Daily Archives: 15. Dezember 2016

15.12.2016 - 18:55 [ Democracy Now! ]

Rep. Honda, Survivor of Japanese Internment Camp, Decries Trump Proposal for Muslim Registry

AMY GOODMAN: Talk about your own experience. When were you put in a Japanese internment camp? Where were you? Who was in your family?

REP. MIKE HONDA: Well, I was the infant, the first child of my parents back in—born in 1941. So, by the time February 19, 1942, rolled around, I was almost a year old. And I think that it was not only my family, but the entire 120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry were removed from the West Coast into internment camps. And it was a massive, focused, probably the highest racial profiling that this country has ever exercised, through Executive Order 9066.

NERMEEN SHAIKH: Congressman Honda, do you think internment camps of those kind can be set up again in the U.S.?

REP. MIKE HONDA: Oh, absolutely, they can be. And, you know, they talked about—not only about, you know, the current situation, but in the past few years, politicians and other folks have been talking about using interment camp types of approach to refugees and undocumented folks, during the debate of the comprehensive immigration reform. So, it’s a concept and a strategy that a lot of people use.

15.12.2016 - 18:51 [ Youtube ]

Megyn Kelly Scolds Trump Supporter: ‘You Can’t Be Citing Japanese Internment Camps as Precedent!’

(16.11.2016) Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach told Reuters in an interview yesterday that Donald Trump‘s policy advisors are considering implementing a registry for anyone that comes into the United States from Muslim nations as part of Trump’s “extreme vetting.”

Former Navy SEAL and Trump supporter Carl Higbie spoke with Megyn Kelly about this tonight and said there is certainly precedent for action like this to be taken.

15.12.2016 - 18:27 [ Newsweek ]

Federal Judge May Unseal Controversial FBI Search Warrant for Clinton Emails

The controversy over FBI Director James Comey’s announcement of a new review into Hillary Clinton’s private email server just 11 days before the recent presidential election moved into federal court Tuesday with a hearing focused on the search warrant that gave FBI agents access to Clinton emails found on the computer of Anthony Weiner, the former congressman and husband of a top Clinton aide.

15.12.2016 - 18:26 [ Politico ]

How Democrats became CIA defenders

It’s a shift that may signal a new congressional alignment once Trump moves into the White House in January: Democrats, who have spent years criticizing the spy agency’s role in imprisoning and interrogating terrorist suspects during the George W. Bush administration, are now taking the CIA’s side against an incoming president who refuses to take regular intelligence briefings. And they’re getting backup from some top Republican lawmakers, who are joining their calls for a congressional investigation into the CIA’s reported conclusion that Russian hackers deliberately tried to sway the presidential election to Trump.

15.12.2016 - 18:24 [ Techdirt ]

Obama Has Saved One Copy Of The Torture Report From Destruction, But What‘s Going To Happen To The Rest Of Them?

Even if the White House won‘t declassify the full CIA Torture Report, at least we know one copy will be locked up in President Obama‘s archives for 12 years. That prevents Senator Burr and others from making the report disappear completely.

The White House copy isn‘t the only copy of the report, but at least we know where that one is. Other agencies have copies. Or had them. But they haven‘t read them. The CIA destroyed its copy of the report — the sort of „accident“ that often befalls damning reports in the hands of the agency targeted by them.

15.12.2016 - 14:19 [ Spectator.org ]

An Emerging Alliance: Russia and Israel

If someone were to read the Russian press not only in Russia but also in Israel, he would notice that Islamic terrorism is a big concern in both countries. At a recent press conference, Putin told Netanyahu that he wanted to learn from Israel’s experience with counterterrorism.

15.12.2016 - 14:17 [ UPI.com ]

Pentagon: IS seized weapons, missile system in Palmyra

Some of the compromised equipment might include a SA-3 surface-to-air missile system, armored vehicles and a number of firearms. The Soviet-era dual-stage missiles, formally called S-125 Neva/Pechora, were developed during the Cold War and introduced in the 1960s. The missiles can reach speeds over Mach 3, are effective against mobile targets, and are somewhat resistant to electronic countermeasures.

15.12.2016 - 14:13 [ Bundesverwaltungsgericht ]

Klage gegen BND wegen strategischer Überwachung von E-Mail-Verkehr in den Jahren 2012 und 2013 erfolglos; weiterer Aufklärungsbedarf wegen einer Speicherung und Nutzung von Daten im System VERAS

Zwar ist nicht auszuschließen, dass zunächst E-Mail-Verkehre der Kläger erfasst worden sind. Der damit ggf. verbundene Eingriff in Art. 10 GG lässt sich aber nicht mehr feststellen. Selbst wenn solche E-Mails erfasst worden wären, wären sie wie alle anderen nachrichtendienstlich irrelevanten Mails im Einklang mit den Bestimmungen des Artikel 10-Gesetzes und den allgemeinen verfassungsrechtlichen Maßgaben für den Datenschutz unverzüglich und spurenlos gelöscht worden.

Der BND war verpflichtet solche E-Mails zu löschen, weil nach dem gesetzlichen Konzept eine Benachrichtigung der Betroffenen über die Erfassung dieser E-Mail-Verkehre nicht vorgesehen ist.

15.12.2016 - 14:09 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Frankreich: Wenn der Notstand zur Normalität wird

(14.12.2016) Seit mehr als einem Jahr befindet sich Frankreich im Ausnahmezustand – und eine Verlängerung bis Sommer 2017 ist so gut wie beschlossen. Der Notstand setzt Rechtsstaatlichkeit teilweise außer Kraft: Hausdurchsuchungen ohne richterliche Anordnung, Hausarreste und Demonstrationsverbote sind möglich. Bürgerrechtler fürchten den permanenten Notstand.

15.12.2016 - 11:13 [ diePresse.com ]

Entsetzen über IS-Rückeroberung von Palmyra

So überraschend der damalige Erfolg gegen den IS in Palmyra, so verblüffend jetzt die erneute, plötzliche Kapitulation. Der Kollaps des syrischen Militärs geschah offenbar wenige Tage, nachdem die russischen Soldaten ihr im Mai errichtetes Militärcamp in der Wüstenoase abgebaut hatten.

15.12.2016 - 10:50 [ Credo ]

CREDO Slams Tech CEOs Meeting with Trump While Muslim Registry Question Looms

(14.12.2016) SAN FRANCISCO– Today, as tech giants head to Trump Tower to meet with Donald Trump, CREDO Action is calling on tech companies to pledge not to help Trump build a Muslim registry.

“Today the heads of America’s biggest tech companies will sit down with Donald Trump – a racist, xenophobic fascist who has pledged to create a registry to surveille, threaten and harass Muslims,” said Heidi Hess, CREDO Action Senior Campaign Manager. “If asked, will these companies collaborate with Trump or will they stand up for the people most threatened by him?”

15.12.2016 - 10:32 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Zusammenarbeit europäischer Geheimdienste: Erste „operative Ergebnisse“ in Den Haag

(16.11.2016) Die EU hat kein Mandat für die Koordinierung von Geheimdiensten, dafür gibt es den informellen „Berner Club“. Der rückt nun näher an die Polizeiagentur Europol heran. Auf tiefer verzahnte Strukturen drängen insbesondere der deutsche und der italienische Geheimdienstkoordinator – weitgehend unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit.

15.12.2016 - 10:26 [ Ansa.it ]

Gentiloni govt wins Senate confidence

Some opposition groups that wanted fresh elections have protested that the new government is a „carbon copy“ of that of previous premier Matteo Renzi. Renzi quit after losing a Constitutional reform referendum.
The new government was put together in record time so that Gentiloni can attend an EU summit Thursday in the fullness of his powers.

15.12.2016 - 10:25 [ Yonhap ]

New allegations emerge from corruption hearing

New allegations surrounding an influence-peddling scandal involving South Korean President Park Geun-hye and her confidante emerged during a parliamentary hearing on Thursday, ranging from a cover-up attempt to spying on a top justice and bribery involving a deputy premier-level official.

15.12.2016 - 10:24 [ Reuters ]

South Korea presidential hopeful: U.S. missile defense should wait

Moon Jae-in, 63, who lost the last presidential election to Park Geun-hye by 3 percentage points, confirmed he would run in the next election, which is scheduled for the end of 2017 but could be much sooner if a Constitutional Court upholds an impeachment vote against Park and she has to leave office.

15.12.2016 - 04:32 [ Radio Utopie ]

Verlogene Regierungspolitik: Sanktionieren und Abkassieren

Jetzt auch noch ein Wehklagen um die deutschen Pfründe in Russland wegen dem Geschäftemacher Donald Trump. Das Jammertal der Lügen in den Niederungen des Dunstkreises rund um das Berliner Regierungsviertel ist abgrundtief. Die gleichen Begehrlichkeiten für Profite und dabei zugleich die Verlängerung von Wirtschaftssanktionen werden als „Doppelstrategie“ verkauft.

15.12.2016 - 04:27 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Trendwende im Russlandgeschäft

Die Stoßrichtung entspricht damit der erklärten Absicht Berlins, mit einer Doppelstrategie vorzugehen: politische Spannungen aufrechtzuerhalten, solange Moskau eine sich dem Westen nicht unterordnende Außenpolitik verfolgt, zugleich aber ökonomisch wieder enger zu kooperieren – zum Wohle der am Ostgeschäft interessierten deutschen Industrie.