(17.1.2017) Die Anordnung 12333 besagt, dass die NSA Telefon- und E-Mail- Kommunikation von Nicht-US-Bürgern ohne richterlichen Beschluss eingesehen werden dürfen. Zudem erlaube sie das „unabsichtliche“ Sammeln von Daten von US-Bürgern.
Daily Archives: 16. März 2017
Feds may have listened in on candidate Trump via „backdoor searches“
(13.3.2017) Another less common legal proceeding, known as 12333, or “twelve triple-three,” manages U.S. intelligence-gathering offshore. It authorizes the attorney general to permit searches „of communications to or from an American for the purposes of targeting that American – again, as long as the attorney general determines that person is an agent of a foreign power,“ according to The Hill.
Further, the National Security Agency can upload that intercepted intelligence to an online repository through which other intel agencies can search.
Sen. Lindsey Graham Speaks on FBI DIR. To Reveal if Bureau is investigating Trump-Russia Ties.
Veröffentlicht am 15.03.2017
Graham: I will subpoena FBI for wiretap answers if need be
Sen. Lindsey Graham said Wednesday he‘ll subpoena information from the FBI over President Donald Trump‘s wiretapping allegations if bureau Director James Comey does not provide information about whether there is any validity to the President‘s claims.
Tension between CIA and Trump White House persists over personnel and policy
The recent removal, and reinstatement, of the National Security Council’s senior intelligence director is a telling illustration of the ongoing animosity between at least some sectors of the Trump White House and the CIA and may be an early sign of problems for new national security adviser H.R. McMaster.
On Friday, McMaster told Ezra Cohen-Watnick, a 30-year-old former Defense Intelligence Agency operative brought on board by McMaster’s ousted predecessor, Michael Flynn, that he was being moved to another job from his position as senior NSC director for intelligence programs.
Trump seems to confirm the CIA docs released by WikiLeaks
President Trump appeared to confirm the authenticity of a trove of CIA documents recently published by WikiLeaks — breaking from US government policy never to confirm the docs were legitimate.
“By the way, with the CIA, I just want people to know, the CIA was hacked, and a lot of things taken,” Trump said in an interview that aired Wednesday night on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
Dijsselbloem insists he will be Eurogroup President until 2018
Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem said on Thursday that his term at the helm of the Eurogroup ends in 2018, and let the world in Greece and his Spanish counterpart Luis de Guindos know that he does not intent to leave earlier due to the defeat of his Labor Party in the Dutch elections.
“We have to form a new government coalition but my mandate at the head of the Eurogroup ends in January 2018,” Michel Reijns, spokesman of the Eurogroup president, quoted Dijsselbloem.
“Yes, I wanted Varoufakis removed”, Dijsselbloem admits
The head of Eurogroup Jeroen Dijsselbloem admitted that in the early spring of 2015 he had asked the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to remove the then Finance Minister of Greece Mr. Yanis Varoufakis from the negotiating team, but Mr. Tsipras had told him “this is up to the Greek government to decide an evaluate, not up to Eurogroup”.
Coalition Rift Deepens: ‚You‘re Only Interested in Having Control,‘ Top Israeli Minister Tells Netanyahu
Finance minister angered by Netanyahu‘s bid to grant government control over television and radio: ‚You‘re only interested in having control,‘ source says
Heiko Maas: Auf Hass gezielt, die Meinungsfreiheit getroffen
Auf der Website des Justizministeriums ist der Entwurf bisher nicht veröffentlicht, nur eine Zusammenfassung. ZEIT ONLINE hat sich den 29-seitigen Entwurf aber vom Ministerium zusenden lassen, hier ist er (als PDF-Datei). Die wichtigsten Kritikpunkte haben wir im Überblick:
„Antideutsche“: Ga Ga Land
Sie hassen Deutschland, stehen fest an der Seite Israels und lehnen jede Kritik an den USA ab. Die Antideutschen sind eine sehr seltsame Gruppe innerhalb der linken Bewegung. Ursprünglich wollten sie mal das „Vierte Reich“ verhindern – und haben sich dabei furchtbar verlaufen. Was sind das eigentlich für Leute? Eine Reise durch Antideutschland.
“Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” claims responsibility for explosives package to Schaeuble
In a website for the anti-authoritarian movement, the organization said…
Many thanks to Pearl Harbor’s oldest living survivor, Ray Chavez, who turned 105 last week. We owe Ray and all who serve a debt of gratitude
In the U.S. justice system, being deaf can get you wrongly imprisoned
In 1983, Felix Garcia received a life sentence and a concurrent 99 years in prison for first-degree murder and armed robbery. There was no physical evidence connecting him to the crime, but his brother, Frank, testified against him — though he signed an affidavit in 1989 admitting that his testimony was false — as did another alleged witness: Garcia himself.
‘The Briefing Was All On Sensitive Matters’: Sen. Feinstein Tight-Lipped After Comey Meeting
It was announced today that Comey will appear on Monday to testify at the House Intelligence Committee hearing on Russian interference.
Trump Tower wiretap claim: Skeptical US lawmakers pressure FBI director Comey for evidence
The top Democrat on the House intelligence panel, Adam Schiff, said at the news conference with Nunes that Comey would be asked about wiretap evidence at a rare public hearing on Monday.
BGH folgt BVerfG: Untersuchungsausschuss und Opposition bei mehr als Dreiviertelmehrheit der Regierung im Bundestag rechtlos
Während der Staat weiter die Republik durch Uminterpretation der Verfassung zersetzt, leiden Öffentlichkeit und Bürgerrechtler offensichtlich unter einer sie gefährdenden Wahrnehmungsstörung.
Is this officially a war, @EmmanuelMacron?
Macron trifft Merkel: Warnung vor Zerbrechen der Europäischen Union
Vor dem Gespräch warnte er in einem ZDF-Interview vor einem Zerbrechen Europas, falls seine Konkurrentin Marine Le Pen in den Élysée-Palast einziehen sollte. Macron wird in Berlin auch an einer Podiumsdiskussion zur Zukunft Europas mit Außenminister Sigmar Gabriel und dem Philosophen Jürgen Habermas teilnehmen.
Macron und Steinmeier für eigene Eurozone-Finanzinstrumente
(25.8.2015) Der französische Wirtschaftsminister Emmanuel Macron und der deutsche Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier haben eine energische Weiterentwicklung der Eurozone einschließlich eines eigenen finanziellen Instruments gefordert. Die Währungszone drohe sonst zu zerfallen, warnte Macron am Dienstag auf dem Wirtschaftstag der Botschafterkonferenz in Berlin.
French Presidential Candidate Macron to Meet With German Chancellor Thursday
According to the Germany‘s government spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer, the meeting will be „informal and confidential.“
Trump vows to appeal against travel ban ruling to Supreme Court
However, the orders, while a victory for the plaintiffs, are only a first step and the government could ultimately win its underlying case. Watson and Chuang were appointed to the bench by former Democratic President Barack Obama.
Présidentielle: Fillon se voit en „combattant balafré“
Published on Mar 15, 2017
François Fillon, au lendemain de sa mise en examen, se voit „comme un de ces combattants balafrés“ qui ne „baisse pas la tête devant les balles“ de ses adversaire, et a demandé, mercredi, lors d‘un meeting mercredi 15 mars à Pertuis (Vaucluse) à être „jugé sur son parcours“.
Fillon‘s indictment signals a ‚moral crisis‘ for France
How will voters respond to François Fillon’s indictment?
Among his core supporters, who comprise about 18 percent of his support base, this isn’t going to change anything. For them, this latest episode only confirms the existence of a conspiracy, that Fillon is being pursued as in a manhunt. They remain convinced that he’s best placed to steer the ship in the face of the storm.
However, François Fillon must make gains in the polls, to increase his position by at least 5 percent. This is a very difficult goal to achieve. It’s like climbing the Himalayas without oxygen because over the next 40 days this indictment is going to drag him down, depriving his campaign of political oxygen.
Die größte Gefahr für Frankreich in Frankreich: Emmanuel Macron
(4.3.2017) Es ist natürlich schwer, dies alles zu verstehen, wenn man nicht mal in der Lage ist zwei Tage voraus zu denken (geschweige denn zwei Jahre), oder sich an irgendwas zu erinnern was dieser ganze Haufen, der sich „Politiker“, „Partei“ oder sonstwas nennt, noch vor zwei Tagen so alles abgesondert hat – weil man einfach viel zu beschäftigt ist durch die tägliche Schnitzeljagd der Schreckens-Medien nach dem bösen Muselmanen.
Macron back in Berlin to pitch ‚New Deal‘ for Europe
When Emmanuel Macron last visited Berlin in January, he was seen as a long shot to win the French presidency, and couldn‘t even get a meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel.
On Thursday, the 39-year-old former investment banker returns to the German capital as the election frontrunner, with a promise to reinvigorate the Franco-German relationship and rehabilitate a European Union hobbled by Brexit, Donald Trump and a tide of anti-EU populism.
Game over for France’s traditional left and right?
This general malaise finds the two big traditional parties — Socialists on the left and Republicans on the right — struggling for positives as the election clock ticks down.
Instead, the center and the far right are seen as frontrunners, with their candidates expected to lead the pack in the April 23 first round to qualify for the run-off vote on May 7.
France is “coming to the end of a political order that started in the 1980s,” said political scientist and pollster Jerome Sainte-Marie.
China, Saudi Arabia consider deals worth about $65 billion
China and Saudi Arabia on Thursday signed memorandums of understanding and letters of intent potentially worth about $65 billion during Saudi King Salman‘s visit to Beijing, a senior Chinese diplomat said.
Lachende Hühner
The new generation that‘s transforming Saudi Arabia
It is hard to deny that Saudi foreign policy is defined and enacted through the prism of the Iranian threat.
White House meeting on Saudi underscores kingdom‘s influence
The White House indicated Wednesday that Saudi Arabia will remain a close consultant to President Donald Trump on security and economic challenges in the Middle East, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Iran nuclear deal.
The White House statement offered a glimpse at how this nascent administration‘s Middle East policies are taking shape, and how influential Saudi Arabia may be in shaping them. It left little doubt of the president‘s commitment to reinforcing relations with Saudi Arabia in a lengthy readout Wednesday — a day after the visit.
Trump accuses Iran of harboring terrorism, as he signs a revised travel ban order
(6.3.2017) In his revised order, Mr. Trump calls Iran a ‚country that harbors terrorism‘ and supports different terrorist groups including the Lebanese Hezbollah and Shiite terrorist groups in Iraq.
Mr. Trump also accused Iran regime of supporting Al-Qaeda by allowing the Iranian soil to be used for group‘s operatives to move to Syria and other South Asian nations.
President Trump also criticized the Iranian regime in his new executive order for not cooperating with the US in the ‚fight against terrorism.‘
Federal judge blocks new travel ban; Trump calls it ‚judicial overreach‘
A federal judge in Hawaii blocked President Donald Trump‘s new travel ban on Wednesday afternoon, hours before the ban was set to go into effect.
In a 43-page ruling, US District Court Judge Derrick Watson concluded in no uncertain terms that the new executive order failed to pass legal muster at this stage and the state had established „a strong likelihood of success“ on their claims of religious discrimination.
US- Richter in Hawaii stoppt Trumps Einreiseverbote
US- Präsident Donald Trump hat mit harscher Kritik auf die Entscheidung eines Bundesrichters reagiert, auch die neue Version seines umstrittenen Einreiseverbots vorerst zu untersagen. Richter Derrick Watson erließ am Mittwoch auf Hawaii eine einstweilige Verfügung gegen den Erlass des Präsidenten.
Das Druckmittel Sezession (II)
Tatsächlich bemühen sich deutsche Landesregierungen und Berlin gezielt um einen Ausbau ihrer Beziehungen nach Edinburgh. Hintergrund ist das Bestreben, den Druck auf London zu erhöhen, um womöglich doch noch einen „weichen“ Brexit durchzusetzen. Dieser gilt als für deutsche Interessen förderlich. Berliner Regierungsberater empfehlen, über Irland auf die Verhandlungen bezüglich der irisch-nordirischen Grenze Einfluss zu nehmen; diese Grenze ist im Falle eines „harten“ Brexits ein besonders heikler Punkt.
Federal Judge Blocks Trump’s Latest Travel Ban Nationwide
Mr. Trump issued a new and narrower travel ban, affecting six countries, on March 6, trying to satisfy the courts by removing some of the most contentious elements of the original version.
But in a pointed decision that repeatedly invoked Mr. Trump’s public comments, the judge, Derrick K. Watson of Federal District Court in Honolulu, wrote that a “reasonable, objective observer” would view even the new order as “issued with a purpose to disfavor a particular religion, in spite of its stated, religiously neutral purpose.”
Niederlande: optische Erfassung der Bevölkerung aus finanziellen Gründen begrenzt
(25.2.2017) In der verfassungslosen Monarchie Niederlande, die gerade eines der schlimmsten Massenüberwachungsgesetze in der Geschichte der Demokratie verabschiedete, ist also wenigstens die Spionage des Finanzamts gegen die Verkehrsbewegungen der gesamten Bevölkerung begrenzt. Was für ein Sieg…
Netherlands Looks To Join The Super-Snooper Club With New Mass Surveillance Law
(23.2.2017) As Techdirt has noted, the UK‘s Investigatory Powers Act, better known as the Snooper‘s Charter, has been dubbed „the most extreme surveillance law ever passed in a democracy.“ It may be the worst, but it‘s not an isolated case. Governments around the world are bringing in laws that grant them powers to spy on innocent citizens using „bulk collection“ of information — mass surveillance, in other words. As the Dutch site Bits of Freedom reports, the latest country to join the super-snooper club is the Netherlands, where the lower house has just passed the bill for the new Intelligence and Security Services Act:
Dutch election: Rutte projected to take just 20% of seats as he LOSES a quarter of votes
According to analysts, Mr Rutte‘s centrist cum conservative People‘s Party for Freedom and Democracy party have taken 31 seats so far in this controversial election but this is a far cry from his 2012 numbers.
Mr Rutte‘s party took 41 seats at the last election securing him the role as the prime minister of the Netherlands.
«Fest der Demokratie» – Rutte gewinnt Wahlen in Holland, Wilders weit abgeschlagen
In den Niederlanden liegt nach Auszählung von mehr als 80 Prozent der Stimmen die rechtsliberale Partei von Ministerpräsident Mark Rutte mit 21 Prozent an der Spitze. Danach folgt mit deutlichem Abstand die Partei des Rechtspopulisten Geert Wilders mit 13 Prozent.
Gorecki Symphony of Sorrowful Songs
Henryk Gorecki
Symphony No.3, Op.36
(Symphony of Sorrowful Songs)
Zofia Kilanowicz, soprano
Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra
Antoni Wit
Dutch election result: Mark Rutte sees off Geert Wilders challenge as Netherlands rejects far-Right
Even though Mr Rutte‘s total was 9 seats below 2012, the clear vote in favour of his ruling VVD party was welcomed by leading figures from across the EU’s political establishment which is seeking to reboot the European Union after Brexit.
‚We are all doing it‘: Employees at Canada‘s 5 big banks speak out about pressure to dupe customers
Employees from all five of Canada‘s big banks have flooded Go Public with stories of how they feel pressured to upsell, trick and even lie to customers to meet unrealistic sales targets and keep their jobs.
The deluge is fuelling multiple calls for a parliamentary inquiry, even as the banks claim they‘re acting in customers‘ best interests.
Kerala vows to provide free WiFi to all state citizens after declaring it a basic human right
Finance Minister Thomas Issac made the announcement and said the government would look to provide free internet access across the state.
Tillerson‘s first China visit to build on positive momentum in China-U.S. ties
Tillerson began Wednesday his first three-nation Asian tour that will take him to Japan, South Koreaand China. He is to visit Beijing Saturday to hold talks with Chinese leaders and senior officials on a range of bilateral and multilateral issues.
University of Hong Kong to take action against unauthorised sale of student work
A search by the Post found that academic works by thousands of graduates, which were also publicly available on the university’s HKU Scholars Hub website, were being sold by notable online bookstores, including Amazon, Book Depository, Fishpond and Barnes and Noble.
India fast-tracks hydro projects in disputed Kashmir despite warnings
INDIA has fast-tracked hydropower projects worth US$15 billion in Kashmir in recent months, three federal and state officials said, ignoring warnings from Islamabad that power stations on rivers flowing into Pakistan will disrupt water supplies.
Protest against deployment of THAAD held in S. Korea
About 100 protesters attended the rally on Wednesday night to protest against the deployment of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system. (Xinhua/Liu Yun)
Lawrence Wong to attend G20 finance ministers meeting in Germany
This is the first finance ministers meeting under Germany’s G20 presidency.
Mr Wong will be accompanied by officials from MOF and the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
Metal is Alive in India
I was shocked to see that this is the band‘s fifth album. It is criminal that I have never heard of them prior to now. The compositions are every bit as massive and heavy as mainstream acts like Dimmu Borgir, Septicflesh, and Fleshgod Apocalypse. The band utilizes everything from orchestral arrangments to traditional regional instruments (sitar, for one) to create a unique wall of sound; one that expands on the already impressive musicianship. Both the guitars and drums are highly technical in approach and utilize progressive structures that keep the songs from ever stagnating.
Leichte Verluste für das Establishment in Holland
Wenn Rutte eine durchsetzungsfähige Regierung haben will, muss er die Grünlinken, kleine Parteien oder noch einmal die Sozialdemokraten dazu überreden, seine Regierung zu unterstützen. Zu welchen Bedingungen das gelingen kann, ist dabei recht fraglich, denn die Grünlinken in Holland stecken nicht ganz so tief im Allerwertesten der transatlantischen Herren wie die in Deutschland und sowohl Grüne als auch Sozialdemokraten dürften sich, wenn sie Rutte unterstützen, davor fürchten, dafür bei den nächsten Wahlen teuer bezahlen zu müssen.
Gestatten: Afrika: Warum ein zweiter Blick auf unsere Nachbarn lohnt.
(31.5.2016) Immer wieder wurde ihre Notwendigkeit und Legitimation angezweifelt, doch heute sind die Mischformen wieder weitestgehend etabliert. Sie haben sich als besonders flexibel erwiesen. Sie vermochten als Konstante im Dasein der Communities zu fungieren. Die heutigen Verfassungen – von Botsuana, Ghana und Südafrika beispielsweise – erkennen die Funktionen und Zuständigkeiten der Chiefs sogar offiziell an.
Das Mittelmeer ablassen, Afrika fluten
(23.01.2011) Die Idee, mit einem gigantischen Gibraltar-Wasserkraftwerk ganz Europa mit Strom zu versorgen, erschien verlockend. Sörgel gründete sein eigenes Atlantropa-Institut, ließ Machbarkeits-Gutachten erstellen, Filme drehen, Pläne, Bilder und Skizzen zeichnen. Mächtige Firmen wie Hochtief, Krupp, Mannesmann, RWE und Stinnes förderten ihn. Man sagt, Sörgel habe ein gewisses Talent besessen, Menschen von seinen Ideen zu begeistern.
Joseph Beuys – Ja Ja Ja Ne Ne Ne (1968)
Strafe für Deltour halbiert
Die Richter verurteilten Antoine Deltour wegen Datendiebstahls zu einer Bewährungsstrafe von sechs Monaten und 1500 Euro Geldstrafe. Ihm wurde der Diebstahl von 538 Steuerabkommen vorgeworfen. Vom Vorwurf des Verstoßes gegen das Berufsgeheimnis wurde er freigesprochen. In diesem Punkt wurde er als Whistleblower anerkannt.