Daily Archives: 30. August 2016

30.08.2016 - 18:52 [ The Media Line ]

EU To Observe Parliamentary Elections in Jordan

The Kingdom of Jordan will unveil its new voting laws for citizens next month, allowing Jordanians to vote for more than one parliamentary candidate in an effort to increase democratization, under the observation of the European Union Observer mission.

30.08.2016 - 18:27 [ Netzpolitik ]

Einsetzen lohnt sich! Netzneutralität in der EU gesichert – Überholspuren werden verboten!

Und es zeigt sich, dass sich ein langer Einsatz für Offenheit und Grundrechte im Netz lohnen kann und man nicht zu früh aufgeben sollte! Das ist ein Sieg der europäischen Zivilgesellschaft, die sich gegen die Lobby-Armeen der großen Telekommunikationsunternehmen durchsetzen konnte. Zum Schluss schauten 500.000 Menschen im Rahmen der „Save the Internet“ – Kampagne den europäischen Regulierungsbehörden bei ihrer Grundsatzentscheidung genau auf die Finger.

30.08.2016 - 17:53 [ die-linke.de ]

Lust auf Neues in einer echten linken Partei

Ein Künstler und eine Partei, da steckt Konfliktstoff drin…

Offenbar hat die Partei bisher mit mir noch keine größeren Probleme. Gysi kommt auf die Bühne und gibt mir meinen Pärteiausweis, und danach spiele ich „Keine Macht für niemand“. Also solange das drin ist, kann noch nicht soviel falsch sein.

Interview: Franz Helling und Horst Sensburg

Neues Deutschland, 14. November 1990

30.08.2016 - 17:47 [ Guardian ]

Authorization for Use of Military Force: a blank check for war without end

(5.5.2013) The Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), passed after the attacks of 11 September 2001, and provides the legal cornerstone for the so-called US „war on terror“. Only one brave Congress member opposed it. It allows the US government to wage war at anytime, any place and on anyone deemed a threat to national security – with remarkably little evidence needed.

30.08.2016 - 17:45 [ Buzzfeed ]

60 Words And A War Without End: The Untold Story Of The Most Dangerous Sentence In U.S. History

(17.1.2104) Written in the frenzied, emotional days after 9/11, the Authorization for the Use of Military Force was intended to give President Bush the ability to retaliate against whoever orchestrated the attacks. But more than 12 years later, this sentence remains the primary legal justification for nearly every covert operation around the world. Here’s how it came to be, and what it’s since come to mean.

30.08.2016 - 15:46 [ Sputnik ]

Shadowy Ex-DARPA Head Becomes Consultant to Ukraine‘s Military Industry

Kiev doesn‘t seem to have lost its appetite for hiring foreign officials and advisors. Their latest acquisition is Anthony Tether, the former head of the Pentagon‘s secretive Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better known as DARPA. Tether is now an advisor for Ukraine‘s state-owned defense conglomerate Ukroboronprom.

30.08.2016 - 14:33 [ Antiwar ]

Ron Paul on The USS Gerald Ford – A $13 Billion Boondoggle?

What is $3 billion over budget, two years overdue, and not combat ready? The new USS Gerald Ford “super” aircraft carrier! As the Pentagon together with the military-industrial complex try to justify a trillion dollars in military spending, however, conflicts must be ginned up around the world. That is one reason for the increasingly hostile position of the US against Russia and China. It justifies boondoggles like the USS Gerald Ford. It also essentially pushes Russia and China into each other’s arms and may be making a nuclear war more likely in the future. Is it really worth it just to keep Beltway defense contractors in the money? More on the 13 billion dollar boondoggle and the policies that ensure many more to come in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

30.08.2016 - 12:58 [ Sputnik ]

Russen empfangen potentiell intelligentes Signal aus dem All – US-Astronom

Das Signal sei 2015 mit einem RATAN-600 Radioteleskop des Selentschuk-Observatoriums in der russischen Teilrepublik Karatschai-Tscherkessien auf einer Wellenlänge von 2,7 cm empfangen worden und „genügend stark gewesen“, so dass es „weiterhin beobachtet wird“, schreibt Gilster.

30.08.2016 - 12:55 [ BI Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg e.V. ]

Ein Tag – zwei Termine: Endlagerdebatte und Protest vorm Zwischenlager

(27.August) Wenn man sich vor Augen hält, dass Atommüll für eine Million Jahre von der Biosphäre abgeschirmt werden soll, dann reiche ein Blick auf die Probleme, die sich schon während der Zwischenlagerung ergibt. Denn immer neue Rostfässer tauchen im Zwischenlager Gorleben auf. Ein Grund für die Versammlungsteilnehmer_innen, gleich im Anschluss an die Diskussion um “Fünf nach 12″ vor das Tor des Zwischenlagers zu ziehen und auf das aktuelle Atommülldilemma in Gorleben zu verweisen.

30.08.2016 - 12:52 [ metal underground ]

Controlled Bleeding Streams Full New Album „Larva Lumps And Baby Bumps“

The longstanding and prolific experimentalist project Controlled Bleeding returns with a first proper studio album since 2002, entitled „Larva Lumps and Baby Bumps.“ The full album has come online and can be heard below.

30.08.2016 - 10:41 [ Middle East Eye ]

Egypt‘s top prosecutor to sift wheat from chaff in corruption report

Egypt‘s prosecutor general and an anti-corruption agency are to consider a parliamentary commission‘s report on corruption in the country‘s wheat industry which found the government played a key role in wasting hundreds of millions of dollars of public money.

The 500-page report, which was also presented to MPs on Monday, has already led to the resignation of the supplies minister, Khaled Hanafi, amid growing criticism of the management of state subsidy programmes.

30.08.2016 - 07:48 [ Mehr News Agency ]

Russian medical aid delivered to Aleppo University Hospital

For his part, Dr. Ibrahim Hadid, Director General of the Hospital, thanked Russian people and leadership for their supporting to Syria in its war against terrorism, mainly through providing medical and humanitarian assistance, noting that the aid will help in the treatment of many patients and enable the hospital to take care of all patients and injured persons.

30.08.2016 - 07:12 [ German Foreign Policy ]

„Fit for Partnership with Germany“

Die bedenkenlose Kooperation mit äußerst repressiven Staaten wie Turkmenistan oder auch Äthiopien [6] hindert die Bundesregierung selbstverständlich nicht daran, bei Bedarf tatsächliche oder auch angebliche Menschenrechtsverbrechen in anderen Staaten zu nutzen, um politische oder gar militärische Aggressionen zu rechtfertigen – dann, wenn deutsche Interessen politischer oder ökonomischer Art nicht Kooperation, sondern Konfrontation verlangen.

30.08.2016 - 06:33 [ ORF ]

Militärs und Polizei regieren „Cyber-Schurkenmarkt“

Zwei Wochen nachdem ein umfangreiches Programmpaket zum Angriff auf Firewalls führender Hersteller aufgetaucht war, kam am Freitag die bis jetzt gefährlichste Schadsoftware für iPhones an die Öffentlichkeit. Auch wenn die Umstände ihres Bekanntwerdens völlig unterschiedlich sind, haben beide Fälle eines gemeinsam. Weder das gegen Apples iOS noch jenes gegen die Betriebssysteme von Firewalls alles gerichtete Paket haben einen kriminellen Hintergrund, im Gegenteil.

30.08.2016 - 06:27 [ Al-Masdar News ]

Syrian Army counterattacks in northern Hama

After ISIS-affiliated Jund Al-Aqsa group supported by the FSA faction “Jaish Al-Nasr” captured a few villages and checkpoints on the outskirts of the Christian village of Mharda, local NDF units launched a counterattack capturing Buweida and the surrounding checkpoints.

30.08.2016 - 06:18 [ Außenministerium der Russischen Föderation ]

Rede und Antworten des Außenministers Russlands, Sergej Lawrow, bei gemeinsamer Pressekonferenz mit dem Außenminister der USA, John Kerry, nach den Verhandlungen am 26. August 2016 in Genf

Ich erwähne hier noch einmal das Problem, das wegen der Tatsache entsteht, dass die Einheiten, die mit den USA und der von ihnen geführten Koalition kooperieren, sich auf denselben Gebieten befinden, wie Dschebhat an-Nusra. Dabei befinden sie sich nicht einfach dort, sondern wirken mit dieser Organisation ab und zu zusammen und nehmen an ihren Operationen teil. Ohne Abtrennung der normalen, „gesunden“ Oppositionskräfte und Terroristen sehe ich keine Möglichkeit, einen langfristigen und vollwertigen Waffenstillstand zu sichern, was wir alle anstreben. Ich stelle mit Genugtuung fest, dass wir mit US-Partnern ein eindeutiges Verständnis von dieser Aufgabe bekommen.

30.08.2016 - 05:48 [ Hurriyet ]

CHP slams PKK over ‘target’ remarks after attack on Kılıçdaroğlu

Torun also commented on the CHP’s security precautions regarding its leader, saying there had been “certain rumors” concerning a suicide attack.

“We didn’t have concrete evidence, but the number of people in the security team was increased to 21 from 12. We also obtained long-barreled weapons from the police for the first time,” he said, adding that the security measures to protect Kılıçdaroğlu will now be increased.

30.08.2016 - 05:47 [ New York Times ]

Knowing the Risks, Some Syrian Rebels Seek a Lift From Turks’ Incursion

By then Mr. Kanjo seemed unsure of what was even happening in the operation, saying he at first mistook Turkish airstrikes for American. “I don’t know who is bombing who,” he acknowledged, adding that he felt that he and his men were being used by so many different interests that they felt like a highway.

“There are many different cars driving on us,” he said.

30.08.2016 - 05:34 [ Oddity Central ]

Woman Fights to Prove She Is Alive after Government Declares Her Dead

Barbara first experienced the woes of being dead on paper despite otherwise perfectly alive two weeks ago, while out to dinner with her granddaughter. When it was time to pay the bill, the waitress returned with her credit card and told her it had been rejected. Her husband was able to pay for the bill, but when her granddaughter, who works at a bank, called the office to ask about the status of Barbara’s account, she learned that it had been frozen after the Social Security Administration issued notice of her death.

30.08.2016 - 05:30 [ Washigton Post ]

Was this Ukrainian combat photo staged? Soldiers and photographers think so.

(26.8.2016) The picture, posted on Facebook earlier this month, quickly went viral as a token of a war that often seems forgotten. But a number of Ukraine-based photographers and soldiers claim the photo was staged. In an open letter, the photographers said the picture is a “clumsy” attempt at information war and that if the photo is fake, it has the potential to damage the reputation of the Ukrainian media writ large.

30.08.2016 - 05:20 [ ExposeDAT - Terrebonne Parish's Underground Watchdog Group ]

Biz Stinks

(31.7.2016) A photo opportunity at a recent Steve Miller Band concert including The Sheriff, his wife, Tony Alford, and his wife. The same Tony Alford of ASLR the Sheriff’s wife stated they don’t do business with. We sure hope that’s the case; otherwise, we’d wonder who paid for the tickets…… We couldn’t agree with Tony’s daughter more. @bizstinks

30.08.2016 - 05:17 [ Newser ]

Sheriff Raids House to Find Online Critic

(5.8.2016) Jerry Larpenter, sheriff of Louisiana‘s Terrebonne Parish, appears to have launched a crackdown—on critics of Jerry Larpenter. The Intercept reports that six of Larpenter‘s deputies raided another police officer‘s home this week in a bid to find the author of the ExposeDAT blog, which calls itself an „underground watchdog group“ devoted to exposing corruption.

30.08.2016 - 05:14 [ Techdirt ]

‚Trade Deals‘ & Corporate Sovereignty: How Convicted Executives Escape Punishment

Okay, we‘ve been trying to raise the alarm bells about „ISDS“ — „Investor State Dispute Settlement“ — systems for many, many years, even helping to push the term „corporate sovereignty“ to help describe it, since people‘s brains seem to turn to mush when you spell out ISDS. We‘ve pointed out over and over again the problems of such a system where it basically allows companies to sue countries for passing regulations they don‘t like.