Daily Archives: 21. Januar 2017

21.01.2017 - 20:13 [ Yahoo ]

Madonna at Women’s March: ‘I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House’

“Let’s march together through this darkness and with each step know that we are not afraid, that we are not alone, that we will not back down, that there is power in our unity and that no opposing force stands a chance in the face of true solidarity. And to our detractors that insist that this march will never add up to anything, f*** you. F*** you.“

21.01.2017 - 19:58 [ Independent ]

Donald Trump expected to thank CIA after weeks of Russia allegations

In his first full day in office, Donald Trump is expected to meet with and thank officials at CIA headquarters in Virginia on Saturday morning.

The meeting follows the intelligence community‘s findings that the Russian government interfered with the presidential election with the aim of helping Mr Trump win the presidency. Russian officials have denied such allegations.

21.01.2017 - 19:26 [ Gegenmeinung ]


Die Köpfe der Nordamerikaner bekommen ihren politischen „Durchblick“ über eine gleichgeschaltete Konzernpresse vermittelt, so wie die Deutschen auch und werden somit immer unfähiger eigene Ideen und Gedanken zu entwickeln. So wird man zur leichten Beute für Dummschwätzer wie Trump, der glaubt, sich seinen wirtschaftlichen Erfolg allein mit seinen Geistesblitzen „erarbeitet“ zu haben.

21.01.2017 - 19:16 [ RT ]

Eliten auf dem Glatteis der Hassreden-Bekämpfung – Sprache war stets ihre schärfste Waffe

Der Preis der Harmonie liegt auf der Hand: Man muss und darf die Sprache der Eliten, die ihren Ausdruck in den Medien findet, nicht anzweifeln. Dass das bisweilen, zumindest in den letzten Jahrzehnten, gut funktioniert hat, ist zu großen Teilen der Lernfähigkeit und Ausstattung der Werkstätten der Macht zu verdanken. Diese stellten in Form der zahlreichen Thinktanks und Forschungseinrichtungen den Medien ausreichend linguistisches Rüstzeug zur Verfügung. Dazu kam noch die entsprechende verwaltungstechnische Regulierung in Form des zuverlässigen Besetzens von Schlüsselpositionen.

21.01.2017 - 19:13 [ CNN ]

Imam delivers message to Trump at inaugural service

The first verse he read was from Surah Al-Hujarat, in which God says:
„O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you.“
The second verse he read was from Surah Ar-Rum:
„And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Indeed in that are signs for those who have knowledge.“

21.01.2017 - 19:06 [ Washington Post ]

New Defense Secretary James Mattis arrives at the Pentagon, gets to work

Mattis, wearing a dark suit and overcoat, was greeted Gen. Joseph F. Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as they shared a handshake and laugh. The two men have known each other for years, serving together as senior Marine Corps officers before Mattis retired as the four-star chief of U.S. Central Command in 2013.

21.01.2017 - 19:05 [ New York Times ]

Jared Kushner, Trump’s Son-in-Law, Is Cleared to Serve as Adviser

In a 14-page opinion issued by the department’s Office of Legal Counsel, government lawyers said that the president’s special hiring authority exempted White House positions from federal laws barring the president from appointing relatives to lead a federal agency. The White House, the department said, is not technically an “executive agency.”

21.01.2017 - 18:34 [ Magazin ]

Die rechte Linke

(17.Dezember) Die traditionelle Linke kämpfte für Wohlstand und Würde der untersten Einkommenskategorien. Ihre Botschaft war: Ihr seid ganz unten, weil ihr ausgebeutet werdet. Die neo-liberale Linke hingegen sagt: Ihr seid ganz unten, weil ihr hoffnungslose Fälle seid. Ist es verwunderlich, dass derjenige Teil der Bevölkerung, der seine «Chance» nicht ergreifen kann, in den Fängen eines Demagogen endet, der «Greatness» ohne Vorbedingungen verspricht? Der Klassenkampf gab den Unterschichten Stolz und Standesbewusstsein. Der Neoliberalismus macht sie zu Losern.

21.01.2017 - 17:28 [ Space ]

12 Years Later, Scientists Remember Epic Landing on Saturn Moon Titan

At the time, little was known about the 3,200-mile-wide (5,150 kilometers) Titan; dense atmospheric haze kept the moon‘s surface features shrouded in mystery. To an extent, the Cassini mothership has been able to use radar to peer through the haze from orbit, but Huygens‘ up-close photographic views were a revelation, mission scientists said.

21.01.2017 - 17:24 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Copyright Week

The public domain is our cultural commons and a crucial resource for innovation and access to knowledge. Copyright policy should strive to promote, and not diminish, a robust, accessible public domain.

21.01.2017 - 15:10 [ Radio Utopie ]

Nicht verhandelbare Forderungen an eine neue linke Partei

Angesichts des laufenden Zusammenbruchs der seit Jahrzehnten festgetackerten Schönen Neuen Weltparteiordnung, auch in der Republik, ist nun anzunehmen, dass demnächst Platz gemacht wird für eine tatsächlich neue Partei im linken Spektrum, die es in den Bundestag oder Länderparlamente schaffen könnte – der ersten seit 37 Jahren.

Die nicht verhandelbaren Forderungen an diese neue, republikanische und demokratische Partei im linken Spektrum lauten wie folgt:

21.01.2017 - 11:15 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

„Cyber-Sicherheitsstrategie“: Neue Entschlüsselungsbehörde ZITiS gestartet

ZITiS ist die Abkürzung für Zentrale Stelle für Informationstechnik im Sicherheitsbereich und im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums des Innern angesiedelt. Sie gehört zur „Cyber-Sicherheitsstrategie“, die von den Parteien der Regierungskoalition ins Leben gerufen wurde. Der IT-Sicherheit arbeiten die Ziele der Behörde aber zuwider: ZITiS wird eine Art staatliche Entschlüsselungsstelle zur „Cyberaufklärung“, um die bereits bestehenden gesetzlichen Befugnisse technisch besser nutzen zu können. Dazu sollen die neuen Mitarbeiter forschen und entwickeln, Hintertüren finden und die Umgehung von Verschlüsselungsmethoden auch praktisch umsetzen.

Begründet wird die Einrichtung der Stelle mit immer mehr „Terroristen und anderen Straftätern“, die „Verschlüsselungstechnologien“ für kriminelle Zwecke einsetzen. Im „Kampf gegen Terrorismus, Cybercrime und Cyberspionage“ soll ZITiS daher Hilfe leisten

21.01.2017 - 11:13 [ Politico ]

Europe’s counterterrorism is ‘Orwellian,’ says Amnesty

The measures include the expansion of surveillance laws in Belgium, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and elsewhere in Europe that allow for wiretapping and other surveillance activities — often without judicial warrants.

“Taken alone these individual counterterrorism measures are worrying enough, but when seen together, a disturbing picture emerges in which unchecked powers are trampling freedoms that have long been taken for granted,” John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International’s Director for Europe, said in a statement.

21.01.2017 - 10:56 [ Sputnik.de ]

Petry, Le Pen und Wilders bei Konferenz in Koblenz

In Koblenz versammeln sich am Samstag Spitzenpolitiker der Fraktion „Europa der Nationen und der Freiheit“ im Europäischen Parlament. Frauke Petry, Bundessprecherin der AfD, wird die Positionen ihrer Partei präsentieren. Gastgeber der Veranstaltung ist AfD-Europa-Abgeordneter Marcus Pretzell.

21.01.2017 - 10:44 [ Zeit.de ]

Der Davos-Mann ist in der Krise

Ein technischer Fehler führt dazu, dass der Scheinwerfer hinter dem Rednerpult ausgerechnet dann ausfällt, als Biden über die Errungenschaften der liberalen Demokratie spricht: „USA, Nato, die Länder Europas, wir sitzen alle im gleichen Boot. Als älteste Demokratien dieser Welt haben wir die Verantwortung, die Probleme zurückzudrängen, die vor uns liegen.“

21.01.2017 - 10:42 [ Techdirt ]

What the Five Year Anniversary of the SOPA/PIPA Blackout Can Teach Congress About Tech

Five years ago this week, Americans opened their internet browsers and saw darkness.

Google, Wikipedia, Reddit, the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) and other major websites had banded together and gone dark to make a then-obscure piece of legislation infamous. Wikipedia shut down completely for 24 hours and a black band masked the Google logo.

These internet giants and other online sites joined millions of Americans in protesting the 2012 Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) legislation in a historic grassroots movement.

21.01.2017 - 10:30 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Trump’s Chief of Staff Priebus: We will go out there and help Greece

This has been announced by the White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus during an event organized by the Greek Orthodox church and diaspora Greeks in Washington to honor the new Chief of Staff who has Greek roots.

Taking into consideration that the Trump administration would need two to three or more years to Make America Great again, it will indeed take quite sometime until it will set sail to help Greece.

21.01.2017 - 10:28 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Dark “EU sources” keep up the good old Dirty Games blackmailing Greece with the IMF

We’ve heard “the anonymous EU source” one million times since 2010 when the first bailout was signed to save the debt-ridden country. Or was it two millions?

The International Monetary Fund still remains reluctant over its participation in the current and future program. Germany and Wolfgang Schaeuble threaten “No IMF, No Money”. Some ol’ chaps in Brussels spin the wheel.

21.01.2017 - 05:12 [ Feynsinn ]

Zwei Karrieren

(18.Januar) Gute Tradition
Die KPD wurde 1956 verboten. Heute erfahren wir, dass ein Parteienverbot gar nicht ausgesprochen werden muss, wenn sie ‚nur‘ verfassungsfeindlich ist. Sie müsste auch konkret den Bestand der Republik bedrohen. Man kann dies nicht einfach rückwirkend anwenden, aber es passt schon in den Fokus dieses Staates und sein Narrativ, dass Kommunisten und solche, die vom roten Virus irgendwie befallen worden sind, grundsätzlich eine Gefahr darstellen. Ganz anders verhält es sich mit den Nazis. Die haben diese Republik nicht nur gebaut, sie sind auch das Maximum an Sicherheit gegen das Feindbild Kommunismus. Dieser Staat hat sich politisch nämlich nie gegen Diktaturen gestellt. Er ist nicht antidiktatorisch, sondern antikommunistisch.

21.01.2017 - 05:03 [ Los Angeles Times ]

L.A. council members call for closer look at LAPD‘s often-criticized disciplinary system

If approved by the council, Wesson’s motion would also direct city agencies to explore how to expand the pool of civilians hired to weigh discipline cases and ways to increase transparency surrounding the proceedings, which are kept secret under state law.
Vanessa Rodriguez, a spokeswoman for Wesson, said he introduced the new motion to ensure that the proposal already on the table — which could give civilians a greater role in disciplining officers — “wasn’t done in a vacuum.”

21.01.2017 - 04:53 [ Channel NewsAsia ]

Le Pen headlines ‚European counter-summit‘ in Germany

Billed as a „counter-summit“, organisers said the parties would use the event in the historic Rhine river city of Koblenz to set out their joint „vision for a Europe of freedom“.
National Front (FN) leader Le Pen will share the stage with Frauke Petry of the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD), Geert Wilders of the Dutch anti-Islam Freedom Party and Matteo Salvini of Italy‘s anti-EU Northern League.
„The aim is to outline the Europe of tomorrow,“ said Le Pen, who is tipped to make it into the second round of France‘s presidential election in May.

21.01.2017 - 04:41 [ Monster ]

What it‘s really like to be an Uber or Lyft driver

“Both Uber and Lyft will terminate your account if you get a black spot on your driving record,” says Alex Guirguis, a former Lyft driver and founder of Off the Record, a Seattle-based company that helps rideshare drivers keep violations off their records. “A speeding ticket, even an HOV violation [high-occupancy vehicle] could get you suspended. This is true even if it happens when you‘re not driving a customer—i.e. on your own time.”

21.01.2017 - 04:23 [ Indian Express ]

Jallikattu protest: Marina teems with protesters, stir peaks

Pro Jallikattu protests at Marina beach, the epicenter of the state-wide stir, reached its peak on the fourth day on Friday, with nearly over a lakh people from all walks of life assembling there, demanding lifting of the ban on the bull taming sport. The entire area in and around Marina, including arterial Kamarajar Salai, was abuzz with hordes of men, women and children shouting slogans and taking out rallies seeking the nod for Jallikattu.

21.01.2017 - 04:11 [ BBC ]

Larsen ice crack continues to open up

The rift in the Larsen C Ice Shelf has grown a further 10km since 1 January.
If the fissure propagates just 20km more, it will free a tabular berg one-quarter the size of Wales.(…)
In recent decades, a dozen major ice shelves have disintegrated, significantly retreated or lost substantial volume – including Prince Gustav Channel, Larsen Inlet, Larsen A, Larsen B, Wordie, Muller, Jones Channel, and Wilkins.

21.01.2017 - 03:02 [ Space ]

Ten Atomic Clocks Have Failed on Europe‘s Galileo Navigation Satellites

Galileo‘s rash of atomic clock failures have involved both types of clocks aboard the 18 Galileo satellites launched to date. Three of the clocks that failed were rubidium atomic frequency clocks and seven were newer, more-precise passive hydrogen maser clocks, one of which has since restarted. Swiss firm Spectratime produces both clocks, but the company declined to comment.

21.01.2017 - 02:56 [ Truthout ]

The End of a People: Amazon Dam Destroys Sacred Munduruku „Heaven“

he Indians are outraged by the lack of respect with which they are being treated. A statement issued jointly by the Munduruku, Kayabi and Apiaká in 2011, and quoted in the book-length report, Ocekadi, asks: „What would the white man say if we built our villages on the top of his buildings, his holy places and his cemeteries?“ It is, the Munduruku say, the equivalent of razing St. Peters in Rome to construct a nuclear power plant, or digging up your grandmother‘s grave to build a parking lot.

21.01.2017 - 02:46 [ Truthout ]

Trump Is In; Now Where Does Standing Rock Stand?

For updates and to find out more ways to support the Standing Rock struggle, visit Indigenous Rising, Oceti Sakowin Camp, Sacred Stone Camp, Water Protector Legal Collective, Sacred Stone Legal Defense Fund, and International Indigenous Youth Council, Sioux Tribe.

21.01.2017 - 02:07 [ Sputnik ]

US Senate Confirms James Mattis as Secretary of Defense

The Pentagon has a new leader as the GOP-led Senate voted 98-1 has confirmed James N. Mattis as the next Secretary of Defense. New York Democratic Senator Kirtsen Gillibrand was the lone vote against Mattis, and Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions didn‘t vote.