From the movie, „The Wall“.
Daily Archives: 5. März 2016
LIVE NOW : HUGE Donald Trump Rally Orlando FL. featuring WALL MAN (3-5-16)
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Trump Fan Banned From Marines After Rally
Earlier this week a mob of Donald Trump supporters pushed and threw out a young African-American girl from a rally. It was a very disturbing scene. There are now new developments. Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola (ThinkTank), and Jimmy Dore (The Jimmy Dore Show), hosts of the The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.
Open Letter on Donald Trump from GOP National Security Leaders
We the undersigned, members of the Republican national security community, represent a broad spectrum of opinion on America’s role in the world and what is necessary to keep us safe and prosperous. We have disagreed with one another on many issues, including the Iraq war and intervention in Syria. But we are united in our opposition to a Donald Trump presidency. Recognizing as we do, the conditions in American politics that have contributed to his popularity, we nonetheless are obligated to state our core objections clearly:
Ex-U.S. Defense Chief: Troops Following Trump‘s Orders Could Face Nuremberg-like Trials
Speaking on CNN Thursday, William Cohen, who was President Bill Clinton’s last defense chief, said, “The notion that we would attack and kill the families of terrorists is something that contravenes everything the United States stands for in this world of now disorder … there’s something called Nuremberg that we have to be concerned about, that you have an order given by the commander in chief which violates every sense of law and order, international law and order, that would make any of those who carried out that dictum as such to be a violation of the international criminal code.”
Merkel plays false & urges Greece to provide shelter for 50,000 refugees
Greece needs to deliver quickly on its promise to provide accommodation for 50,000 refugees and the European Union should help Athens with this task, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a media interview published on Saturday.
“Originally, Greece should have created 50,000 accommodation places for refugees by the end of 2015,” Merkel told German tabloid Bild am Sonntag.
Anti-Russia Sanctions to Cause Major Rift in EU
The US has repeatedly told European allies it would move ahead on new sanctions only in co-ordination with the EU. Daniel Fried, the state department’s chief sanctions co-ordinator, has recently stated, the US-imposed sanctions could be lifted this year.(…)
All in all, the EU suffered 90 billion euro losses in 2014-2015. Russian Deputy Economic Development Minister Alexey Likhachev has said that the anti-Russian sanctions and counter measures cost the European Union up to 40 billion euro in 2014 and another 50 billion euro in 2015 as a result of Russia sanctions over the crisis in Ukraine.
Bonatti-J&P AVAX-Spiecapag consortium wins TAP project contract
It is the biggest contract of the project, which envisages construction of a 760-km pipeline stretching from the Greek-Turkish borders to the coast of Albania. The project was broken into five pieces, three in Greece and two in Albania.(…)
The consortium will also build a passage across the Evros river, where TAP will be connected with TANAP, the pipeline linking Azerbaijan with the Greek-Turkish borders.
Warum dieser Mann in den Landtag von Baden-Württemberg muss
Hannes Rockenbauch wird nicht nur die Landtagswahl in Baden-Württemberg entscheiden, sondern auch die Zusammensetzung der nächsten Landesregierung. Dieses wiederum wird sich auf die Mehrheitsverhältnisse im Bundesrat und, so oder so, auf die Bundesregierung auswirken. Und wie die sich auswirkt, darüber flucht nicht nur der halbe Kontinent, sondern morgen die ganze Welt, wenn Sie, liebe Baden-WürttembergerInnen jetzt nicht die Banane aus dem Auge nehmen und mit der größten Macht auf dem Planeten Erde brechen: der Gewohnheit.
Beukplaten Collection Part 20 by Lag
Beukplaten Collection Part 20 by Lag
Soundcloud: @lag
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Passport Privilege And Black Guilt: Tales Of An African-American Expat
For the first time in my life I no longer feared the police. The Nigerian domestic security forces are brutal in ways that make the relations between their American counterparts and people of color in the United States seem downright cordial. But they are quite nice to my family and me. They even guard my son’s school. A school where he is talked to, not at and told that he can be anything he wants to be in life. When he does well in class, he’s not treated like the chimp that can talk.
Saudi Arabia‘s Navy Arms Up — With American Weapons
For a country concerned primarily with land-bound ISIS terrorists — who lack either a navy or an air force — that‘s a curious mission profile. But for a country concerned with Iran‘s increasing bellicosity in the Persian Gulf, these upgrades are a logical purchase.
Change Nothing EP by Terrible Love
Terrible Love are a modern hardcore band from London, UK.
Hausbesetzungen in Leipzig und Mannheim
Update 18.10 Uhr: Besetzer in Leipzig fordern Abzug der Polizei
Die Polizei in Leipzig bereitet sich womöglich für eine Räumung des besetzten Hauses vor. Auchder Polizeipräsident sei vor Ort, wird gemeldet. Die Besetzer erklärten im Kurznachrichtendienst, «die Polizei soll sich zurückziehen. Zudem forderte man unter anderem, »unbehelligt« gehen zu dürfen. Gespräche mit der Stadt und das Ziel, ein Soziales Zentrum zu errichten, blieben weiter auf der Tagesordnung.
US ‚drawing up plans for Libya air assault using faulty intelligence‘
American intelligence agencies have said the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group has doubled in size in the country recent months, putting the numbers of fighters at between 5,000 and 6,500.
But, in a warning that carries historical echoes of the 2003 Iraq invasion, a range of top analysts, sources on the ground and –speaking privately – US officials have said they believe these estimates to be wildly overblown.
India‘s Water War: City Workers Fight Corporate Privatization Efforts
Rivers and other bodies of water in India are sources of the country‘s spiritualism. Activists working for water rights say capturing India‘s waters is akin to capturing the nation‘s soul. The law in India is that all bodies of water are state property. As such, the government can do whatever it pleases with the waters of India. Right now, India‘s water war has three fronts.
5 Norbert Häring über die Anti-Bargeld-Verschwörung, Goldverbot u. seinen Widerstand – Teil 1
Norbert Häring spricht im Interview mit Julia Jentsch über die Ziele und Protagonisten hinter der stufenweisen Abschaffung des Bargelds, Kryptowährungen, die Auswirkungen auf den Goldpreis, die Papiergoldmärkte und die Vorbereitungen einer Deklarationspflicht für private Goldbestände.
Germany concerns over high number of Yemen‘s civilian casualties
The German government has called for a ceasefire in Yemen in order to enter humanitarian aid to the country, stressing reaching a ceasefire is first priority.
German Foreign Minister Frank Walter-Steinmeier is due to start a three-day visit to the UAE and Oman on Sunday. The situation in Yemen will be on the top of the issues to be discussed.
Kabinett schlägt Stasi-Beauftragten Roland Jahn zur Wiederwahl vor
Allerdings wird Kulturstaatsministerin Monika Grütters (CDU) den 62-Jährigen zunächst bitten, das Amt kommissarisch zu übernehmen, wie ihr Sprecher am Mittwoch nach der Kabinettsentscheidung bestätigte.
Bleibt Roland Jahn Chef der Stasi-Unterlagenbehörde? Streit um Vertragsverlängerung.
The rape of East Timor: „Sounds like fun“
(25.Februar)Secret documents found in the Australian National Archives provide a glimpse of how one of the greatest crimes of the 20th century was executed and covered up. They also help us understand how and for whom the world is run.
Turkish police raid Zaman HQs, fire tear gas on readers after gov’t takeover
(4.März) Turkish police fired tear gas and used water cannon on a crowd to forcibly enter the country‘s top-selling newspaper on Friday after a court ordered its confiscation. (Video)
Daughters – The Theatre Goer
The second released song of Daughters‘ self-entitled album. The album will be released on the 9th of March, 2010.
Joint Declaration of the Trilateral Meeting of Committees in charge of foreign affairs in the Parliaments of Cyprus, Greece and Israel
(3.März)Having gathered in their first trilateral meeting in Nicosia, on 3rd March 2016, they jointly:
1. Reiterate their wish to increase parliamentary cooperation, exchanges and contacts through bilateral visits and regular trilateral meetings;
2. Resolve, therefore, to establish regular, annual meetings of the Committees in charge of foreign affairs in the Parliaments of Cyprus, Greece and Israel;
3. Agree that matters to be discussed in future meetings include, inter alia, parliamentary cooperation; sharing views on regional issues and matters related to energy; on research and development and technology; cyber security; counter-terrorism; joint emergency response to natural disasters; exchange of information in emergency situations; agriculture; tourism; culture; education and migration.
4. Undertake to explore areas of further cooperation.
5. Call upon the International Community, the United Nations and the European Union to take all measures necessary to pacify the Eastern Mediterranean region, to stop the population flows into Europe and to help financially, politically and physically the states receiving and those along the refugee route.
6. Call upon the States on the refugee route to refrain from unilateral actions that hinder the movement of refugees and increase the intensity and scope of the humanitarian crisis.
7. Decide to meet again when the three Heads of State/Government will meet, before or after their meeting in Israel in the second half of 2016.
Ethiopians Call for Civil Disobedience Against Israeli Abuse
Ethiopian-Israelis have staged regular protests to highlight the discrimination experienced by their community at the hands of police.
Cindy Sheehan: Hugo Chavez‘s Legacy Will Continue to Inspire
Three years ago today, I wept for my friend Chavez and myself, for the people of Venezuela and the world.
Harper 2.0? Trudeau Says Canada Needs More Tar Sands Pipelines
The Liberal prime minister argues that building more pipelines to transport dirty tar sands oil is necessary to fund Canada‘s transition to a green future
NYPD Sued for ‚Gratuitous and Unlawful‘ Sound Cannons at Eric Garner Protests
A group of journalists and activists is suing the New York Police Department for civil rights violations over its use of military-grade sound cannons known as Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRADs) during protests against police brutality in 2014.
The lawsuit, filed late Thursday against the city and NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton, charges that police used the LRADs to force the dispersal of peaceful demonstrators who had gathered in midtown Manhattan on December 4, 2014 to protest the non-indictment of NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo in the chokehold death of Eric Garner.
Whistleblowers harassed for exposing corruption: CVC to SC
Thirteen years after Indian Engineering Service (IES) officer Satyendra Dubey was murdered for exposing corruption in golden quadrilateral highway construction project, whistleblowers continue to face life threats and harassment for raising voice against irregularities in government departments.
Journalists Should Stand Up for Whistleblowers
It’s not enough for journalists to defend their own rights. They need to ask how they can better advocate for the people who are indispensable to their work. Their jobs depend on freeing the flow of information – and so does our democracy.
Welle von Frauenmorden in Kolumbien
Nach offiziellen Angaben sind alleine im Januar dieses Jahres in Cali, der drittgrößten Stadt von Kolumbien, 14 Frauen umgebracht worden. Seit Monaten weist Andres Santamaría, Chef der staatlichen Ombudsstelle für Menschenrechte der Stadt öffentlich auf die horrende Gewalt gegen Frauen hin. Diese sei nicht anders als im übrigen Kolumbien, nur gedenke er nicht, die Zahlen zu verheimlichen.
Keine Privatisierung der Autobahnen!
Mit einer Autobahn-AG will Verkehrsminister Alexander Dobrindt Allianz und Deutscher Bank Milliarden Steuer-Euros zuschanzen. Dieser Clip zeigt, wie wir Dobrindt stoppen können!
Can Canada do business with Saudi Arabia and still support human rights?
But it’s also been a year since the federal government announced it had helped broker a deal to sell Saudi Arabia $15 billion in armoured vehicles – the biggest arms deal Canada has ever made.
At the time, the Harper government boasted of the 3,000 jobs it would support in southern Ontario over the next 14 years.
The Trudeau government, for its part, has pointed to contractual obligations. It will broker deals differently next time, but cancelling this one could hurt its reputation, it says.
Meanwhile, both Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau have been all but silent in their criticism of the kingdom.
Saudi to put 55 activists to death, most without trial: Report
Saudi Arabia is planning to execute dozens of activists and dissidents, including women and teenagers, most of them without trial, the European Saudi Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR) has said in a report.
Die Beck-Affäre ist im Bezug zu den Landtagswahlen zu sehen
Am 13. März sind in drei Bundesländern Landtagswahlen, in Baden-Württemberg, Rheinland-Pfalz und Sachsen-Anhalt. D.h. für den Staat immer Ausnahmezustand. Immer. Der mag das nicht, wenn da irgendwer rumwählt. Der will seine Ruhe haben. Und sich um das Große und Ganze und Heilige zu kümmern. Das Abendland. Das Euroland.
United States Africa Command
Stationierungsort: Kelley Barracks, Stuttgart-Möhringen
AFRICOM Commander Speaks at Flintlock Closing Ceremony
(1.3.2016) ST. LOUIS, Senegal – Flintlock 2016, U.S. Africa Command’s annual exercise for Special Operations Forces, came to a close during a ceremony Feb. 29 in St. Louis, Senegal after three weeks of training with more than 2,200 participants from 28 partner nations.
West Africa‘s Sahel nations to set up anti-Islamist units
At a meeting in Chad‘s capital N‘Djamena, defense chiefs from Chad, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali and Mauritania — the so-called G5 Sahel countries — pledged to form special units to respond quickly to threats and attacks from Islamist militants.
Russia‘s Lavrov, Kerry call for prompt start to Syria talks
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, in a late phone conversation on Friday called for a prompt start to the next round of Syria peace talks, Russia‘s Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
Azerbaijani, Turkish, Iranian FMs to meet in Tehran
A meeting of the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran will be held in Tehran, the Milliyet newspaper reported March 5.
Davutoglu: Lifting sanctions on Iran opens new opportunities for Turkey
Davutoglu made the remarks in Tehran during a joint press conference with Eshaq Jahangiri, Iran’s first vice president.
He said that Turkey always supported Iran in the period of sanctions.
Rivals Turkey and Iran seek to ‚manage differences‘, boost trade
Turkey and Iran, two countries on opposite sides of Syria‘s civil war, must develop a „common perspective“ in order to end sectarian strife in the region, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said during a visit to Tehran on Saturday.
EU will Mittel aus Milliarden-Flüchtlingstopf für Türkei ausgeben
Wir veröffentlichen: Entwurf des Staatsvertrags zum Gemeinsamen Überwachungszentrum von fünf Bundesländern (Update)
Im GKDZ sollen Fähigkeiten der Polizeien von Berlin, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Brandenburg und Thüringen im Bereich Telekommunikationsüberwachung gebündelt werden:
Die Anstalt ist die zentrale Dienstleisterin der Trägerländer auf dem Gebiet der polizeilichen Telekommunikationsüberwachung. Die Trägerländer benutzen die Anstalt im Wege der Auftragsdatenverarbeitung für Daten aus polizeilichen Telekommunikationsüberwachungen (Kernaufgabe). Sie errichtet und betreibt IT-Systeme zur Verarbeitung von entgegengenommenen Telekommunikationsdaten, ohne selbst polizeiliche Aufgaben wahrzunehmen.
McClendons death creates complex financial picture
Police have yet to determine the cause of the Wednesday car crash that killed former Chesapeake Energy CEO Aubrey McClendon. His death came a day after a federal indictment was issued alleging McClendon engaged in illegal bid-rigging while at the multibillion-dollar company he co-founded.
Police: McClendon crashed traveling at ‚high rate of speed‘
Aubrey McClendon, a founder and former chief executive of Chesapeake Energy, died in a fiery single-car crash Wednesday, a day after he was charged with conspiring to rig bids for oil and natural gas leases.
Obama‘s Education Secretary Pick a ‚Lackey of the Corporate Machine‘
Noted intellectual Noam Chomsky, author and activist Naomi Klein, and education historian Diane Ravitch are among those urging the U.S. Senate to reject President Barack Obama‘s pick for the next education secretary, saying the policies he‘s supported „have been ineffective and destructive to schools, educators, and most importantly students.“
Their concerns are outlined in a letter published by the Washington Post on Thursday.
Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia
As Hillary Clinton emerges as the front-runner for the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate, she is receiving increased scrutiny for her years as Secretary of State. Many are criticizing her hawkish foreign policy, which is the best indication of what President Hillary’s foreign policy would be, with many focusing on her long relationship with Saudi Arabia.
The Clintons and Wall Street: 24 Years of Enriching Each Other
For twenty four years the Clintons have orchestrated a conjugal relationship with Wall Street, to the immense financial benefit of both parties. They have accepted from the New York banks $68.72 million in campaign contributions for their six political races, and $8.85 million more in speaking fees. The banks have earned hundreds of billions of dollars in practices that were once prohibited—until the Clinton Administration legalized them.
The extraordinary ambition displayed in the careers of Bill and Hillary Clinton defies description. They have spent much of their adult lives soliciting money from others for their own benefit. A 2014 story in Time magazine said this:
Hillary Lost My Vote in Honduras
But the Obama administration, led by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, refused to formally recognize that a military coup had taken place and never cut U.S. military aid to Honduras. Clinton’s State Department even lobbied the Organization of American States, which strongly condemned the coup, to readmit Honduras after its suspension from the OAS. In November 2009, the Administration recognized the election of Porfirio Lobo, even though most opposition parties and major international observers boycotted the election. Since the coup, the U.S. has built two new military bases in Honduras and increased its support and funding for the Honduran military and police.
The FBI Has a New Plan to Spy on High School Students Across the Country
The FBI’s justification for such surveillance is based on McCarthy-era theories of radicalization, in which authorities monitor thoughts and behaviors that they claim to lead to acts of violent subversion, even if those people being watched have not committed any wrongdoing. This model has been widely discredited as a violence prevention method, including by the U.S. government, but it is now being imported to schools nationwide as official federal policy.
Irish weather: Sub zero temperatures on the cards this weekend as ‚unusual‘ cold snap continues
He said: “Normally at this time of the year, we’d get highs of about 8C to 11C, and lows of between 2C to 5C. “So we’re fairly well below normal.”
Rüstungsexport: Wie man einen Rekord beichtet
Wirtschaftsminister Sigmar Gabriel betont immer wieder, dass er gerne eine restriktivere Genehmigungspolitik für Rüstungsexporte will und praktiziert. Doch was macht der Minister, wenn er zugeben muss, dass er im letzten Jahr weit mehr Exporte genehmigt hat, als je irgendeiner seiner Vorgänger?
Former Spooks Criticize CIA Director John Brennan for Spying Comments
„Is he joking?“ John Sipher, who spent decades spying in sensitive overseas posts and retired in 2014 as a senior manager, wrote in a column published Wednesday on a national security web site, the Cipher Brief… „CIA Director Brennan is fully committed to ensuring that CIA‘s clandestine operators remain the world‘s preeminent collectors of human intelligence.“
Erdogan suggests ‘new city’ in Syria to house refugees
“I am going to tell you something. What is the formula? We found a city in the north of Syria,” the Turkish leader said, adding that Ankara and Washington had “even set the coordinates, but it has not yet come to fruition.”