Artikel 1
(1) Frankreich ist eine unteilbare, laizistische, demokratische und soziale Republik. Sie gewährleistet die Gleichheit aller Bürger vor dem Gesetz ohne Unterschied der Herkunft, Rasse oder Religion. Sie achtet jeden Glauben. Sie ist dezentral gegliedert.
Daily Archives: 26. August 2016
Die Freiheit der Andersbekleideten
Die Älteren werden sich erinnern: Es gab eine Zeit, da bedeutete es noch etwas, nackt zu sein in Deutschland. Da war jeder Quadratzentimeter Haut, der der Sonne entgegengestreckt wurde, eine Störung der öffentlichen Ordnung.
„“Souveränität“ avancierte zum gefühlt am häufigsten verwendeten Wort der Premierministerin.“ #Polen #EU
Polen: Merkel wirbt für das EU-Gefühl
Als zentrale Punkte nannte Merkel Sicherheit, Migration und Wohlstand. In der Verteidigungspolitik und für die äußere Sicherheit könne mehr getan werden, sagte sie, ohne näher darauf einzugehen. Bei der inneren Sicherheit gehe es auch um Terrorbekämpfung.
The current situation of control in #Ramouseh Artillery Base in SW #Aleppo
[Video] Massive Syrian Army reinforcements pour in Aleppo
An entire Syrian Arab Army unit from the Republican Guard’s 800th Regiment arrived in Aleppo City on Thursday morning to help their comrades retake the ground they lost in the south.
According to an Al-Masdar correspondent in Aleppo City, the 800th Regiment was redeployed to Aleppo City from the Qalamoun Mountains in western Damascus.
Rebels, Civilians Evacuating Long-Besieged Damascus Suburb
The surrender of Daraya, which became an early symbol of the nascent uprising against President Bashar Assad, marks a success for his government, removing a persistent threat only a few miles from his seat of power. It provides a further boost for the Syrian army as it fights opposition forces for control over Aleppo, Syria‘s largest city.
#FSA mortars stop pro-#Assad forces from advancing into the #Ramouseh corridor.
3rd #ATGM strike on the very same spot in #Ramouseh, this time vs. a T-55
Rebel mortar strikes in combination with drones have deadly accuracy as this footage from #Ramouseh #Aleppo proves.
Telephone conversation with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan exchanged opinions on developments in Syria and pointed out the importance of joint efforts in fighting terrorism.
They agreed to continue their dialogue on the issues of the bilateral and international agenda.
Iraq Seeks Formal Deal With Kurds to Protect New Oil Exports
The central government in Baghdad has been locked in a dispute with the semi-autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government in the north of Iraq since 2014, when the Kurds began selling their oil independently. In March, Iraq’s state-run North Oil Co. stopped using its only export route, the KRG’s pipeline to Turkey, for crude it pumped in Kirkuk province. The Oil Ministry ordered a restoration of these exports last week.
Barzani in Ankara to discuss Mosul, Syrian Kurds and Turkey’s Kurdish question
(23.8.2016) The Kurdistan Region’s President Masoud Barzani arrived in Turkey Tuesday afternoon, where he will meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Binali Yildirim. US Vice President Joe Biden will also cross paths with Barzani in Turkey on Wednesday.
Turkish PM vows ‘all-out war’ after latest deadly PKK attack
He added that the country would “bear its pain and continue to fight against terror.”
“Like the Veteran [founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk] said during the War of Independence: ‘Either independence or death,’” Yıldırım said, vowing that the deserved response would be given to “these vile people.”
Türkei: PKK bekennt sich zu Selbstmordanschlag auf Polizeipräsidium in Cizre
Als Grund gab die PKK in ihrer am Freitag im Internet veröffentlichten Erklärung die „anhaltende Isolation“ des inhaftierten PKK-Chefs Abdullah Öcalan an.
‚Innocent people‘ on police photos database
(3.2.2015) Police forces in England and Wales have uploaded up to 18 million „mugshots“ to a facial recognition database – despite a court ruling it could be unlawful.
FBI‘s facial recognition database will contain 52 million images by 2015
(14.4.2014) Beyond the size of the database, the documents obtained by EFF‘s Freedom of Information Act requests also showed that database includes 4.3 million images obtained for „non-criminal purposes.“
EU erweitert polizeiliche Datenbanken mit Fähigkeiten zur Gesichtserkennung
(5.5.2016) EURODAC wurde vor 16 Jahren als grenzpolizeiliches Zentralsystem in Luxemburg eingerichtet, der Betrieb begann in 2003.
De Maizière will Gesichtserkennung und Rucksackverbote
„Hierfür eine verfassungskonforme Rechtsgrundlage zu schaffen, das wäre eine schwierige Aufgabe“, sagte der netzpolitische Sprecher der Grünen-Bundestagsfraktion, Konstantin von Notz.
To The NSA, The Word ‚Security‘ Is Synonymous With ‚Gaping, Unpatched Holes In US Developers‘ Software‘
A former Defense Intelligence Agency officer has taken to LinkedIn to point out to all of us griping about the broken Vulnerability Equities Process — exposed by hackers holding NSA zero-days — have it all wrong. Michael Tanji says the NSA isn‘t here to protect developers from malicious attacks. It never was and it‘s never going to be.
WhatsApp to Share Phone Numbers with Facebook
WhatsApp said users could choose not to share their phone number by unchecking the “share my account info” within the application‘s account settings.
Honduras and Israel: A New Special Relationship
Just as it serviced murderous regimes in Central America in the 1980s, Israel will now be exporting forms of repression to Honduras‘ abusive government.
Ecuador weiter dem Schutz von Assange verpflichtet
Die Regierung Ecuadors wiederholte ihre Verpflichtung, das Leben des australischen Programmierers zu schützen, der seit über vier Jahren in der diplomatischen Vertretung Quitos in London Asyl genießt
[Map] Syrian Army in full control of Islamist stronghold
The final chapter of this battle came when the Syrian Arab Army’s 4th Division effectively cutoff the road linking Darayya with the nearby town of Mo’adhimiyah.
The Mo’adhimiyah rebels reconciled with the government shortly after this event, leaving the militants inside of Darayya completely isolated.
NEW MAP: #Damascus suburb and important insurgent stronghold #Darayya surrenders to the #SAA. #Syria
Daraya Evacuation Deal Hands Syria‘s Assad a Strategic Win
Residents of the long-besieged Damascus suburb of Daraya began evacuating on Friday under a deal seen as a major symbolic victory for the government of President Bashar al-Assad.
Syrien: Zivilisten und Rebellen verlassen belagerte Stadt Daraja
Ein Rebellenvertreter sagte: „Die Zivilisten werden in Gegenden unter Regimekontrolle nahe Damaskus ausreisen.“ Die Rebellen würden „nach Idlib gehen oder ihre Situation mit dem Regime aushandeln“.
Secret Cameras Record Baltimore’s Every Move From Above
A company called Persistent Surveillance Systems, based in Dayton, Ohio, provided the service to the police, and the funding came from a private donor. No public disclosure of the program had ever been made.
Methode aus Irak-Krieg: Luftüberwachung für US-Stadt Baltimore
Die Polizeibehörde der US-Stadt Baltimore überwacht Bürger bis zu zehn Stunden täglich aus der Luft. Ein Cessna-Flugzeug mit Weitwinkel-Kameras nimmt eine Fläche von rund 77 Quadratkilometern auf, diese Daten werden in Echtzeit analysiert und gespeichert. Dafür verantwortlich ist ein Privatunternehmen namens „Persistent Surveillance Systems“, dessen Gründer die zugrunde liegende Technologie für den letzten Irak-Krieg entwickelt hatte.
Rotlicht: BND
All dies hindert die Bundesregierung nicht daran, seinen Etat weiter zu erhöhen, schließlich benötigt sie für ihre weltpolitischen Ambitionen einen möglichst starken BND. Deshalb hat der Dienst 300 Millionen Euro für seine Strategische Initiative Technik bekommen, die seine Spionagefähigkeiten im Internet zumindest in die Nähe derjenigen der NSA katapultieren soll; deshalb bereitet die Bundesregierung ein neues BND-Gesetz vor, das ihm neue Spielräume verschafft.
Lawyer: Dark Web Child Porn Site Ran Better When It Was Taken Over by the FBI
In February 2015, the FBI took control of Playpen, the largest dark web child pornography site at the time. But instead of shutting the site down, the agency kept it going for just under two weeks, in order to deliver malware to its visitors in the hope of identifying suspects in its investigation.
Newly filed court exhibits now suggest that the site performed substantially better while under the FBI‘s control, with users commenting on the improvements. The defense for the man accused of being the original administrator of Playpen claims that these improvements led to the site becoming even more popular.
Projektgruppe arbeitet schon an Kameraüberwachung mit automatisierter Gesichtserkennung an Bahnhöfen
(22.8.2016) Bilder von Überwachungskameras an Bahnhöfen und Flughäfen sollen anlasslos und automatisch mit Datenbanken abgeglichen werden. Taucht das Gesicht eines „Verdächtigen“ auf, schlägt das System Alarm. Eine Projektgruppe im Innenministerium arbeitet schon an der Einführung des Systems, für das Datenschützer keine gesetzliche Grundlage sehen.
Nice Officials Say They‘ll Sue Internet Users Who Share Photos Of French Fashion Police Fining Women In Burkinis
Over the last few weeks there‘s been plenty of controversy over plans on the Côte d’Azur in the south of France to ban burkinis — a kind of full body bathing suit favored by some Muslim women. As the Guardian pointed out recently, the whole thing seems like a „bizarre inversion“ of Muslim countries where making sure women are covered is enforced:
Canadian Law Enforcement Want Government To Force People To Turn Over Their Passwords
Legislators and law enforcement (for the most part…) have been hesitant to demand companies build backdoors into their encryption schemes. The unwillingness to cross this government overreach line hasn‘t really tempered cursing of the impending darkness, however. That remains, largely propelled by a few of law enforcement‘s loudest mouths, who haven‘t seen a problem nerds can‘t solve, even after the nerds have told them repeatedly the problem (safely backdoored encryption) is unsolvable.
EU Commission threatens to take the ELSTAT issue to Eurogroup and to 2nd Greek Program Review
The Commissioner raised the issue of “depoliticizing the Greek Public Administration” indicating that this is a source of concern and annoyance for the European Commission.
Hackers Can Use Smart Sockets to Shut Down Critical Systems
Users might be risking their privacy, and even physical security, when using smart plugs to manage appliances in homes, office buildings and other spaces. A popular electrical socket is vulnerable to malicious firmware upgrades and can be controlled remotely to expose users to both physical and online security risks, Bitdefender IoT researchers found.
Your ‚Smart‘ Power Outlets Are Now Botnets Thanks To The Internet Of Broken Things
Making fun of the Internet of Things has become a sort of national pastime, made possible by a laundry list of companies jumping into the space without the remotest idea what they‘re actually doing. When said companies aren‘t busy promoting some of the dumbest ideas imaginable, they‘re making it abundantly clear that the security of their „smart,“ connected products is absolutely nowhere to be found. And while this mockery is well-deserved, it‘s decidedly less funny once you realize these companies are introducing thousands of new attack vectors in every home and business network the world over.
Rostfässer: Es ist fünf nach zwölf! Kundgebung am 27.8. in Gorleben
Kundgebung am 27. August um 12.05 Uhr vorm Tor des Zwischenlagers.
BI-Sprecher Wolfgang Ehmke: “Wir fordern von der GNS die Rücknahme ihrer Klage und vom Umweltministerium einen absoluten Einlagerungstopp!” Im Anschluss an die Veranstaltung mit dem niedersächsischen Ministerpräsidenten Stephan Weil und seinem Kabinettskollegen, dem Umweltminister Stefan Wenzel, will die BI symbolträchtig um fünf nach zwölf vor dem Zwischenlagertor für diese Forderungen demonstrieren.
Chinese military will train Syrian troops
Last week senior Chinese military official Guan Youfei met with Syria’s defense minister in Damascus and said he wanted closer military ties with the Syrian government, state media reported.
The Destruction of Islamic State is a Strategic Mistake
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The West should seek the further weakening of Islamic State, but not its destruction. A weak but functioning IS can undermine the appeal of the caliphate among radical Muslims; keep bad actors focused on one another rather than on Western targets; and hamper Iran’s quest for regional hegemony.
US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter recently gathered defense ministers from allied nations to plan what officials hope will be the decisive stage in the campaign to eradicate the Islamic State (IS) organization. This is a strategic mistake.
The Dillinger Escape Plan – One of Us Is the Killer
Song list:
Prancer – 0:00
When I Lost My Bet – 3:52
One of Us Is the Killer – 7:45
Hero of the Soviet Union – 11:13
Nothing‘s Funny – 14:12
Understanding Decay – 17:38
Paranoia Shields – 21:27
CH 375 268 277 ARS – 25:54
Magic That I Held You Prisoner – 28:26
Crossburner – 31:16
The Threat Posed by Nuclear Weapons – 36:20
Israeli think tank: Don’t destroy ISIS; it’s a “useful tool” against Iran, Hezbollah, Syria
According to a think tank that does contract work for NATO and the Israeli government, the West should not destroy ISIS, the fascist Islamist extremist group that is committing genocide and ethnically cleansing minority groups in Syria and Iraq.
Why? The so-called Islamic State “can be a useful tool in undermining” Iran, Hezbollah, Syria and Russia, argues the think tank’s director.
Pentagon Cannot Account For $6.5 Trillion Dollars
(8.6.2016) Beginning in 1996 all federal agencies were mandated by law to conduct regular financial audits. However, the Pentagon has NEVER complied with that federal law. In 20 years, it has never accounted for the trillions of dollars in taxpayer funds it has spent…
15 Jahre Terrorkrieg: USA lieferten Waffen für 40 Milliarden Dollar, Verbleib unklar
In den vergangenen Monaten zeigte ein Journalistennetzwerk, wie Saudi-Arabien und die USA über Jahre in Osteuropa alle Arten von Waffen einkauften und an Söldner in Syrien schickten. Heute veröffentlichte eine britische NGO eine Untersuchung zu den Exporten von Kleinwaffen im Rahmen des „Krieges gegen den Terror“.
Die NGO mit dem Titel ‚Action on Armed Violence‘ (AOAV) wollte wissen, wie viele Gewehre und Pistolen seit dem Jahr 2001 nach Afghanistan und in den Irak geschickt wurden. Das Ergebnis ist schockierend: Die USA fluteten diese Länder mit etwa 1,4 Millionen Kleinwaffen und der dazu gehörigen Munition. Von den entsprechenden Lieferverträgen mit dem Pentagon profitierten demnach zehn amerikanische Firmen.
Ex-Generalinspektor der Bundeswehr fordert Tornado-Abzug aus Incirlik
French President “understands” Turkey‘s Syria intervention
French President Francois Hollande has said he “understands” Turkey’s motive behind the Euphrates Shield Operation in northwestern Syria, the Pentagon also dubbed it an “important milestone” in the fight against Islamic State (ISIS).
“Turkey itself wanted to enter Syrian territory to fight Daesh [ISIS] and we can understand this attitude concerning the terrorist crimes committed by Daesh in Turkey,” Hollande told reporters near Paris on Thursday.
Car Bomb: new song ‚From The Dust of This Planet‘
The first single from Car Bomb‘s upcoming album „Meta“ available October 28th, 2016
#Breaking: Turkish FM @MevlutCavusoglu and head of MiT Hakan Fidan to visit Iran.
Turkey’s President @RT_Erdogan meets with intelligence chief Hakan Fidan at Presidential complex, Ankara.
Aide of Turkish intel head Hakan Fidan meets w/ high-ranking Syrian security official in Damascus
Finland planning to test the effects of paying a basic income
The Social Insurance Institution of Finland, known as Kela, will be responsible for carrying out the experiment that would start in 2017 and include 2,000 randomly selected welfare recipients, according to a statement released Thursday. The level of basic income would be €560 a month ($816 Canadian), tax free and mandatory for those picked.
Turkey, Russia military talks postponed upon Moscow’s call
The agency did not detail the reason for the postponement.
Ja zu Abzug aus Incirlik, Nein zu Abzug aus Incirlik, Ja zu …
„Wir würden den Einsatz für die Koalition gern von der Türkei aus fortsetzen, der Standort Incirlik ist für unsere Mission aber nicht alternativlos“, hatte ein Sprecher der Verteidigungsministerin in dieser Woche dem Spiegel gesagt.
Führen aus der Mitte
„Nur wenn die Mitgliedstaaten [der EU, d. Red.] integrations- und außenpolitisch an einem Strang ziehen, bringt Europa das politische Gewicht auf die Waage, das Deutschland [!] zur Realisierung seiner [!] Interessen braucht.“ Berlin sei also „gut beraten, auch weiter politisch in Europa zu investieren“.[3] Dies hat zuletzt Röttgen bestätigt: „Unser Interesse ist es, dafür zu sorgen, dass Europa funktioniert“.[4] Zugleich stellt der ECFR fest, trotz der Fokussierung auf die EU gebe es mittlerweile in Berlin einen pragmatischeren Umgang mit der NATO: Man bestehe nicht mehr unbedingt auf Lösungen im EU-Rahmen, die Deutschland eine dominierende Rolle sicherten; Berlin sei auch bereit, gegebenenfalls auf das Instrumentarium der NATO zurückzugreifen, wenn das besser passe. Der unlängst gestartete NATO-Einsatz zur Flüchtlingsabwehr bestätigt dies.
Car bomb kills at least eight at police headquarters in Turkey
A car bomb at a police headquarters in Turkey‘s largely Kurdish southeast killed at least eight and wounded dozens on Friday, officials said, two days after Turkey launched an incursion against Islamic State and Kurdish militia fighters in Syria.
The state-run Anadolu news agency blamed the attack on the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK),