Heute Morgen, am 2. Weihnachtstag, forderte zuerst Außeminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier – exakt nach der von uns bereits im August prognostizierten Zielrichtung von Operation Asyl – „mehr Reisekontrollen“ an einer imaginären „europäischen Grenze“. Steinmeiers Forderung „Frontex zu einer Europäischen Grenzschutzbehörde auszubauen“ erfolgte „vor dem Hintergrund“ des u.a. von Frontex aufgebauten Attentats-Szenarios in Deutschland um „falsche echte“ Presse und Pässe aus Irak und Syrien.
Daily Archives: 26. Dezember 2015
15,000 in Germany protest Turkey‘s military crackdown on Kurdish rebels
The operations mark a new escalation in five months of fighting with the PKK, which initially fought for Kurdish independence but now presses more for greater autonomy and rights for the country‘s largest ethnic minority.
Iraq seeks to reopen oil pipeline through Saudi Arabia
„The Iraqi oil ministry started taking steps to revive the Iraq-Saudi Arabia export pipeline, as part of a plan to diversify its export outlets,“ said the Baghdad-based daily. An Iraqi oil ministry spokesman declined to comment on the report.
Erdogan‘s Oil Plot: Evidence Continues to Mount Against Turkish President
The Norwegian news agency Klassekampen has leaked Rystad Energy‘s report, which has shed light on how large amounts of oil have been smuggled to Turkey from Daesh-controlled zones in Syria and Iraq and then sold at sharply reduced prices — from $25 to $45 per barrel.
Donald Trump: An Evaluation
How did a William Kristol neocon nazi get on Trump‘s staff? What more proof do we need that even if Trump is elected, the establishment will prevail despite Trump.
Trump cannot be a dissident politician without a dissident staff. He doesn‘t know the people who would comprise a dissident staff. Trump knows how to make deals, and the Establishment will staff up a Trump presidency with deals. The minute Trump takes office, he would be already captured.
Saudi Arabia stopping scholarships for Atlantic universities
That ranking comes from the Shanghai Top 300 World Index. No Atlantic Canadian university made the cut this year. Dalhousie University is the closest, holding a spot outside of the top 200.
ISIS and Saudi Arabia: A Dangerous Double Game
The double game has indeed proved dangerous. While neither Qatar nor Saudi Arabia seem to have directly funded the Islamic State, their policies have helped shore up the group and directed funds and weaponry to it.
Steuerschwund trotz Milliardengewinnen in London
Investmentbanken machen Milliardengewinne, zahlen aber kaum Steuern. Nun kommt der Staat den Banken weiter entgegen – derstandard.at/2000028030228/Steuerschwund-trotz-Milliardengewinnen-in-London
Traurige Weihnacht: Jedes 6. Kind auf Hartz IV
In einigen Regionen sei der Anteil sogar noch höher. So sei in Bremen jedes dritte Kind (33,1 Prozent) auf Hartz IV Leistungen angewiesen. In Berlin sind es 32,6 Prozent. In Bayern war der Anteil mit 7,2 Prozent vergleichsweise niedrig. Grundlage der Studie seien Daten der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA). Die verfügbaren Erkenntnisse stammen aus Juli 2015.
They Make Millions Per Employee and Cry They Don’t Make Enough
The corporations comprising the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index are on course to spend nearly $1 trillion on stock buybacks and dividends in 2015, or nearly equal to their total operating earnings for the year.
Putin’s Progress in Syria Sends Kerry Scampering to the United Nations
Imagine if the American people elected a president who was much worse than George W. Bush or Barack Obama. A real tyrant. Would that be sufficient justification for someone like Vladimir Putin to arm and train Mexican and Canadian mercenaries to invade America, kill US civilians, destroy cities and critical infrastructure, seize vital oil refineries and pipeline corridors, behead government officials and prisoners they’d captured, declare their own independent state, and do everything in their power to overthrow the elected-government in Washington?
Cuba Warns Obama Not to Interfere in Internal Affairs
On Monday, Obama suggested he would visit the Caribbean nation in 2016 providing the “conditions” are “right.” For the U.S. leader, these conditions include being able to “talk to anybody,” including U.S. funded “pro-democracy” groups and political dissidents, as well as being able to “nudge” the Cuban government in a “new direction.”
NATO initiates formation of working groups for bringing Ukraine‘s army in line with its standards
Together with the Ernst & Young, it will start operating according to the Western standards. Jointly with the OSCE [Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe] we are developing a system for methodical control over the Armed Forces, civilian control that will be launched from the first quarter next year,“ the official said.
Super PACs rule the airwaves in GOP primaries: Wesleyan Media Project and CRP document the onslaught
Super PACs have sponsored 81 percent of the TV ads in the GOP presidential primaries, up about 71 percent over 2011 and a 12,000 percent jump over 2007.
Clinton Tops List of Arms Company Donations
Most of the funding is channeled through Political Action Committees, which have no limits to how much they donate. About 18 percent comes from individual contributions, totaling almost US$10 million between all of the companies.
French Families Protest Over Housing Crisis
The activists brought a Christmas tree to this year’s event and rang bells in front of the ministry in order to draw the minister‘s attention to a housing crisis they claim is getting worse.
Rosneft gets approval of German regulator for Ruhr Oel restructuring
Rosneft acquired 50% in the joint venture Ruhr Oel GmbH (ROG) with BP Europa SE in Germany in May 2011. ROG holds equity interests in four Germany-based refineries (Gelsenkirchen – 100%; Bayernoil – 25%; MiRO – 24%; and PCK Raffinerie GmbH – 37.5%). Furthermore, the joint venture has equity interests in five supply pipelines and marine terminals on the Northern, Baltic, Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas.
Russian arrested in Israel on US request — Russian Foreign Ministry
„We demand that all information on the grounds for arrest of the Russian national be provided immediately and consular access be provided to him urgently,“ Dolgov underscored.
Iraqi forces to retake Mosul from Islamic State after Ramadi secured: PM
(25.12.2015) „The liberation of dear Mosul will be achieved with the cooperation and unity of all Iraqis after the victory in Ramadi,“ Abadi said in a statement on the state media website on Friday.Army commanders said on Wednesday that the battle for Ramadi would take several days.
Bundeswehr aktuell: Die Kämpfer der Kurden
(29.9.2014) Im Kampf gegen die Terrorgruppe ISIS setzt die
internationale Gemeinschaft – neben Luftschlägen – vor allem
auch auf die kurdischen Kämpfer im Nordirak. Deutschland sandte bereits Rüstungsgüter sowie Soldaten zur qualifzierten Einweisung in die Nutzung des Materials. Am vergangenen Donnerstag versprach Verteidigungsministerin von der Leyen bei ihrem Besuch im Nordirak weitere Unterstützung im Kampf gegen die Terroristen. Deutschland wolle bei der Beschaffung von Minensuchgeräten „verstärkt Hilfe leisten“, sagte die Ministerin nach einem Treffen mit dem Präsidenten der autonomen Kurdenregion, Massud Barsani. Dieser bedankte sich bei der Ministerin für die schon angekommenen und noch geplanten Lieferungen von Unterstützungsgütern.
Turkey not to pull troops out of Mosul, Erdogan says
(19.12.2015) Amid this escalation of tensions, Barzani’s government called the PKK “arrogant” in its relations with Turkey and demanded it withdraw its militias from Iraq entirely, despite the PKK having developed a prominent role in the fight against ISIS in northern Iraq.
Italien schickt Soldaten nach Mosul
(16.12.2015) Derzeit befinden sich 750 italienische Soldaten im Irak. Die 450 Soldaten zum Schutz des Staudamms von Mosul sollen in einigen Wochen im Irak eintreffen.
Obwohl Italien Teil der internationalen Koalition gegen den IS ist, war es gegen eine aktive Rolle zurückhaltend.
Mosul als Brückenkopf des neo-osmanischen Projekts der Türkei?
(8.12.2015) Die Region Bașîqa, in der sich die 600 türkischen Soldaten, davon 400 Spezialkräfte mit 25 Panzern, befinden, steht unter der Kontrolle der Peschmerga und der Regierungspartei KDP. Die KDP ist für ihre enge Anbindung an die Türkei und insbesondere an die AKP Erdogans bekannt und so erfolgte nach Behauptungen der türkischen Presse die Stationierung in Folge eines Abkommens zwischen dem Regierungschef des irakischen Kurdistan, Mesud Barsanî, und der türkischen Regierung vom 4.12.15.
Irakisches Parlament: Türkisches Militär nahe Mosul stationiert
(5.12.2015) In Reaktion auf die Abmachung mit der KDP der südkurdischen Regionalregierung zur Stationierung türkischer Truppen, erklärte Zamili, dass die türkisch-militärische Besatzung auf die Souveränität des irakischen Staates abzielt. Zamili sagte, dass die irakische Luftwaffe den Premierminister Haydar El-İbadi darüber informiert hat und auf Anweisungen wartet, um die türkischen Truppen anzugreifen.
While #Turkey‘s government is cracking down on Kurds in SE Turkey, #KRG PM Nechervan Barzani visits Erdogan in Istanbul tomorrow.
Mit der Rückendeckung der #EU und der #USA kann Erdogan jetzt alle Rücksichten vergessen #Merkel #Steinmeier
Die Türkei nutzt Weihnachten für einen Offensive gegen die Kurden, und löst damit eine fette Kurden-Flüchtlingswelle aus.
„Some 200,000 people have been forced to leave the areas of settlement in Turkey’s south as a result of a special operation which Ankara launched against the outlawed PKK after uneasy ceasefire collapsed in July, Turkish daily Today’s Zaman reports.“
Ankara bekommt drei Milliarden: EU und Türkei segnen Aktionsplan ab
Gewalt gegen Flüchtlinge: Steinmeier gibt geistigen Brandstiftern Mitschuld an Angriffen
Steinmeier sagte nicht konkret, wer mit seiner Kritik gemeint war.
Falsche Reisepässe im Besitz des IS – Steinmeier fordert mehr Kontrollen
German foreign minister calls for better control of EU‘s borders
Europe needs to regain control of its borders, Germany‘s foreign minister was quoted on Saturday as saying, after reports that forged Syrian passports are in the hands of Islamic State militants.
Trump defends vulgar comments… again
Donald Trump again defended his crass comments against Hillary Clinton, saying „quality people“ have used the term over the years. But one person isn‘t buying any of his explanations: a FOX News host. Lawrence discusses with Howard Dean, Jonathan Allen, and Christina Bellantoni.
Explosion at oil well in Russia‘s south leaves two workers killed, one injured
An explosion at an oil well near the city of Volgograd in Russia‘s south has left at least two workers killed, one injured, a source said Friday, TASS reported.
Pixel – Nothing Beats Reality [from ‚Golden Years‘]
Cuneiform Records is an independent record label releasing adventurous, boundary-bursting music by artists from around the world.
Lessons from Miss Universe 2015’s crisis* statement
Open on a positive note
As long as your crisis doesn’t involve the possibility of lost lives or irreparable damage, try starting your statement off on a positive note. Miss Universe smartly managed to number-drop an astounding figure of live fan votes. Praise your event’s participants for their enthusiasm. Thank your customers for their concern. Or let your users know how much their support so far means to you and your team. That said, now is not the time to over-hype it. Don’t fall back to the comfort of your product pitch, or key messages in direct conflict with the incident. In a food poisoning crisis for example, asserting that “We produce the freshest milk.” is different from saying “We are committed to producing the freshest milk.”
Sleaford Mods – Tied Up In Nottz
Veröffentlicht am 05.03.2014
Kate Tempest – Europe Is Lost
Europe is lost, America lost, London is lost,
Still we are clamouring victory.
All that is meaningless rules,
And we have learned nothing from history.
People are dead in their lifetimes,
Dazed in the shine of the streets.
But look how the traffic keeps moving.
The system’s too slick to stop working.
Business is good. And there’s bands every night in the pubs,
And there’s two for one drinks in the clubs.
We scrubbed up well
We washed off the work and the stress
Now all we want’s some excess
Better yet; A night to remember that we’ll soon forget.
All of the blood that was shed for these cities to grow,
All of the bodies that fell.
The roots that were dug from the ground
So these games could be played
I see it tonight in the stains on my hands.
The buildings are screaming
I cant ask for help though, nobody knows me,
Hostile and worried and lonely.
We move in our packs and these are the rites we were born to
Working and working so we can be all that we want
Then dancing the drudgery off
But even the drugs have got boring.
Well, sex is still good when you get it.
To sleep, to dream, to keep the dream in reach
To each a dream,
Don’t weep, don’t scream,
Just keep it in,
Keep sleeping in
What am I gonna do to wake up?
I feel the cost of it pushing my body
Like I push my hands into pockets
And softly I walk and I see it, it’s all we deserve
The wrongs of our past have resurfaced
Despite all we did to vanquish the traces
My very language is tainted
With all that we stole to replace it with this,
I am quiet,
Feeling the onset of riot.
But riots are tiny though,
Systems are huge,
The traffic keeps moving, proving there’s nothing to do.
It’s big business baby and its smile is hideous.
Top down violence, structural viciousness.
Your kids are doped up on medical sedatives.
But don’t worry bout that. Worry bout terrorists.
The water levels rising! The water levels rising!
The animals, the polarbears, the elephants are dying!
Stop crying. Start buying.
But what about the oil spill?
Shh. No one likes a party pooping spoil sport.
Massacres massacres massacres/new shoes
Ghettoised children murdered in broad daylight by those employed to protect them.
Live porn streamed to your pre-teens bedrooms.
Glass ceiling, no headroom. Half a generation live beneath the breadline.
Oh but it‘s happy hour on the high street,
Friday night at last lads, my treat!
All went fine till that kid got glassed in the last bar,
Place went nuts, you can ask our Lou,
It was madness, the road ran red, pure claret.
And about them immigrants? I cant stand them.
Mostly, I mind my own business.
But they’re only coming over here to get rich.
It’s a sickness.
England! England!
And you wonder why kids want to die for religion?
Work all your life for a pittance,
Maybe you’ll make it to manager,
Pray for a raise
Cross the beige days off on your beach babe calendar.
Anarchists desperate for something to smash
Scandalous pictures of glamorous rappers in fashionable magazines
Who’s dating who?
Politico cash in an envelope
Caught sniffing lines off a prostitutes prosthetic tits,
And it‘s back to the house of lords with slapped wrists
They abduct kids and fuck the heads of dead pigs
But him in a hoodie with a couple of spliffs –
Jail him, he’s the criminal
It‘s the BoredOfItAll generation
The product of product placement and manipulation,
Shoot em up, brutal, duty of care,
Come on, new shoes.
Beautiful hair.
Bullshit saccharine ballads
And selfies
And selfies
And selfies
And here’s me outside the palace of ME!
Construct a self and psyhcosis
And meanwhile the people are dead in their droves
But nobody noticed,
Well actually, some of them noticed,
You could tell by the emoji they posted.
Sleep like a gloved hand covers our eyes
The lights are so nice and bright and lets dream
But some of us are stuck like stones in a slipstream
What am I gonna do wake up?
We are lost
We are lost
We are lost
And still nothing
Will stop
Nothing pauses
We have ambitions and friends and our courtships to think of
Divorces to drink off the thought of
The money
The money
The oil
The planet is shaking and spoiled
Life is a plaything
A garment to soil
The toil the toil.
I cant see an ending at all.
Only the end.
How is this something to cherish?
When the tribesmen are dead in their deserts
To make room for alien structures,
Kill what you find if it threatens you.
No trace of love in the hunt for the bigger buck,
Here in the land where nobody gives a fuck.
Happy Holidays von Boston Dynamics: Video zeigt Googles Roboter als Santas Rentiere
Mittlerweile ist es nun schon mehr als zwei Jahre her, dass Google den Roboter-Produzenten Boston Dynamics übernommen hat, und bisher lässt man sich nur sehr selten in die Karten gucken und gibt Einblicke in die Entwicklung. Dass das Unternehmen an allen möglichen Arten von laufenden Robotern forscht und dabei große Fortschritte gemacht hat, hat man bereits bewiesen.
‘Thanks for destroying our country’: Angry Libyans lash out at Obama’s independence congratulations
So the real situation in Libya is one of chaos and lawlessness, and the people living in the formerly prosperous Libyan state know that better than anyone else. Comments left on the Facebook page of the US embassy in Libya, echo the feelings of many ordinary Libyans, who feel their country has been wrecked by America.
Christians, Muslims and Jews will gather to support Irving mosque
Christian, Muslim and Jewish community leaders will unite Sunday to promote religious and ethnic tolerance at the Islamic Center of Irving — the site of recent anti-Islam rallies.
Christmas in Damascus: RT crew feels hope in air as Christians, Muslims join to celebrate
Syrians hark back for happier times before the devastating civil war started, but in trying to celebrate festivals like Christmas, they are making an attempt not to let the bloodshed and atrocities get the better of them and on the contrary show that those of all faiths can get together and fight for a united Syria.
French Muslims Guard Church for Christmas Mass (VIDEO)
„We would have liked this to happen everywhere else, especially at a time when Muslims are stigmatized. That is the true Islam, it has nothing to do with these fools, these bad apples,“ Aoussedj said.
What Afghans say to British MPs: Don‘t Bomb Syria
Voices for Creative Non-Violence UK spoke to Afghans in Kabul who say bombing Syria is not a solution and clearly this method has not worked over the last 14 years in Afghanistan.
Charlie Chaplin‘s anti-war message for all of humanity
The final speech of The Great Dictator, Charlie Chaplin’s 1940 film, delivered by the character, the Jewish Barber, played by Chaplin. Linked with images from today, this video shows how the truth of his message rings down the ages.