsichtsrat vertreten.

17.03.2017 - 03:14 [ Quartz ]

World Bank’s top economist says India’s controversial ID program should be a model for other nations

“The system in India is the most sophisticated that I’ve seen,” Romer told Bloomberg. “It’s the basis for all kinds of connections that involve things like financial transactions. It could be good for the world if this became widely adopted,” the 61-year-old said.
The world’s largest biometric identity project aims to cover 1.3 billion Indians to ensure a seamless transfer of government benefits and schemes.

17.03.2017 - 03:10 [ Tlaxcala ]

Buchbesprechung: „Der Neue Iran“ Eine Gesellschaft tritt aus dem Schatten

(12.März) Vor der Revolution gab es Religiöse und Nicht-Religiöse, es gab Gläubige und solche, die dem Glauben auswichen, ihn mieden, ihm entflohen. Es gab keine Islam-Hasser. Die gibt es erst heute. Und sie finden sich vor allem bei den jungen aus regimenahen Familien, in jener Schicht der Neureichen, die durch gute Beziehungen und schwarze Geschäfte skandalös wohlhabend geworden sind.
Ihre Kinder haben vom Nahen erlebt, wie Religion zum Werkzeug der Heuchelei wurde; sie verzeihen es dem Islam nicht, wie es sich missbrauchen ließ. Und die zerschlagen nun die Heuchelei, indem sie radikal antiislamisch leben, mit Sex- und Drogenpartys an den Swimmingpools ausladender Villen und mit auftrumpfenden zur Schau gestellten Sportwagen.

17.03.2017 - 03:02 [ MIT Technology Review ]

The Entrepreneur with the $100 Million Plan to Link Brains to Computers

According to neuroscientists, several figures from the tech sector are currently scouring labs across the U.S. for technology that might fuse human and artificial intelligence. In addition to Johnson, Elon Musk has been teasing a project called “neural lace,” which he said at a 2016 conference will lead to “symbiosis with machines.”

17.03.2017 - 02:55 [ bOINGbOING ]

Crashed UFO in Colombia actually belongs to Google

(15.März) Farmers in Colombia‘s Tolima provence were freaked out by a UFO that crashed in a field on Sunday. „It was smoking and a strange liquid was leaking it,“ said one resident.
Police eventually identified the wreckage as an Internet balloon from X, Alphabet (Google)‘s R&D company. X‘s Project Loon is „designed to extend Internet connectivity to people in rural and remote areas worldwide.“

17.03.2017 - 02:17 [ GLOBAL2000.at ]

AKW Mochovce-Inbetriebnahme: „Bürgerbeteiligung“ als Farce

„Dies ist eine Vorstellung von Bürgerbeteiligung direkt aus dem letzten Jahrtausend, eine Farce: Die betroffene Zivilbevölkerung – also ganz Mitteleuropa – muss wie in unserem Fall über hundert Kilometer während der Arbeitswoche anreisen, um dann (ohnehin geschwärzte) Dokumente ansehen zu dürfen“, ärgert sich Uhrig