Von Studien wissen wir, dass Videoüberwachung keine abschreckende Wirkung hat. Unbestritten ist dies auch die herrschende Meinung der Fachwissenschaft. Es ist eine Mär konservativer Politik, dass Videoüberwachung oder härtere Strafen abschrecken und Täter davon abhalten würden, Straftaten zu begehen. Mit dieser Argumentation müsste man davon ausgehen, dass die finale Strafe, die Todesstrafe, dazu führt, dass keine Tötungsdelikte mehr begangen werden. Das Beispiel USA lehrt uns etwas anderes.
Warum also schreien konservative Politiker reflexhaft nach mehr Überwachung und Repression? Weil sie genau das wollen!
09.01.2017 - 19:56 [ Joachim Fahrun, Chefreporter der Berliner Morgenpost / Twitter ]
(6.1.2016) So findet sich in dem Bündel von Präventions- und Sicherheitsmaßnahmen etwa der Vorschlag, Videoüberwachung künftig auch „anlassbezogen und temporär sowie an ausgewählten kriminalitätsbelasteten Orten“ einzusetzen. Bislang hatte sich die neue Koalition trotz großen öffentlichen Drucks immer noch geschlossen gegen mehr Videoüberwachung positioniert.
One of these movements is in the middle of a Texas desert, led by the Two Rivers tribe, who — just like protesters at Standing Rock — have set up a camp in resistance against the Trans-Pecos pipeline, a 148-mile project that would transport fracked natural gas from Texas‘ Big Bend region to Mexico. The corporation behind the project is the same one leading DAPL: Energy Transfer Partners.
According to Kaepernick’s website, 50 percent of the funds will pay the salaries of the doctors and nurses, while the rest is split between building materials for the camp’s mobile medical clinic, medical supplies and liability insurance.
Argentiniens Justizminister Germán Garavano hat eine geplante Verschärfung des Jugendstrafrechts bestätigt. Einer der Hauptpunkte dabei ist die Herabsetzung der Strafmündigkeit von 16 auf 14 Jahre.
Furthermore, it was decided that a meeting on the financing of the property issue will take place this afternoon at the level of experts with representatives of the IMF and the World Bank who are in Geneva.
Zuvor wurde bekannt, dass das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV) im vergangenen Jahr einen Cyberangriff auf Computer der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) entdeckt hatte. Nach Angaben der „FAZ“ sieht die Behörde nun Indizien für eine Attacke aus Russland. Zugleich beschuldigt die scheidende Administration in Washington den Kreml, die Hackerangriffe auf die Server der Demokratischen Partei orchestriert zu haben.
Der Presserat, das freiwillige Selbstkontrollorgan der deutschen Presse, verkauft eine grundgesetzlich verankerte freiheitliche Selbstverwaltung für ein Linsengericht. Wie will er garantieren, dass der Staat nicht im Rahmen der Ausweisangelegenheit nunmehr Einblick in die Belange der Mitglieder bekommt, die beruflichen Schutz suchen, ja sogar im ungünstigen Fall über den Entzug des Ausweises mitentscheidet? Die Medienverbände bringen sich damit in eine unnötige und fatale Unterwerfungsposition.
Aktuell: „Wir machen jetzt Xing platt“. Begründung: Roland Tichy arbeitet bei Xing News.
Und wie sich rausstellt: arbeitete, denn nach Morddrohungen hat er seinen Mitherausgeber-Posten niedergelegt.
Ihr widert mich so dermaßen an, das glaubt ihr gar nicht. Ich kann mich nicht mit einem Mob gemein machen, der Morddrohungen und Existenzvernichtung für ein Mittel des politischen Diskurses hält.
Students at one of Europe’s top universities are calling for philosophers such as Plato, Descartes, Immanuel Kant and Bertrand Russell (pictured) to be dropped from the curriculum because they are white.
According to a recent report in The Forward and on Channel 10 news, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are considering joining a Chabad synagogue when they move from New York to Washington D.C. Their newly purchased $5.5 million home in the Kalorama neighborhood is said to be less than a 10-minute walk from the local Chabad congregation, known as TheSHUL. Rabbi Levi Shemtov, who founded the synagogue and serves as its spiritual leader, would not confirm or deny the reports.
Pakistan on Monday successfully test-fired its first Submarine-Launched Cruise Missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead up to 450km from an undisclosed location in the Indian Ocean, giving the country a „credible“ second-strike capability, the military said.
The missile, Babur-3, was fired from an underwater, mobile platform and hit its target with precise accuracy, the Inter Services Public Relations, the media wing of the Pakistani military said in a statement.
The theory that the Armon Hanatziv terrorist, Fadi al-Qanbar, was more influenced by ISIS than by Palestinian organizations is strengthened by the fact that, according to his family, Qanbar had never been arrested, never belonged to any organization and was not politically active. His neighbors also claimed that he wasn’t particularly religious, but the beard in photos of him seem to indicate that he‘d become more involved with Islam.
„Dieser Auftritt hat seine Haken in mein Herz geschlagen. Nicht, weil er gut war – daran war nichts Gutes. Aber er war effektiv und hat seinen Zweck erfüllt: Er brachte das gewünschte Publikum zum Lachen (…). Es war jener Moment, als die Person, die darum bittet, das am meisten respektierte Amt in unserem Land bekleiden zu dürfen, einen behinderten Journalisten nachgeäfft hat. Jemanden, dem diese Person überlegen war: an Privilegien, an Macht und an Möglichkeiten, sich zu wehren. Es hat mein Herz gebrochen, als ich das sah, weil es nicht in einem Film war – es passierte im wahren Leben.“
Veröffentlicht hat das Video der Youtube-Kanal „AiirSource Military“, auf dem regelmäßig Videos von Veranstaltungen und Missionen der US-Army veröffentlicht werden.
The DNC has decided to create a new “War Room” whose purpose is to dig up and publicize horrible things about Donald Trump. Not a bad idea, but the only problem is that they are packing this War Room with former Clinton campaign staffers and their goal is actually to research the DNC hack that they believe cost Hillary the election. More corporate Democrats, less honesty – that’s what the DNC has to offer these days. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this
Der US-Geheimdienstbericht zu angeblichen russischen Cyberangriffen ähnelt eher einer Pressemitteilung, sagte WikiLeaks-Gründer Julian Assange am Montag während einer Pressekonferenz.
Die Pressekonferenz wird live im offiziellen Twitter-Profil der Enthüllungsplattform gesendet.
The angry response comes after Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwan’s president, met with senator Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas, as she transited in the US on a trip to Central America on Sunday.
M5S members backed founder Beppe Grillo‘s call to join up with the liberal bloc ALDE. That could make ALDE the parliament‘s third-biggest group.(…)
ALDE and M5S have issued a joint manifesto for EU reform. UKIP‘s Nigel Farage criticised the M5S move.
“The people of Palestine continue to suffer in their rightful quest for self-determination … We reiterate that we firmly discourage travel to Israel for causes not related to fostering peace in the region,” Zuma was quoted by the Africa News website as having said in a speech heard by thousands of party supporters.
Pakistan‘s recently retired army chief Raheel Sharif has been appointed to lead a new Saudi-military alliance to fight terrorism, the Pakistani media have reported.
“It is impossible to fully measure the impact the failure of the press has had on society. How many thousands, or perhaps millions, of lives would have been saved if the press had done its job instead of ignoring or covering up the problems.”
Widodo’s intervention highlights alarm about General Gatot Nurmantyo, who promotes the notion that Indonesia is besieged by “proxy wars”, in which foreign states seek to undermine the nation by manipulating non-state actors.
People demonstrate against the returning of terrorists in Tunis, capital of Tunisia, Jan. 8, 2017. Tunisian Interior Minister Hedi Majdoub said on January 3 that 800 terrorists including 30 women have returned to the country from the conflict zones, from 2012 to 2016.
Just two days after announcing that US Marines are being sent back into Afghanistan’s Helmand Province to try to slow the losses the Afghan military is suffering at the hands of the Taliban there, NATO has now also announced that ground troops, led by Italian forces, will be heading into the Farah Province to try to shore up defenses there as well.
09.01.2017 - 10:20 [ Yjc.ir - Young Journalists Club ]
Meanwhile, the Mekameleen satellite TV, which is said to be affiliated to Egypt’s outlawed Muslim Brotherhood movement, said a number of security forces have been taken hostage by the assailants.(…)
Velayat Sinai terrorists have claimed responsibility for most of the assaults, mainly targeting the army and police. In November 2014, the group pledged allegiance to Daesh, which is mainly operating in Iraq and Syria.
Industrial action which will affect around five million people began at 6pm on Sunday as Transport for London staff staged a 24-hour London Underground strike, while Southern Rail services are expected to be severely disrupted until Friday as a result of three separate days of industrial action.
All 11 lines were affected in the action, which began on Sunday evening, with four completely closed and many others running a severely reduced service limited to the suburbs.
In a message on Twitter, Mayor Sadiq Khan said the strike was „totally unnecessary“ and was „causing misery to millions of Londoners“. He urged both sides to resume negotiations.
Industrial consumers in Nairobi and the neighbouring town of Thika, both affected by the outage, generate 60 percent of Kenya Power‘s revenues.
Many firms in Kenya run stand-by generators to address frequent power interruptions, adding to their costs. Businesses say unreliable power supplies are a major obstacle to investment.
Former Acting Managing Director, Niger Delta Development Commission, NDDC, Pastor Power Aginighan and Niger Delta activist, Sheriff Mulade, yesterday, appealed to the Niger Delta Avenger, NDA, and other militant groups in the region not to resume bombing of oil installations to give the Federal Government the needed opportunity to take a holistic approach towards the development of the Niger Delta region.
(6.Januar) The world should be assured that, our next line of actions to redeem Operations Red Economy will be unannounced with surely overwhelming signatures to this government and humanity. The world is aware that, the government of Nigeria has ear problems but we never knew that it has taken a detoriating deaf level dimensions. It is only through hard knocks we can speak to the Nigerian government henceforth.
(7.Januar) The Scandinavian nation has begun a gradual shutdown that will see FM broadcasts start to be phased out later this month, and concluding entirely by the end of the year. Nationwide broadcasts will instead be offered through digital radio channels.
(6.1.2016) The fate of Syria in the wake of the country’s devastating six-year civil war will be dictated in Moscow, not Washington, reaffirming President Bashar Assad’s regime’s hold on power, the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations committee said Friday.
„If they want to discuss this point [Assad‘s presidency], they have to discuss the constitution, and the constitution is not owned by the government or the president or by the opposition; it should be owned by the Syrian people, so you need a referendum for every constitution,“ Assad said.