Daily Archives: 4. November 2015

04.11.2015 - 21:02 [ Alles Schall und Rauch ]

Nach Wahlsieg der AKP, Verhaftungswelle in der Türkei

Nachdem die AKP die Mehrheit am Sonntag bei den Parlamentswahlen erlangt hat, wird mit der Opposition und den Journalisten in der Türkei „aufgeräumt“. Der Diktator Erdoğan schlägt zu und duldet keine Kritik. Denn zwei Redakteure eines linken Magazins wurde in Istanbul verhaftet, wegen Veröffentlichung einer Titelseite, die der Regierung nicht passt. Gleichzeitig wurden 58 Journalisten entlassen und 57 weitere mit der Anschuldigung verhaftet, sie wären eine „Terrorgruppe“.

04.11.2015 - 20:39 [ Friedensblick ]

Bericht über NSU-Informanten “Corelli” erhärtet Mordverdacht

Heute veröffentlichte der Bundestag den “Corelli”-Bericht des grünen Politikers Jerzy Montag. Er wurde vom parlamentarischen Kontrollgremium beauftragt, die Todesumstände des NSU-Verfassungsschutz-Informanten Thomas Richter alias “Corelli” aufzuklären. Sein Bericht ist eine Weißwaschung der Sicherheitsbehörden. Trotzdem enthält er einige Punkte, die aufhorchen lassen, und die das Parlament zu weiteren Untersuchungen veranlassen müsste.

04.11.2015 - 18:27 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Egyptian regime that sentenced me to death now the toast of London

On 16 June, the military-appointed highest Islamic authority in Egypt ratified a death sentence against me and more than 100 other defendants, including former president Mohamed Morsi, members of his administration and public figures. I had worked in Morsi‘s presidency as an aide in his liaison team with international media.

04.11.2015 - 18:10 [ Mancunian Matters ]

Expect ‚daily intrusion‘ of your privacy under Theresa May‘s new surveillance law – Manchester rights group

„From if they have a job, to what sort of news they like and even what medical conditions they suffer from or their sexual preferences.

„You might not worry about people knowing these about you, but for some people it‘s important, such as if their religion frowns on being gay“

04.11.2015 - 18:03 [ Sputnik ]

Syrien: Regierungsarmee erobert wichtige Straße zwischen Aleppo und Hama

Die Straße, die Aleppo über Ithriya und Khanasser mit al-Salamiyah verbindet, sei nach erbitterten Kämpfen mit der Terrormiliz „Islamischer Staat“ befreit worden, teilte ein Armeesprecher der Nachrichtenagentur RIA Novosti mit. Dutzende Terroristen seien getötet worden.
Laut dem Sprecher wird die einstige Regierungsstraße bereits von Minen geräumt und soll am morgigen Donnerstag wieder dem Verkehr übergegeben werden.

04.11.2015 - 17:56 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

EU official confuses Greece’s Bailout Tranche with Lottery Win

Hop! Hop! Hop! Run! Run! run! The Loan Lottery is awaiting for you! OK. Not for you but for …Greece! An EU official anonymous told foreign media in Brussels that the Greek government might win [sic] a delayed 2 billion-euro aid disbursement by Nov. 9. “Win”? Win a loan? Win a contest? “Win an aid’? Are you kidding me? It is a loan with interest and repayment obligation. No aid. No win.

04.11.2015 - 17:53 [ Ansa.it ]

Renzi demands new primary rules

He said in an interview for a new book by veteran TV journalist Bruno Vespa that primaries should be staged for candidates for top positions such as „mayors, governors and the party leader-premier candidate“. But he added that „those who lose must help“.

04.11.2015 - 17:51 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Russian air operations in Syria limited to the Syrian Army offensive against terrorists, Moscow affirms

Antonov, speaking at the third meeting of the ASEAN countries’ defense chiefs and their dialogue partners in Kuala Lumpur, affirmed that the Russian air force is striking only confirmed terrorist targets, and that there are no strikes being conducted at any other targets, connected to, for example, the forces of the so-called “moderate” opposition.

04.11.2015 - 17:05 [ The Modzilla Blog ]

Firefox Now Offers a More Private Browsing Experience

We’re releasing a powerful new feature in Firefox Private Browsing called Tracking Protection. We created this feature because we believe in giving you more choice and control over your Web experience. With the release of Tracking Protection in Firefox Private Browsing we are leading the industry by giving you control over the data that third parties receive from you online. No other browser’s Private Browsing mode protects you the way Firefox does—not Chrome, not Safari, not Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer.

You can learn more about Firefox Private Browsing with Tracking Protection by checking out this video.

04.11.2015 - 17:04 [ The Washington Post ]

The newest version of Firefox lets you block online trackers

Mozilla on Tuesday announced that the latest version of its Firefox browser will let users opt to block online trackers, such as cookies and other tools that advertisers and others use to follow Internet users from site to site.

04.11.2015 - 16:42 [ The Verge ]

UK surveillance laws will keep citizens‘ internet history on file for 12 months

British politicians will dramatically expand the UK‘s powers of mass surveillance under a draft bill demanding that ISPs store records of every website visited by internet users for up to a year. This level of online monitoring has been banned in the US, Canada, and every other European nation, and has even previously been rejected in the UK. Supporters of the legislation (known as the Investigatory Powers Bill) are presenting it and other security measures as a compromise, but privacy campaigners say it is in fact more intrusive.

04.11.2015 - 16:37 [ The Verge ]

US Air Force’s experimental rocket spirals out of control after launching from Hawaii

A small, experimental rocket meant to carry 13 communication satellites into space for the Department of Defense failed just one minute after launching from Hawaii last night, according to the US Air Force. Video footage of the event shows the rocket spiraling out of control as it falls back down to Earth, leaving a crooked contrail in its wake. This was the first flight ever for this kind of vehicle — known as a Super Strypi rocket — as well as the first rocket launch attempt from the Hawaiian Islands.

04.11.2015 - 16:21 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

A More Private Browsing Experience: Mozilla Ships Tracking Protection for Firefox

Good news for Firefox users sick of online trackers shadowing their every click: Mozilla just released Tracking Protection for use with their private browsing mode.

As we wrote previously, we think it‘s important for users to be able to protect themselves from non-consensual online tracking. That‘s why we created Privacy Badger, which enforces Do Not Track around the Web. But it‘s also important for browser vendors to join in the fight to protect user privacy. Mozilla has done just that with today‘s announcement.

04.11.2015 - 14:25 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Kalter Medienkrieg

Mit einer eigens eingerichteten „Task Force“ arbeitet die EU am Aufbau einer prowestlichen Medienöffentlichkeit in sieben Staaten Osteuropas und des Kaukasus, darunter Russland. Dies bestätigt die Bundesregierung auf eine Anfrage im Bundestag. Demnach bemüht sich die „EU East Stratcom Task Force“ um die Bildung von Netzwerken zu Journalisten in den Ländern der „Östlichen Partnerschaft“ der EU und in Russland; außerdem werden „Kommunikationskampagnen“ entwickelt, mit denen die Bevölkerungen dieser Staaten systematisch überzogen werden sollen. Als spezielle Zielgruppen werden unter anderem „junge Menschen“ und Akademiker genannt; insgesamt richtet sich die Aufmerksamkeit der EU-Task Force offenbar vor allem auf urbane Mittelschichten, die in weiten Teilen Osteuropas stark prowestlich orientiert sind und unter anderem die ukrainischen Majdan-Proteste maßgeblich getragen haben. Über die inhaltliche Ausrichtung der Aktivitäten, die offiziell als „Förderung der Medienfreiheit“ deklariert werden, erklärt die Bundesregierung, es gehe „wie bei der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit von Regierungen, Parteien, Verbänden etc.“ darum, die eigenen Positionen „der Öffentlichkeit zu vermitteln“. Die Regierung bestätigt außerdem, dass die EU-Task Force die Osteuropa-Aktivitäten der Deutschen Welle mit Blick auf „mögliche Synergieeffekte“ prüft… Zu den Kooperationspartnern der „EU East Stratcom Task Force“ gehört auch die NATO.

04.11.2015 - 13:27 [ The Irish Times ]

Regulators warn Digicel over ad-blocking Google and Facebook

An umbrella group for telecoms regulators across several of Digicel’s markets has warned the company not to roll out ad-blocking software, suggesting it could be illegal and a breach of its licence.

04.11.2015 - 13:07 [ The Anti Media ]

UK Prepares to Welcome Another Brutal Dictator

In spite of human rights organisations’ widespread condemnation of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Britain is preparing to show support for his dictatorship by rolling out the red carpet for the coup leader later this week.

04.11.2015 - 12:21 [ The Irish Times ]

At least 41 dead as cargo plane crashes in South Sudan

A Russian-built cargo plane with passengers on board crashed on Wednesday after taking off from the airport in South Sudan’s capital, killing at least 41 people on the flight and on the ground, an official and a Reuters witness said.

04.11.2015 - 10:13 [ James Petras ]

Western ‘Mainstream’ Extremism: Distortion, Fabrication and Falsification in the Financial Press

Over the past quarter century, the US and EU turned their focus from systemic adversaries (anti-capitalist and anti-imperial states and movements) to attacking capitalist regimes, which (1) had adopted nationalist, re-distributive and Keynesian policies; (2) had opposed military interventions, coups and bases; (3) had aligned with non-Western capitalist powers; (4) had opposed Zionist colonization of Palestine and Gulf State-financed Islamist terrorists; (5) and had refuse to follow the financial agendas dictated by Wall Street and the City of London investment houses, speculators and vulture funds.

The Western imperial regimes (by which we mean the US, Canada and the EU) have exercised their political, military, economic and propaganda powers to (1) eliminate or limit the variety of capitalist options; (2) control the kinds of market-state relations; and (3) secure compliance through punitive military invasions, occupations and economic sanctions against targeted adversaries.

04.11.2015 - 10:05 [ Mondo Weiss ]

The ‘non-lethal’ chemical weapon killing Palestinians

While Aida is known for being politically charged, generally Israeli forces focus on protesters, but on Thursday the forces seemed to be ignoring the protesters and going for the general community instead, firing copious amounts of tear gas, Huessni said.

“The entire camp was full of gas,” he recalled. “We had to have people with gas masks all over in order to pull people who got stuck outside out of the white clouds”

04.11.2015 - 01:08 [ RT ]

‘Systematic crimes against media freedoms’: Israeli forces raid, shut down Palestinian radio station

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) broke into the office of the Palestinian Manbar al-Hurriyya (Freedom Tribune) radio station on Tuesday and destroyed the contents of its offices, including the walls and interior. The security forces also confiscated all the station’s broadcasting equipment and ripped out the wires in the building as well.

04.11.2015 - 00:53 [ RT ]

Emir of Kuwait to talk Middle East with Putin in Moscow

The Emir of Kuwait will arrive in Russia next week to meet with President Vladimir Putin in Sochi, becoming yet another leader from the Middle East, including Syria’s Assad and Israel’s Netanyahu, to visit Russia lately to discuss the situation in the region.