Daily Archives: 11. Januar 2017

11.01.2017 - 23:12 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Deutsch statt Französisch

Eine Debatte über die Aufwertung des Luxemburgischen (Lëtzebuergesch) und eine damit verbundene Abwertung des Französischen im offiziellen Sprachgebrauch begleitet den heutigen Besuch von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel in Luxemburg. Eine aktuelle Petition fordert, das Luxemburgische zur Ersten Amtssprache zu erheben. Kommt es dazu, dann müssten unter anderem die Gesetze des Landes vollständig aus dem Französischen ins Deutsche übersetzt werden; die Abkehr von Frankreich und die Hinwendung zu Deutschland würden ein weiteres Stück voranschreiten.

11.01.2017 - 21:17 [ ABC News / Youtube ]

Trump Full Press Conference as President-Elect (HD) | ABC News

Donald Trump held his first press conference as President-Elect from New York. President-elect Donald Trump announced that he will hand „complete and total control“ of his vast business empire to his sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump and to Alan Weisselberg, a longtime Trump business executive, through a financial trust.

11.01.2017 - 21:11 [ Chicago Tribune ]

Trump concedes for first time Russia likely responsible for hacking the DNC: ‚As far as hacking, I think it was Russia‘

After weeks of scoffing at reports that Russians had interfered in the election, he conceded publicly for the first time that Russia was likely responsible for the hacking of the Democratic National Committee. „As far as hacking, I think it was Russia,“ he said and quickly added that the United States is hacked by other countries as well, including China.

11.01.2017 - 17:09 [ Pacific Standard Mag ]

A War, a Boy on a Beach, and the Psychology of Humanitarian Crises

„We’re not equipped to deal with disasters on the scale of the Syrian war.“
To track how that played out before and after Kurdi’s death, Slovic and his team first turned to Google Trends, basically a database of keywords Google users searched for. As you’d expect, searches for “Syria,” “refugees,” and “Aylan” peaked in early September. Before that, there were no searches for “Aylan,” and search intensities for “Syria” and “refugees” had hovered around one-tenth their September peak.
But by the end of September, searches for “Syria” and “refugees” had fallen substantially, and there were hardly any searches for “Aylan” at all, Slovic and his colleagues note.

11.01.2017 - 17:02 [ counterpunch ]

Obama’s Racial Counter-Revolution and the Disappointment of Ta-Nahesi Coates

“ ‘I’m so numb,’ said John Toney, 45, who had written in Mr. Sanders. He said no president in his lifetime had done anything to improve the lives of black people, including Mr. Obama, whom he voted for twice. ‘It’s like I should have known this would happen. We’re worse off than before.’”

11.01.2017 - 16:50 [ statewatch.org ]

Global Report – January 2017: Boundaries of Law

Experts surveyed in the 2014 Web Index1 concluded that 84% of the 86 countries covered lacked even moderately effective oversight and accountability mechanisms to protect Internet users from indiscriminate surveillance. A finding as worrying as this needs to be tested, so we carried out a deeper comparative analysis of a smaller sample of countries: Kenya, DR Congo, South Africa, Colombia, Germany, Myanmar, India, Pakistan, France, Turkey, Egypt, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

11.01.2017 - 16:43 [ Prensa Latina ]

FARC-EP Thanks French Support for Peace Pact Execution

Through his Twitter account, the head of the guerrilla group, in the phase of demobilization, set his position on the announced visit of President François Hollande, to one of the transitory zones for the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces People‘s Army (FARC-EP).
Hollande will arrive in Bogota on January 22 and the next day will meet his Colombian counterpart, Juan Manuel Santos, in the House of Nariño and the 24 will travel to the municipality of Buenos Aires, where he will be able to cross a zone of transition.

11.01.2017 - 16:37 [ russland.news ]

Obamas Rache

Die Eliten Amerikas und der EU fürchten offenbar den Einfluss- und Machtverlust. In der Tat wächst der Unmut über die Herrschenden in den westlichen Gesellschaften. Scheinbar existiert im Westen auch eine Furcht vor einem „alternativen“ Europa-Wertemodell Russlands, das für Euroskeptiker plötzlich attraktiv werden könnte. Dazu gesellt sich die Angst der Baltischen Staaten vor einem russischen „hybriden Krieg“. Obamas letzte außenpolitische Handlung: US-Kampfpanzer und Geschütze über Bremerhaven, Deutschland, Polen ins Baltikum schicken.

11.01.2017 - 16:32 [ Consortiumnews ]

How Obama Spread the Mideast Fires

But Obama has expanded the chaos outward from Bush’s legacy wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, now including Libya, Syria and Yemen with ripple effects from the refugee flows extending into Turkey and even into Europe. Terrorism is exploding, entire nations have been reduced to war zones, while religious sectarianism is raging out of control.

11.01.2017 - 16:25 [ Post ]

After 30 years of arguing, last oil & gas leases in Montana canceled

The BLM notified J.G. Kluthe Trust of Nebraska and W.A. Moncrief Jr. of Texas of the cancellations of the final two leases in the area.
The lease cancellations occur after thirty years of administrative, legal and legislative actions and reflect the historical and cultural significance of the area to the Blackfeet Tribe and concerns regarding leasing issuance.

11.01.2017 - 16:18 [ neues deutschland ]

Wohnungslosenhilfe: 2016 mindestens 17 Obdachlose getötet

Allein 2016 habe es mindestens 17 Todesfälle durch Gewalt gegen wohnungslose Menschen gegeben, erklärte der bundesweite Dachverband der Wohnungslosenhilfe am Mittwoch in Berlin. In acht Fällen seien die Täter selbst nicht wohnungslos gewesen. Dazu kamen im vergangenen Jahr mindestens 128 Fälle von Körperverletzungen, Vergewaltigungen, Raubüberfällen und bewaffneten Drohungen gegen Obdachlose. Hier waren in 76 Fällen die Täter selbst Wohnungslose.

11.01.2017 - 15:50 [ IBTimes ]

4Chan pranksters: We trolled the CIA by making up Trump golden shower story

The claims were audacious – and it should be stressed – without evidence.
Yet almost as soon as Buzzfeed‘s report was published a series of posts to Twitter and Reddit also emerged, saying the document was the work of 4Chan.

11.01.2017 - 13:58 [ Quantara ]

Vom Sog des Krieges

Dabei denkt man ja, man würde irgendwelchen Schutz genießen als Journalist, aber die Bedingungen aus den 1970er und 1980er Jahren sind für meine Generation endgültig vorbei. Wir sind nicht mehr nur Beobachter, wir sind auch Angriffsziel. Heute kauft sich kein Journalist mehr eine weiße, schusssichere Weste. Wer das macht ist lebensmüde und wird leicht zum Ziel für Scharfschützen und Entführungen.

11.01.2017 - 13:50 [ Premium Times ng ]

Olamide’s “The Glory” Album Makes Billboard Album World Chart

Prolific Nigerian rapper and YBNL boss, Olamide, has earned himself a spot on the renowned Billboard charts.
His sixth studio album “The Glory” which was warmly received by music lovers around the world especially in Nigeria, hit an impressive position on the Billboard world album chart.

11.01.2017 - 13:37 [ Metal Trenches ]

Both Weightless and Heavy

Moonbearer by The Drowned God
The Pitch: Lansdale, Pennsylvania‘s purveyers of post-hardcore The Drowned God return with one hell of a debut full length album.

11.01.2017 - 13:34 [ Channel NewsAsia ]

India‘s top court throws out case alleging Modi took cash payments

A panel of judges found that there was too little evidence to go on, deflating Rahul Gandhi‘s warnings late last year that he would cause an „earthquake“ by unveiling proof that Modi was corrupt.(…)
Citing written records, the plaintiff alleged that an individual called „Gujarat CM“ had received cash payments from companies totalling at least 400 million rupees (US$5.9 million) in late 2013 and early 2014.
Modi was the chief minister of India‘s western state of Gujarat at the time and went on to win election by a landslide in May 2014.

11.01.2017 - 11:43 [ Radio Utopie ]

Es sind natürlich die U.S.-Geheimdienste, die Trump erpressen (wollen)

Der schon zu Beginn der Amtszeit von Barack Obama zum „lebenden, atmenden Organismus“, „jeder Kontrolle entwachsenen“ Apparat der „Nationale Sicherheit AG“ (Washington Post, 2010) versucht die Kontrolle über sein Weißes Haus zu behalten. Die Apparatschiks wenden dazu ein erstaunlich plumpen Trick an, der eigentlich jedem und jeder sofort auffallen müsste: sie lassen an die Presse durchsickern, es gäbe belastendes, kompromittierendes Material gegen den neuen U.S.-Präsidenten, Donald Trump – was aber nicht sie hätten, sondern „die Russen“.

11.01.2017 - 11:41 [ Spiegel.de ]

Angebliche Bespitzelung: US-Geheimdienste sollen Trump vor Russland-Erpressung gewarnt haben

CNN meldete es zuerst, gefolgt von der „New York Times“, der „Washington Post“, dem „Wall Street Journal“ und anderen: Barack Obamas designierter Nachfolger Donald Trump sei von den US-Geheimdiensten gewarnt worden, dass Russland allem Anschein nach „kompromittierendes Material“ über ihn besitze, um ihn „zu erpressen“.

11.01.2017 - 08:03 [ LA Times ]

The Hollywood Foreign Press stands behind Meryl Streep

„Dear Meryl, Congratulations once again on being the Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s Cecil B. DeMille Award recipient. We stand proudly behind our choice, and we applaud your 40 years of captivating work. You’re a class act, in and out of character.

As an organization of journalists, the HFPA stands by your defense of free expression and we reject any calls for censorship.

We thank you for your unwavering support for the arts.“

11.01.2017 - 08:02 [ RT ]

Vorwürfe gegen Russland: US-Geheimdienste hacken gesunden Menschenverstand

„Es wäre unverantwortlich, die Anschuldigen zu belegen“, behaupten die US-Geheimdienste in Bezug auf die anhaltende Farce zu angeblichen russischen Hacks auf die US-Präsidentschaftswahlen.

Es ist zudem nicht das erste Mal, dass US-Geheimdienste schwerwiegende Anschuldigungen aussprechen ohne diese zu belegen. Im Vorfeld des Irakkrieges agierten die USA nach ähnlichem Muster.

11.01.2017 - 01:32 [ Peter Dale Scott / WhoWhatWhy ]

Deep History and the Global Drug Connection, Part 5: CIA In Latin America

It is worth contemplating for a moment the legacy of CIA-supported drug proxies in just two areas — the Golden Triangle and the Golden Crescent. In 2003, according to the United Nations, these two areas accounted for 91 percent of the area devoted to illicit opium production and 95 percent of the estimated product in metric tons. [Add in Colombia and Mexico, two other countries where the CIA has worked with drug traffickers, and the four areas accounted for 96.6 percent of the growing area and 97.8 percent of the estimated product.