Daily Archives: 12. Februar 2017

12.02.2017 - 23:25 [ Reuters ]

SoundCloud loses key executives amid fundraising drive

„SoundCloud remains in a position of strength and is confident in its long-term prospects as it continues to be the go to platform for the creative community,“ the spokeswoman said.

12.02.2017 - 22:27 [ GitHub ]

The Metropolitan Museum of Art Open Access

The Metropolitan Museum of Art presents over 5,000 years of art from around the world for everyone to experience and enjoy. The Museum lives in three iconic sites in New York City—The Met Fifth Avenue, The Met Breuer, and The Met Cloisters. Millions of people also take part in The Met experience online.

12.02.2017 - 22:24 [ Boing Boing ]

375,000 Images From the Met Can Now Be Used by Anyone For Free

The Met‘s collection contains over 375,000 images of art in the public domain; they‘ve made these directly searchable and browseable, there‘s a Github repo of metadata, integration with the Creative Commons search tool, and extensive collaboration with Wikimedia and GLAM Wiki.

12.02.2017 - 20:06 [ Spiegel ]

Al Jarreau ist tot

Berühmt war der Sänger mit dem breiten Lächeln auch für seine täuschend echte Imitation von Instrumenten, weshalb ihn ein Kritiker einmal als „Mann mit dem Orchester in der Kehle“ rühmte.

12.02.2017 - 18:20 [ Dayton Daily News ]

Judge rules New Miami speeders owed $3 million

“This court has already found council ordinance 1917 as adopted by the village of New Miami to be unconstitutional,” Oster wrote. “Accordingly, any collection or retention of the monies collected under the ordinance was wrongful. Based upon the aforementioned established Ohio law, this action sub justice is therefore not a civil suit for money damages; but rather, an action to correct the unjust enrichment of the village of New Miami.”

12.02.2017 - 18:05 [ Against Crony Capitalism ]

Greek teachers in epic battle to save classics (PC brigades prefer “gender studies”)

Teachers in Greece have criticised plans by the left-wing government to scrap the mandatory study of Ancient Greek tragedy in high schools and introduce instead classes on gender and sex education, saying that this could bring about the end of classical studies.

12.02.2017 - 17:46 [ Law Blog ]

Service für mitlesende Polizisten

(2.2.17) Das Verhalten der Polizeibeamten dürfte grob rechtswidrig gewesen sein. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat immerhin schon vor knapp zwei Jahren mit mehreren Beschlüssen entschieden: Wenn ein Richter mit der Sache betraut war und einen Durchsuchungsbeschluss ablehnte, ist kein Raum mehr für „Gefahr im Verzug“. Nicht mal der Staatsanwalt darf dann noch eine Durchsuchung anordnen. Polizeibeamte schon gar nicht.

12.02.2017 - 17:03 [ AllAfrica ]

Equatorial Guinea: New U.S. Secretary of State Linked to ‚Petro-Kleptocrat‘ Obiang

„I have no direct knowledge of that,“ Tillerson replied to a question from Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.). To Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), he claimed: „I‘d have to review for my memory the circumstance you‘re talking about.“ Why would Tillerson dodge questions about a nation where, just two years ago, his company pompously celebrated its 1-billion-barrel-production threshold?

12.02.2017 - 16:55 [ TeleSUR ]

Ireland Set to Recognize Palestine as a State

(9.2.2017) While Ireland’s view on the situation has been known for some time, it has been bolstered by the fact that Israel passed a law on Monday to retroactively legalize around 4,000 settler homes built on privately-owned Palestinian territory in the occupied West Bank.

12.02.2017 - 12:07 [ CNN ]

This is going to be harder than Donald Trump expected

Much of the emerging image of dysfunction has been painted by Trump‘s own staff. The calls are coming from inside the White House — and they are going to reporters, who have been flooded with accounts of a frenetic and angry president, who bounces from political frustration to personal grudge — often in his bathrobe, according to a New York Times account disputed by the White House — in the space of a few minutes.

12.02.2017 - 11:58 [ Politico ]

White House: Trump vexed by challenges, scale of government

After Trump grew infuriated by disclosures of his confrontational phone calls with foreign leaders, an investigation was launched into the source of the leaks, according to one White House aide. National Security Council staffers have been instructed to cooperate with inquiries, including requests to inspect their electronic communications, said two sources familiar with the situation.

12.02.2017 - 11:44 [ Wahlrecht.de ]

Wahl des Bundespräsidenten durch die Bundesversammlung

Der Bundespräsident wird – vom bisher zweimal aufgetretenen Fall der vorzeitigen Beendigung der Amtszeit abgesehen – alle 5 Jahre von der Bundesversammlung, also indirekt gewählt. Die ausschließlich für die Wahl des Staatsoberhaupts der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gebildete Bundesversammlung besteht aus:
– allen Mitgliedern des Deutschen Bundestages sowie
– einer grundsätzlich gleichen Zahl an Vertretern der Bundesländer, die von den Landtagen gewählt werden.

Zur Zeit hat der 18. Deutsche Bundestag 630 Mitglieder, so dass die am 12. Februar 2017 zusammentretende 16. Bundesversammlung aus maximal 1.260 Mitgliedern bestehen wird (siehe auch Details zur Zusammensetzung nach Fraktionen und Ländern).

12.02.2017 - 11:40 [ RT ]

Lawrow: Kurdenfrage ist „Schlüsselfaktor“ um Syrien-Konflikt zu lösen

(12.2.2017) Lawrow bestätigte zudem, dass Damaskus Gespräche mit den Volksverteidigungseinheiten (YPG) aufgenommen hat. Die YPG ist die bewaffnete Miliz der syrischen Kurden.

„Wir glauben, dass solch ein inner-syrischen Dialog nützlich ist“, sagte Lawrow. Er glaube, es bestehe zwischen der syrischen Regierung und den Kurden „erhebliches Potential, um zu Einigungen zu kommen.“

Beide Seiten hätten viele gemeinsame Interessen ausgearbeitet. Die Verhandlungen verlaufen dem russischen Außenminister zufolge positiv.

12.02.2017 - 11:26 [ 451 Grad / Youtube ]

451° – [20] Think Tanks – Wie Denkfabriken die Agenda bestimmen / America first Russia second?

Ihr habt gefragt – wir haben´s gemacht: In unserer neuen Reihe stellen wir euch künftig verschiedene Think Tanks vor – im Deutschen auch Denkfabriken genannt. Das klingt ziemlich produktiv. Doch was macht eine solche Denkfabrik eigentlich? Mit wem ist sie vernetzt und wer bezahlt die zahlreichen Projekte und Studien? Zum Start unserer neuen Serie beschäftigen wir uns mit der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politk e.V. und dem Council on Foreign Relations.

12.02.2017 - 11:23 [ Newsx.com ]

Pakistan boycotts UN meet as US delays visa to deputy chairman

Pakistan Senate Chairman Raza Rabbani announced a boycott of the UN-sponsored International Parliamentary Union (IPU) being held in New York next week, after the US failed to issue a visa to his deputy, who was to represent Pakistan at the forum, media reported on Sunday.

12.02.2017 - 11:23 [ Hindustan Times ]

US refuses visa to Pakistan senate’s deputy chairman

The United States has refused a visa to Pakistan senate deputy chairman Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, who was to travel to New York to represent the country at the UN-sponsored International Parliamentary Union (IPU) being held there next week.

12.02.2017 - 11:13 [ Techdirt ]

UK Police Spy On Journalists At Small Town Paper, Gather One Million Minutes Worth Of Call Data

The UK‘s top spy agencies have been known to place journalists under surveillance. Leaked Snowden documents showed GCHQ collected emails from news organizations such as the New York Times, BBC, and Washington Post. More accusations of spying were raised by UK journalists, detailing what appeared to be a clear abuse of the country‘s anti-terror laws — laws particularly prone to exploitation thanks to generous loopholes and a minimum of oversight.

12.02.2017 - 02:00 [ White Wolf Pack ]

Native Americans Shut Down Wells Fargo in Downtown Denver

When Wells Fargo employees and security guards saw more than one hundred indigenous activists and allies marching down Broadway from the State Capitol to Wells Fargo’s corporate office at Broadway and 17th Avenue, they tried to seal off the building.

12.02.2017 - 01:32 [ NPR ]

National Panel Advises Judges On People Who Can‘t Pay Court Fees

Now the nation‘s top state judges have taken a big step to end the practice of sending impoverished people to debtors‘ prisons. The National Task Force on Fines, Fees and Bail Practices on Friday issued a „bench card“ — a clear set of instructions — to be used by state judges across the country.

12.02.2017 - 01:14 [ Peoples World ]

Bangladesh: Dozens of workers imprisoned for striking

Trade union offices in Ashulia, the garment-producing hub of the capital Dhaka, have been invaded, vandalized and forcibly shut down, with membership documents burned and furniture removed. More than 1,600 workers have been fired and police have filed cases against 600 workers and trade union leaders.