Daily Archives: 18. Oktober 2015

18.10.2015 - 22:04 [ teleSUR ]

Cuba Denies ‚Unfounded‘ Fox News Claim of Troops in Syria

A senior official in Havana “categorically” rejected a claim by Fox News that Cuban troops were in Syria to support the government of President Bashar al-Assad. Citing an unnamed U.S. official as source, the right-wing U.S. media outlet said Wednesday that up to 300 Cuban soldiers were sent to Syria. On Saturday Gerardo Penalver Portal, the head of bilateral affairs at Cuba’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said Cuba “refutes and categorically denies the irresponsible and unfounded information on the alleged presence of Cuban troops in Syria, which some media have echoed.”

18.10.2015 - 21:47 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Monsanto zieht sich aus Zuckerrohrmarkt in Brasilien zurück

Der US-amerikanische Konzern Monsanto stellt seine Tätigkeiten im brasilianischen Zuckerrohrsektor aufgrund schwacher Geschäfte ein. Dies sei nach einer „sorgfältigen Prüfung“ des Portfolios und der Wachstumschancen des Unternehmens entschieden worden. Man wolle sich stattdessen zukünftig auf die Kerngeschäfte, Saatgut und Planzenzucht, aber auch auf biologische Produkte und den Einsatz von Informatik in der Landwirtschaft konzentrieren.

18.10.2015 - 21:07 [ John Kiriakou / Other Words ]

The Sad Fate of America’s Whistleblowers

When I blew the whistle on the CIA’s illegal torture program, I was derided in many quarters as a traitor. My detractors in the government attacked me for violating my secrecy agreement, even as they ignored the oath we’d all taken to protect and defend the Constitution.

18.10.2015 - 19:15 [ alexandrabader.wordpress.com ]

Willy Wimmer war in Österreich

Auf Einladung der Offiziersgesellschaft Niederösterreich und unter dem Ehrenschutz von Innenministerin Johanna Mikl-Leitner (ÖVP) hielt Willy Wimmer am 16. Oktober einen Vortrag in St. Pölten. Dabei sparte er Beurteilungen österreichischer Politik aus, gab jedoch interessante internationale Einblicke

18.10.2015 - 19:09 [ WIRED ]

Your Relative’s DNA Could Turn You Into a Suspect

“Anyone who knows the science understands that there’s a high rate of false positives,” says Erin Murphy, a New York University law professor and the author of Inside the Cell: The Dark Side of Forensic DNA. The searches, after all, look for DNA profiles that are similar to the perpetrator’s but by no means identical, a scattershot approach that yields many fruitless leads, and for limited benefit. In the United Kingdom, a 2014 study found that just 17 percent of familial DNA searches “resulted in the identification of a relative of the true offender.”

18.10.2015 - 18:52 [ Der Standard ]

Köln: Anschlagsopfer zur Oberbürgermeisterin gewählt

Einen Tag nach einem Mordanschlag auf die Kölner Sozialdezernentin Henriette Reker ist die parteilose Politikerin zur neuen Oberbürgermeisterin der deutschen Rhein-Metropole gewählt worden. Die 58-Jährige setzte sich am Sonntag gleich im ersten Wahlgang gegen sechs weitere Bewerber durch.

Kurz vor Auszählung aller Stimmbezirke lag Reker mit 51,7 Prozent so deutlich über der absoluten Mehrheit, dass sie auf jeden Fall neue Oberbürgermeisterin der viertgrößten deutschen Stadt wird. Sie ist damit die erste Frau auf dem Chefsessel im Kölner Rathaus.

18.10.2015 - 18:33 [ Boing Boing ]

Titanic victory for fair use: appeals court says Google‘s book-scanning is legal

Search results from Google Books only shows snippets or pages from the scanned books, similar to the snippets from copyrighted Web-pages that all search-engines display in their search results. As with its Web-search, Google Books allowed rightsholders to opt out of having their books included in search-results.

18.10.2015 - 17:12 [ Korea Herald ]

Two Koreas ready to resume family reunions

During the three-day program, the participants will meet their relatives six times — each for two hours. They will meet for two group reunions, a welcome reception, one individual gathering, one joint dinner session and farewell reunions.
Seoul authorities have paid much attention to the health care of the participants as there are more old family members — a reason they increased the number of medical staffers to 18 from 12 in the previous 2014 reunions. Dozens of the participants are in their 90s.

18.10.2015 - 16:38 [ Daily Mail ]

Smoking gun emails reveal Blair‘s ‚deal in blood‘ with George Bush over Iraq war was forged a YEAR before the invasion had even started

– Leaked White House memo shows former Prime Minister‘s support for war at summit with U.S. President in 2002
– Bombshell document shows Blair preparing to act as spin doctor for Bush, who was told ‚the UK will follow our lead‘
– Publicly, Blair still claimed to be looking for diplomatic solution – in direct contrast to email revelations
– New light was shed on Bush-Blair relations by material disclosed by Hillary Clinton at the order of the U.S. courts

18.10.2015 - 16:07 [ Breitbart ]

Billionaire Donor: Rand Paul ‘Alienated Anti-Establishment Voters’ by Attacking Donald Trump

“Rand’s missed his opportunity,” said Gary Heavin, a Texas billionaire who accompanied Paul on a three-day humanitarian mission to Haiti over the summer.

“I wanted to support him because he’s the real deal, but his strategy is just awful,” continued Heavin, the founder of the health club franchise Curves.

18.10.2015 - 16:05 [ Washington Post ]

Trump says his ‘extremely tough’ immigration policies would have prevented 9/11

“I am extremely, extremely tough on illegal immigration. I’m extremely tough on people coming into this country. I believe that if I were running things, I doubt those people would have been in the country,” Trump said on “Fox News Sunday.”

“With that being said, I’m not blaming George Bush. But I don’t want Jeb Bush saying, ‘My brother kept us safe,’ because Sept. 11 was one of the worst days in the history of this country.”

18.10.2015 - 13:31 [ Amazon ]

The Globalization of War: America‘s „Long War“ Against Humanity

In thirteen chapters, the author meticulously unravels the geopolitical intentions of the U. S. and its Western minions to dominate the world. The West has embarked on a „war without borders“. The perverted Western policy manifests itself by the fact that „the Commander in Chief of the largest military force on planet earth is presented as a global peace-maker“. The realities have be turned upside down: „War is Peace“. Or as the daily Washington Post phrased it: „War makes us safer and richer.“ Whereas a Neo-Nazi regime directly supported by the West has been installed in the Ukraine, Russia is threatened by the U. S.-Nato-led war alliance with military actions on its Western borders, writes the author.

18.10.2015 - 13:29 [ Neue Rheinische Zeitung ]

Neues Buch von Michel Chossudovsky: Amerikas langer Krieg gegen die Menschlichkeit

Anfang 2015 hat der kanadische Ökonom Michel Chossudovsky eine Untersuchung zum Zusammenhang zwischen der Globalisierung und den Kriegen der letzten 15 Jahre in englischer Sprache vorgelegt. Schon als Professor für Ökonomie an der Universität von Ottawa – heute emeritiert – forschte er im Bereich Globalisierung. Er gründete das Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) in Montreal, dem er heute vorsteht. Zudem ist er Herausgeber von Global Research.

18.10.2015 - 13:22 [ almasdarnews.com ]

Breaking: Syrian Army and Hezbollah Recapture Al-Wadihi in Southern Aleppo

Moments ago, the Syrian Arab Army’s 4th Mechanized Division – in coordination with Hezbollah, the National Defense Forces (NDF), and Kataebat Al-Ba’ath (Al-Ba’ath Battalions) – countered the Islamist rebel assault in the Aleppo Governorate’s southern countryside, striking the enemy combatants from the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra”, Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, Liwaa Suqour Al-Sham, and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) at the village of Al-Wadihi.

Ill-prepared for the Syrian Armed Forces and Lebanese Resistance counter-assault, the Islamist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra, Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, Liwaa Suqour Al-Sham, and the Free Syrian Army were overwhelmed by the Syrian Arab Army’s 4th Mechanized Division and Hezbollah at Al-Wadihi; this resulted in the aforementioned pro-government forces taking full control of this village in the Aleppo Governorate’s southern countryside.

18.10.2015 - 13:21 [ almasdarnews.com ]

Cheetah Forces Advance Deep into East Aleppo: Kuweires Airport Within 5km of Their Positions

On Saturday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s elite special operations unit known as the “Cheetah Forces” (Tiger Forces branch) carried out a powerful assault on the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) positions inside the Aleppo Governorate’s eastern countryside, where they captured large chunks of territory from the aforementioned terrorist group near the Kuweires Military Airport.

According to a military source from the Tiger Forces in the Al-Safeera District of east Aleppo, the Cheetah Forces – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Kataebat Al-Ba’ath (Al-Ba’ath Battalion) captured the villages of Baqijah, Al-Barihiyah, and Al-Dakwanah after intense firefights with ISIS that left over 30 enemy combatants killed and a half dozen armored vehicles mounted with a 23mm anti-aircraft machine gun destroyed.

18.10.2015 - 13:19 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Updated- 45 ISIS terrorists killed in Hama, 3 terrorist leaders killed in Aleppo

The Takfiri terrorist organizations acknowledged that nine of their members were killed and heavy losses were inflicted upon them in the equipment in operations carried out by the army and the armed forces against their dens and positions in the countryside of Aleppo province.

The terrorist organizations indicated on their pages on the social networking websites that three of their self-claimed leaders were killed including self-claimed military commander in “Jaish al-Mujahideen” terrorist Nouri Mohammad al-Abd and one of the self-claimed commanders of the Brigade 13th Mohammad Hadi al-Abd and Judge of Jabhat al-Nusra in Kafr Hamra town, the Saudi terrorist nicknamed “Abu Azzam al-Jarzawi.”

18.10.2015 - 13:13 [ Sputnik ]

Vier Kommandostellen und 32 Feldlager des IS in Syrien vernichtet (VIDEO)

Die russische Luft- und Weltraumkräfte haben vier Kommandostellen, sechs Waffen- und Munitionslager, zwei unterirdische Bunker, 32 Feldlager, eine Granatwerferbatterie, sechs Stützpunkte des Islamischen Staates in Syrien zerstört, wie der amtliche Sprecher des Verteidigungsamtes Russlands, Igor Konaschenkow, zu Journalisten sagte.

18.10.2015 - 10:23 [ A. Daniel Roth ]

Tonight We Were Many

Tonight thousands of Jews and Palestinians took to the streets of Jerusalem to say no to racism, no to violence, no to occupation, and no to despair. It was an important night. There was opposition out there threatening us and looking to hurt us, but tonight we were many.

18.10.2015 - 10:00 [ Dov Khenin, Abgeordneter der Knesset ]

I Believe – To my friends and colleagues working for peace, social change and environmental justice:

We cannot abandon our efforts to reach a political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Left must be an alternative to both the insanity of imperialist power and also to the kind of despair that gives up on any chance of an agreement. The Left must refuse to rule over another people. If Israel does not end the Occupation, the Occupation will end Israel. The cycle of violence, oppression and terror must be broken by the foundation of two states for two peoples, on the basis of the green line(1949 Armistice lines).

18.10.2015 - 09:27 [ Sputnik ]

Offensive der syrischen Armee: Al-Qaida bestätigt Tod ihres Anführers

Der getötete Al-Nasr, der aus Saudi-Arabien stammte und das „Komitee des Sieges“ leitete, war für die Ausarbeitung des Konzepts der Al-Qaida zuständig. Al-Nasr war eine einflussreiche Figur in der syrischen Gruppierung.

Der Agentur zufolge wurden bei dem Luftangriff zwei weitere Terroristen – der Saudi Abdul Malik al-Jazrawi und der Marokkaner Abu Yasir al-Maghrebi – getötet.

18.10.2015 - 09:10 [ Reuters ]

Israel, U.S. resume defense aid talks halted over Iran deal: envoy

Israel and the United States have resumed talks on future defense aid that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suspended in protest at the Iran nuclear deal, the Israeli ambassador to Washington said on Sunday.

The allies had been looking to agree on a 10-year aid package to extend the current U.S. grants to Israel worth $3 billion annually, which are due to expire in 2017.

18.10.2015 - 09:03 [ Intercept ]

The Drone Papers

(15. Oktober) The Intercept has obtained a cache of secret documents detailing the inner workings of the U.S. military’s assassination program in Afghanistan, Yemen, and Somalia. The documents, provided by a whistleblower, offer an unprecedented glimpse into Obama’s drone wars.

18.10.2015 - 09:02 [ Washington Times ]

Obama-led drone strikes kill innocents 90% of the time: report

(15.Oktober) The apparent 10 percent success rate with regards to a specific span in America’s drone war is among the most damning revelations to surface so far as the result of a series of articles published by The Intercept on Thursday this week which rely on classified and confidential intelligence documents supplied by an unknown source.

“These docs illustrate what a video game, drained of all humanity, these drone assassinations have become,” founding editor Glenn Greenwald tweeted on Thursday.

18.10.2015 - 06:31 [ Vessel Finder ]

Global commercial shipping fleet witnessed lowest growth rate in a decade: UNCTAD

(16. Oktober) The world‘s commercial fleet has dropped to the lowest annual growth rate in over a decade, according to the UNCTAD Review of Maritime Transport 2015.
The report suggests that the global commercial fleet has grown by 3.5% in a 12 month period from January 2014 to January 2015. The fleet totalled 89,464 vessels, with overall 1.75m in deadweight tonnage at the beginning of the year.

18.10.2015 - 06:21 [ Guardian ]

Swiss elections: immigration fears set to boost rightwing populists

About a quarter of Switzerland’s eight million inhabitants are foreign nationals, and immigration and asylum policies tend to figure among voters’ top concerns.
But the latest survey from the gfs.bern polling institute showed that 48% of those questioned thought migration was the most important issue facing the country.
Only 9% chose the runner-up issue – Switzerland’s relationship with the European Union – as the most important.
Ties with the EU were badly hit by a narrow Swiss popular vote in February 2014, championed by the SVP, in favour of restricting immigration from the bloc.
SVP, the most visible party on both the top issues, hit 28% support in the latest poll – up from the 26.6% it managed in the 2011 election and close to the record high 28.9% it won in 2007.
The Socialists, Switzerland’s second largest party, are also expected to inch up slightly from the 18.7% of the vote they won four years ago.
The centre-right Liberals, in third place, are also seen gaining ground from the 15.1% they took in 2011, at the expense of the Christian Democrats, the Greens and other smaller parties in the house.
Polling stations will open at different times across the country and stay open for just a few hours, closing by noon (1000 GMT), as most Swiss vote in advance by post or online.

18.10.2015 - 06:13 [ Daily Mail ]

Smoking gun emails reveal Blair‘s ‚deal in blood‘ with George Bush over Iraq war was forged a YEAR before the invasion had even started – despite claiming he wanted peace

A bombshell White House memo has revealed for the first time details of the ‘deal in blood’ forged by Tony Blair and George Bush over the Iraq War.
The sensational leak shows that Blair had given an unqualified pledge to sign up to the conflict a year before the invasion started.
It flies in the face of the Prime Minister’s public claims at the time that he was seeking a diplomatic solution to the crisis.
He told voters: ‘We’re not proposing military action’ – in direct contrast to what the secret email now reveals.
Scroll down to read the documents in full

18.10.2015 - 02:39 [ Spiegel ]

Umstrittene Geflügelzucht: „Tierquälerei gehört zum System“

Für die Aufnahmen stiegen die Aktivisten in die Betriebe ein – durch eine offene Tür, ein unverschlossenes Fenster oder eine Lüftungsanlage. Die Filmaufnahmen zeigen vier Männer im Gegenlicht, vor ihnen ein Meer aus Geflügel. Immer wieder greifen die Arbeiter die wild mit den Flügeln schlagenden Hühner an den Beinen und werfen sie in mannshoch gestapelte Transportkisten. Wollen einzelne Tiere ausbüxen, werden sie von den Ausstallern, wie die Mitarbeiter, die die Tiere aus dem Stall für den Transport ins Schlachthaus fertigmachen genannt werden, zurück getreten.

18.10.2015 - 02:32 [ Land Brandenburg ]

„Volksinitiative gegen Massentierhaltung“

I. Wir, die Unterzeichnerinnen und Unterzeichner, fordern den Landtag nach Art. 76 der Verfassung des Landes Brandenburg (Volksinitiative Brandenburg) auf, alle rechtlichen Möglichkeiten zu nutzen, um die stetige Ausbreitung der Massentierhaltungsanlagen in Brandenburg zu unterbinden.

Der Landtag möge beschließen:

ausschließlich die artgerechte Haltung von Tieren finanziell zu fördern und dies in entsprechenden Rechtsvorschriften zu verankern,

die Landesregierung aufzufordern, das Abschneiden („Kupieren“) von Schwänzen und Schnäbeln zu verbieten, hierfür auch keine Ausnahmegenehmigungen zu erteilen und die Aufstallung von kupierten Tieren in Brandenburger Ställen zu untersagen,

den Schutz der Tiere im Land Brandenburg durch die Berufung eines/einer Landestierschutzbeauftragten zu stärken und den Tierschutzverbänden Mitwirkungs- und Klagerechte zum Wohl der Tiere einzuräumen, damit der im Grundgesetz verankerte Tierschutz wirksam umgesetzt wird.