Daily Archives: 14. September 2016

14.09.2016 - 17:29 [ ver.di ]

Ingewahrsamnahme von Journalisten anlässlich des AfD-Parteitages – Gericht stellt Polizeitaktik über Pressefreiheit

In einem jetzt bekannt gewordenen Beschluss bestätigte die 10. Zivilkammer einen Beschluss des Amtsgerichts Nürtingen und erklärte die Ingewahrsamnahme eines Fotojournalisten für rechtmäßig. Dieser hatte am 30. April über die Demonstrationen rund um den Stuttgarter Bundesparteitag der rechtspopulistischen AfD berichtet.

14.09.2016 - 17:11 [ TruePublica ]

Craig Murray – This Is What Happens In ‘The Establishment’ When You Don’t ‘Toe The Line’

It is worth noting that despite the highly critical things I have published about Putin, about civil liberties in Russia and the annexation of the Crimea, I have never been refused entry to Russia. The only two countries that have ever refused me entry clearance are Uzbekistan and the USA. What does that tell you?

14.09.2016 - 16:49 [ CapX ]

Seven ways in which human ingenuity helps the planet

HumanProgress.org advisory board member and Rockefeller University professor Jesse H. Ausubel, who was integral to setting up the world’s first climate change conference in Geneva in 1979, has shown how technological progress allows nature to rebound. He envisions a future where humanity is ever less dependent on natural resources. Here are 7 graphs that give cause for such environmental optimism.

14.09.2016 - 16:35 [ National Security Archive ]

CIA Cover-Up on Chile – Agency Tries to Hide Knowledge of 9/11/73 Coup Plotting

(9.September) Forty-three years after the U.S.-supported military coup in Chile, the Central Intelligence Agency continues to withhold information on what it knew about planning for the putsch, and what intelligence it shared with President Richard Nixon, according to redacted documents posted today by the National Security Archive. The documents, among the hundreds of President’s Daily Briefs (PDBs) the CIA declassified last month, excise material that almost certainly has already been released to the public years ago. (via LarsSchall.com)

14.09.2016 - 16:28 [ Bandcamp ]

The Pale Ones by Haunted Me

„This album is ambitious and intentionally tries to conciliate in one strange musical dialogue neo-psychedelic rock, cavernous doom drone and minimal electronic escapism.“ (Philippe Blache)
Haunted Me Reggio Calabria, Italy

14.09.2016 - 16:14 [ blog.campact ]

Das denken die Verbraucher zur Bayer-Monsanto-Übernahme

Neben Bayer/Monsanto wollen auch die Agrarkonzerne Syngenta und Chemchina fusionieren. Und die US-Konzerne Dupont und DowChemical haben sich bereits auf eine Fusion geeinigt. Die sechs größten Anbieter könnten somit auf nur noch drei zusammenschrumpfen. Diese Konzentration bedeutet höhere Preise und weniger Auswahl für Bauern und Verbraucher. Daher hoffen wir, dass die Wettbewerbsbehörden ihren Auftrag ernst nehmen – und die Fusion untersagen.

14.09.2016 - 16:07 [ William J. Astore / Antiwar ]

Forever War: A Peculiar Form of American Zen

As a teenager, I read Joe Haldeman’s book, The Forever War. The title intrigued, as did the interstellar setting. Haldeman’s soldiers are caught up in a conflict whose rules keep changing, in part due to time dilation as predicted by Einstein’s theory of relativity. But there’s one thing the soldiers know for certain: no matter what year the calendar says it is, there will always be war.

14.09.2016 - 16:01 [ Coleen Rowley / Antiwar ]

Why This FBI Whistleblower Seconds Jill Stein’s Call For A New 9/11 Investigation

After the events of September 11, 2001, as a longtime FBI agent and division legal counsel, I blew the whistle on the FBI’s failure to act on information provided by the Minneapolis field office that could have prevented the attacks.

14.09.2016 - 15:58 [ electrek ]

Another fatal Tesla Autopilot crash emerges, Model S hits a streetsweeper truck – caught on dashcam

New reports are coming out of China today claiming that the first fatality in a Tesla Model S on Autopilot was not the widely-covered crash in Florida in May 2016 that resulted in the death of Joshua Brown, but actually an accident in China in January 2016.

14.09.2016 - 15:40 [ UPI ]

EU permanent military headquarters proposed by Jean-Claude Juncker

„Europe can no longer afford to piggy-back on the military might of others or let France alone defend its honor in Mali,“ Juncker told members of the European parliament. „For European defense to be strong, the European defense industry needs to innovate. That is why we will propose before the end of the year a European Defense Fund to turbo boost research and innovation.“

14.09.2016 - 15:17 [ Norient ]

Silence is the Real Taboo

(31.August) In a perverse twist, many find these sounds reassuring because they connote home. Switching into war mode might be easy for the Lebanese, as our geopolitical position has been one of decades-long contingency. We sit on a figurative volcano, waiting for the next eruption. The poor infrastructure left over by the civil war twenty-five years ago institutionalized a state of vigilance. We can now rely on generators when the electricity gets cut and private water distribution companies thrive during the summer. Paradoxically, Lebanon creates stability from chaos.

14.09.2016 - 14:26 [ metal underground ]

Brujeria Releases „Plato O Plomo“ Video

Today, the band has debuted a very NSFW video for the track „Plata O Plomo.“ The term „Plata O Plomo“ was popularized by Mexican and South American drug cartel leaders such as Pablo Escobar and translates into „silver or lead,“ meaning „take the money (bribe) or take a bullet.“

14.09.2016 - 10:27 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Deutschlands Kriegsbilanz (II)

Afghanistan befindet sich – auch dank der bundesdeutschen Aufstandsunterstützung der 1980er Jahre und der Aufstandsbekämpfung der Bundeswehr in den Jahren ab 2001 – seit fast 37 Jahren ohne längere Unterbrechung im Krieg.

14.09.2016 - 10:15 [ TASS ]

Turkmenistan adopts new constitution extending presidential term

„The draft of the main law was prepared in cooperation and taking into account the proposals of experts of the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the German Society for International Cooperation and other international organizations that are the country’s long-term partners,“ the government said in a statement.

14.09.2016 - 10:00 [ Telecompaper ]

Telefonica to sell Acens cloud services in Latin America

The aim is to help local SMEs move their traditional business to the internet and reach new and wider customers segments in an efficient way, said Telefonica.

14.09.2016 - 09:53 [ Latin American Herald Tribune ]

World Bank Urges Latin American Economies to Adjust to Drop in Raw Materials Demand

“(We have to) invest in infrastructure, invest in education and (invest) human capital more broadly via health-care, create the conditions so the private sector can invest and create employment opportunities, and we also have to provide more adequate social protection for the most vulnerable” in society, Familiar said.

14.09.2016 - 09:48 [ World Socialist Web Site ]

US triples special operations deployment to Latin America

Special Operations Liaison Officers are currently positioned in 14 US embassies, including four in Latin America (Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador and Peru). By 2019, the report notes, US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) will have funding to place liaison officers in 40 countries, presumably including a number of new ones in Latin America.

14.09.2016 - 09:44 [ Prensa Latina ]

Peruvian Ship Union Brings Cuba a Love Message

Under the motto ‚Forming the Character of the Sailors‘, the ship departed from Peruvian waters last July 27 and before coming to this capital, they visited Guayaquil, Ecuador, Cartagena, Colombia and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

14.09.2016 - 09:31 [ Granma ]

Die Blockade dauert weiter an, versicherte Außenminister Kubas

Der kubanische Außenminister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla stellte am Freitag bei einer Pressekonferenz im Außenministerium in Havanna den Bericht Kubas zur Resolution 70/5 der UNO-Vollversammlung vor, der die Überschrift trägt: Notwendigkeit. die von den Vereinigten Staaten gegen Kuba auferlegte Wirtschafts-, Handels- und Finanzblockade zu beenden.

14.09.2016 - 09:29 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

US-Blockade verhindert Geldautomaten in Vertretungen von Kuba

Vergangenen Freitag hatte die kubanische Regierung zudem einen Bericht vorgelegt, der aufzeigt, dass die US-Blockade der Insel allein im vergangenen Jahr 4,7 Milliarden US-Dollar gekostet hat. Über die letzten 60 Jahre aufsummiert errechnete man einen Verlust von 753,7 Milliarden US-Dollar. Im vergangenen Jahr hatten bei der Abstimmung in der UN-Generalversammlung 191 Länder die US-Blockade gegenüber Kuba verurteilt. Lediglich Israel stimmte mit den USA.

14.09.2016 - 09:26 [ teleSUR ]

US Renews Sanctions and Keeps Blockade on Cuba

„I hereby determine that the continuation for one year of the exercise of those authorities with respect to Cuba is in the national interest of the United States,” Obama said in a statement. The restrictions will remain in effect until Sept. 14, 2017.