Daily Archives: 3. August 2016

03.08.2016 - 21:35 [ campact! ]

Reich, mächtig, im Zentrum der Hauptstadt – die Lobby der superreichen Firmenerben

Aber ist die Stiftung Familienunternehmen wirklich eine Vertreterin des Mittelstandes, wie sie immer behauptet? Die kritische Organisation LobbyControl trägt in ihrer Lobbypedia interessante Fakten zusammen: Im 35-köpfigen Kuratorium der Stiftung sitzen gerade einmal drei Unternehmer, die als Mittelstand gelten können. Die anderen sind Großunternehmen wie Henkel, Trumpf oder Theo Müller sowie Superreiche wie Johannes Kärcher (Alfred Kärcher GmbH) oder Edwin Kohl (Kohlpharma). Wirft man einen Blick auf die Liste der Mitglieder der Stiftung, findet man auch hier die ganz großen Konzerne: die Schwarz-Gruppe (Lidl, Kaufland), Aldi, Bosch und Bertelsmann. Außerdem die BMW-Erbenfamilie Quandt/Klatten, die Familie des Aldi-Gründers Albrecht oder die Familie Dr. Oetker.

03.08.2016 - 21:05 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Festival „CompArte für die Menschheit“ in Chiapas

Wir denken, dass in diesen schwierigsten Momenten mit der meisten Desillusion und Ohnmacht, einzig die Künste in der Lage sind, die Menschlichkeit zu feiern“, hieß es in einem der Kommuniqués, das die EZLN im Vorfeld der Veranstaltung veröffentlichte. Und so haben sie sich dann trotz fehlender finanzieller Mittel aus Überzeugung doch noch organisiert, um die Kunst, die sie für das CompArte vorbereitet hatten, zu präsentieren.

03.08.2016 - 20:03 [ Süddeutsche Zeitung ]

Mord und Geheimdienst: Auffälliges Schweigen

Dabei hat sich die Bundesanwaltschaft aber als Vertreterin eines Staates gezeigt, der wenig Interesse an der Aufklärung eigener Verfehlungen hat. Angeklagt war natürlich nicht der deutsche Staat, angeklagt waren zwei kroatische Ex-Geheimdienstler, deren Verteidiger auch nicht so abgebrüht waren, die deutschen Ankläger auf ihr auffälliges Schweigen anzusprechen. Und die Nebenklage war schon dankbar, dass überhaupt noch angeklagt wurde nach so langer Zeit.

03.08.2016 - 17:18 [ Hurriyet ]

Intel chief can’t say why he failed to answer on coup night: Turkish PM

Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım has said he was not able to obtain an answer from National Intelligence Organization (MİT) chief Hakan Fidan when he asked why the government had not been informed about a failed coup attempt of July 15 in addition to precautions taken earlier at the headquarters of the Chief of General Staff.

03.08.2016 - 17:11 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Shock at the ATM: Thousands of supplementary pensions undergo cut by 21%-46%

The 3. bailout and the Pensions Reforms provided that if the sum of main and supplementary pension exceeds 1,300 euro gross, the supplementary pension has to be cut.

The second wave of cuts to be implemented as of September will affect another 924,345 pensioners belonging to other pension funds.

03.08.2016 - 16:14 [ AntiMedia ]

Something Strange Emerges When Looking At This Congresswoman’s Financial Records

In other words, a community college psychology teacher who daytrades S&P calls and puts in size up to $15,000? Maybe she is merely “piggybacking” on her husband’s net worth? Then again, maybe not. Her husband, former Assemblyman Mike Eng, is a senior partner at an immigration law firm in Los Angeles valued between $250,001 and $500,000.

03.08.2016 - 16:06 [ Anglo-Peoples Korea/Songun ]

U.S. Imperialists‘ Plan to Set up Bio-Chemical Weapons Laboratory in S. Korea Slammed

(1.August) The U.S. imperialist aggression forces decided to set up a biological and chemical weapons laboratory studying highly toxic germs of high lethality like anthrax and botulinus under what it called „Jupiter plan“.
Under this plan necessary personnel and hardware are supposed to be brought into Pusan Port by this November and the project is due to commence from next year.
The Panmunjom Mission of the Korean People‘s Army in a statement Monday said that the „Jupiter plan“ pursued by the U.S. imperialist aggression forces is pursuant to the scenario to wage a biological and chemical warfare at a time of fighting a war of aggression against the DPRK.

03.08.2016 - 16:01 [ Week ]

More armed police on streets of London to fight terror threat

„The first of 600 armed officers are due to be stationed at visible locations across London today, in order to help deter terrorists,“ the London Evening Standard says.
The Metropolitan Police announced in January that Operation Hercules would boost the number of armed officers to a total of 2,800. The extra 600 firearms officers are now fully trained and operationally ready.

03.08.2016 - 15:58 [ Bandcamp ]

Rarities>Remixes>Remastered by Future Funk Squad

A collection of rare and unreleased tracks and remixes!
Sourced from original DAT Tapes and Remastered for todays standards

03.08.2016 - 15:48 [ Bandcamp ]

Reubin by Christian Löffler

Being asked to describe his own music, CHRISTIAN LOEFFLER states that he tries to combine melancholy with euphoria.
Christian Löffler Rostock, Germany

03.08.2016 - 15:32 [ ANF News ]

German court sentences Kurdish politician Kavak to three years in prison

The Court President Dr. Rühle who announced the three-year prison sentence for Kavak, stated that the court board acknowledged that PKK‘s role has changed and that they appreciated the fight against ISIS, but defending that PKK was still “a terror organisation with murder purpose”.
Dr. Rühle also mentioned the human rights violations committed by Turkey against Kurds, and cited the massacres in Cizre and Silopi as developments worsening this situation.

03.08.2016 - 15:29 [ SCMP ]

‘Not in line with democracy’: former Thai prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra risks junta’s wrath by rejecting draft constitution

Former Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said on Tuesday she rejected a draft constitution sponsored by the generals who toppled her government two years ago, and would vote against it in an August 7 referendum.
The referendum is an important step for the military government that took power after the May 2014 coup as it tries to shape a political system that it hopes will end a decade of turmoil in Southeast Asia’s second-biggest economy.

03.08.2016 - 15:22 [ WhoWhatWhy ]

Traffic Stops, Privilege and Staying Alive

This was originally scheduled to run three weeks ago but, after the murder of five policemen in Dallas, we decided to hold it. However, we will now run it because the message it conveys is not anti-cop. Instead, it reflects a reality that many Americans are simply not aware of.

03.08.2016 - 15:08 [ Telegraph ]

Landlord installs Faraday cage to block phone signals because social media is ruining British pubs

(2.August) Steve Tyler of the Gin Tub, in Hove, East Sussex, is hoping customers will be encouraged to talk to each other rather than looking at their screens.
He has installed metal mesh in the walls and ceiling of the bar which absorbs and redistributes the electromagnetic signals from phones and wireless devices to prevents them entering the interior of the building.

03.08.2016 - 15:01 [ Taz ]

Verzögerter Rückbau von AKW – „Unerwartete Kontaminationen“

(2.August) Der Hin­ter­grund: Im So­ckel des Re­ak­tor­ge­bäu­des wur­den „un­er­war­te­te Kon­ta­mi­na­tio­nen“ fest­ge­stellt, so Eon auf An­fra­ge. Die­ser „be­fund­be­haf­te­te Be­ton­be­reich“ führe nun dazu, dass „eine Neu­auf­pla­nung der Rück­bau­ar­bei­ten“ er­fol­gen müsse. Das wird teuer: Bei Still­le­gung hatte Eon Rück­bau­kos­ten von 500 Mil­lio­nen Euro ver­an­schlagt, heute spricht die Firma von „einer Mil­li­ar­de“.

03.08.2016 - 14:53 [ Bandcamp ]

原(Origin) by Jason Hou

Do Hits producer Jason Hou is bringing us his latest EP „Origin“. Combining the primitive and futuristic sounds, it explores the sonic possibilities of club music while asking the ultimate question again, „Where do we come from“.

Sci-Fi resembling sound fragments and Kung-fu movie effects, fused together with Chinese ethnic minorities folk music samples, and led by Chinese, African, Latino groove elements. Primitive dance music is destined to take over the club space.
6 tracks each represents an aspect of human nature:(…)
Do Hits Beijing, China

03.08.2016 - 14:38 [ Bianet ]

(Turkey) Men Kill 18 Women in July

According to the reports bianet has compiled from local and national newspapers, news websites and news agencies, men have killed 18 women, injured 23 others, raped 11, harassed 9 others and sexually abused 7 girls.
In the first seven months of 2016, men have killed 153 women, raped 52 others, harassed 80, inflicted violence on 196 women and sexually abused 297 girls.

03.08.2016 - 14:13 [ MintPress News ]

WikiLeaks: Trump Advisor Paul Manafort Tied To Ukrainian Government, US Intelligence

Yanukovych “owed his election to, as an American diplomat put it, an ‘extreme makeover’ Mr. Manafort oversaw,” Steven Lee Myers and Andrew E. Kramer reported in the Times on Sunday.(…)
But information contained in the WikiLeaks database of U.S. diplomatic cables suggests Manafort also maintained close ties with U.S. ambassadors and intelligence agencies while advocating for Yanukovych.

03.08.2016 - 14:02 [ Roarmag ]

Naples rising: rebel youth movements buzz in the old city

The Southern Italian regional capital of Campania has become a frontrunner of social movement mobilization. At present more than 20 buildings are occupied throughout the city with a vibrant activist scene organizing cultural events, political discussions, free health care, and language classes for immigrants — providing an alternative vision of the city. People who have lost their homes in the economic crisis take refuge in occupied spaces.

03.08.2016 - 12:14 [ Syrian War Blog ]

The White Helmets: al-Qaeda‘s Firefighters

Many analysts have denied that the White Helmets have any links to extremists whatsoever. Even when presented with photographs that seem to prove a link, they deny it. Analysts were outraged when Raed Saleh was barred from entering the US to accept the InterAction Humanitarian award. They claimed that pro-Assad Americans were slandering the Syrian Civil Defense organization with zero evidence. This article will present a trove of evidence that proves involvement with extremist groups. Much of this evidence is new, apparently not spotted by Westerners until now.

03.08.2016 - 12:13 [ nzz.ch ]

Syriens «Weisse Helme»: Der tägliche Kampf ums Überleben

(9.7.2016) «Das Bedürfnis nach einer solchen Organisation entstand mit dem Abzug des Regimes aus rebellischen Gebieten», sagt James Le Mesurier von der Organisation Mayday Rescue, welche die Weissen Helme trainiert. «Die Gebiete wurden zu einer Zone, in der auf alles und jeden geschossen wird.» Wie oft in asymmetrischen Konflikten verstecken sich auch in Syrien Kämpfer in Wohngebieten.

03.08.2016 - 11:14 [ Netzpolitik ]

Globale Überwachungsindustrie: Deutschland ist auf Platz vier der Länder mit den meisten Überwachungs-Firmen

Laut dieser Datenquelle ist Deutschland auf Platz vier der weltweiten Überwachungs-Firmen. In der Datenbank kann man die über 40 Firmen mit Sitz in Deutschland genauer inspizieren. Darunter sind einige bekannte Firmen wie FinFisher, Rheinmetall, Rohde & Schwarz, Siemens und Trovicor – aber auch weniger bekannte Firmen.

03.08.2016 - 08:26 [ Radio Utopie ]

Die Maske fällt: U.S., E.U., N.A.T.O. Invasoren aller Flaggen vereinigen sich vor Aleppo – und verlieren

Die Proxy-Armeen von U.S.-Imperium, N.A.T.O. und E.U., „Freie Syrische Armee“, „Rebellen“, „Islamischer Staat“, „Al Nusra Front“ (nun „Dschabha Fatah al-Scham“), etc, versuchen von außen in koordinierten Angriffen den Belagerungsring um ihre eingekesselten Kräfte in Aleppo zu sprengen. Die syrische Armee, mit ihren Verbündeten aus Libanon, dem Iran und der Russischen Föderation, kann den Angriff abwehren.