Daily Archives: 31. Juli 2016

31.07.2016 - 19:21 [ Dmitry Orlov / Information Clearing House ]

The Power of „Nyet“

… the Americans have been continuously demanding that Russia go along with their plan to overthrow Bashar Assad. The unchanging Russian response has been: “Nyet, the Syrians get to decide on their leadership, not Russia, and not the US.” Each time they hear it, the Americans scratch their heads and… try again. John Kerry was just recently in Moscow, holding a marathon “negotiating session” with Putin and Lavrov. Above is a photo of Kerry talking to Putin and Lavrov in Moscow a week or so ago and their facial expressions are hard to misread. There’s Kerry, with his back to the camera, babbling away as per usual. Lavrov’s face says: “I can’t believe I have to sit here and listen to this nonsense again.” Putin’s face says: “Oh the poor idiot, he can’t bring himself to understand that we’re just going to say ‘nyet’ again.” Kerry flew home with yet another “nyet.”

31.07.2016 - 19:14 [ campact! ]

Eier- und Geflügelindustrie: Dieses Video macht einen fassungslos

Ob Kükenschreddern, Käfighaltung oder maßlose Ausbeutung der Legehennen – die kommerzielle Eier- und Geflügelindustrie schreckt vor nichts zurück. Was für ein grausames System hinter dieser Industrie steckt – und warum so viele Tiere ihr Leben lassen müssen, zeigt diese Dokumentation. Aber Achtung – nichts für schwache Nerven.

31.07.2016 - 19:12 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

El Salvador – Perversion des Menschenrechtsdiskurses

„Die Magistraten erweisen sich als politische Operateure mächtiger Wirtschaftssektoren, die nie akzeptiert haben, dass sie seit 2009 die Kontrolle über die Exekutive und das Parlament verloren haben. Wir prangern die destabilisierende Absicht einer Gruppe von Richtern an, sich zu einer parallelen Regierung entwickeln zu wollen, einer Regierung der Richter, die sich verfassungswidrig über den Rest der Staatsgewalten erheben will. Wir anerkennen wie stets in der Vergangenheit das Recht der Opfer auf Wahrheit, Gerechtigkeit und Wiedergutmachung als Weg zur Aussöhnung, wie er sich in den Abkommen von 1992 niederschlägt.“

31.07.2016 - 18:54 [ Sustainable Business ]

Obama Signs GMO DARK Act, Lawsuit to Follow

FoodDemocracyNow! quickly announced they are filing a lawsuit saying „By signing the law, President Obama has written a blank check to Monsanto and Big Food while betraying his 2007 promise while running for the White House. The group will contest the law‘s infringement on the 14th amendment of the Constitution that guarantees „equal protection for all,“ among other issues.

31.07.2016 - 18:14 [ teleSUR ]

Zapatista Creative Resistance Shines a Light on Path to Freedom

Thousands converged on the Zapatista community of Oventic on Friday to share a wide selection of art representing the culture, history, and resistance of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, or EZLN. Dance, theater, music, painting, poetry, and more were put on display by the Indigenous people of the Tzotzil, Zoque, and Tzeltal communities of the Los Altos region of Chiapas for an audience of local, national, and international visitors.

31.07.2016 - 18:11 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Schwarzenbewegung in Brasilien gründet eigene Partei

Am Donnerstag ist in Brasilien die Partei „Frente Favela Brasil“ gegründet worden. Als Partei der Schwarzen und Favela-Bewohner will sie Sprachrohr von Millionen von unterrepräsentierten Brasilianern sein. Die Parteigründung fand symbolträchtig in der ältesten Favela Brasiliens, dem Morro da Providência im Zentrum von Rio de Janeiro, statt.

31.07.2016 - 18:08 [ APA ]

Turkish police block access to NATO‘s Incirlik air base

„I‘m in Adana … We conducted a general inspection of security systems. No problems found“- wrote Omer Celik. Haber Turk connects the base lock with a visit of the Head of the US Armed Forces Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford, who is going to visit Turkey on Sunday, 31 July. He plans to hold bilateral meetings in Ankara and visit US troops, who are stationed at the base of Incirlik.

31.07.2016 - 17:26 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Chief of General Staff inspects army units in Aleppo

Upon directives of President Bashar al-Assad, Chief of the General Staff of the Army and Armed Forces, Gen. Ali Abdullah Ayyoub accompanied by a number of officers made a field tour during which he inspected a number of military formations and units operating in al-Mallah farms, Bani Zaid and al-Khalediyeh in Aleppo and its countryside.

31.07.2016 - 17:03 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Military Chief Leaves on Official Visit to the United States

Israel‘s military chief Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot left Saturday night for a four-day official visit to the United States as a guest of the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Joseph Dunford.

Dunford visited Israel in March, his second trip to the country since taking office in October of last year.

31.07.2016 - 16:56 [ Hurriyet ]

Top Turkish, American soldiers to meet in person after coup attempt

U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph F. Dunford and Turkish Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar will meet on Aug. 1 at the Turkish military headquarters in Ankara after the U.S. commander’s visit to İncirlik Air Base in the southern province of Adana on late July 31. Dunford was expected to meet U.S. troops stationed at the base fighting against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

31.07.2016 - 16:53 [ New York Times ]

Decree by Turkey‘s Erdogan Brings Military More Under Govt

The decree, the third issued under a three-month state of emergency declared after the attempted coup, gives the president and prime minister the authority to issue direct orders to the commanders of the army, air force and navy.

It also announces the discharge of 1,389 military personnel, including Erdogan‘s chief military adviser, who had been arrested days after the attempted coup, the Chief of General Staff‘s charge d‘affaires and the defense minister‘s chief secretary.

31.07.2016 - 16:46 [ Hurriyet ]

Turkey lashes out at Germany over ban on Erdoğan’s videoconference

Erdoğan wanted to address the participants via video but was rejected by the local authorities and the German Constitutional Court due to security concerns. Kalın however, said Turkey was expecting to hear the “real reason” behind the ban. “It’s not acceptable for the authorities, who have been silent about the activities of the terrorist organization in the past, to try to hinder a rally on democracy on the grounds violence can spark.

31.07.2016 - 16:45 [ Hurriyet ]

Ankara mayor: Top officials at risk of assassinations

Gökçek, one of the most outspoken senior figures in the AKP who regularly updates 3.4 million followers on Twitter with his views, said there would no longer be a risk of coups in Turkey but rather of assassinations.

“Politicians will be at risk of assassinations… of course I have increased my security,” he said.

The mayor was quick to take to Twitter on the night of the coup attempt, describing it as a Gülen-backed coup minutes after the first reports emerged and then calling all supporters out into the streets.

31.07.2016 - 16:39 [ http://ideasandaction.info/ ]

Anarchist Critique of PKK

So, in order to avoid any legal or political blowback, U.S. officials now insist that they are not at all working with the-organization-that-must-not-be-named, but rather with the SDF, where the YPG is only one member among many. And the United States has avoided adding the YPG to any blacklists, even though any American official could (but won’t) tell you that it’s a PKK front.”

I do not think supporters of the PKK can simply dismiss arguments that the PKK is benefiting from US imperialism so easily as they think they can or would like to. I think they have to study the US’s role in the situation rather then just writing off the involvement of the world’s foremost imperial power as a side effect of “real politik”.

31.07.2016 - 16:35 [ Hurriyet ]

Four soldiers killed in two separate PKK attacks

PKK militants opened fire on soldiers from a forested area in Ordu as troops were conducting operational searches near the Topçam Gendarmerie Station in the Mesudiye district after receiving a warning.

According to initial reports, three soldiers were killed and two others were wounded in the attack.

31.07.2016 - 15:16 [ Bandcamp ]

Apex by Merrin Karras

Inspired by the sounds of artists like Klaus Schulze, Biosphere and Abul Mogard, and finding renewed focus in creating without external pressures or deadlines, Gregoriy’s ambient experimentation emerged, fully-formed, as Merrin Karras. His debut album under this moniker.
Written and recorded in two Berlin winters, it’s a record driven by a widescreen contrast between celestial beauty and engulfing black hole intent. Flawlessly produced, Vangelis panorama and vintage sci-fi exist in a space where drums and rhythmic elements have been willfully stripped out — and where the synths can truly breathe.

31.07.2016 - 15:10 [ Indian Punchline ]

Facing defeat, US threatens to balkanise Syria

Well, the party is clearly over and the foreign-backed terror machine seems to be a doomed project. This is the historical moment we are in… Those who backed ISIL and many other terror outfits are just going to have to own up to what Syria and Iraq have become… On the other hand, the trend lines on the War on Terror, refugee crisis, anti-Islam and anti-Muslim propaganda, failure of Western democracy and the vast militarised police and security system all point toward deep trouble in Europe as well. On refugee and humanitarian issues alone the crisis will deepen and most likely in a dramatic way. Recent terror attacks in France and Germany suggest they are woefully unprepared for what lies ahead.

31.07.2016 - 14:22 [ Wolf Street ]

So who’s going to bail out the banks?

A most unusual thing happened in Europe this week. In a rare climb down, Angela Merkel’s government decided not to push the European Commission to impose a punitive fine on Portugal and Spain for their persistent failure to comply with their budget deficit targets, leading one Eurogroup minister to declare that the euro zone’s Stability Pact is “dead.”

31.07.2016 - 13:44 [ Verge ]

Uber hired CIA-linked research firm to investigate Seattle union politics

In an email obtained by The Verge, Ergo reached out to a labor historian named Trevor Griffey, seeking insight into „the recent developments in labor unionization in Seattle“ and offering to pay for consultation work on the topic. The email was sent in mid-January, roughly a month after the collective bargaining ordinance was passed.

31.07.2016 - 12:57 [ Spiegel ]

RocVin: Fahrdienst des Bundestags meldet Insolvenz an

(4.Juli) Im Spätherbst 2013 beantragte die Firma schließlich ein Insolvenzverfahren über sein Vermögen, „wovon ich am 20. November 2013 Kenntnis erlangt habe“, schrieb Bundestagsdirektor Horst Risse damals an die Fraktionen. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt wurde erwogen, dass die Abgeordneten kurzfristig auf Taxen ausweichen sollen. „Dabei bliebe den Abgeordneten die Möglichkeit, Taxen in eigener Regie zu bestellen und sich die Kosten anschließend erstatten zu lassen“, heißt es in Risses Brief.

31.07.2016 - 12:12 [ Luke Aikins / Facebook ]

We did and cannot thank everyone enough for the support. My vision was always proper preparation and that if you train right you can make anything happen. Thank you!!!!


31.07.2016 - 12:09 [ klatsch-tratsch.de ]

Videos: Luke Aikins springt ohne Fallschirm aus 7600m in die Tiefe

Der Weltrekordsprung ist geglückt. US-Skydiver Luke Aikins (42) hat sich ohne Fallschirm aus 7620 Meter Höhe aus einem Flugzeug gestürzt.

31.07.2016 - 11:58 [ Anadolu ]

Turkey: Top ministers to join Supreme Military Council

A number of military officers will no longer sit on the council, including some generals and admirals.

Under other reforms, the gendarmerie is now answerable to the Interior Ministry, so the gendarmerie commander will also no longer sit on the council.

Also under the changes announced, the defense minister replaces the deputy chief of General Staff as the council’s secretary general.

31.07.2016 - 11:54 [ junge Welt ]

Auf gute Nachbarschaft

(30.Juli)Der Datenschutz wird weiter ausgehebelt. Automatische Abgleiche mit anderen Behörden und Geldinstituten können nun monatlich statt bislang vierteljährlich erfolgen – sogar bei Familienmitgliedern, die selbst keine Leistung erhalten. Zudem wird in der Reform konkretisiert, dass vom Jobcenter bestellte medizinische oder psychologische Gutachter sämtliche Patientendaten ungefragt ans Amt übermitteln dürfen. Ebenso werden Bußgeldvorschriften für Dritte ausgeweitet. Heißt: Einem Vermieter oder Nachbarn, der dem Jobcenter auf Anfrage eine falsche oder keine Auskunft über den Bezieher gibt, droht eine Strafe von bis zu 5.000 Euro.

31.07.2016 - 11:51 [ New York Times ]

Syrian Civilians Begin Leaving Rebel-Held Parts of Aleppo

Dozens of families and some opposition fighters started leaving besieged rebel-held neighborhoods in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo on Saturday after the government opened safe corridors for civilians and fighters who want to leave, state media reported.

The government completely closed the main road into rebel-held areas of Aleppo on July 17, effectively besieging the 300,000 people living there.

31.07.2016 - 11:26 [ Ali Watkins / Buzzfeed ]

This Is How Washington Learned Of The Attempted Turkey Coup

It came from the number of his Turkish counterpart, Gen. Hulusi Akar, the leader of Turkey’s military and a critical ally in the fight against ISIS. But when Dunford’s office staff answered, it wasn’t Akar’s voice on the other end of the line — it was his kidnappers’, who, hours before, had started waging a bloody coup in the streets of Turkey. With Turkey’s top general and presidential confidante held hostage, they needed Dunford’s support.

31.07.2016 - 11:16 [ New York Times ]

Muslims Go to Catholic Mass Across France to Show Solidarity

In a gesture of solidarity following the gruesome killing of a French priest, Muslims have attended Catholic Mass in churches and cathedrals across the country and beyond.

Television footage showed dozens of Muslims gathering at France‘s towering Gothic cathedral in Rouen, only a few kilometers from Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, where the 85-year-old priest was killed by two teenage attackers on Tuesday.

31.07.2016 - 11:13 [ The Young Turks / Youtube ]

Protesters Break Through DNC Security Fence On Day 4

Veröffentlicht am 30.07.2016
Jordan Chariton of TYT Politics speaks with protesters outside the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. During interviews The Young Turks camera crew caught footage of protesters breaking through the security fence.

31.07.2016 - 11:09 [ RT Deutsch / Youtube ]

„Gähnende Leere“ – Was der Mainstream von Hillarys Nominierungsparteitag wegschnitt

Die Mainstream-Medien (MSM) haben von der glitzernden Inszenierung der Nominierung von Hillary Clinton als Präsidentschaftskandidatin auf dem Demokratischen Parteitag (DNC) das Bild eines glänzenden Sieges und einer überschwenglichen Aufbruchsstimmung vermittelt. Doch ein Video des des bekannten Filmemachers, Josh Fox, zeigt ein ganz anderes Bild.