Daily Archives: 9. November 2015

09.11.2015 - 21:47 [ Al-Bawaba ]

Egypt suspends, investigates news anchor for criticizing President Sisi

Social media, on the other hand, showed overhwhelming solidarity with Al-Henawy and condemned what they believe are the state‘s clear attempts to suppress press freedom.

Numerous human rights organizations have demanded the end of military trials for civilians, in light of the increasing number of violations and arrests of numerous journalists, including Al-Henawy.

09.11.2015 - 19:26 [ Democracy Now! ]

U. Missouri President Quits After Football Team Goes on Strike to Support Protests Against Racism

In a tweet Saturday, the players wrote: „The athletes of color on the University of Missouri football team truly believe ‚Injustice Anywhere is a threat to Justice Everywhere.‘ We will no longer participate in any football related activities until President Tim Wolfe resigns or is removed due to his negligence toward marginalized students’ experience.“

The move comes amid increasing protest over racial slurs and the appearance of a swastika drawn in feces in a dormitory. For a week, an African-American graduate student, Jonathan Butler, has been on hunger strike, and protesters have been camping out to support his call for Wolfe’s resignation.

09.11.2015 - 17:34 [ Radio Utopie ]

Aserbaidschan droht offen Armenien mit baldigem Krieg

Nun drohnte der aserbaidschanische Verteidigungsminster Zakir Hasanov heute ganz offen mit einer militärischen Lösung während der Truppenschau zum „Tag der Nationalflagge“. Dieser Tag, der 9.November, wurde von Präsident Ilham Aliyev zum gesetzlichen Feiertag erklärt.

09.11.2015 - 16:11 [ Gulf News ]

Sri Lanka minister quits over arms scandal

Sri Lanka‘s police minister resigned on Monday following allegations he tried to shield a private security firm under investigation for gun running and money laundering. Law and Order Minister Tilak Marapana said he quit to protect the government of

09.11.2015 - 12:50 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Obama administration will do nothing for Palestinians through end of term

Read over this conference call that high Obama aides had with the press Friday in preparation for tomorrow’s meeting of the president and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; and you will see that the administration cannot even talk about the occupation. It will only issue bromides about the two-state solution in the distant future and “settlement building” — as if this even touches on the apartheid conditions Palestinians experience.

As you read these excerpts, reflect that Israeli forces just killed a 72-year-old woman deep in the occupied West Bank– 27 years after Israeli forces killed her husband in the occupied West Bank. Husband and wife were killed by occupying forces on lands that were supposed to be a Palestinian state.

09.11.2015 - 12:31 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Greece, lenders stuck in disagreement over ‘red loans’, Tsipras speaks with Juncker, Merkel & Hollande

Greece’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras did not have time to join the Athens Marathon today Sunday. He stayed in his office instead and started calling around: European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Top on the agenda: the release of the 2 billion bailout tranche on Monday by the Eurogroup.

09.11.2015 - 12:22 [ Independent ]

CBI warns George Osborne on cuts to science and innovation budget

George Osborne is expected to announce today that four departments – Transport, Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), Communities and Local Government and the Treasury – have accepted cuts of 8 per cent a year for the next four years, but full details of where the axe will fall will be unveiled by the Chancellor on 25 November.

09.11.2015 - 12:21 [ Reuters ]

UK to boost intelligence staff to disrupt terror plots: Osborne

„I can confirm that over the next five years we will substantially increase the number of people across all three secret intelligence agencies who investigate, analyse and help disrupt terrorists plots,“ he said in a speech.

Osborne added that Prime Minister David Cameron would provide further details at the end of the government‘s defence spending review on Nov. 23.

09.11.2015 - 12:20 [ Asharq al-Awsat ]

Jordan denies Syrian rebels trained for Damascus attack on its territory

(23.2.2014) Jordanian and US armed forces regularly conduct joint exercises in the country throughout the year, and Jordan established a training center for Special Forces and anti-terrorism units in Yajouz, north of Amman, in addition to a police training center in Al-Muwaqqar, east of Amman, where the two centers trained Palestinian Authority forces as well as forces from Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and other countries.

09.11.2015 - 12:10 [ Sputnik ]

Syrische Armee befreit strategisch wichtigen Ort in West-Syrien

Die syrische Armee hatte bereits vor einem Monat versucht, die Terrormiliz al-Nusra-Front aus Gmam zu verdrängen. Doch damals konnten sich die Terroristen dank den tiefen Tunnels und Bunkern zur Wehr setzen. Diesmal startete die syrische Armee ihre Offensive erst, nachdem die russische Luftwaffe mit 250 Kilo schweren Bomben die unterirdischen Anlagen der Terroristen zerstört sowie diesen den Nachschub aus Rabbia abgeschnitten hatte.

09.11.2015 - 12:08 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

The army kills terrorists, destroys al-Nusra positions in Daraa

An army unit destroyed positions for Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in an intensive operation on their hideouts in the eastern neighborhood of Busra al-Sham city, 40km east of Daraa city, a military source told SANA on Monday.

Another army unit targeted the terrorists’ gatherings in Atman town, 4 km north of Daraa city, killing a number of terrorist and destroying many hideouts with all arms and ammunition inside.

09.11.2015 - 12:05 [ Mondo Weiss ]

All Israeli politics is local — it’s American

The Republican pandering to Israel and its US supporters is obvious. Hillary Clinton’s pandering is obvious, too, and more to the point. Her recent pledge to host Prime Minister Netanyahu at the White House during her first month as President sounds, well, presidential. As the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination and the odds-on favorite to win the presidency, Clinton is the one to watch.

09.11.2015 - 12:02 [ ABC News ]

Venezuela Says US Intelligence Plane Violated Airspace

Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino said Sunday the Dash-8 aircraft flew out of Curacao, a Dutch island not far off Venezuela‘s Caribbean coast. He said that during a 30-minute period the plane twice entered Venezuelan airspace over the tiny archipelago of Los Monjes on Friday while performing what appeared to be a reconnaissance mission in the Gulf of Venezuela, which is also bounded by Colombia.

09.11.2015 - 09:19 [ MINA ]

Danish Expert: NATO Exists only to Intimidate and extort Taxpayers

„This is a military-industrial-media-academic complex playing its games. In order to get the payers to pay for this kind of nonsense you have to have what we in the social psychology call ‘fearology‘; you have to boost fear among the citizens so that they think that this is relevant and necessary to do this and other kinds of things.“

09.11.2015 - 09:10 [ New Eastern Europe ]

NATO Needs Strategy to Address Threats from the South and the East

Over the past few weeks and months, in Bratislava at GLOBSEC and in Bucharest at the Aspen Forum, you have been engaged in raising the awareness of the allies about the emerging A2/AD challenge. How do you see the impact of the deployment of access denial capabilities – in Kaliningrad and Crimea – not only for the defence of allies, but also for NATO‘s ability to reassure and deter?

This is indeed becoming a more central subject of our debates. It is not a new concept. I first learned this magical acronym – A2/AD – when I was at the Pentagon. It was more a focus of US defence policy in the Asia-Pacific against a rising China. Another term that is often used is “bastion defence”. Indeed the Russians are building these very heavily militarised “bastions” in Kaliningrad, in Crimea and now we are watching carefully how far things go in the Eastern Mediterranean too.

09.11.2015 - 09:04 [ Gulf News ]

GU-Q panel hosts Nato team

A panel of Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q) scholars and experts led by the dean, Dr Gerd Nonneman, hosted a visiting delegation of members of the Nato Parliamentary Assembly Science and Technology Committee at a special session on its campus.
The Nato delegation was comprised of eight members of parliament, hailing from Germany, Norway, Italy, Romania and Estonia, and was led by the chairman of the Sub-Committee on Energy and Environmental Security, Jan Arild Ellingsen. At the request of the Nato Parliamentary Assembly, Georgetown University assembled the experts panel to provide an academic and nuanced understanding of a wide variety of topics relating to Qatar’s economic, social, economic and military situation both domestically and within the broader regional context.
Specific discussion points included Qatar-Nato relations, energy politics, cyber security, migrant issues, food and water security, the work of the GCC in regional conflicts, as well as education and job diversification in Qatar’s bid to move away from overdependence on energy resources.

09.11.2015 - 02:14 [ TruePublica ]

Britain Ignores UN on TTIP as EU Commission Sanctions “Revolution Against Law”

(5.November) “Allowing private arbitrators to disregard international and national law … is tantamount to a revolution against law .” The United Nations has actually called for a suspension of TTIP talks on the basis that its tactics used by multinationals in courts outside of public jurisdiction would undermine democracy and law.

09.11.2015 - 02:05 [ NewStatesman ]

Too cool for fuel: inside the nuclear fusion reactor Wendelstein 7-X stellarator

(5.November) The “stellarator”. It is a brilliant term for a nuclear fusion reactor: futuristic-sounding and yet perfectly accurate. The machine mimics stellar processes in order to generate energy. This November, if clearance from the regulatory authority is forthcoming, engineers will fire up the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator (W7-X) in Greifswald, Germany.

09.11.2015 - 02:01 [ SOEP ]

Individual Poverty Paths and the Stability of Control-Perception

This paper investigates whether individual control-perception aspects the probability of becoming poor, and vice versa, whether poverty experiences can be detrimental to these traits later on. The former relation is intuitive as control related traits underly many idiosyncratic determinants of poverty.
Though traits like control-perception are known to stabilize towards adulthood, the latter association may be plausible when some plasticity is maintained in case of more vigorous environmental infuences like poverty. Such deterioration of control-perception would lead to poor people being literally „trapped“. Yet, it is unclear what the underlying mediation paths are and whether control-perception or other potential factors are involved. Our empirical results suggest that poverty experiences affect individual control-
perception to some extent. Despite rather modest magnitudes, the findings indicate that no invariance of control-perception is given in adulthood.

09.11.2015 - 01:37 [ Dr. Christian Wipperfürth ]

Kirgisistan. Eindrücke aus Zentralasien

(26.Oktober) Es gibt keine Elendssiedlungen, keine zerlumpten Obdachlosen, keine Bettler. Die Erklärung dieses Phänomens: In Kirgisistan, wie wohl auch den anderen Ländern Zentralasiens funktionieren die Großfamilien. Sie bieten Halt bei Krankheit und Alter – der Staat ist hierzu nicht in der Lage. Und die Sippe fordert hierfür natürlich Loyalität und Einordnung, anders könnte das System nicht funktionieren. Nicht die Interessen des Individuums stehen im Vordergrund, sondern diejenigen der Großfamilie. Das heißt auch: Der Einzelne kann sich auf die Sippe verlassen. Und sie sich auf ihn, z.B. wenn er Karriere machen sollte, dann kümmert er sich um die Seinen. Was uns also als „Vetternwirtschaft“ erscheint ist unentbehrlich, um das gesamte System funktionstüchtig zu halten.

09.11.2015 - 01:15 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die NATO-Südstrategie

Außerdem müsse man sich nun wohl darauf einstellen, dass Russland auch in Syrien „auf lange Zeit ein Faktor“ sein werde, äußerte Ende Oktober der stellvertretende NATO-Generalsekretär Alexander Vershbow mit Blick auf den neuen russischen Luftwaffenstützpunkt in dem Mittelmeerstaat: Man werde sich „über die weiteren Konsequenzen“ der russischen Militärpräsenz dort Gedanken zu machen haben. In der NATO ist bereits davon die Rede, das Mittelmeer sei „wieder ein umstrittener Raum“. Russlands Präsenz könne sich auf die Machtprojektion von US-Marineschiffen in den Persischen Golf auswirken, heißt es; sie hätte etwa die Entscheidung der NATO im Jahr 2011, in Libyen militärisch zu intervenieren, weitaus schwieriger gemacht.

09.11.2015 - 01:08 [ Rationalgalerie ]

NATO will Russland schrecken

Dass die Narren in Kiew jetzt faktisch zu Alliierten der NATO erklärt werden, macht die Russland-Grundakte zu jenem Konfetti, das sicher bei der „Siegesparade in Sewastopol“ geworfen werden soll, die der ukrainische Präsident Petro Poroschenko im letzten Jahr schon angekündigt hatte.

09.11.2015 - 00:56 [ Washington Post ]

Croatia’s conservatives claim victory in general vote

The vote’s outcome could disrupt the flow of migrants crossing the small country if the conservatives form the government and return to power and carry out pledges to implement tough measures against the surge. Since September, Croatia has seen an influx of more than 330,000 people fleeing war and poverty and seeking a better life in wealthier EU states such as Germany.

09.11.2015 - 00:32 [ Maskenfall ]

No 228

Die Abhörung kommt dem Konzept von Gott ziemlich nahe. Sie ist unsichtbar, immateriell, sie weiß, was Du tust, weiß, was jeder tut, und es scheint, dass man einfach daran glauben muss […] Tatsächlich jedoch, glauben die meisten Menschen nicht an Dinge, die sie nicht selbst direkt gesehen haben. Da die meisten Menschen es nicht direkt sehen – sie sehen nicht National Security Agency oder GCHQ Spione unter ihrem Bett – verstehen sie die Gefahr nicht. Ich bin jedoch dankbar, dass sie die Gefahr nicht verstehen, weil ich denke, dass, wenn jeder die Gefahr verstünde, wäre die Reaktion nicht, die Massenüberwachung zu stoppen, die Reaktion der meisten Leute wäre, extrem konformistisch zu werden.

09.11.2015 - 00:04 [ Independent ]

US astronaut Kjell Lindgren plays Amazing Grace on Scottish-made bagpipes on International Space Station

Dr Hurst died suddenly in October at the age of 48 and all six astronauts on the Space Station were “shocked and saddened” to hear the news.