The battle for Palmyra has been incredibly intense over the last four hours, with the Islamic State terrorists steadily advancing along several axes in and around the city.
Daily Archives: 10. Dezember 2016
ISIS and Al-Qaeda are probably more popular in Germany and France than in Syria and Iraq. Western neoliberals are fascinating creatures.
Breaking : Hizbmedia : #Palmyra Under Syrian Army control
@IzatCharkatli i can confirm.
Palmyra under full Syrian Army control as of 10:00 PM Syrian time (10 min ago).
(vor 50 Minuten)
Russian navy just launched 2 Missiles
(vor einer Stunde)
Breaking: Info : Russian strategic bombers (TU ) Used in bombing and destroy #ISIS around #Palmyra
Heavy #Russia|n/#Syria|n airstrikes on #ISIS positions near #Palmyra. Reports of cruise missiles launched by Russian Navy from #Tartus.
@SyrianMilitary #SyAAF and #RuAF are pounding #ISIS force around the city. More than 20 helicopters are on the air right now.
Syrian and Russian fighter jets destroyed a military convoy for #ISIS on Al Sokhna road – #Palmyra
Apparently now, Russians bombing Palmyra‘s surroundings. The soldiers are ordered to hold positions at all costs……..prayers.
Shahin Group is the last line of defense in Palmyra. If it wasn‘t for their bravery, most civilians would be trapped in the city.
Tiger Forces: Brigades
Panther Forces — The current commander is Colonel Ali Shaheen. They were involved in the Palmyra offensive (March 2016), where they were redeployed to another front after it was over.
Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq
(3.6.2015) The sectarian terror group won’t be defeated by the western states that incubated it in the first place
Ein Gebet für Palmyra – Waleri Gergijews Symphoniekonzert für die befreite Oasenstadt
(6.5.2016) Unter der Schreckensherrschaft des IS war Musik verboten und wurde mit dem Tode bestraft, nun bereiten die russischen Künstler den Bewohnern von Palmyra einen unvergesslichen Tag und gedenken mit ihrem Konzert der Opfer des Krieges.
Latest Updates on #Palmyra 10 Dec 2016 at 17:00 #Damascus Time #Syria
Participants at the #IAEA‘s #ICNS16 in Vienna may find this new #nuclearsecurity resource of particular interest.
Border of Worlds by Ugasanie
The Nenets, Tungus, Eveneki, Yakut share many beliefs and in the center stands the shaman. We follow him through his inner journey while tackling shaman‘s disease. Clouded consciousness and hysterical stupor clear signs of the Amanita Mushroom.
#Syria #Palmyra #Tiger_Forces Commander Just told me Tiger Forces resisting alone after #SAA & Military intelligence & #Russians Withdrew
Ancient city of Palmyra on the verge of capture by ISIS
According to a military correspondent at the T-4 Military Airport in east Homs, the remaining Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers inside the city are attempting to withdraw safely from Palmyra before the terrorist group seizes the final districts.
Syrian opposition ready to resume talks without preconditions – Ayrault
PARIS, December 10. /TASS/. The Syrian opposition is ready to resume talks on peaceful settlement of the conflict in Syria „without preconditions,“ France‘s Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said after a meeting of the Group of Syrian Friends in Paris on Saturday.
He said, this statement was made earlier in the day during the consultations in Paris by head of the Syrian High Negotiations Committee Riyad Hijab.
Carter: U.S. Will Deploy More Troops to Syria to Combat ISIL
“These uniquely skilled operators will join the 300 U.S. special operations forces already in Syria, to continue organizing, training, equipping and otherwise enabling capable, motivated, local forces to take the fight to ISIL, and also bringing down to bear the full weight of U.S. forces around the theater of operations like the funnel of a giant tornado,” Carter said.
US-Waffen für syrische Opposition neuer Beweis der Terror-Unterstützung – Damaskus
Laut den syrischen Diplomaten zielt diese Entscheidung auf eine Verlängerung der Krise, eine Fortsetzung des Mordes an den Syrern und die Zerstörung der Intrastruktur ab.
GCC, US Centcom discuss strengthening military relations
Ways of bolstering and promoting existing military relations between the United States and the Co-operation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, GCC, were the focus of talks held today by US Army General Joseph Votel, Commander of the Central Command, Centcom, and Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, Secretary-General of the six-member regional bloc.
China Prepares for Anti-Satellite Missile Test
(9.Dezember) Test preparations for the Dong Neng-3 anti-satellite missile were detected at a military facility in central China, according to Pentagon officials familiar with reports of the impending test.
Intelligence agencies were alerted to the impending test by China’s announcement of air closure zones covering the expected flight path of the DN-3.
Construction contract for the first line of the TurkStream offshore section awarded to Allseas
(8.Dezember) South Stream Transport B.V. has awarded the Swiss-based Allseas Group S.A. a contract to lay the first line of the TurkStream offshore gas pipeline in the Black Sea, with an option for laying the second line. According to the contract, Allseas is to lay more than 900 km of pipes on the seabed.
Catastrophic Anonymous by Violent Magic Orchestra
„VIOLENT MAGIC ORCHESTRA is an unique project comprised of dark techno prodigy Paul Régimbeau (Mondkopf, Extreme Precautions, Autrenoir), Japanese experimental black metal collective Vampillia and noise master Pete Swanson (ex-Yellow Swans). Their ten-tracks debut album „Catastrophic Anonymous“ features vocal contributions from Attila Csihar (Sunn o))), Mayhem) and Chip King (The Body).
Drone shows civilians fleeing from Eastern Aleppo through humanitarian corridors.
Digitally Famous and Real Life Broke
(6.Dezember) In Egypt, the natural transition from Internet access to increased use of social media and moneymaking in the digital world has not been an easy one. Egypt has been one of the fastest growing internet-using countries in the Arab region, with an increase from 450,000 users in 2000 to approximately 46 million users, or 53.2 percent of its nearly 90 million population in 2014 (see Internet World Stats).(…)
Thus, the high Internet usage in the country has not translated into monetization.
Kriegspropaganda und Geschnatter wo man nur hinschaut
Erfundene Zahlen und Behauptungen über verschwundene, evakuierte und befreite Zivilisten in bzw aus dem noch nicht befreiten Abschnitt im Osten von Aleppo machen die Runde.
US facilitating joint talks with Turkey, Syrian Kurdish forces to ease tension
“This week, we’re facilitating joint discussions with Turkey, the SDF and other coalition partners to promote de-escalation in the area,” anti-ISIL coalition spokesman Air Force Col. John Dorrian told reporters in a video briefing from Baghdad, AFP reported.
“Every party to these discussions has an overriding interest in common – this is the defeat of ISIL, an enemy that threatens us all,” Dorrian added.
U.S.‘ Kerry urges Russia to show grace in Geneva Aleppo talks | Reuters
PARIS: Backers of the Syrian opposition appeared resigned to the fall of eastern Aleppo on Saturday, with the United States urging Russia to show „grace“ when officials meet in Geneva to try to reach a deal for civilians and fighters to leave the city.Syrian government and allied forces have in the last two weeks driven rebels from most of their territory in what was once Syria‘s most populous city.
Frankreich verlängert Ausnahmezustand bis Juli 2017
Die anhaltende Bedrohung durch den Terrorismus mache diese Entscheidung notwendig, sagte der neue Premierminister Bernard Cazeneuve am Samstag.
Auftakt zur internationalen Syrien-Konferenz in Paris
In Paris hat Samstag früh eine internationale Syrien-Konferenz begonnen. Das Treffen wird gemeinsam vom deutschen Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, dem französischen Ressortchef Jean-Marc Ayrault und ihrem katarischen Amtskollegen Mohammed al-Thani geleitet. Auch US-Außenminister John Kerry sowie Vertreter der Türkei, der EU sowie mehrerer arabischer Staaten, welche die Gegner der syrischen Regierung unterstützen, nehmen daran teil.
Parties make their cases to Italy president for new leader
President Sergio Mattarella, a 75 year-old former constitutional court judge, must decide if someone can lead the country to elections scheduled for 2018, or whether an interim government could serve until early elections in spring.
Pirates Trying To Form New Icelandic Government
Of course, this still isn‘t a guarantee — and there‘s already talk of having to hold another election, but hopefully the Pirates can put together something. While it does feel like many people involved in Pirate Parties have underestimated what it actually takes to govern, it would certainly be interesting — especially in Iceland — to see what they could do.
Griechenland: Generalstreik gegen die Syriza-Regierung
Diese heuchlerischen Appelle an Griechenlands Kreditgeber sind völlig wertlos. Syriza hatte nur acht Monate nach ihrem Amtsantritt im Januar 2015 trotz enormer Ablehnung der Kürzungspolitik in der Bevölkerung ein drittes Sparmemorandum unterzeichnet. Ihre jetzige Taktik verfolgt lediglich das Ziel, der Regierung genügend Raum für Manöver zu verschaffen, um die Umsetzung der Sozialangriffe vorzubereiten, die von den Kreditgebern verlangt werden.
Werbekampagne der Bundeswehr stößt auf wachsenden Widerstand
Seit Monaten stößt man in fast jeder größeren Stadt in Deutschland auf Werbeplakate, die die Verdienste der Armee anpreisen und zur Verpflichtung aufrufen. An vielen Bus-, S- oder U-Bahnhöfen, sowie vor Schulen, Universitäten und Oberstufenzentren wirbt die Bundeswehr mit provokativen Slogans wie „Mach was wirklich zählt“ oder „Krisenherde löscht du nicht mit Abwarten und Teetrinken“.
Argentina‘s March of Resistance Continues Protest Against Macri
Argentina’s human rights activists Mothers of Plaza de Mayo continued to participate Friday in the 24-hour March of Resistance that began on Thursday in the center of Buenos Aires to protest the government of President Mauricio Macri and its neoliberal measures in the South American country.
Final Farewell for Indigenous Girl Murdered in Colombia
Colombians mourned Yuliana Andrea Samboni, the 7-year-old girl who was raped, tortured and killed in a case that has sparked nationwide protests to demand justice.
Aktivistin aus Honduras postum von den Vereinten Nationen geehrt
„Berta Cáceres weigerte sich zuzulassen, dass die Rechte der Armen und Marginalisierten durch die Interessen der Mächtigen verletzt werden und dass die Ökosysteme, von denen sie abhängen, zerstört werden“,
300ste Fukushima-Mahnwache in Dannenberg
Übrig geblieben ist im Wendland die Dannenberger Mahnwache, sie sich nun zum 300sten Mal in Folge auf dem Marktplatz in Dannenberg trifft.
North Dakota pipeline shut down after oil leaks into waterway
A six-inch line operated by Belle Fourche Pipeline leaked into the river northwest of Belfield in Billings County, according to Spill Investigation Program Manager Bill Suess.
The Anatomy of US Military Policy: An Interview With Andrew Bacevich
In this exclusive interview for Truthout, Bacevich explains how the militaristic nature of US foreign policy is a serious impediment to democracy and human rights.
„It‘s All Collapsed“: New Chomsky Documentary Details Death of American Dream
The filmmakers ensured that this would not be just another talking head discourse: It is both innovatively animated and trenchantly informative, an incisive dissection of the disastrous impact of the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few.
Die kalkulierte Niederlage – wie Merkel dank der SPD Kanzlerin bleibt
Ob in den USA, in Frankreich oder vielen Südeuropäischen Ländern — die Entwicklung ist klar: Immer mehr Wähler haben die Politik der etablierten Parteien satt. Sie wollen kein „Weiter so“ und immer die gleichen Gesichter an der Spitze des Landes. Deshalb unterlag Hillary Clinton einem Polit-Neuling Donald Trump im US-Präsidentschaftswahlkampf, obwohl dieser keinerlei Erfahrungen für das Amt mit sich bringt.
Russische Militärpioniere entminen acht Hektar in Aleppo
In den vergangenen 24 Stunden haben russische Armeeangehörige acht Hektar in Ost-Aleppo von Minen befreit. Nach Angaben des Zentrums für Versöhnung der Konfliktparteien in Syrien säuberten die Pioniertruppen dabei 24 Gebäude von allerlei Sprengsätzen, darunter eine Großbäckerei, zwei Schulen, zwei Moscheen und eine Trafostation. Frei von Minen sind außerdem 4,5 Kilometer Straßenstrecken.
55 Zivilisten bei Luftangriff durch US-Koalition im Irak getötet – USA verneinen Verantwortung
(8.12.2016) Der Kampf gegen Terrorismus wird zu Terrorismus und die USA müssen zur Verantwortung gezogen werden.
Irak: Dutzende Tote und Verletzte bei Luftangriff
(8.12.2016) Der Sprecher der internationalen Koalition, John Dorrian, sagte der Nachrichtenagentur AFP, die Koalition habe zu dem Zeitpunkt keine Luftangriffe vorgenommen. Die irakische Regierung und die Armee hatten ihrerseits zuvor von keinen Luftangriffen in der Region berichtet.
Iraqi airstrikes kill dozens of Daesh terrorists near Syria border
(8.12.2016) Dozens of Daesh terrorists have been killed after Iraqi aircraft pounded the positions of the Tafkiri militants near the border with Syria, the Iraqi army says.
Iraq‘s Joint Operations Command (JOC) confirmed in a statement on Thursday that the Iraqi Air Force had carried out two strikes on al-Qa‘im the previous day.
Zwei Bombenexplosionen in Nigeria reißen 56 Menschen in den Tod
Obwohl sich zu dem Attentat niemand bekannte, vermuten Behörden dahinter die Terrormiliz „Boko Haram“. Die nigerianische Armee befreite Madagali erst im vorigen Jahr von den radikalen Kämpfern. Momentan läuft vor Ort eine Anti-Terror-Operation:
Additional 2,300 US soldiers heading to Afghanistan
„This deployment is part of a regular rotation of forces in support of Operation Freedom‘s Sentinel,“ the press release stated, adding that the soldiers were “well-trained, well-led and fully prepared for the challenges this mission will bring.”
US defense chief makes surprise visit to Afghanistan
Carter landed at Bagram Airfield, the largest US military base in Afghanistan, where four Americans were killed in a suicide bombing in November, in a major breach of security.
PTI challenges cyber crime bill in LHC
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Friday challenged the cyber crime bill in Lahore High Court (LHC).
According to details, PTI leader Zubair Khan Niazi has filed an application against the cyber crime bill in LHC saying federal cabinet has not taken approval of this act, which is a legal demand.
PTI leader Chaudhry Nisar shot dead in Islamabad
According to police, gunmen on motorbikes made their way to Sitara Markat in G-7 Sector and sprayed Chaudhry Nisar with bullets, leaving him dead instantly. The assailants then managed to speed away from the scene.