Daily Archives: 7. Oktober 2015

07.10.2015 - 23:58 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

How Twitter CEO‘s Return Could Help the Company Get Back to its Free Expression Roots

Yesterday, Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey announced on the platform that he would be returning to the company as full-time CEO, a position from which he had been ousted back in 2008. In a series of tweets, Dorsey briefly outlined his strategy for the growing company, focusing on Twitter’s strengths and his desire to ensure the platform is “easy to understand” for its many global users. But one tweet in the series stood out to us:

07.10.2015 - 23:53 [ BI Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg e.V. ]

Demo gegen TTIP und CETA in Berlin

Die Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg e.V. (BI) hat einen Bus organisiert und gemeinsam mit der AG Fracking der BI werden die Wendländer mit vollem Equipment in die Hauptstadt fahren: Treffpunkt in Berlin sind deren reichlich bestückten Info-Stände.

07.10.2015 - 16:40 [ Zeit ]

Peter Altmaier: Merkels Alleskönner

(16.Mai 2012) Nach zehn Jahren im Bundestag wurde Altmaier 2005 parlamentarischer Staatssekretär im Innenministerium von Wolfgang Schäuble . Als Norbert Röttgen 2009 zum Umweltminister berufen wurde, übernahm Altmaier seinen Posten als parlamentarischer Geschäftsführer.

07.10.2015 - 16:35 [ Zeit ]

Peter Altmaier: Merkels Krisen-Puffer

Aber da ist ja noch Peter Altmaier. Puffer zu sein zwischen Merkel und der Krise – das dürfte in den kommenden Monaten seine wichtigste Funktion sein. Denn bevor die Kanzlerin selbst zur Rechenschaft gezogen wird, wird künftig Peter Altmaier erklären müssen, warum nach wie vor so viele Flüchtlinge kommen, wie für ihre Unterbringung gesorgt werden soll und so weiter und so weiter.

07.10.2015 - 16:09 [ Guardian ]

Ash Carter: ‘Don’t listen to Russia, US has not agreed to cooperate in Syria‘ – video

The US defense secretary made it clear on Wednesday that America has not agreed to, and will not, cooperate with Russia on military action in Syria unless they dramatically change their ‘flawed strategy’. Carter, speaking during a trip to Rome, said the US will keep lines of communication open but will not work alongside Russia under current conditions

07.10.2015 - 16:08 [ Guardian ]

Putin wants to preserve Syria – this is not about Russia-US relations

In Russia’s view, as Putin set out at the UN, the Assad government is all that stands in the way of complete victory for Isis and the de facto disappearance of the Syrian state.

For Putin, the priority is the preservation of the Syrian state. He looks at Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, and sees western interventions that have resulted in anarchy. He foresees the same for Syria if the west sees toppling Assad, rather than combating Isis, as the priority.

07.10.2015 - 15:40 [ Süddeutsche ]

Flüchtlingskrise: Hollande warnt vor „Ende Europas“

Kanzlerin Angela Merkel und der französische Präsident François Hollande haben vor einem Auseinanderdriften der Europäischen Union gewarnt. „Wir dürfen angesichts der Flüchtlingskrise nicht der Versuchung erliegen, in nationalstaatliches Handeln zurückzuverfallen. Ganz im Gegenteil: Gerade jetzt brauchen wir mehr Europa“, sagte Merkel.

07.10.2015 - 14:44 [ ABC News ]

US Officials Ask How ISIS Got So Many Toyota Trucks

The Iraqi Ambassador to the United States, Lukman Faily, told ABC News that in addition to re-purposing older trucks, his government believes ISIS has acquired “hundreds” of “brand new” Toyotas in recent years.

“This is a question we’ve been asking our neighbors,” Faily said. “How could these brand new trucks… these four wheel drives, hundreds of them — where are they coming from?”

07.10.2015 - 13:09 [ Ärzte ohne Grenzen ]

Angriff auf Klinik in Kundus: Ärzte ohne Grenzen fordert unabhängige Untersuchung gemäß Genfer Konventionen

Ärzte ohne Grenzen forderte heute auf einer Pressekonferenz in Genf die Staatengemeinschaft dazu auf, die durch die Genfer Konventionen geschaffene „Internationale Humanitäre Ermittlungskommission“ damit zu beauftragen, den Angriff der US-Luftwaffe auf das Krankenhaus in Kundus am Samstagmorgen zu untersuchen.

07.10.2015 - 12:42 [ Truthout ]

Confirmed: American Academy of Pediatrics Cuts Ties With Monsanto

It appears that the severing between the divisive biotech company and the pediatricians association was spearheaded by Mamavation founder and “food activist” Leah Segedie, who confronted the AAP’s public affairs team after learning about this “unholy alliance,” according to a Mamavation blog post which first announced news of the split.

“I reached out to the AAP behind the scenes to discuss the negative impacts a company like Monsanto could have on their image,” Segedie told EcoWatch via email. “It was a very logical decision for them. I think it may have felt like breaking up with a bad boyfriend that never calls.”

07.10.2015 - 11:59 [ World Socialist Web Site ]

Arbeiter rebellieren gegen Massenentlassungen bei Air France

Am Montag kam es zu einer Rebellion gegen die Massenentlassungen bei Air France. Hunderte streikende Arbeiter stürmten die Betriebsratsbüros in der Nähe des Flughafens Charles de Gaulle in Paris, wo gerade das Management und die Gewerkschaftsvertreter über einen Sanierungsplan verhandelten. Der Plan sieht den Abbau von 2900 Stellen vor.

07.10.2015 - 11:35 [ Tengerinews ]

Syrian opposition sign joint document in Kazakhstans Astana

They thanked the Kazakh president Nazarbayev and the Kazakh government for providing a platform for dialogue and expressed their willingness to hold the third round of talks in Astana in the next 2-3 months. „We would like to organize the third meeting in Astana during the next 2-3 months, until Christmas, that is December 25,“ representative of the Syrian Christians for Democracy group Bassam Bitar informed.

07.10.2015 - 11:26 [ Azer News ]

Iran, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan to expand trade turnover

According to experts, the regional project is aimed at providing European and Asian countries with access to Central Asia and the Persian Gulf. A similar opportunity will appear for the transit of goods from the countries of South and Southeast Asia, and the coast of the Indian Ocean to the countries of Northern and Eastern Europe through Iran, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Russia.

07.10.2015 - 11:18 [ Resource Clips ]

U.S. doubles Kazakhstan uranium imports as domestic purchases plummet

The world’s largest producer of nuclear energy relied increasingly on Kazakhstan for uranium last year, as purchases from domestic suppliers plunged 65%. According to figures supplied by the U.S. Energy Information Administration on October 5, Kazakhstan sold the U.S. about 12 million pounds U3O8 last year, 23% of the 53.3 million pounds purchased. Imports from Kazakhstan nearly doubled over 2013.

American supply fell to 3.3 million pounds from the 2013 total of 9.5 million pounds. While domestic purchases languished at 6% of the total, imports from Australia and Canada followed Kazakhstan closely with 19.7% and 18.3% respectively.

07.10.2015 - 11:10 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Einflusskampf in Zentralasien

Bei den Parlamentswahlen in Kirgisistan haben Deutschland und der Westen am Wochenende einen erneuten Einflussverlust gegenüber Russland hinnehmen müssen. Aus den Wahlen sind Parteien als Sieger hervorgegangen, die die enge Zusammenarbeit des Landes mit Moskau fortsetzen wollen. Damit stehen langjährige Bemühungen Berlins und Washingtons, den westlichen Einfluss in dem strategisch wichtigen zentralasiatischen Land zu stärken, vor dem Scheitern. Die Bundesrepublik hatte sich seit den 1990er Jahren um die Anbindung Kirgisistans an die EU bemüht; Washington hatte dort zeitweise sogar eine Militärbasis unterhalten, bis Bischkek im Rahmen seiner Annäherung an Russland ihre Schließung durchsetzte. Vor den Wahlen am Wochenende hatten sich hartnäckig Spekulationen gehalten, die USA könnten die Spannungen im Land zur Förderung einer neuen „Farbrevolution“ nach georgisch-ukrainischem Vorbild nutzen. Einen derartigen Umsturz im Jahr 2005 hatte auch Berlin begrüßt. Beim Bemühen um Einfluss in Zentralasien knüpft die deutsche Politik an Muster an, die bis in die Zeit nach der Gründung des Deutschen Reiches im Jahr 1871 zurückreichen.

07.10.2015 - 07:57 [ Organisation der Vereinten Nationen ]

Ban voices ‘profound alarm’ at growing number of deadly incidents in West Bank

The Secretary-General condemned the killings and said he looks to the Government of Israel to conduct a prompt and transparent investigation into the incidents, including whether the use of force was proportional.

“He does not believe that the demolition of Palestinian houses or the construction of new Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land will do anything other than inflame tensions still further,” the statement further noted.

In addition, the UN chief underlined that the escalation of violent incidents underscores the need for urgent action by both sides.

07.10.2015 - 07:43 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Israeli settlers attack iconic mosque in Jaffa

Mohamed Ashqar, head of the Islamic Movement in Israel, said: “The settlers broke into the mosque from its main gate, threw big stones inside and smashed its windows.”

“The settlers planned to destroy and burn the mosque like what happened in the past when they burnt it, threw a pig’s head inside.”

07.10.2015 - 07:20 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Clashes break out across West Bank after Netanyahu declares ‘an all-out war’

Scores of Palestinians were injured in clashes across the West Bank and more than 200 were arrested in Jerusalem, after Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu announced Sunday he is “running an all-out war against Palestinian terrorism.”

Palestinians protested today in a “day of rage,” after a string of Palestinian attacks on Israeli citizens in the past week and Israeli incursions into the West Bank and Jerusalem—including the demolition of two homes overnight Monday and the killings of three Palestinian youths in the preceding 24 hours.

07.10.2015 - 01:08 [ AllGov ]

Congress Ends Program Providing Medical Care for 9/11 Responders and Survivors

New York’s Firefighter Brotherhood Foundation took note on its Facebook page of those politicians who expressed 9/11 sympathies last month on social media, but wouldn’t support reauthorizing the funding for those who served on that day and its aftermath.

“Nevada Sen Dean Heller posted pictures of the WTC. The very buildings that made us sick. That have taken our lives. Then he posted never forget. Zadroga expired last night and his name was not found as a supporter.”

“John McCain stood in front of a large flag and spoke about honoring the thousands. He couldn’t find it in himself to truly honor sacrifice.”

07.10.2015 - 00:59 [ Guardian ]

Britain urged to stop providing weapons to Saudi Arabia

The call to the UK is made because it is a major supplier of weapons to Saudi Arabia, including a recent consignment of 500lb Paveway IV bombs, used by Tornado and Typhoon fighter jets, which are manufactured and supplied by the UK arms company BAE Systems. Both aircraft have been used in Yemen. UK ministers have said that Saudi Arabia has provided it with assurances of their proper use.

“The UK government has previously claimed its arms are being properly used in Yemen, but what on earth is it basing this on?” said Amnesty International UK’s arms control programme director Oliver Sprague. “It seems to be no more than claims from the Saudi Arabian authorities themselves. With mounting evidence of the reckless nature of the Saudi-led coalition’s bombing campaign in Yemen, the government must urgently investigate whether UK-supplied weaponry has killed civilians in places like Saada.”

07.10.2015 - 00:30 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Bildungsproteste gegen Korruption und für Reformen in Paraguay

Die Bildungsproteste in dem südamerikanischen Land hatten mit einer Massendemonstration am 18. September begonnen, bei der sich erstmals Schüler öffentlicher und privater Schulen gemeinsam für ein besseres Bildungssystem eingesetzt haben. In diesem Kontext wurde am vergangenen Donnerstag ein nationaler Streik für eine qualitativ hochwertigere Bildung initiiert. Nachdem man zu keiner Einigung mit Vertretern des Ministeriums für Bildung und Kultur gekommen war, organisierten die Schüler einen Sitzstreik vor dem Ministeriumsgebäude.

07.10.2015 - 00:26 [ Truthout ]

Environmental Activists Continue to Face Interrogations at US-Canada Border

Meyer, who lives in Colorado, was asked by a DHS agent if she‘d be interested in „forming a liaison.“ The agent told her he wanted to, „head off any injuries or killing of people that could happen by people you know.“ Two of the members detained at the border on Friday were also contacted by the FBI last fall.

07.10.2015 - 00:10 [ Truthout ]

Indigenous Communities Seek Autonomous Development Projects in Guatemala

As Guatemala faces its greatest political crisis since the 1980s, behind the scenes, plans for the United States‘ Alliance for Prosperity continue to move along. The plan, which was modeled after Plan Colombia, would provide the governments of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador – the „northern triangle“ of Central America – with an additional $1 billion aid package, on top of existing aid plans, to spur further investment in the region. The expansion of hydroelectric construction projects and the further integration of electric grids are central to the plan, yet these projects threaten indigenous communities‘ land rights.

07.10.2015 - 00:08 [ Truthout ]

Monsanto and Syngenta Tighten Stranglehold on Global Food Supply

There is a corporate monster in the making. If allowed to emerge, it will gain near complete control of one of the most vital elements to human survival: our global food supply. This monster – a conglomeration of two corporate entities, Monsanto and Syngenta – must be stopped for the sake of the planet and future generations.