Daily Archives: 30. Dezember 2015
Germany proposes 12B euro of investment for Iran’s petchem sector
German companies have proposed a 12 billion euro worth of investment in Iran’s petrochemical projects, Abbas Sheri Moqaddam, Iran’s deputy oil minister said without unveiling further details.
Help Homeless Vet Kerri Peek
Kerri Peek is the epitome of the American Hero and selflessly started a global awarness to show support in human eqality. She started #IWillProtectYou for Melissa Chance Yassini and her daughter Sophia.
This Disabled American Vet is struggling financially with medical bills while she and her daughter are homeless. We need to let this true American Hero know we got her back. It‘s folks like her that are making America great again. We need to show her our appreciation
Lemmy Kilmister im Gespräch: „Haltet euch fern von den Idioten!“
Zurück zur Moral, eine fragwürdige Moral ist keine Spezialität von Politikern …
Noch schlimmer ist die Musikindustrie. Hier sind die bootlicker – hier sind die, die immer tolle Ideen haben, die sich für den Chef nach der Seife bücken und …
Gilt auch hier die Regel acht von zehn?
Sicher. Seit 32 Jahren gibt es Motörhead. Seitdem wollen mir bootlicker erklären, wie wir noch mehr Platten verkaufen. Sie kommen immer wieder . . . Wie Mücken an einem schwedischen See.
Es müssen keine Idioten sein.
Es sind welche.
Vielleicht sind die Ideen gut.
Die Ideen sind scheiße.
Russischer Diplomat: US-Koalition imitiert Anti-Terror-Kampf in Nahost
Die Aktivitäten der von den USA angeleiteten, internationalen Koalition im vergangenen Jahr im Irak und Syrien waren nur eine Imitation einer Terrorbekämpfung, wie der Beauftragte des russischen Außenministeriums für Menschenrechte, Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Konstantin Dolgow, gegenüber dem Russischen Nachrichtendienst mitteilte.
„Ehrlich gesagt, das war doch hauptsächlich eine Imitation eines Kampfes mit der Terrormiliz Daesh („Islamischer Staat“, IS). Es gab keinerlei ernstzunehmenden Ergebnisse“, sagte Dolgow.
Strike that killed Syrian rebel chief complicates peace talks push: U.S.
Syrian rebel chief Zahran Alloush, the leader of Jaysh al Islam who commanded thousands of fighters in the Damascus suburbs, was killed on Friday in an air strike that rebel sources said was carried out by Russian warplanes.
Iraqi FM says could use military option against Turkey if forced
„If there is no other solution but this (military), then we will adopt this solution. If we are forced to fight and defend our sovereignty and riches, we will be forced to fight,“ he told reporters in Baghdad.
Hamas denies rumors of Turkish designs on Gaza
Arab critics say Erdogan’s ambitions in the Strip part of an attempt to restore the Ottoman Empire
Turkey creates Sunni militia in Iraq
Turkey has created a Sunni militia Hashd Al-Watani in Iraq, Rudaw newspaper reported Dec.30 citing the sources in Kurdistan Regional Government in Northern Iraq.
Turkish authorities haven’t yet commented on this information.
Syriens UN-Gesandter erneuert Vorwürfe wegen Terror-Unterstützung gegen die Türkei
Syriens Gesandter bei den Vereinten Nationen hat die Türkei beschuldigt, terroristische Gruppierungen zu unterstützen und verdeckt in Syrien zu intervenieren. Laut Baschar al-Dschafari arbeite der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan auf Kosten der alawitisch geprägten Regierung in Damaskus an der „Wiederbelebung“ des Osmanischen Reiches.
Bundestag: Lammert fordert fünfjährige Legislaturperiode
(3.8.2015) Mehr Zeit für die eigentliche Arbeit: Bundestagspräsident Lammert fordert eine fünfjährige Legislaturperiode für den Bundestag. Vertreter aller Fraktionen zeigten sich offen für den Vorschlag.
Lammert: „Änderung des Wahlrechts dringend erforderlich“
„Ich sehe in keiner Fraktionsführung einen energischen Willen, dieses Thema anzupacken“, sagte der Bundestagspräsident. „Auf der anderen Seite bestreitet kaum jemand ernsthaft, dass es hier Handlungsbedarf gibt.“ Lammert macht sich bereits seit längerem für ein transparenteres Wahlrecht stark.
Scandal in Greek Parliament: retired MPs to get €100K retroactive since 2008
Yes. Yes. Yes. Our esteemed ‘servants of the public interest’. Our lawmakers, who first of all think about themselves and their own interests. The retired MPs want back – retrospective – thousands of euro. The sad thing is that the government complies with these demands and accepts the decisions of the Court of Auditors for retroactive payments up to €100,000 per retired lawmaker.
What we did in 2015 – and what‘s coming next!
… single-handedly defeated Shell’s diabolical plans to drill the Arctic!
Okay, maybe it wasn’t just us, but after sustained actions from thousands of activists and organizations like Greenpeace, Shell withdrew from the Arctic. It may not have been our victory alone, but they did send out their withdrawal announcement just when Andy was returning from a secret project to foil them in Greenland. Coincidence?
UK government responds to petition to ban Donald Trump from the country
The next step is to see whether it will be put on the agenda for debate in Parliament. The decision isn‘t likely to be made until the committee meets in the new year, a Home Office spokesman told Mashable.
Petition: Block Donald J Trump from UK entry
565,600 signatures
CNN loves Donald Trump, Fox loves Hillary Clinton, and it’s all less strange than it sounds
Clinton will end the year having nabbed about three-quarters of all the mentions of Democrats across all national news networks, according to Internet Archive data rounded up by the GDELT Project. Trump will end up with two-fifths of the Republican mentions, despite entering the race halfway into the year, and despite competing with a dozen other serious candidates for airtime.
Who Needs A No-Fly List When You Can Just Ground 91 Million Citizens?
Great news for people who think there‘s just too damn much freedom in this country: the government‘s „no-fly“ list is about to get much, much longer.
UK Home Secretary Wants Everyone‘s Metadata; But If You Ask For Hers, Gov‘t Says You‘re Being Vexatious
Theresa May, the UK Home Secretary who seems like a comic book version of a government authoritarian, is leading the charge in the UK for its new Snooper‘s Charter, officially called the „Investigatory Powers Bill,“ that is filled with all kinds of nasty stuff for making it easier for the government to spy on everyone. Among the many problematic elements is the demand for basically everyone‘s metadata. May dismissed the concerns about this by saying it‘s nothing more than „an itemised phone bill.“ Given that, Member of Parliament Keith Vaz noted to May that people might be interested to see May‘s itemized phone bill.
Ein Mann pflückt gegen Europa
Warum die europäische Handelspolitik diesen Bauern schadet, versteht man, wenn man den Acker von Kojo Ebeneku verlässt und dem Weg der Tomaten folgt. Zu den Märkten und Straßenhändlern in Ghana, die keine heimischen Tomaten verkaufen, sondern Tomaten aus dem Ausland. Zu den riesigen Agrarkonzernen in Süditalien, die diese Tomaten produzieren und im großen Stil exportieren. Zu den Menschen, die diese Tomaten ernten. Am Ende wird man auf ghanaische Flüchtlinge treffen, die Tausende Kilometer weit gereist sind, die die Wüste durchquert und das Meer bezwungen haben, um in Europa genau dasselbe zu tun wie zu Hause: Tomaten zu pflücken. Dieselben Tomaten, die schließlich nach Afrika verschifft werden und dort die Preise drücken. Wollte die EU nicht alles besser machen?
How Dick Cheney Ruined My Christmas
My Christmas was ruined. I accidentally came across a picture of Dick Cheney, George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld. I tried to erase that awful image that lingered like a terrific migraine headache, Cheney’s stern, crooked mouth, the lies and deceptions, but it left an indelible stain on my brain.
Ajaccio : Cazeneuve défend «l‘unité de la République» et la «singularité» corse
Depuis les premières violences l‘après-midi du 24 (une école saccagée, des incendies de palette…) et le «guet-apens» tendu aux pompiers la nuit de Noël, le quartier populaire des Jardins de l‘Empereur a été le théâtre de plusieurs manifestations au cours desquelles ont été proférés des slogans racistes tels que «Arabi fora» («les Arabes dehors»).
Gaby Cohn-Bendit : «Pour moi, Hollande, c‘est fini»
Pour le fils d‘apatride et ex-militant écologiste, la déchéance de nationalité est la mesure de trop. Le «Franco-Burkinabé» appelle à voter pour Juppé à la primaire de la droite pour échapper au duel Sarkozy-Le Pen en 2017.
In diesen Stunden passiert das Schiff M/V Farley Mowat, ein erst in diesem Jahr ebenfalls durch Spenden finanziertes, von Sea Shepheard USA erworbenes Patrouillenboot der U.S.-Küstenwache, den Panamakanal auf der Fahrt zu seinem Zielort, dem Golf von Cortez an der südkalifornischen Küste um sich dort mit dem Schiff RV Martin Sheen zu treffen. Live-Kamera 1 und Live-Kamera 2 am Kanal.
Wir rufen Euch auf, mit uns am 07.01.2016 für Aufklärung des Mordes an Oury Jalloh und gegen die Lügen der Ermittlungsbehörden zu demonstrieren! Der Kampf geht weiter! Oury Jalloh – das war Mord!
Gedenkdemonstration am 07.01.2016 ab 14 Uhr vom Dessauer Hauptbahnhof
Bringt Feuerzeuge mit, werft diese den Behörden vor die Füße als Zeichen für ihre Lüge, Oury Jalloh habe sich selbst angezündet.
COINTELPRO, Attack on the Panthers – Eddie Conway on Reality Asserts Itself (3/10)
TRNN Replay: Mr. Conway describes the campaign by police agencies to destroy the Black Panthers, and how he joined the Baltimore chapter which he later found out was founded by an agent of the NSA – September 10, 2014
Saudi “Anti-Terror Coalition” a Facade to Hide Yet More Terrorism Behind
Creating a “coalition” to fight “terrorism,” would give the Saudis another rhetorical ploy to hide their increasingly direct role in supporting militarily the terrorist proxies they have deployed and who are now being defeated across the MENA region. Just as the US has done in Syria, using ISIS as a pretext to involve itself directly and militarily in the Syrian conflict without ever actually fighting ISIS, Saudi Arabia is seeking to create a plausible cover story to do the same.
Boris Grislow und die Ukraine: Russland bringt ein Schwergewicht
(29.Dezember) Der russische Sicherheitsrat ist, obwohl er im Westen fast völlig ignoriert wird, tatsächlich das wichtigste Entscheidungsgremium Russlands, in dem alle größeren Entscheidungen diskutiert und beschlossen werden. Die 13 ständigen Mitglieder des Sicherheitsrats sind die mächtigsten Personen Russlands. Grislow ist einer davon.
Bilo 3.0 by David Maxim Micic
David Maxim Micic is a guitar/keyboard player, composer and producer from Belgrade, Serbia, and a composition student at Berklee College of Music.
Београд, Serbia
Unhelpful Questions: Religious Terror
Does it require a certain number of religious leaders of a certain rank to prescribe an action for it to become „of that religion?“ Or a certain number of people believing it? Or a certain line in a particular religious text?
Presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen’s policy toward’s Taiwan’s defense industry
Between the two front runners of the election, the Kuomintang’s (KMT) Eric Chu is believed to be going to continue the current administration’s defense policy, which is well-known and has been widely discussed in the past 8 years.
Britain’s New Holy War Doctrine
The reality for the government is that its citizens do not support its actions in Syria. The latest polls suggest less than half support the bombing of Syria and a third strongly object. How will they react when they find out Britain will start bombing Libya quite soon, one can only speculate.(…)
In the ten years between the 2001 and 2011 census, Briton’s registering their christian faith fell by 20% and there was a 67% rise in people reporting no religion.
ghostmix 53 Hilde – Berlin Edit by ghostryder
This upload features tracks from Marlene Dietrich, Evelyn Künneke, Samy Deluxe, Hilde Knef, Wolfgang Gruner and more.
Für Hilde zum 90ten
Military Spokesman: The Army establishes control over many strategic regions in the country
He added that the army, in cooperation with the popular groups, established full control on Height 1112 to the south of Asarmaniyah in Hama north-western countryside.
“The army units also established control on Jrouf and strategic Tal Sharba’a in Aleppo countryside, and the village and tower of al-Qasab and height 1044 in Lattakia northern countryside,” the Spokesman said.
„Awacs“-Einsatz in der Türkei: Die Richter entschlossen sich zu denkbar weiten Auslegung des Grundgesetzes
Karlsruhe sagte dazu Ja in seiner Entscheidung – sie wird „Out-of-area-Urteil“ genannt. Verfassungsrechtlich abgehakt wurden in diesem Urteil auch andere Auslandseinsätze, in die sich der damalige Verteidigungsminister Volker Rühe (CDU) schon hineingeschlichen hatte: 1989 in Namibia, 1991 in der West-Sahara, 1993 in Kambodscha, 1992 in die Nato-Seepatrouille auf der Adria, 1993 in Somalia.
I Helped Create ISIS
Moreover, I think about the hundreds of prisoners we took captive and tortured in makeshift detention facilities staffed by teenagers from Tennessee, New York and Oregon. I never had the misfortune of working in the detention facility, but I remember the stories. I vividly remember the marines telling me about punching, slapping, kicking, elbowing, kneeing and head-butting Iraqis. I remember the tales of sexual torture: forcing Iraqi men to perform sexual acts on each other while marines held knives against their testicles, sometimes sodomizing them with batons.
US helped create Daesh: former American marine
Iraq war veteran Vincent Emanuele says US policies in the Arab country have helped create the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group, which is now wreaking havoc in the Middle East.
In a recent article posted on TeleSUR’s English website, former Marine Emanuele, who fought during the US-led war against Iraq, acknowledged the part he and his fellow troops played in the creation of the Takfiri group.
US Accuses Iran of Conducting Rocket Test Near Warships
Iranian naval vessels conducted rocket tests last week near U.S. warships and commercial traffic passing through the Strait of Hormuz, the American military said Wednesday, causing new tension between the two nations after a landmark nuclear deal.
Iraq: Popular Forces‘ Commander Reveals US Plots to Evacuate ISIL Leaders from Ramadi
„The delay in operations to liberate Ramadi and Fallujah cities in al-Anbar province is the result of the US interference,“ Commander of Imam Khamenei Battalion Haidar al-Hosseini al-Ardavi told FNA on Thursday.
„It seems that the US intends to evacuate the ISIL terrorist group‘s infamous ringleaders secretly (with helicopters) from Ramadi to unknown places,“ he added.
His remarks came as Iraqi security forces continue to gain ground in Ramadi, and opened their way to the central parts of the strategic city where hundreds of ISIL terrorists are trapped under siege.
USA werfen Russland Bombardierung von Schulen vor
Im Oktober und in der ersten Novemberhälfte seien mehr als 130.000 Syrer in die Flucht getrieben worden, viele von ihnen wegen der russischen Angriffe.
Wait, What? State Department Says U.S. Brought ‘Peace, Security’ to Syria in 2015
Over at the State Department’s official “DipNote” blog, John Kirby, the spokesperson for the department, is heralding Foggy Bottom’s 2015 accomplishments with the hashtag, #2015in5Words. In some cases, it’s a bit that works: For instance, the blog appropriately marks the thaw in relations with Cuba with, “Diplomatic Relations Re-established With Cuba.” However, in the case of Syria, the five words State used to describe the past year seem at the very least inappropriate and at the worst delusional.
„Foreign Policy“: Bericht des US-Außenministeriums über Syrien-Erfolge „wahnhaft“
Der Sprecher des US-Außenministeriums, John Kirby, hat im offiziellen Blog der Behörde über Erfolge des Jahres 2015 berichtet und unter anderem erwähnt, dass „Frieden und Stabilität nach Syrien gebracht wurden“.
Mark C. Toner, Deputy Spokesperson, Daily Press Briefing, Washington, DC December 29, 2015
QUESTION: The reports also suggest that cluster munitions, unguided bombs being fired into civilian areas. Can you confirm such occurrences?
MR TONER: On – specifically speaking to cluster munitions, we have seen those reports, including other reports of other types of munitions used against civilians. Hold on just one second. No, I don’t have anything here that conclusively points to or conclusively speaks to the use of cluster munitions. We have expressed these concerns, though, about their use in the past.
USA: Keine Beweise für Streubomben-Einsatz durch Russland in Syrien
Die USA verfügen über keine Beweise dafür, dass Russland Streubomben in Syrien eingesetzt hat, gab der Sprecher des US-Außenministeriums, Mark Toner, am Dienstag zu.
Studie des norwegischen Außenministeriums: Türkei ist Hauptabnehmer von IS-Erdöl
Das Außenministerium in Oslo hatte im Juli 2015 eine Studie in Auftrag gegeben, die analysieren sollte, inwieweit die Türkei tatsächlich in den Ölhandel mit dem selbsternannten „Islamischen Staat“ (IS) involviert ist. Die Studie kommt zu dem Schluss, dass ein Großteil des vom IS verkauften Öls in die Türkei geht. Auf Anfrage von RT hielt sich das norwegische Außenministerium mit weiteren Schlussfolgerungen zurück und verwies darauf, dass die Analyse nur die Meinung der Verfasser wiedergibt.
Huge Jurassic cliff landslide exposes hundreds of prehistoric fossils from 65 million years ago
Prized for their intricate spiral shells, ammonites are sea molluscs that became extinct around the same time as the dinosaurs.
Datenschutz bei der BVG – BVG schaltet Kontrollgeräte in Bussen wegen Datenpanne ab: Die neuen elektronischen …
Nation Mourns Tamir Rice Case as a ‚Catastrophic and Pernicious Miscarriage of Justice‘
In the wake of the decision, the grand jury process and U.S. justice system are under fire both from Rice‘s family and observers across the country.
US Aircraft Carrier Truman Narrowly Avoids Collision With Iranian Rockets
As the USS Harry S. Truman was transiting the strait, which connects the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards were conducting a live-fire exercise, officials told NBC News. The Truman reportedly was being escorted through the strait by a US destroyer and a French frigate. Other commercial traffic was in the area as well.
Saudi king, Turkey president meet in Riyadh to discuss Syria
Erdogan said before the trip that his government and the Saudis are working “in solidarity and consultation” to find what he described as a political solution to the conflict in Syria. Both Riyadh and Ankara have been working to remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power. The two sides are widely accused of supporting a deadly foreign-backed militancy in Syria.
North Korea leader Kim Jong-un‘s ‚closest comrade‘ dies in car crash
Kim Yang-gon, who was a secretary of the Workers’ party and the head of its United Front Department, the unit that handles the North’s ties with South Korea, was Kim Jong-un’s “closest comrade, a solid revolutionary partner”, Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said.
China’s dark matter probe begins operation
DAMPE will therefore look for gamma rays, electrons and high-energy cosmic rays, all of which could hold clues about the nature of dark matter. A similar detector, the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, is attached to the International Space Station.
China launches HD earth observation satellite
China on Tuesday launched its most sophisticated observation satellite, Gaofen-4, as part of the country‘s high-definition (HD) earth observation project.
Egypt detains four leaders of anti-Mubarak movement
Many of Egypt’s most prominent democracy activists have been jailed since Morsi’s overthrow. They include Ahmed Maher, the founder of the April 6 movement, who is serving a three-year term for taking part in anti-government demonstrations.