Daily Archives: 25. Mai 2016

25.05.2016 - 19:18 [ Organisation der Vereinten Nationen ]

Citing obstruction, UN torture prevention panel suspends Ukraine visit

“This denial of access is in breach of Ukraine‘s obligations as a State party to the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture. It has meant that we have not been able to visit some places where we have heard numerous and serious allegations that people have been detained and where torture or ill-treatment may have occurred,” said Malcolm Evans, head of the four-member delegation, in a statement issued by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

25.05.2016 - 19:10 [ Vimeo ]

Hyper-Reality von Keiichi Matsuda

Hyper-Reality presents a provocative and kaleidoscopic new vision of the future, where physical and virtual realities have merged, and the city is saturated in media.(…)

25.05.2016 - 18:17 [ Google ]

A principle that should not be forgotten

For hundreds of years, it has been an accepted rule of law that one country should not have the right to impose its rules on the citizens of other countries. As a result, information that is illegal in one country can be perfectly legal in others: Thailand outlaws insults to its king; Brazil outlaws negative campaigning in political elections; Turkey outlaws speech that denigrates Ataturk or the Turkish nation — but each of these things is legal elsewhere. As a company that operates globally, we work hard to respect these differences.

25.05.2016 - 18:14 [ Washington Post ]

What’s driving Silicon Valley to become ‘radicalized’

Like many Silicon Valley start-ups, Larry Gadea’s company collects heaps of sensitive data from his customers.

Recently, he decided to do something with that data trove that was long considered unthinkable: He is getting rid of it.

The reason? Gadea fears that one day the FBI might do to him what it did to Apple in their recent legal battle: demand that he give the agency access to his encrypted data.

25.05.2016 - 18:12 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Eurogroup on Greece: a carrot for a bunch of sticks

The marathon negotiations in Brussels ended at 3 o’ clock in the morning. The Eurogroup finance ministers but in fact Germany and the International Monetary Fund agreed to give a carrot to Greece yet keep waving a bunch of sticks for as long as it takes. At first stage, lenders will pour so much money to Greece, just enough to fulfill its obligations towards the lenders and a small leftover so that the state will pay its arrears to private sector. At the same time they will focus on the implementation of the ‘prior actions’ and have assigned Greece with new tasks, like correcting austerity legislation – correcting to the worse, of course.

25.05.2016 - 17:59 [ RT ]

Umstrittene Satelliten-Aufnahmen von Luftwaffenbasis T4: Moskau bestreitet Zerstörung von vier Mi-24

Am 14. Mai habe der IS bekanntgegeben, dass bei einem seiner Angriffe vier russische Kampfhubschrauber und 20 Versorgungs-LKWs zerstört worden wären. Andere Medien konnten das nicht bestätigen. Der Redakteur der International Business Times, Callum Paton, merkte bezüglich der Darstellungen des verantwortlichen Stratfor-Analysten Sim Tak kritisch an, dass sich der IS trotz der Tragweite des Angriffs sich gegen sonstige Gepflogenheitennicht nicht zur Zerstörung der Hubschrauber bekannt habe.

25.05.2016 - 17:51 [ Free Speech ]

Protesters Blockade Planned Pipeline Site Near Nuclear Plant Outside NYC

In Peekskill, New York, just about an hour north of New York City, residents have launched a blockade in efforts to stop the construction of a gas pipeline slated to run only hundreds of feet from the aging Indian Point nuclear power plant. The proposed project has sparked concerns from residents and nuclear experts that a pipeline break could cause a catastrophic nuclear disaster that would threaten the entirety of New York City.

25.05.2016 - 17:49 [ Common Dreams ]

Striking Workers Shut Down France‘s Oil Depots, Move to Blockade Nuclear Plant

Striking workers with the Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT), one of France‘s largest unions, are clashing with French government forces after the union members blockaded oil refineries and depots in response to President François Hollande forcing unpopular labor reforms through parliament earlier this month.

25.05.2016 - 17:46 [ Common Dreams ]

GOP Lawmakers Capitalize on Zika Threat to Pass Bill Dubbed ‚Making Pesticides Great Again‘ Act

The Republican-controlled U.S. House on Tuesday passed legislation—newly rebranded with the word „Zika“ in it—that Democrats say is in fact not at all about the addressing the threat of the virus but making it easier for pesticides to contaminate the nation‘s waterways.

25.05.2016 - 17:15 [ Bianet ]

Police Raid on Radio Karacadağ on Claims of ‘Defaming President’

It has been reported that the raid has been conducted over a user sharing the message on Twitter following the weekly broadcast on HDP (Peoples Democratic Party), that the radio had been broadcasting uninterruptedly the speech of a HDP MP and the whole speech consisted of defamation and hatred against the Presidential Palace.

25.05.2016 - 16:25 [ UN Human Rights ]

UN torture prevention body suspends Ukraine visit citing obstruction

“This denial of access is in breach of Ukraine’s obligations as a State party to the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture. It has meant that we have not been able to visit some places where we have heard numerous and serious allegations that people have been detained and where torture or ill-treatment may have occurred,”

25.05.2016 - 10:57 [ Süddeutsche Zeitung ]

Deutschland ignoriert Waffen-Embargo gegen Ägypten

Trotz eines grundsätzlichen Lieferstopps für Munition und Waffen verkaufen nach Angaben von Amnesty International zwölf der 28 EU-Mitgliedstaaten weiter Rüstungsgüter an das nordafrikanische Land. Dazu gehöre auch Deutschland, erklärte die Menschenrechtsorganisation am Mittwoch. Berlin habe 2014 Rüstungsexporte im Umfang von 22,7 Millionen Euro genehmigt, darunter vor allem U-Boot-Technologie.

25.05.2016 - 10:54 [ Netzpolitik ]

Europäische Union kündigt vollautonome Testflüge mit Flugzeug-Drohnen an

Die deutsch-katarische Herstellerfirma RS-UAS bewirbt ein Einsatzspektrum „von der zivilen Nutzung über die militärische Aufklärung bis hin zu Forschungszwecken“. Ein Prototyp soll bald von der europäischen Luftfahrtbehörde EASA zertifiziert werden, anschließend will der Hersteller mit der Serienproduktion beginnen. Erster Auftraggeber sei der Staat Katar, auch die Bundeswehr sowie „Interessenten aus den USA und Australien“ haben der Firma zufolge bereits Kaufabsichten bekundet.

25.05.2016 - 10:41 [ RT / Youtube ]

Putin: Who gave NATO right to kill Gaddafi?

(2011) Who gave coalition forces in Libya the right to eliminate Gaddafi? That‘s the question Vladimir Putin‘s been asking, during an official visit to Denmark. The Russian Premier also said NATO‘s effectively joined one of the warring sides in the conflict. And more responsible action should be taken instead.

25.05.2016 - 10:13 [ Peter Van Buren / Antiwar ]

Obama in Hanoi: Vietnam Arms Embargo To Be Fully Lifted

Obama said “It was based on our desire to complete what has been a lengthy process of moving toward normalization with Vietnam.”

So, to sum up: the sale of weapons is a sign of normalization. Appropriate, in that that is what is normal in America’s foreign relations in the 21st century. Not whether a nation is an ally or adversary per se, but whether they are a customer for our defense industry.

25.05.2016 - 09:51 [ The Laura Flanders Show / Youtube ]

Rising up Against Empire: Jeremy Scahill and the Easter uprising

Jeremy Scahill is an award-winning investigative journalist and a founding editor of The Intercept. He is the author Blackwater: The Rise of the World‘s Most Powerful Mercenary Army, Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield, and a producer of the film Dirty Wars, which was nominated for an academy award for best documentary. His newest book, co-written with the staff of The Intercept, is The Assassination Complex: Inside the Government‘s Secret Drone Warfare Program.

25.05.2016 - 08:03 [ Aktionsbündnis gegen Stuttgart 21 / Radio Utopie ]

Wegen geschwärzter Vermerke zu „Stuttgart 21“: Kanzleramt vor dem Kadi

Am Donnerstag, 26. Mai (9.30 Uhr), verhandelt das Berliner Verwaltungsgericht über eine Klage, bei der sich die oberste Exekutive, das Bundeskanzleramt, wegen ihres massiven Einflusses auf den Weiterbau von „Stuttgart 21“ Anfang 2013 vor Gericht verantworten muss. Kläger ist Dr. Eisenhart von Loeper, Rechtsanwalt und Sprecher des Aktionsbündnisses gegen Stuttgart 21, der bereits die Übergabe von S 21-Vermerken des Kanzleramts an den damaligen Amtschef und heutigen DB-Vorstand Ronald Pofalla und an Kanzlerin Angela Merkel durchsetzen konnte. Im laufenden Prozess geht es darum, ob die nur stark geschwärzt zugänglich gemachten fünf Berichte vollständig entschwärzt und damit noch geheim gehaltene Vorgänge offenbart werden müssen.

25.05.2016 - 08:01 [ stuttgart21.strafvereitelung.de ]

Strafvereitelung durch Berliner Staatsanwälte?

Zwei engagierte Juristen und Gegner des Bahnprojekts „Stuttgart 21“, Dr. Eisenhart von Loeper und Dieter Reicherter, haben Strafanzeige gegen zwei Berliner Staatsanwälte erstattet, weil sie jegliche Ermittlungen wegen des Tatverdachts der Untreue gegen die Bahn-Vorstände Rüdiger Grube, Volker Kefer verweigert haben. Auch Bahn-Aufsichtsräte, Staatssekretäre sowie Ex-Kanzleramtsminister Ronald Pofalla und Ex-Wirtschaftsminister Philipp Rösler scheinen gegen die Strafverfolgungsbehörden immun zu sein. Dank der frappierenden Untätigkeit der zuständigen Hauptstadt-Staatsanwälte – vorerst zumindest.

25.05.2016 - 07:59 [ Junge Welt ]

Regierung soll im Aufsichtsrat der Deutschen Bahn Weiterbau von »Stuttgart 21« durchgesetzt haben. Gespräch mit Eisenhart von Loeper

Wem werfen Sie vor, involviert gewesen zu sein?

Kanzlerin Angela Merkel, CDU, der damalige Verkehrsminister Peter Ramsauer, CSU, der Fraktionsvorsitzende Volker Kauder, Finanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble, beide CDU, sowie Bundeswirtschaftsminister Philipp Rösler, FDP, hatten sich entsprechend zwischen Mitte und Ende Februar 2013 eingemischt: »Stuttgart 21« wird gebaut, koste es, was es wolle.

25.05.2016 - 06:53 [ Radio Utopie ]

Erinnern Sie sich? Die Verfassungsklage der „Opposition“ gegen den Bundeswehr-Krieg in der Türkei, Syrien, Irak?

(28.3.2016) Nicht nur die parlamentarische, auch die außerparlamentarische Opposition stellt sich weiter tot oder dumm und spielt der U.S.-geführten internationalen Kriegskoalition und ihrer Bundesregierung weiter in die Hände. Der moralisch-politische Zusammenbruch von Friedensbewegung, Sozialdemokratie, Liberalen und Linken setzt sich weiter fort.

25.05.2016 - 06:45 [ Spiegel ]

„Islamischer Staat“ in Libyen: Amerikas nächster Krieg

(25.2.2016) Was verbirgt sich hinter diesen Meldungen? Die USA weiten ihren Einsatz gegen den Ableger des „Islamischen Staates“ (IS) in Libyen aus – und setzen auf Unterstützung Frankreichs. Washington und Paris wollen die Dschihadisten ausbremsen, bevor sie die gesamte Region destabilisieren könnten. Es ist die nächste große Front im Krieg gegen den IS.

25.05.2016 - 06:41 [ Middle East Eye ]

New leak alleges plan for Egypt and UAE to arm Libya campaign

(21.5.2015) Since Haftar began a bombing campaign last year against militias aligned with the rival Libya Dawn government in Tripoli which had been gaining ground in Libya, there has been intense speculation that his forces were receiving aid from foreign states.

Documents claiming to be leaks from inside Egypt back in September 2014 appeared to show Libyan officials sending their Egyptian counterparts long lists of requests for ammunition and weaponry.

Haftar confirmed earlier this year that his forces receive material backing from countries including Egypt and the UAE..

25.05.2016 - 01:33 [ Bandcamp ]



25.05.2016 - 01:04 [ Bandcamp ]

Bewegliche Ziele by Plaza Hotel

Spelmanns himself, now living in Bremen, working as a video artist and leading the Generic Art Ensemble, definitely didn‘t expect this to ever happen. Three decades after its initial release “Bewegliche Ziele” is finally finding its listeners and revealing its long hidden spell. It‘s the same with “Bewegliche Ziele” as with a lot of this time period‘s music long forgotten or only released in a very limited capacity: Today, with hindsight, it gains new meaning and an extensive resonance. Over the last few years Plaza Hotel‘s skewness, the graceful peculiarity, the courageous experimentalism is being explored by new and younger groups and can be heard in current music again. Meaning “Bewegliche Ziele” could have easily be released in 2016. NOTES ON A JOURNEY thought the same and decided, that not only freaky record collectors should be able to, for extortionate prices, enjoy this timeless, fascinating piece of music on vinyl. So we have brought Plaza Hotel back to life, in all its glory.
Plaza Hotel Düsseldorf, Germany