US President Obama supports the ruthless Saudi leadership, at the same time placing the blame for the deaths of tens of thousands on the secular government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, US author Eric Zuesse noted, adding that Washington‘s foreign policy is currently controlled by an aristocracy that‘s firmly wedded to the House of Saud.
Daily Archives: 20. Oktober 2015
Israeli Soldier Lightly Wounded in Hebron Stabbing Attack
The Israel Defense Forces reported that two Palestinians arrived to Hebron‘s House of Contention, where two Israeli soldiers were standing. One of the Palestinians proceeded to stab one of the soldiers, and the other soldier responded by shooting the two Palestinians.
Israeli forces kill Palestinian in West Bank
Doctors said that the Palestinian was likely shot by an Israeli sniper in the head, causing his immediate death.
Witnesses said that Masalmah was among the crowds of the protesters when he was shot dead, but the spokeswoman of the Israeli occupation army claimed he attempted to stab an Israeli army officer, causing him light injuries.
Palestinian Killed, 14 Wounded in Clashes With Israeli Forces Near Gaza Border
Man was part of sniper cell that was preparing to fire at Israeli forces, high-ranking army officer says.
The Palestinian Ahmad Al-Sarhi 27, was shot dead by Israeli sniper, and 3 others shot & injured at east #Gaza now.
Russisch-amerikanisches Memorandum regelt alle Flüge in Syrien
„Nach den Inkrafttreten des Dokuments werden zuständige Organe der Militärführung beider Länder Kanäle operativer Kommunikation einrichten, die rund um die Uhr aktiv sein werden. Zudem soll ein Mechanismus des Zusammenwirken ausgearbeitet werden, darunter für die Erweisung gegenseitiger Hilfe in Krisensituationen“, sagte der russische Militär.
Statement from Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook on Memorandum of Understanding with Russia regarding safety over Syrian air space.
Today senior officials from the Department of Defense and the Russian Ministry of Defense signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) regarding measures to minimize the risk of inflight incidents among coalition and Russian aircraft operating in Syrian air space. With today‘s signatures the MOU is now in effect.
Kerry holds out possibility of meeting Netanyahu in Middle East
„I will be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu either in Germany or in the region,“ Kerry said during a question and answer session after making a speech on climate change.
Ägyptisches TV sendet Luftangriff mit Kampfhubschrauber in Syrien mit Sequenzen aus Computerspiel
Geschickte Absicht, Ablenkung, untergejubelte Falle oder leichtgläubiges Versehen: ein neuer Slapstick zeigt den zweifelhaften Wahrheitsgehalt von Bildern und Filmen in täglichen Berichten aus den Kriegszonen.
Egyptian Television Host Confuses Video Game for Russian Airstrikes in Syria
Controversial television show host Ahmed Moussa, a staunch government supporter, has found himself being mocked by social media users after airing footage showing the ‘success’ of Russian airstrikes in Syria. What Moussa didn’t realize was that the footage he aired was from Apache: Air Assault, a combat flight simulator video-game released in November 2010.
The video-game, produced by Russian developer Gaijin Entertainment and published by Activision, features a number of Apache attack helicopters which the player controls to prevent terrorist attacks in war-ravaged areas of the world.
Egyptian TV News Uses Video Game Footage As Proof Of Russian Precision Strikes Against ISIL
The latest case is an Egyptian news agency bizarrely using footage from a Russian-made video game, Apache: Air Assault, published by Activision and featuring english-speaking characters, to proclaim Russian dominance against ISIS in Syria.
FBI Tells Me It Will Take 475 Days For It To Get Around To Responding To My FOIA Request
Back in April, I sent the FBI some FOIA requests concerning the FBI‘s public stance on encryption — which is kind of a big deal right now, given that the FBI is giving mixed messages on encryption. Director James Comey is out there pushing the panic button over people encrypting their mobile phones, while older FBI recommendations suggested that encrypting your mobile phone could protect your information from those with malicious intent. So it seemed quite reasonable to find out what kinds of talking points the FBI had put together on encryption, as it seemed rather important to the very timely debate about whether or not tech companies should be forced to backdoor encryption.
I submitted the FOIA requests on March 27th. On September 10th — which is 167 days later — the FBI finally responded, telling me that it expected to get to my request about 300 days later, or approximately 475 days from when it was first submitted. It was addressed (typo-wise) to „God morning.“
Occupation is a crime
Many of the World’s 21 Million Slaves Live in the West
„There are 21 million modern slaves in the world today, most of them women and girls hiding in plain sight in poor and rich countries alike – 7% of today’s slaves live in North America or the European Union. From trafficking and sexual exploitation to work in private homes, agriculture, fishing, construction and manufacturing, modern slavery is not only a crime, it is big business. It generates some $150bn in illegal profits every year, according to an estimate by the International Labour Organization (ILO)…“
Fort Nelson First Nation wins ruling against Nexen: Water licence for fracking operation cancelled
The Fort Nelson First Nation has won a potentially precedent-setting decision from the B.C. Environmental Appeal Board that cancels the water licence of a natural gas fracking operation in northeast B.C.
The appeal board — in a decision that took 20 months to deliver — concluded the science behind the licence was fundamentally flawed and the province did not consult the First Nation in good faith.
Why Justin Trudeau may be more dangerous than Harper
Real leadership means fighting for real principles, even when they’re unpopular. Great politicians find a way to sell good ideas to the public and media. Justin Trudeau does none of these things. But, boy, does he look good not doing them.
Seven officials of Azerbaijani national security ministry detained
The officials of the ministry of national security are suspected of abusing the authority, violating the requirements of the law on operative search and the unlawful interference with business entities’ activity, the statement said.
The criminal cases were filed under articles 308.2 „Acts envisaged by article 308.1 (abuse of power), resulting in serious consequences, or committed to influence the election results (referendum)“, 309.1 (abuse of power), 302.2 (violation of legislation on operative-search activity) of the Azerbaijani Criminal Code.
Open Access Week 2015
Today is the first day of Open Access Week. All week, we’ll be joining SPARC and numerous other organizations to celebrate the importance of open access.
Put simply, open access is the practice of making research and other materials freely available online, ideally under licenses that permit widespread dissemination. Open access publishing plays a huge role in the dissemination of knowledge, culture, and ideas.
Check back all week for new #OAWeek content from EFF. We‘ll be updating this blog post with links:
Rüstungsexporte in die Golfregion
Deutschland exportiert Rüstungsgüter in die Golfregion. Jemen ist seit Beginn
des Jahres Schauplatz eines blutigen Bürgerkriegs, in den Saudi-Arabien und
eine Koalition von zehn arabischen Staaten militärisch massiv eingegriffen hat.
Die USA und Großbritannien leisten der saudisch geführten Koalition Unter-
stützung. Nach Human Rights Watch setzen Saudi-Arabien und seine Verbün-
deten in dem Krieg die international geächteten Streubomben ein (
Die humanitäre Situation im Jemen ist mittlerweile katastrophal.
Weitere unmittelbare Folge des saudischen Kriegseinsatzes ist, dass Terrorgrup-
pen, wie Al Qaida und der so genannte Islamische Staat, in das ent
Bundestag beschließt Atomgesetznovelle: Riesiges Eingangslager für 500 Castor-Behälter geplant
Am 19. Juli 2011 hat der Rat der Europäischen Union die Richtlinie 2011/70/Euratom über einen Gemeinschaftsrahmen für die verantwortungsvolle und sichere Entsorgung abgebrannter Brennelemente und radioaktiver Abfälle verabschiedet. Die Richtlinie 2011/70/Euratom ist von den Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union in nationales Recht umzusetzen. Sie dient – laut Präambel – dazu, einen europäischen Gemeinschaftsrahmen für die verantwortungsvolle und sichere Entsorgung abgebrannter Brennelemente und radioaktiver Abfälle zu schaffen.
Gegen den Bericht hagelte es Einsprüche. Auswirkungen hat das NaPro vor allem auch für die Endlagerkommission, den Kommissionsmitgliedern wurde auferlegt, in ihrem Abschlussbericht auch ein Kapitel zu einem Mischlager einzufügen.
Police use teargas and stun grenades to evict #UCTShutdown students from Bremner Building
Dramatic scenes erupted at the University of Cape Town in the late hours of Monday night when riot police stormed students out of Bremner Building, UCT’s administrative building. One student was injured after police fired teargas and stun grenades to disperse the peaceful protestors.
Friendly Fire May Have Upped Casualties in Be‘er Sheva Attack
„We‘re looking into the possibility that our own forces fired on other forces, including at guards, soldiers, and police officers,“ the senior police officer stated to Walla! News, on condition of anonymity.
However, he stressed that this would not affect operations.
„It can happen during such an incident,“ he said.
Israeli society is crumbling under the weight of occupation
Everything is unfolding following the scenario foreseen by Hobbes in early modernity: each citizen reclaims for her- or himself the right to exercise force, which has previously been entrusted to the political state. Nir Barkat’s appeal to the Jewish residents of Jerusalem to carry firearms with them at all times; the simplification of Israeli gun licensing laws; the rush by civilians to purchase new weapons—all of these are telltale signs of a return to the Hobbesian state of nature, where no one is safe. (Think of the Jewish Israeli recently stabbed by his fellow citizen, who confused him for a Palestinian enemy.) The crowds chanting on a daily basis “Death to the Arabs!” and the lynch mob that, yesterday, executed an Eritrean migrant on the suspicion that he was involved in an attack on the central bus station in Beer Sheva are still more obvious expressions of the state of nature uncovered beneath the thin veneer of political state.
Sicherheitskräfte verletzen Unbeteiligten bei Attentat tödlich
«Der Tod eines Asylbewerbers durch die Hände von Sicherheitskräften und einem wütenden Mob ist eine tragische, aber absehbare Folge eines Klimas, in dem israelische Politiker Bürger ermutigen, das Gesetz in die eigenen Hände zu nehmen», sagt die Human-Rights-Watch-Aktivistin Sari Bashi.
Eritrean citizen Haftom Zarhum beaten after being shot
This video widely circulated on social media shows members of the Israeli public attacking Haftom Zarhum after he was shot at Beer Sheva bus station on 18 October.
Eritreans Express Shock, Concern After Lynching of Migrant in Be’er Sheva
Eritrean asylum seekers were stunned by reports of Sunday’s lynching of Habtom Zarhum in Be’er Sheva. Videos showing a furious mob kicking and beating the wounded man following a terror attack quickly spread among the community.
Geostrategische Umwälzung
Russlands Intervention gegen den »Islamischen Staat« weist die USA in die Schranken. Moskau festigt Bündnis zwischen Iran, Syrien und Libanon
Updated-Syrian Army and Russian Air Force kill terrorists’ leaders, destroy their vehicles and positions
According to the source, the airstrikes also resulted in destroying command centers for terrorists in the Eastern Ghouta area in Damascus Countryside, sending large numbers of terrorists fleeing, and at the same time terrorist Zahran Alloush announced a “general mobilization” following the airstrikes that destroyed terrorists’ gatherings in towns and villages in Eastern Ghouta.
The source said that reconnaissance revealed that ISIS is forcing its members to continue fighting using various methods, such as executing dissenters and injecting terrorists with narcotics to prepare them to carry out suicide attacks.
#Saudi official: new batch of 500 TOW anti-tank missiles delivered this week to #Syrian FSA rebels
Syrian rebels say they receive more weapons for Aleppo battle
The rebels from three groups contacted by Reuters said new supplies had arrived in response to the attack by the army, which is backed up by Russian air strikes and on the ground by Iranian fighters and Lebanon‘s Hezbollah.
The delivery of the U.S.-made TOW missiles to rebels in Aleppo and elsewhere in Syria appears to be an initial response to the new Russian-Iranian intervention. Foreign states supporting the rebels include Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar.
Syrian troops advance toward air base besieged by IS
A top Russian military official said on Friday that the Kremlin sees no moderate opposition in Syria, leaving only terrorists and the pro-Assad forces Moscow is backing.
The military official said the army captured the village of Bkayze which is about seven kilometers (4 miles) from the air base in Aleppo province.
Nach Atom-Deal mit Iran: Erste Sitzung der „gemeinsamen Kommission“
Eine gemeinsame Kommission der iranischen Atomfrage bestehend aus der 5+1-Gruppe und dem Iran hat am Montag in Wien ihre erste Konferenz abgehalten. Die chinesische Delegation nahm unter der Leitung von Chinas ständigem UN-Vertreter in Wien, Cheng Jingye, an der Konferenz teil.
Kollegen zweifeln an Selbstmord von Irak-Expertin Jacqueline Ann Sutton
Das britische Außenministerium hat am Montag bestätigt, dass die Irak-Expertin und ehemalige BBC-Journalistin Jacqueline Ann Sutton sich das Leben genommen hat, nachdem sie von der Beerdigung ihres bei einem Terrorakt umgekommenen Chefs kam. Kollegen haben jedoch Zweifel an der Selbstmord-These.
Death of Jacky Sutton, IWPR’s Iraq Chief
We at the Institute for War & Peace Reporting are devastated to announce the death of our country director in Iraq, Jacky Sutton.
Jacky, who was 50, was found dead at Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport on October 17. She had flown from London to take an onward flight to her base in Erbil in the Kurdish Region of Iraq.
The circumstances of her death are unclear, and we are trying to establish the facts.
Linksfraktion bleibt im Euro
(29.September) Die Linksfraktion im Bundestag bekennt sich zum Euro und der Europäischen Union. Per Fraktionsbeschluss bestätigte sie am Dienstagabend einen zentralen Satz aus dem Wahlprogramm 2013. Nach wie vor gelte: „Auch wenn die Europäische Währungsunion große Konstruktionsfehler enthält, tritt Die Linke nicht für ein Ende des Euro ein.“
300000 Haushalten in Griechenland droht Zwangsräumung
Griechenland soll auf Druck der Gläubiger Zwangsversteigerungen bisher geschützter Hauptwohnungen und Verkäufe roter Kredite an Hedgefonds forcieren.
Pentagon says U.S. military personnel rammed gate of MSF hospital
Department of Defense spokesman Captain Jeff Davis said on Monday that the vehicle in question was not a U.S. tank, but rather an Afghan tracked vehicle transporting a U.S. team on Oct. 15 to conduct an inspection to determine the structural integrity of the building.
Wahlen in Kanada: Trudeau stimmte zuvor voller Eifer kanadischem Anti-Terrorismus-Gesetz zu
Welche Gesinnung Justin Trudeau vertritt, hat er im Mai diesen Jahres – und das im Wahljahr – unter Beweis gestellt. Auf seinen Druck hin stimmte seine Partei in der letzten Lesung dem Gesetzentwurf Bill C-51, dem Patriot Act, zu.(…)
Die Sektkorken können zum Rauswurf Harpers knallen. Ein darauf folgender Magenbitter kann nicht schaden um ein Wahlergebnis zu verdauen, von dem die Zukunft erst zeigen wird, was Wahlversprechen wieder einmal wert waren.
An Indian court has found an Uber taxi driver guilty of raping a female passenger last year in Delhi.
Shiv Kumar Yadav has also been convicted of criminal intimidation and kidnapping, the prosecution lawyer told the BBC. He had pleaded not guilty.(…)
Delhi later banned Uber and several other web-based taxi firms for failing to carry out adequate driver checks.
Saudi prince will not face felony charge in Beverly Hills sex assault case
A Saudi prince accused of trying to sexually assault a worker at a Beverly Hills estate will not face a felony charge in the case, the Los Angeles County prosecutor‘s office said on Monday, though he still could face misdemeanor criminal charges.
Majed Abdulaziz Al-Saud was arrested on Sept. 23 at a gated mansion in Beverly Hills and booked on suspicion of trying to force an employee to perform oral sex, police said. He was released on $300,000 bond the next day, according to police and online jail records.
Nils Frahm – Montreux Jazz Festival 2015
Full live concert from July 7th 2015 at the 49th Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland
Adventures In Sound And Music 08 October 2015
Listen to Chris Bohn host The Wire‘s weekly show on Resonance FM. Tracks by Bis-Kaidan, John Lake, Shofar, Cup & Saucers, Coil and more…
osloob – في وجع الليل 2 :امين غربي .جعفر الطفار .عامر الطاهر
Breaking Stephen Harper to step down as leader after Conservative defeat
Stephen Harper will step down as Conservative leader following Monday‘s federal election defeat, according to The Canadian Press.
Britain Considers Pulling out of European Convention on Human Rights when Armed Forces Sent into Combat
The Telegraph claimed that over 2,000 compensation claims and judicial reviews are being prepared by lawyers in the aftermath of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as part of a growing litigation culture that is encroaching on the ability of the armed forces to do their jobs.
So far, 500 judicial review applications have been lodged, with 1,200 claims for compensation against the Ministry of Defense for alleged abuse, unlawful detention, and unlawful killing in Iraq.
Further, an estimated 800 compensation cases from Afghanistan could follow.
Belutschistan, der blutigste Krieg, von dem Sie nie gehört haben
Obwohl die Region die ärmste und auch die am dünnsten besiedelte des Landes ist, ist sie auch reich an natürlichen Ressourcen wie Öl, Gas und Mineralien und weist auch eine strategische Bedeutung auf, da sie drei Grenzen besitzt und somit den Zugang zur Küste des Arabischen Meers und zu einem Tiefenseehafen verschafft.
At the borders of humanity
Regardless of linguistic ability, this was universally understood. Despite 100,000 people demonstrating in London with the same chants, somehow even our prime minister, leader of a so-called ‘liberal democracy’, cannot heed our message. We remind one another of who created this crisis; Britain‘s wars destroyed their real homes and our filthy refugee policy generated these putrid conditions.
Mexican Honda union loses hard-fought election
The independent Honda workers union of Mexico (STUHM) was dealt a bitter blow on Thursday after being narrowly defeated in an election marred by serious irregularities.
Victory would have made it one of only a handful of independent unions with bargaining rights in the country’s booming auto industry.
Sieben Tonnen Cannabis in Paris beschlagnahmt
Die Drogen wurden nach offiziellen Angaben vom Sonntag in drei abgestellten Lieferwagen gefunden und waren in schlichte Jutesäcke verpackt. Demnach durchsuchten die Ermittler die Fahrzeuge nach dem Hinweis eines Anwohners, dem auffiel, dass sie bereits seit mehr als einer Woche an der Straße standen und nicht bewegt wurden.
A Quick Word on TPP and Canada Before Monday‘s Elections
Unifor economist Jordan Brennan told the Real News how the TPP is part of an old trend in opening up Canada‘s market
The Dadaists Could Not Come Up With That!
Podcast Interview (34 minutes): On occassion of a recent lecture that he gave in Berlin, Asia Times Online’s foreign correspondent Pepe Escobar sat down with Lars Schall for Matterhorn Asset Management to discuss current issues such as how the “New Great Game“ is being played in Eurasia, Russia’s intervention in Syria, and the West’s response to it.
Wolfgang Hetzer – Ist die Deutsche Bank eine kriminelle Vereinigung?
Die gegen die Deutsche Bank erhobenen Vorwürfe betreffen auch das „Herzstück“ der Organisierten Kriminalität: Geldwäsche. Die Liste laufender Prozesse, strafrechtlicher Ermittlungen und aufsichtsrechtlicher Untersuchungen ist lang. Fehler und Verbrechen haben immer nur die anderen begangen und persönliche Konsequenzen zieht man erst dann, wenn der öffentliche Druck zu groß geworden ist. Die deutsche Politik verweigert selbst nach jahrzehntelangen Debatten Antworten auf die Frage nach strafrechtlichen Haftungen und verharrt dogmatisch in der Steinzeit. Wolfgang Hetzer analysiert, wie es dazu kommen konnte und zeigt vor allem auch, was passieren muss, um diesem verantwortungslosen Treiben ein Ende zu setzen.
CCTV appears to show former BBC journalist Jacky Sutton in Istanbul airport on day she died
The 50-year-old was the Iraq country director for the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR), which said it was „devastated“ at her death.(…)
„There‘s a matter of boot laces – I‘m not even sure the boots she was wearing even had laces. If she wasn‘t wearing laces, how did she kill herself using boot laces?“
RA.489 Basic Soul Unit – Techno from Toronto
Stuart Li‘s first album came out on Still Music, a Chicago label where sumptuous deep house thrives. His second album, meanwhile, is coming through Dekmantel, the Dutch label that‘s known for releasing, among others things, left-leaning techno. This tells you plenty about the way the Toronto artist straddles styles. Aside from those two (and his own Lab.our imprint), Li has jumped from big-deal label to big-deal label, including Mule, Ostgut Ton, NonPlus and Crème Organization, which is reflected in the diversity of his output.
The Creature’s Grip
(2.Oktober) The creature in Gato Diablo’s clip represents global capital. It extends its web to all corners of the world. From the Pacific it stretched out its hand, hesitant, penetrating Bolivia’s Atacama province and Peru’s Tarapacá first. It used Chile as a proxy, and finally it made its plan known: to overthrow Pachamama, the goddess of earth for indigenous people of the Andes.