During 5 days of presentations and debate, many states called for a ban treaty. And key supporters of the Humanitarian Pledge – Mexico, Austria, South Africa, Brazil, and Indonesia – stressed the time has now come to start the negotiations to prohibit nuclear weapons.
Daily Archives: 12. März 2016
Palm Oil and GM Mustard: A Marriage Made in Hell
Just as in Indonesia, this would also fuel massive environmental catastrophe as well as further widespread social devastation and damage to human health (outlined here).
Trudeau Pledges Strengthened Canada-US Partnership in White House Visit
“Canada and the U.S. will stand side by side to confront the pressing needs that face not only our two countries, but the entire planet,” Trudeau told the press.
Syriens Außenminister und U.S.-Administration Seit an Seit gegen Russlands richtiges Friedenskonzept
Die russische Regierung bzw der Kreml haben kürzlich, wie immer Jahre zu spät, den einzigen richtigen Vorschlag zur Beendigung des Syrien-Krieges und dem Sieg gegen die Invasoren aus der N.A.T.O und der U.S.-Hegemonie gemacht. Und natürlich protestierte das U-Boot der Invasoren in Damaskus, Außenminister Walid al-Muallem, am lautesten dagegen. Die U.S.-Regierung äußerte sich ähnlich wie al Muallem zum Friedenskonzept, eher wutschnaubend in sich hinein murmelnd. Die ganze Situation ist geprägt von der übliche extremen Heuchelei, von allen Seiten außer – und das sind gute Nachrichten – seitens der Russischen Föderation.
Im Detail.
New FOIA Documents Confirm FBI Used Dirtboxes on Planes Without Any Policies or Legal Guidance
EFF recently received records in response to our Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Justice for information on how the US Marshals—and perhaps other agencies—have been flying small, fixed-wing Cessna planes equipped with „dirtboxes”: IMSI catchers that imitate cell towers and are able to capture the locational data of tens of thousands of cell phones during a single flight. The records we received confirm the agencies were using these invasive surveillance tools with little oversight or legal guidance.
The Wall Street Journal revealed that the Marshals have been flying planes using DRT’s Stingray-like technology since 2007.
Zwölf Kilometer lange „Freundschaftsloipe“ verbindet Russland, Finnland und Norwegen
„Die ‚Loipe der Freundschaft‘ liefert ein gutes Beispiel für die Kooperation in Grenzgebieten“, hieß es beim Organisationskomitee. Bislang nahmen an dem Skilauf tausende Sportler aus verschiedenen Ländern teil.
Der Salpeterkrieg und der aktuelle Konflikt um das „Triangulo terrestre“
Chile und Peru streiten um eine Grenzziehung, die aus dem über 130 Jahre zurückliegenden Konflikt resultiert
Oxfam drängt Siemens zu Ausstieg aus Staudamm-Projekt in Honduras
„Sie verschärfen dadurch den Konflikt mit der indigenen Bevölkerung und riskieren, dass noch mehr Blut vergossen wird“, sagte Marita Wiggerthale, Expertin für Landrechte bei Oxfam Deutschland. Sie erinnerte daran, dass sich die Ermordung von Berta Cáceres in eine Vielzahl von Gewalttaten gegen Staudammgegner und Landrechtsaktivisten in Honduras einreiht.
Die große BDS-Debatte
HILFE! Ich betrete ein Minenfeld. Ich kann nicht anders. Das Minenfeld hat einen Namen: BDS – Boykott, Kapitalabzug (Devestitionen), Sanktionen.
Russia Urges Assad to Be ‘Constructive,’ Rejects His Ouster
Gatilov, who is Russia’s point man for the United Nations-sponsored Syria talks in Geneva, said that the main opposition group, the Saudi-backed High Negotiations Committee, has a rightful place at the negotiating table. But he signaled that Russia supports a role for other groups seen as more acceptable to Assad, warning the HNC that it can’t claim to be “the only opposition representative.”
Russia urges Turkey not to torpedo Syria peace talks
Russia has called on Turkey to stop actions that could torpedo Syria’s peace talks and disrupt the ceasefire in the war-stricken country.
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov on Friday slammed Ankara for shelling Syrian Kurdish positions and for sending weapons across the border to assist foreign-backed militants, Bloomberg reported.
Allianz zwischen Kiew und Ankara: Verkauf der Kohleminen an Türkei und militärische Zusammenarbeit
Der ukrainische Präsident Petro Poroschenko hat während seines Besuches in der Türkei angekündigt, im Rahmen eines Privatisierungsplans für den Energiesektor zahlreiche Kohleminen im Donbass an Ankara zu verkaufen. Kiew wünscht sich unter Einbindung der Türkei „die Zementierung“ eines anti-russischen Blocks am Schwarzen Meer. Dafür bietet die Ukraine der Türkei den Ausverkauf ihres Staatseigentums sowie verstärkte militärische Zusammenarbeit.
US extends national emergency over Iran
US President Barack Obama has renewed an executive order that extends for another year a so-called “National Emergency” with regards to Iran, in place since 1995, Press TV reported.
Obama’s move comes despite the recent nuclear deal that was reached between Iran and the P5+1 group of countries in July last year and went into effect in January.
Iran‘s Rouhani criticizes ‚revolutionary‘ opponents as rift widens
Iran‘s President Hassan Rouhani defended his nuclear deal with world powers and his policy of detente with the West, saying on Saturday that his „revolutionary“ opponents sought their own interests, not those of the people.
Apple VP: The FBI wants to roll back safeguards that keep us a step ahead of criminals
To get around Apple’s safeguards, the FBI wants us to create a backdoor in the form of special software that bypasses passcode protections, intentionally creating a vulnerability that would let the government force its way into an iPhone. Once created, this software — which law enforcement has conceded it wants to apply to many iPhones — would become a weakness that hackers and criminals could use to wreak havoc on the privacy and personal safety of us all.
President Obama Is Wrong On Encryption; Claims The Realist View Is ‚Absolutist‘
If you watch that, the President is basically doing the same thing as all the Presidential candidates, stating that there‘s some sort of equivalency on both sides of the debate and that we need to find some sort of „balanced“ solution short of strong encryption that will somehow let in law enforcement in some cases.
This is wrong. This is ignorant.
Nochmal: dieser Staat ist ein Haufen Scheisse.
Europe needs to plug data gaps to track militants: German police head
Holger Muench, president of the BKA federal police, told Redaktionsnetzwerk (RND) Deutschland, that Europe‘s IT security architecture was insufficient.
Only around half of the European Union‘s 28 member states automatically compare finger prints or DNA profiles, he said.
Überwachung: De Maizière fordert Reiseregister in Europa
Terrorismus, Kriminalität, illegale Migranten: Der Innenminister möchte im Schengenraum erfassen, wer wann und wo in Europa ein- und ausreist.
Sogar S.P.D.-Ministerpräsidentinnen wittern zweite Operation Asyl der Regierung nach 1992-93
(23.8.2015) Sowohl die Ministerpräsidentin von Rheinland-Pfalz, Malu Dreyer, als auch die Ministerpräsidentin von Nordrhein-Westfalen, Hannelore Kraft, haben den zuständigen Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maiziere aufgefordert die verfassungsmäßig vorgeschriebenen Verfahren nach Anträgen auf Asyl von Flüchtlingen zu beschleunigen. Damit geraten die S.P.D.-Ministerpräsidentinnen, mutmaßlich ohne es zu begreifen, der von der Regierung von oben nach unten in die Gesellschaft hinein organisierten neuen Kampagne zur Schürung von Konflikten, Spaltungsbewegungen, bis hin zur Kreation von Spannungsfällen in die Quere, die einerseits den „Sicherheits“-Apparat, als auch die „Europäische Union“ begünstigen, die Republik destabilisieren und dadurch die herrschende Machtarchitektur stabilisieren sollen.
BAMF-Chef Weise: 660.000 Asylanträge von 2015 sind noch unbearbeitet
Motörhead – 1916
A music video of Motörhead: 1916 from the album 1916. This song is composed by Lemmy Kilmister.
Seltenes Video: So sah Peking vor fast 100 Jahren aus
Im Internet sind seltene Videoaufnahmen vom Alltagsleben der chinesischen Hauptstadt aufgetaucht, wie es vor knapp hundert Jahren aussah.
U.S., South Korea stage assault drill; North threatens to wipe out enemies
„They will penetrate notional enemy beach defenses, establish a beach head, and rapidly transition forces and sustainment ashore,“ the U.S. military based in South Korea said in a statement before the exercise.
The North‘s military said it was prepared to counter the U.S. and South Korean forces „with an ultra-precision blitzkrieg strike of the Korean style“.
State of Palestine: 10 y/o child killed by Israeli air strike on Gaza *GRAPHIC*
Yassine Abu Khousa, a 10 year old Palestinian was killed as the Israeli Air Force bombed several sites in Gaza on Friday. Reports say that the Israeli forces were aiming at locations allegedly owned by Hamas’ military wing Izz ad-Din al-Qassam brigades.
Turkish air strikes kill 67 Kurdish militants in north Iraq: army
Jets targeted sites at Qandil, Metina, Avasin, Haftanin and Basyan used by Kurdistan Workers‘ Party (PKK) militants, the armed forces said.
Turkish president to visit Azerbaijan
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will visit Azerbaijan March 15.
The Turkish president‘s visit to Azerbaijan will be held within the framework of the meeting of Turkey-Azerbaijan High Level Strategic Cooperation Council.
President‘s troops partially break siege of Yemen‘s third city
The struggle is part of coalition efforts since March last year to roll back Houthi gains and restore Hadi, who is currently in Saudi Arabia, to power.
„Krieg gegen den Terror“: Unbekannt und endlos – USA bombardieren seit 15 Jahren Somalia
In den vergangenen Jahren führten US-Streitkräfte und Geheimdienste in Somalia kontinuierlich Aktionen durch. Das Bureau of Investigative Journalism zählte seit dem Jahr 2001 etwa 20 Drohnenangriffe und weitere zehn Einsätze von Spezialeinheiten. Dabei kamen 250 bis 500 Menschen ums Leben, unter ihnen bis zu 50 Zivilisten. Diese Schätzungen gründen sich allerdings auf öffentlich zugängliche Informationen, sie benennen also die absolute Untergrenze der tatsächlichen Opferzahlen.
„Geruch des Todes“ – RT berichtet mit exklusivem Material über Kriegsverbrechen der Türkei in Cizre
„Über der Stadt liegt immer noch der Geruch des Todes. Unter den Trümmern liegen noch Tote.“ RT-Reporter William Whiteman besucht als erster Journalist die vom Bürgerkrieg zerstörte Stadt Cizre im Südosten der Türkei. Sein Team filmt dramatische Beweise für die Verbrechen der türkischen Armee an der eigenen Bevölkerung. „Es sieht aus wie in Aleppo, aber wir sind in der Türkei.“
Flüchtlingskrise: Deutschland und Österreich rüsten bei der Truppe auf
In einem zweiten Schritt werde eine Personalverstärkung um insgesamt 15.000 Stellen angestrebt. Das Ministerium wollte die Zahlen nicht bestätigen. Laut Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland soll die Bundeswehr vergrößert werden, um auf die neuen Herausforderungen der Truppe zu reagieren.
Donald Trump‘s interview on Chicago protests (Part 1)
Presidential candidate Donald Trump talks about the protests in Chicago that caused him to postpone his rally. He speaks with CNN‘s Don Lemon.
Rubio on Chicago Trump protests: Very sad for our country
GOP candidate says the frontrunner is responsible for the tone of his campaign, but should not have been shut down on ‚The Kelly File‘
USA: Thousands of anti-Trump protesters bring halt to Chicago rally
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was forced to cancel a campaign rally at the University of Illinois Chicago Pavilion, Friday, due to security concerns after thousands of protesters demonstrated outside and inside the arena, with scuffles breaking out between protesters and Trump supporters.
Donald Trump Protesters And Chicago Police CLASH
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump canceled one of his signature rallies on Friday, calling
Protester Beaten by Police as Crowd Clashes Outside Canceled Chicago Trump Rally
Veröffentlicht am 11.03.2016
After Donald Trump canceled his rally at the University of Illinois Chicago Pavilion, protestors and Trump supports clashed outside on Friday, March 11, 2016.
FULL: #TrumpChicago Canceled – Protesters and Supporters Clash
Veröffentlicht am 11.03.2016
Chaos erupts at Donald Trump rally in Chicago
Chaos breaks out at a Donald Trump rally between protesters and supporters. CNN‘s Jim Acosta reports.
The cheers came after it was announced from stage that the scheduled Trump campaign event had been cancelled
Trump On Violence Against Protestors: ‚We Need A Little Bit More‘ Of That
Trump on protester assault: ‚The audience swung back‘
Bias Bash: Judy Miller analyzes press coverage of arrest, alleged assault at Trump events
Donald Trump Says It’s ‘Very Appropriate’ For His Supporters To Beat Protesters At Rallies
“The guards are being very gentle with him… I’d like to punch him in the face, I’ll tell you that.” He added that the protester had been “throwing punches.”
Politico, however, spoke with security guards who worked the event, and none of them saw the protester try to punch anybody.
Trump “was just over-exaggerating,” said one security guard, who asked Politico not to use his name.
Protester attacked while leaving Trump rally
Veröffentlicht am 10.03.2016
A man was arrested Thursday for punching a protester at a Donald Trump rally Wednesday night. Rakeem Jones, the 26-year-old victim, was punched in the face as he was escorted out. Such confrontations have become common at the Republican front-runner‘s rallies. Julianna Goldman has more.
Trump Mob Attacks Black Man, Chants „All Lives Matter“
Veröffentlicht am 23.11.2015
A Black Lives Matter protester went to a Donald Trump rally. He was beaten and choked by several angry Trump supporters. This is becoming a very disturbing trend among the Trump faithful.
Adventures In Sound And Music 3 March 2016
(3. März) Adventures In Sound And Music on Resonance FM, hosted by Meg Woof. Featuring tracks by Chi, Craig Leon, Cluster, Peter Zummo, Prunk Möbel, Yura Yura Teikoku, and others.
50 years of exploration
Humans have travelled to the far shores of the solar system trough the eyes of robotic explorers – spacecraft, probes and rovers that have sent back progressively more astonishing data and images.
The new Hitman game turns assassination into art
This year‘s Hitman, like previous games in the series, puts players in charge of the emotionless assassin, giving him targets to kill, and limited direction on how to do it.
Deep State Deutschland: Wie unsere Plutokratie funktioniert
28.Februar) Der “tiefe Staat” zeigt sich heute in Deutschland als eine Struktur jenseits des demokratischen Systems, ohne demokratische Legitimation und ohne parlamentarische Kontrolle. Teile von Geheimdiensten und privaten Sicherheitsunternehmen sind eng vernetzt mit multinationalen Konzernen und Banken, so Jürgen Roth. Roth beschreibt einen plutokratischen Staat im korrupten Staate, dessen demokratisches Antlitz nur noch ein potemkinsches Dorf ist, das immer mühsamer von seinen privaten wie staatlichen Medien maskiert werden muss.
Why anti-capitalists should be anti-EU
(22. Februar) Chris Bambery explains why the left has to oppose the EU, which is a neoliberal and unreformable institution
Lana Del Rey by Exogen
Trugbild / Hip Hop Instrumental (prod. by Exogen)
Download the „Pure Nature“ Instrumental-Tape for Free.
This includes 1 Remix + 6 Free Hip Hop Instrumentals:
We‘re All Lives (prod. By Exogen) Hip Hop Instrumental
„Hello, virtuosi of the music. My name is Benny, I am 20 years old and live in Berlin. I produce since 2012 Instrumentals in the area Hip Hop.“
Driverless cars may be on our motorways next year
Mr Osborne will accelerate proposals this summer to sweep away regulatory barriers and allow autonomous driving on Britain’s motorways within this Parliament.
He also plans a £15million “connected corridor” from London to Dover, with trials of convoys of driverless trucks on motorways.
Half of Brits unwilling to be a passenger in a driverless car
(9.Januar ‘15) Consumers have deep concerns over road safety with no one behind the wheel. Four in ten (43%) would not trust an autonomous car to drive safely[2], jeopardising the welfare of drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. And despite trials being well under way in countries including the USA, Japan and Sweden, 16% are actually ‘horrified’ by the idea of driverless cars being allowed on British roads[3].