Daily Archives: 16. September 2016

16.09.2016 - 20:01 [ Bandcamp Daily ]

Seven Berlin Bands Worth Listening To

Berlin is home to many musicians, both homegrown and imported, making indie pop, rock, punk, post-punk, New Wave, and art rock. The second annual Berlin Pop Kultur festival, held in the melting-pot neighborhood of Neukölln, featured dozens of bands from other countries (the festival opened with a set by Scottish band Mogwai; multi-instrumentalist Barry Burns owns Das Gift, a popular bar in Neukölln). American and British imports appear frequently on German rock radio, and many German-based bands, whatever their nationality, sing in English. There’s a wealth of exciting pop talent thriving in Berlin, so here is just a taste.

16.09.2016 - 19:54 [ Los Angeles Times ]

It‘s time to legalize and regulate marijuana in California. Yes on Proposition 64.

In November, Californians will again consider whether to legalize pot, this time with Proposition 64, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act. Voters will have to ask themselves whether the time has come to treat marijuana less like heroin and more like alcohol — as a regulated but acceptable product for adult use. Do the risks of legalization outweigh the costs of prohibition? Does Proposition 64 strike the right balance between allowing adult Californians to make their own recreational choices and protecting their health and safety?

16.09.2016 - 19:01 [ Channel NewsAsia ]

Russian central bank cuts key interest rate

MOSCOW: Russia‘s central bank cut on Friday (Sep 16) its key interest rate by half a percentage point to 10 per cent, but warned it couldn‘t provide another quick jolt to jump-start stalled economic growth.
The Bank of Russia said in a statement that the cut, the first since June and widely expected by analysts, was possible thanks to a „decrease in inflation expectations and unstable economic activity“.

16.09.2016 - 18:55 [ Lumières dans la nuit ]

Werber, Journalisten, Presseverleger, Bullshitunternehmer!

(14.September) Wer davon lebt, Menschen zu überrumpeln, zu belügen und zu manipulieren, darf sich nicht darüber wundern, wenn er vor die Tür gewiesen wird. Genau das macht ein Adblocker mit euren verachtenswerten „Kommunikationsversuchen“.

16.09.2016 - 18:29 [ Nachrichtenspiegel ]

Abschiedsbrief des Eifelphilosophen: vielen Dank und auf Wiedersehen

(15.September) Wie ich erst heute morgen erfahren habe, werden wir von gewissen „Jugendschutzprogrammen“ als „rechts“ eingestuft. Haben sich diese Scharfrichter, die sich wie Hinrichter am Volksgerichtshof gebärden, eigentlich eine Vorstellung davon, was das für meine Kinder bedeutet – und deren berufliche Zukunft? Oder meine?

16.09.2016 - 18:03 [ ARIES Images ]

Das Geständnis

Im letzten Jahr der DDR geraten die Genossen der Ost-Berliner „Morduntersuchungskommission“ an ihre Grenzen. Es türmen sich Kriminalfälle, die es im Sozialismus gar nicht geben darf. Die tägliche Entscheidung zwischen Vertuschen und Ermitteln wird für Erstvernehmer Micha mehr und mehr zu einer existentiellen Frage.

16.09.2016 - 17:14 [ Libya Herald ]

Indian academics held in Sirte freed; US air strikes against IS continue

Meanwhile, the US Africa Command (Africom) has said that up on Wednesday it carried out three further air strikes against IS positions in Sirte, hitting six positions and a “vehicle-borne improvised explosive device”. It brings to 42 the number of US air strikes against IS this month. Last month there were 102.
The Bunyan Marsous operations room, with which the strikes are coordinated, consistently avoids any mention of them.

16.09.2016 - 17:08 [ Newstime Africa ]

South Africa: Outrage over 36 psychiatric patients’ deaths

‘‘If you’re mentally ill, poor and black in this country, you are destined for doom,” Senathi Fisha founder of the Fishawellness Hospital said in a tweet, reacting to the news.
South Africa’s national health minister, Aaron Motsoaledi, has called for an investigation into the matter.

16.09.2016 - 16:48 [ InsurgeIntelligence ]

Former Turkish counter-terror chief exposes government’s support for ISIS

In interviews with INSURGE intelligence, Yayla exclusively revealed that he had personally witnessed evidence of high-level Turkish state sponsorship of ISIS during his police career, which eventually led him to resign. He decided to become a whistleblower after Erdogan’s authoritarian crackdown following the failed military coup in July.

16.09.2016 - 16:09 [ Indian Punchline ]

Sino-Russian strategic dialogue will run into Indian policies

(14.September) Suffice it to say, BRICS is running into headwinds that could not be foreseen even a year or two ago, and that will be cause for worry for both Russia and China. The ‘regime change’ in Brazil means that the US gets a toehold within the BRICS tent. South Africa may be the next in line to qualify for ‘regime change’ if ANC keeps surrendering political space at the present rate to the pro-western alliance opposing it.

16.09.2016 - 11:21 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Mercosur stellt Ultimatum an Venezuela

Darüber hinaus haben sich die Außenminister Brasiliens, Argentiniens, Paraguays und Uruguays als wichtiges Ziel gesetzt, die Verhandlungen zu einem Freihandelsabkommen mit der EU schneller voranzutreiben. In diesem Thema hatte sich Venezuela in der Vergangenheit skeptisch geäußert. Venezuela befürchtete, so der Vertreter des Landes vor dem Mercosur, dass ein solches Abkommen wegen der großen Asymmetrien zwischen den südamerikanischen Ländern und der EU von Nachteil sind.

16.09.2016 - 11:07 [ campact! ]

CETA: Neue Studie erwartet Jobverluste

CETA – das Freihandelsabkommen zwischen der EU und Kanada – bringt uns mehr Jobs, Wachstum, Wohlstand – so verkünden es unisono der BDI (Bundesverband der deutschen Industrie), Sigmar Gabriel, Kanzlerin Merkel und die EU-Kommission. Eine neue Studie der angesehenen Tufts University (Boston, USA) bringt diese Erzählung ins Wanken. Insbesondere Gewerkschafter sollten sich diese Ergebnisse ansehen:

16.09.2016 - 11:02 [ Bürgerinitiative für den Landkreis Harburg ]

Kein Fracking in der Heide!

Die unendliche Geschichte der Täusch- und Tarnfirma Kimmeridge Energy und des dabei hilfreich schweigenden Landesbergamts geht weiter. Auf die Anfrage an das LBEG, wer denn Eigentümer der Kimmeridge Energy sei, hat dieses erneut ausweichend geantwortet. Kernsatz der Auskunft:

16.09.2016 - 03:20 [ Real Clear Politics ]

Jill Stein: Hillary Clinton Wants To Start An Air War With Nuclear-Armed Russia Over Syria

Dr. Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, joined Fox News Channel‘s ‚Special Report‘ on Thursday, where she answered a question from Charles Krauthammer about whether or not she is worried about helping Donald Trump get elected.

„I will feel terrible if Donald Trump gets elected and I will feel terrible if Hillary Clinton gets elected,“ Stein said.