Monroe was named to the newly created position in 2015 in response to a months-long internal investigation into the mishandling of anthrax, bird flu and Ebola in CDC labs in 2014.
Daily Archives: 17. Februar 2017
Gag Order: Riseup belebt den Kanarienvogel wieder
Der Mailprovider Riseup ist nach einer Anfrage der US-Bundespolizei FBI dazu verurteilt worden, Nutzerdaten herauszugeben. Wegen einer Geheimhaltungsverpflichtung (Gag-Order) durfte das Kollektiv bislang nicht darüber sprechen, wie Riseup selbst mitteilt. Künftig sollen alle Nutzerdaten auf dem Server verschlüsselt abgelegt werden, damit kein Zugriff auf Kommunikationsdaten im Klartext mehr möglich ist.
FTTH: Zehn Millionen langsame Glasfaserhausanschlüsse geplant
Zudem werden die Datenübertragungsraten der Anschlüsse massiv gedrosselt: Mit einem hinterlegten Profil werden die Datenraten auf 100 MBit/s im Download und 40 MBit/s im Upload reduziert. Diese Datenraten entsprechen denen, die die Deutsche Telekom derzeit mit Vectoring erreicht. Ewe Tel kritisiert Monopolstellungen, wie sie derzeit beim Vectoring im Nahbereich für die Telekom geplant seien.
Transparenzbericht: Kein einziger Wikipedia-Artikel auf Druck von außen verändert oder gelöscht
Notfälle (Emergency Disclosures):
Hier handelt es sich um Fälle, in denen Leib und Leben von Personen in Gefahr sind, beispielsweise durch Suizide. Hier gab Wikimedia in 19 Fällen Daten heraus. 17 davon waren so genannte „freiwillige Herausgaben“ (Voluntary Disclosures), die aufgrund von Nutzermeldungen geschahen, in zwei Fällen handelte es sich um staatliche Anfragen (Emergency Requests).
NATO strebt nach weiterer Aufrüstung im Schwarzen Meer und in Osteuropa
Die Administration Obama begann im Jahr 2014 mit der Aufstockung der NATO in den Baltenstaaten, indem sie den Teufel einer russischen Invasion Osteuropas groß an die Wand malte, und obwohl der Einmarsch nie stattfand, setzten Obama und sein Nachfolger Präsident Trump pflichtgetreu den Aufbau fort, ohne dass sich eine Verlangsamung abzeichnete.
Trump reaffirms ‚unbreakable bond‘ with Israel
“It was an honor to welcome my friend, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to the White House,” Trump said in his weekly address, posted to the official Facebook page of the White House.
“I affirmed to the Prime Minister America’s commitment to working with Israel and our allies and our partners for greater security and stability. The threat of terrorism must be confronted and defeated, and we will defeat it,” he added.
Trump-Auftritt: Einen Arzt, bitte!
(17.2.2017) Donald Trump hat eine denkwürdige Pressekonferenz gegeben. Sie war auch sehr hilfreich. Man weiß jetzt: Es ist an der Zeit, am Verstand des US-Präsidenten zu zweifeln.
Netanjahu bei Trump: Brüder im Geiste
(16.2.2017) Donald Trump und Benjamin Netanjahu wollten gar nicht mehr aufhören mit dem Händeschütteln, die Herzlichkeit zwischen den beiden Männern schäumte nur so über, als sie am Mittwoch im Weißen Haus vor die Presse traten. Und auch während ihrer knapp 30-minütigen Plauderstunde betonten sie immer wieder ihre besondere Beziehung. Schon sehr, sehr lange kenne und schätze er seinen Freund „Bibi“, meinte Trump, während Netanjahu beseelt mit dem Kopf nickte.
Trump‘s Press Conference MELTDOWN
Only a few weeks in, he’s barely holding it together. Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss.
License to Shoot? New law gives French police greater powers to open fire on protesters
As the protests against police brutality in France continue to rage, the government has passed a controversial law giving police greater powers to open fire.
Germany: Lavrov meets with NATO SecGen Stoltenberg in Munich
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference (MSC) in Munich on Friday.
The meeting is one of several bilateral talks Lavrov is participating in on the sidelines of the event
No plan to use National Guard for immigration enforcement: White House
Spicer sharply criticized the report. „There is no effort at all to … utilize the National Guard to round up illegal immigrants,“ he said. „This is 100 percent not true.“
AP Exclusive: DHS weighed Nat Guard for immigration roundups
Staffers in the Department of Homeland Security said the proposal had been discussed as recently as last Friday.
New Music for Bathing and Other Contemplative States by Man At Home
released January 1, 2017
A Date with Lynch by meistsonnig
56:08, 20.01.17
Timed tracklist
‘N17 file will not be shelved,’ says ex-CIA analyst John Kiriakou
“All jokes aside, we investigated even the most unlikely suspects. There were so many conspiracy theories implicating mainstream politicians like Andreas Papandreou, Iosif Valirakis all the way to Vassilis Vassilikos, one of the most important and prominent Greek authors,” he said. “I would say that that the reason the CIA investigated and in some cases cultivated these theories was out of desperation. If you were to ask the CIA how many people it suspected of being November 17 members, it could have given you 5,000 names, 10,000 names. Everybody was a suspect.”
RISE by Klank
Continuing with our form of “Sonic Therapy” , the songs on our newest release, Rise, have been birthed from real life struggles, situations and emotions that we face daily, have dealt with or that has affected those around us . From the loss of loved ones, the daily fight for survival and dealing with our fears to overcoming addictions, understanding our humanity and empathizing with those contemplating suicide because you’ve been in that dark place at one time…
released January 13, 2017
@tagesspiegel: „Fairnessabkommen im Wahlkampf zwischen Union und SPD“ (zwinker) #BND-Gesetz #BKA-Gesetz #etc #pp
@tagesspiegel: „Droht in den USA ein Krieg zwischen der Regierung und dem „tiefen Staat“?“
What Is the ‚Deep State‘—And Why Is It After Trump? Trump escalates his battle with the U.S security apparatus.
The firing of Gen. Michael Flynn has popularized the concept of the „Deep State” across the political spectrum.
Virgil: The Deep State Bumps Off General Flynn. Who’s the Next Target?
The MSM narrative is two-fold: First, the crazy kook Flynn was finally removed; second, the Trump White House is headed for a shipwreck, and Captain Trump himself can’t manage the wheel.
And yet there’s a third narrative, lurking, flitting in and out of focus.
This third narrative is the demonstrable power of the Deep State. That is, the permanent government, the people who were here in DC when Trump arrived, and who look forward to seeing him leave—as soon as possible.
Is Michael Flynn the first casualty of a “deep state” coup? It’s not unthinkable
“What’s at the core of this is an effort by some in the intelligence community to upend any positive relationship between the U.S. and Russia,” Kucinich said on the Fox Business Network. “There are people trying to separate the U.S. and Russia so this military-industrial-intel axis can cash in.”
Trump, Kucinich argued, needs to “get ahold” of his intelligence apparatus — and fast. “This isn’t a joke; this is serious. If he doesn’t get control of where the information is coming from, he’ll never know the truth. The American people will never know the truth and we could be set at war with almost any country,” he said.
Kucinich makes sense. The military industrial complex benefits from actual or potential conflict with Russia.
Donald Trump’s history making press conference transcript Part 1
By now, you’ve heard and seen pieces of the press conference, but below you can read it as it happened unedited. It’s quite an interesting read, even for those not into politics. You may even think it’s a transcript from one of the airplane political thriller pulp reads as it’s rather out there. You can jump to Part 2 here if you’ve read this one already. Trust me, both parts are worth your time.
Putin urges cooperation between Russian, U.S. intelligence agencies
The Russian and U.S. intelligence services should join efforts to fight international terrorism, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday.
„Restoration of dialogue with special services of the United States and other members from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is in the common interest,“ Putin said in an address to a meeting of senior Federal Security Service (FSB) officials.
Trump Tops Obama, Hands Over Full Torture Report To Court Previous Administration Refused To
Credit where credit is due: Trump has done more to preserve the full CIA Torture Report than Obama ever did.
Trump Justice Department delivers CIA ‘Torture Report’ to federal court
(10.2.2017) The Trump administration said on Friday it delivered to a federal court vault in Washington, D.C., a Justice Department copy of the so-called Senate Torture Report on the CIA’s secret prison network during the George W. Bush administration.
The Obama administration had balked at turning over a copy to any court.
Trump Calls Press ‘Dishonest,’ Then Utters Falsehoods of His Own
‘That circuit is in chaos and that circuit is frankly in turmoil.’
Mr. Trump said the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which upheld a temporary restraining order on his targeted travel ban, was “in chaos.”
There is no evidence of that. The decision by the Ninth Circuit’s three-judge panel in the travel ban case was unanimous.
President Donald Trump Full Press Conference – Addresses Ties to Russia, Leaks, and „Fake News“ 2/16
Livestream vor 18 Stunden
President Trump‘s most jaw-dropping lines from wild White House press conference
“The rollout was perfect.”
“We had a very smooth rollout of the travel ban.”
„We got a very bad (court) decision — that was the only thing wrong with travel ban.“
THE NINTH CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS (which ruled against ban)
“A circuit in chaos … Frankly, it’s in turmoil.”
Reaktionen auf Donald Trumps Pressekonferenz: „Nein, Sir, wir sind keine Deppen“
„Ein unglaublicher Moment in der Geschichte“, schrieb CNN nach der Pressekonferenz. „Trump schimpft und zetert auf seiner Pressekonferenz, um zu beweisen, dass er nicht schimpft und zetert“, kommentierte die „Los Angeles Times“. Trump sei zugleich wütend und heiter gewesen, hieß es in der „Washington Post“: Mit seinem unberechenbaren Auftritt habe der Präsident seinen Anhängern zeigen wollen, wer der Boss ist.
The making of the Women‘s March on Washington
The making of the Women‘s March on Washington
Go behind the scenes and see the making of the historic Women‘s March on Washington, and the organizers behind it.
Former UK PM Blair begins „mission“ to change minds on Brexit
„The people voted without knowledge of the true terms of Brexit. As these terms become clear, it is their right to change their mind,“ he will say to pro-European group Open Britain.
3. Unterstützung für Konzernabkommen CETA
Gewerkschaften, Umwelt- und Verbraucherschützer schlagen Alarm: Das hinter verschlossenen Türen ausgehandelte CETA-Abkommen mitsamt dem darin vorgesehenen Schiedsgericht für Klagen ausländischer Konzerne bedroht Arbeitsplätze, Sozial- und Umweltstandards, die kommunale Daseinsvorsorge und demokratische Entscheidungsspielräume. Die Bundesländer könnten das Abkommen im Bundesrat stoppen. Aber Schleswig-Holsteins SPD-Chef Dr. Ralf Stegner spricht sich sowohl auf dem entscheidenden SPD-Konvent in Berlin als auch im Kieler Landtag für das Abkommen aus und blockiert ein Nein im Bundesrat.
#CETA: SPD-Bosse wollen Konzernklagen durchdrücken, Schutz absenken und Demokratie schädigen. #JetztErstRecht #BundesratÜbernehmenSie
V-Mann-Affäre – Nürnberger Staatsanwaltschaft erhebt Anklage gegen sechs LKA-Beamte
Strafvereitelung bei #Bandidos? Staatsanwaltschaft #Nürnberg ermittelt gegen sech #LKA-Beamte
The Fifth Amendment Vs. Indefinite Jailing: Court Still No Closer To Deciding On Compelled Decryption
We wrote about this case last April, and it appears very little has changed over the last 10 months. Francis Rawls, a former Philadelphia policeman, is still in jail because he has refused to decrypt his computer for prosecutors. At this point, Rawls has been jailed for sixteen months on contempt of court charges.
How long will Rawls stay jailed without a criminal conviction? T
Chinese FM meets U.S. counterpart in Germany on ties, issues of mutual concern
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Friday met with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on the sidelines of the Foreign Ministers Meeting of the Group of 20 to exchange views on bilateral ties and issues of mutual concern.
Bulgaria‘s new interim government finds many irregular defense contracts
Corrupt procurement practices are rife in Bulgaria‘s public sector. Despite declared political will by different governments since the fall of communism in 1989, little has been done to sever cozy ties between business and politicians.
Bulgarien: Alles zurück auf Anfang
(27.1.2017) Wenn Bulgarien tatsächliche Fortschritte erzielt habe, könne der Überprüfungsmechanismus zum Ende seiner Amtszeit 2019 beendet werden, hat EU-Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker vor einiger Zeit geäußert. Nach den Erfahrungen der ersten zehn Jahre seines Bestehens gilt dies indes als unwahrscheinlich.
Farmakonisi: Turkish gunboat fires live ammunition shots in Greece’ waters
A gunboat of the Turkish Navy violated Greece’s territorial waters and conducted shots with live ammunition near the islet of Farmakonisi in eastern Aegean Sea. The violation occurred on Friday morning and lasted two hours.