Air France was to cancel 20 percent of its flights on Monday on the third day of a pilots‘ strike over pay and working conditions. Strikes in refuse disposal, railways and oil refineries dragged on ahead of a day of action against the government‘s labour reform on Tuesday.
Daily Archives: 12. Juni 2016
Russisches U-Boot in Ostsee war schwedisches ziviles Boot „Time Bandit“
(4/2015) Einstürzende Lügengebäude: Finte aus Stockholm, um das Militärbudget vor allem für die Marine in den kommenden Jahren kräftig aufzustocken.
Signal from Russian sub lurking near Sweden in 2014 ‘came from Swedish object’
A sonar signature, which Swedish military claimed to be crucial evidence of a foreign submarine’s presence near Stockholm during the 2014 hunt, came from a “Swedish object,” the country’s defense minister has admitted.
Peter Hultqvist would not go into details about the source of the signal, but said the military reconsidered their assessment of its nature in September 2015, he told Sveriges Radio.
Lille : incidents avec des hooligans sur la Grand-Place (VIDÉOS)
Les CRS sont arrivés promptement et en nombre (jusque-là, leur présence était discrète), ainsi que les secours. Parmi les quelques blessés, certains ont été pris en charge sur place par les pompiers. Les forces de l’ordre auraient de leur côté interpellé un Allemand.
Sufi by Polynation
„We recorded Rumi‘s words with our friend Marlon Penn, he did the spoken word along with other vocal parts and pieces of guitar. In the production process we often find ourselves coming up with lots of ideas, new layers and alternate versions. By re-using the sounds as a starting point for a next track, we tried to create a journey. That‘s how we came up with these three songs – all have the same theme, but are based on a previous version.“
Atomnation Amsterdam, Netherlands
China‘s yuan trade system to open branches in London, New York
China‘s state-owned currency marketplace said on Sunday it was preparing to open branches in London and New York as part of efforts to promote the yuan‘s global status.
Bomb hits central Beirut, minister says target was Blom Bank
„Politically it is clear that target was Blom Bank only,“ he said, adding that the attack had nothing to do with the militant group Islamic State, which has mounted suicide bombings in Beirut. Machnouk said initial reports indicated there had been no fatalities.
Visit of Xi Jinping to Serbia opportunity for boosting economic cooperation
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlovic announced today that during the forthcoming visit of President of China Xi Jinping to Belgrade, 20 agreements and protocols with that country will be signed.
Slipstream by FVLCRVM
Bratislava‘s airborne saviour has returned! FVLCRVM follows on from his ‚Jet City‘ single with his new EP ‚Slipstream‘. 2 tracks of lush synths, intricate percussion and incredible sample work that make up a truly unique signature sound.
Schönefeld und Tegel erhalten Körperscanner
Mit sogenannten Körperscannern zur Kontrolle der Flugpassagiere werden die Berliner Flughäfen Schönefeld und Tegel in diesem Sommer ausgestattet. Das berichtete der Berliner Tagesspiegel unter Berufung auf die Bundespolizei.
Krieger im Abseits
Die Antimilitaristen wandten sich insbesondere gegen Werbemaßnahmen, die auf Minderjährige abzielen. »Vielen Menschen ist nicht bewusst, dass die Bundeswehr mit dem ›Tag der Bundeswehr‹ ganz gezielt Kinder und Jugendliche anspricht, da sie in ihnen potentiell neue Soldaten sieht«, kritisierte Marvin Mendyka vom Netzwerk Friedenskooperative. »Beim Militär geht es um Krieg, nicht ums Bohren von Brunnen.«
Alien Love by Jackie Lynn
“I’ve always been the source of action. My mom didn’t even make it to the hospital before I decided to come into this world. She had to lie right down on the sidewalk in front of Rolling Hills Hospital as doctors hovered around to help. It was storming that morning, and right as I was coming into the world a bolt of lighting fell from the sky, striking my mother right in the belly. They say I shot out of her like a bullet from a gun, right into oncoming traffic.”
Die Woche im Rückspiegel betrachtet
Joomla-Verein kämpft um seine Gemeinnützigkeit
Der 2004 ursprünglich als „Mambo e. V.“ ins Leben gerufene Verein hat sich die Förderung der Nutzung freier Software auf die Fahnen geschrieben. 2012 verweigerte das zuständige Finanzamt Aachen jedoch die bis dahin unbestrittene Anerkennung als gemeinnützig und die damit verbundene reduzierte Besteuerung.
Open Source unterstützen reicht nicht
Die Unterstützung von Open-Source-Software reicht alleine in Deutschland noch nicht aus, um als gemeinnützig anerkannt zu werden. Das Vereinsziel umfasst laut Satzung aber auch die Förderung der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung, was laut §52 der Abgabenordnung als gemeinnütziger Zweck anerkannt ist. Offenbar zweifelt das Finanzamt Aachen jedoch daran, dass Veranstaltungen wie die Joomla-Konferenz JoomlaDay mit ihren Vorträgen das Bildungsziel erfüllen.
Most deaths of Nepalese workers in Malaysia due to cardiac arrest, says ambassador
Nepal Ambassador to Malaysia Dr Niranjan Man Singh Basnyat (pic) said the cause may be due to working long hours, especially under the hot sun while the other 30 percent was due to fatal accidents at workplace, consuming too much alcoholic drinks while a few had committed suicide due to monetary reasons.
US: 50 dead, 53 injured in Orlando club shooting
At least 50 people are dead and 53 injured following what many are calling the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, Orlando, Florida, officials confirmed Sunday.(…)
A state of emergency has been declared in the state of Florida, Mayor Buddy Dyer told media.(…)
The attack at a gay nightclub may have been an “awful hate crime” against the LGBT community, according to the congressman.
Theresa May’s surveillance plans should worry us all
So Theresa May’s investigatory powers bill has completed its passage through the House of Commons. It passed its third reading by 444 votes to 69 and now goes to the Lords for further consideration. Their lordships will do their best – and they are good at scrutinising complex legislation – but sometime in the next parliamentary session the bill, substantially unchanged, will receive the royal assent and become law. As a result, the powers of the national security state will have been significantly expanded.
Six incredible buildings made from shipping containers
Cargotecture is a growing trend in modern architecture that has more to do with repurposing than it does with starting from scratch — and yet the results are no less spectacular than traditional construction projects.
Bayık: We no longer fight like we used to, everyone will see this
Emphasizing the need to involve all of north Syria- including Efrin and Shahba- in the Federation of North Syria, Bayık underlined that this federation was not aiming for a state but the formation of a democratic system and the protection of Syria’s unity.
Touch And Flee by Neil Cowley Trio
Touch and Flee was recorded at the legendary RAK studios with Grammy nominated Dom Monks in the producer‘s chair. RAK has seen some of the biggest names in music record there – David Bowie, Al Green, Michael Jackson, Pink Floyd, Arctic Monkeys, and of course Adele, with whom Cowley recorded the global hit, Rolling In The Deep.
Lenovo, Google unveil phone that knows its way around a room
A Lenovo smartphone unveiled Thursday will be clever enough to grasp your physical surroundings — such as the room‘s size and the presence of other people — and potentially transform how we interact with e-commerce, education and gaming.
Today‘s smartphones track location through GPS and cell towers, but that does little more than tell apps where you are. Tapping Google‘s 3-year-old Project Tango , the new Phab2 Pro phone will use software and sensors to track motions and map building interiors, including the location of doors and windows.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange backs Brexit
„For example, the EAW, the European Arrest Warrant.
„We think here in the United Kingdom that you have a right to a fair trial that includes evidence, judges and charges, but in my case we don‘t have any of that, and it‘s not just me.
Artist‘s campaign targets biometric surveillance
„Today‘s selfie is tomorrow‘s biometric portrait,“ read the bright red text of a poster plastered to the New Museum’s window in New York City’s Bowery neighborhood.
Walmart Canada to stop accepting Visa, says fees too high
(11.Juni) Walmart Canada stores will stop accepting Visa Inc V.N cards because the credit card provider charges merchants „unacceptably high“ fees, the retailer said on Saturday.
Four new elements get their final names
For element 113, Japan is recognized by one of its alternate names, Nihon. The element will be called nihonium, and bear the symbol Nh. The remaining elements were produced by collaboration between the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Russia and two of the US‘ national labs: Oak Ridge and Lawrence Livermore. Element 115 honors the Russian part of that collaboration with the name moscovium (symbol Mc). 117 handles Oak Ridge by getting the name tennessine, or Ts. Lawrence Livermore has the misfortune of being in California, which already has an element named after it, so it gets left out.
SOS fürs Meer – Schutzgebiete retten!
Sechs Naturschutzgebiete der Nord- und Ostsee sind in Gefahr! Fracking, Fischerei und Rohstoffabbau sollen in diesen Schutzzonen erlaubt sein.
I was with Muhammad Ali on his hostage-release trip to Iraq — and the media has it all wrong
I couldn‘t believe it. These were hostages? I went up to one table of 30-somethings who looked European. “Are you hostages?” They all laughed and told me they were indeed hostages. They were nurses from Ireland who were working in an Irish-run medical facility in Baghdad. They asked me if I wanted to join them for drinks at a bar following dinner.
US Southcom Operation “Venezuela Freedom”, American Strategy to Overthrow the Maduro Government
The report “Venezuela Freedom 2 – Operation”, which was reproduced in several publications is signed by admiral and current chief of the American South Command, Kurt Tidd.
Regisseur: Carolina Hellsgård
Land: Deutschland
Jahr: 2015
Länge: 87 Minuten
Sprachfassung: deutsch
WANJA: Heute im Künstlerhaus Hannover
Nach der gestrigen ausverkauften Sonderaufführung von WANJA im Berliner Moviemento Kino veranstaltet heute das Kino im Künstlerhaus in Hannover die Niedersachsen Premiere des in der Presse bereits hochgelobten Spielfilms.
„Wanja“ (Trailer)
Nach einem langen Gefängnisaufenthalt ist die 40-jährige Wanja bemüht, alles zu vermeiden, was sie zurück in die Sucht und in zwielichtige Kreise bringen könnte. Sie nimmt harmlose Jobs an, zunächst in einer Zoohandlung, weil sie sich gern um Tiere kümmert, später bei einem Trabrennstall, bezieht eine Sozialwohnung und trifft sich regelmäßig mit ihrem Bewährungshelfer
Lafontaine und Kanzler Kohl in 1990: Republik nur „Etappe“, „Provisorium“ vor „Einheit Europas“
Seit dem Mauerfall war es für die Nomenklatura in West- und Ostdeutschland und deren Parteien abgemachte Sache, dass die heute 25-jährige Berliner Republik niemals Bestand haben solle, sondern zu verschwinden habe. Die in 1992 gegründete „Europäische Union“ diente von Anbeginn als Mittel zum Zweck, die souveränen europäischen Demokratien loszuwerden.
Euroskepticism Beyond Brexit: Significant opposition in key European countries to an ever closer EU
EU favorability is down in five of the six nations surveyed in both 2015 and 2016. There has been a double-digit drop in France (down 17 percentage points) and Spain (16 points), and single-digit declines in Germany (8 points), the United Kingdom (7 points) and Italy (6 points).
Britain‘s authority within EU will rise after ‚In‘ vote: PM Cameron
Britain‘s influence in the European Union will be stronger if it votes to remain in the bloc in a June 23 referendum, Prime Minister David Cameron said on Sunday with the latest polls showing Britons almost evenly split over whether to stay or go.
Poll: ND leads with 3.5% towards SYRIZA. However….
At the same time, 32.4% of respondents declare that they do not know which party they would vote for if elections were to be held today.
Poll: Almost Nine in 10 Greeks are Dissatisfied With the Govt
(28.5.2016) A new poll by the University of Macedonia on behalf of privately owned Skai TV found that seven in 10 Greeks believe that the government’s negotiation strategy led to delays in bailout review conclusions that were against the country’s interests.
Russian hooligans in Marseille
Veröffentlicht am 11.06.2016
England – Russia russian hooligans attack english fans after the match
Veröffentlicht am 12.06.2016
Here you go the British broadcasting media, get some balance. Black shirts=Russian Ultras
Ever clip I see if the violence there is multiple guys in black shirts attacking England fans. #Russian #ultras
Russian hooligans hunt down England fans in sickening street battles in Marseille
A gang of 20 or so Russian fans all clad in black have been hunting down English supporters in horrifying scenes – with one man punched and kicked on the ground
Euro 2016 violence: Marseille ‚like a war zone‘ says fan who escaped thugs
Kane Lewis, 26, was walking through Marseille‘s Old Port with pals when they were confronted by a group of men wearing black Lokomotiv Moscow t-shirts and gum shields, he said.
ISIS and Israel on the Golan Heights
Despite all this, the Yarmouk Valley is still run by ISIS, left alone by Israel and is a testament to the complex, cynical and calculated machinations of the actors in this conflict.
Next Deployment To Golan In July
“The Fiji contingent in UNDOF will continue in the support responsibilities required of us; Fiji remains steadfast in the commitment,” Mr Natuva said. “The Fiji contingent serving with UNDOF in the Golan still remains on the Alpha side of the Area of Separation (AOS) in Israel,” he said.
Resolution des EU-Parlaments zu Venezuela sorgt in Caracas für Kritik
Eine Venezuela-kritische Resolution im Europäischen Parlament sorgt erneut für Unmut in Caracas. Die konservative Mehrheit in Brüssel hatte Mitte der Woche ein Papier verabschiedet, in dem sie die „Freilassung von politischen Gefangenen“ in Venezuela ebenso fordert wie „Respekt vor dem Rechtsstaat (…) und dem Prinzip der Gewaltenteilung“.
Brasiliens Interimsregierung will Zugang zu Öl für transnationale Konzerne erweitern
Geheime Absprachen zwischen Außenminister José Serra und Chevron. Gesetz wurde kurz vor der Amtsenthebung von Dilma Rousseff durch den Senat gepeitscht
Bundeswehr ammunition goes missing on Berlin #Mali flight
The crate reportedly disappeared after German troops left Berlin for Bamako, Mali‘s capital, on May 28 aboard a commercial Air France flight that stopped in Paris.
Prepaid-Ausweiszwang stoppen – Anonyme Telekommunikation ist kein Verbrechen!
Das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik empfiehlt offiziell eine ‚Verschleierung der Identität gegenüber dem Mobilfunkbetreiber‘ im Geschäftsumfeld – doch nun soll der Schutz Vieler auf dem Altar der Terrorangst geopfert werden. Wer eine anonyme Kommunikation grundsätzlich verbieten oder unter Generalverdacht stellen möchte, der verkennt, dass wir damit auf eine unfreie Gesellschaft selbstzensierter und obrigkeitsfürchtender Menschen zusteuern.“
Judge Rules Airline Can’t Be Sued for Not Carrying Rhino Trophy
A Texan who paid $350,000 to kill an endangered black rhino in Africa cannot sue Delta Airlines for refusing to ship his trophy home because it can ship whatever it chooses, so long as it applies to all passengers equally, a federal judge ruled.
House Poised to Advance Privacy and Defend Encryption…If Allowed to Vote
The first measure would prohibit government funds from being spent to perform warrantless backdoor searches. Backdoor searches are when the government searches its database of intercepted online traffic for the communications of specific Americans—without a warrant, prior court authorization, or any external restriction.
Beware of the Emergency Exception Loophole in the Email Privacy Act
The Email Privacy Act, which passed the House 419-0, is slated for consideration in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing this week. The legislation updates the now 30-year old Electronic Communications Privacy Act to, among other things, require law enforcement to generally get a warrant before it seizes the content of one’s emails. (The current statute only includes a warrant requirement for emails that are stored for 180 days or less.)
Colossal US rocket loaded with classified snooper satellite cargo shot into space (VIDEO)
“When the United States needs eyes and ears in critical place where no human can reach – be it over the most rugged terrain or through the most hostile territory – it turns to the National Reconnaissance Office,” a mission statement on the NRO website reads.
Entscheidung: Ja! Nein! Vielleicht?
Dagmar Borchers: Warum wollten Sie mit mir ausgerechnet über das Grübeln sprechen?
ZEIT Campus: Stört Sie das?
Borchers: Es irritiert mich ein bisschen. Warum nicht über das Nachdenken? Grübeln ist ja eher negativ konnotiert. Ein Nachdenken, das sich verfranst, bei dem man nicht vom Fleck kommt.
ZEIT Campus: Entscheidungen zu treffen ist ja auch oft nicht leicht.
Borchers: Das stimmt. Eben genau dann, wenn wir grübeln statt nachdenken: Anstatt zielorientiert die Optionen vor uns auszubreiten, drehen wir uns im Kreis.
»Gegen Neofaschismus hilft nur Aufklärung«
Weit mehr als die Hälfte unserer Mitbürger, manche Umfragen sprechen sogar von 75 Prozent, sind gegen die deutschen Kriegseinsätze. Wenn sie darauf angesprochen werden, antworten sie aber: »Die machen ja doch, was sie wollen.« Was sagen Sie denen? Was sagen Sie uns?
Nicht aufgeben!