Daily Archives: 22. August 2015

22.08.2015 - 22:32 [ Truthout ]

Egypt‘s Terror Law Violates Fundamental Freedoms

Egyptian authorities are already holding a record number of journalists behind bars, and a draconian new anti-terror law signed by President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Sunday will further broaden the crackdown on dissent, press freedom groups warn.

22.08.2015 - 22:18 [ Tech Dirt ]

Boston Public Broadcaster WGBH Files Bogus DMCA Notice On Public Domain Video Uploaded By Carl Malamud

The video had nothing to do with WGBH at all. It‘s called „Energy — The American Experience“ and was created by the US Dept. of Energy in 1974 and is quite clearly in the public domain as a government creation (and in case you‘re doubting it, the federal government itself lists the video as „cleared for TV.“

WGBH, on the other hand, has nothing whatsoever to do with that video. It appears that some clueless individual at WGBH went hunting for any videos having to do with the PBS show WGBH produces, called American Experience and just assumed that based on the title, the public domain video that Malamud uploaded, was infringing. Because that‘s the level of „investigation“ that apparently the censorious folks at WGBH do when looking to issue takedown notices.

22.08.2015 - 22:13 [ The Jerusalem Post ]

PLO executive committee denies Abbas‘ resignation

The Executive Committee decided on Saturday night to start preparations for convening the Palestinian National Council as part of Abbas’s efforts to bring new faces to the leadership.
At the meeting on Saturday night, the Executive Committee voted in favor of the appointment of Erekat as PLO Secretary-General.

22.08.2015 - 22:09 [ RT ]

Mahmoud Abbas resigns as executive chairman of PLO – reports

„The resignation of the president of the executive committee Mahmud Abbas and more than half of its members has created a legal vacuum, and therefore the Palestine National Council (PNC) has been asked to meet in one month to elect a new executive committee,“ committee member Wassel Abu Yussef.

22.08.2015 - 21:43 [ Stephen Lendman / Global Research ]

Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil: US Dark Forces Stoke Violence and Instability in Latin America

US orchestrated plans to topple Ecuador’s Rafael Correa continue. On August 17, Telesur reported disruptive elements attacked Ecuadorian soldiers and police with live fire. Eleven injuries were reported.

Last week, violence rocked Quito. Dozens of police and several journalists were injured. Correa blasted opposition elements trying to destabilize Ecuador. “I’ve never seen them so violent, so aggressive,” he said. “Those who used violence will be punished with the full vigor of the law.” Ecuarunari (movement of Ecuadorian indigenous people of Kichwa nationality) leader Carlos Perez was videotaped encouraging violence. Attacks on police followed.

22.08.2015 - 21:37 [ James Petras / Global Research ]

The Age of Imperial Wars

2015 has become a year of living dangerously. Wars are spreading across the globe. Wars are escalating as new countries are bombed and the old are ravaged with ever greater intensity. Countries, where relatively peaceful changes had taken place through recent elections, are now on the verge of civil wars. These are wars without victors, but plenty of losers; wars that don’t end; wars where imperial occupations are faced with prolonged resistance.

22.08.2015 - 21:25 [ Global Voices ]

Erzählungen der Shipibo für die nächste Generation — mit ein wenig Hilfe von den digitalen Medien

Aus diesem Grund wurde in den Gemeinden der Ucayali-Region des peruanischen Amazonas das Projekt Chariboan Joi ins Leben gerufen. Das Projekt – was übrigens in der Shipibo-Sprache soviel wie „Fliegende Stimmen als Maracana-Papagei“ übersetzt heißt – ermutigt junge Leute, die alten Geschichten wertzuschätzen und ihre Muttersprache somit zu bewahren und durch die digitalen Medien bekannt zu machen.

22.08.2015 - 21:13 [ Global Voices ]

Die Zerstörung eines Berges: Der mexikanische Präsident befiehlt Enteignung für Autobahnprojekt

“Es ist klar, dass das Agrargesetz nur dazu gedient hat, die Vertreibung der einheimischen und indigenen Gruppen zu legalisieren, nicht nur in Xochicuautla. Es gibt auch Gegenwehr gegen den La Parota Damm im Bundesstaat Guerrero und gegen den Bau eines Aquädukts im Gebiet unserer Freunde, dem Yaqui Stamm,” sagt Fernandez, Sprecher und Mitglied der Gemeinschaft von Xochicuautla. “Das selbe passiert überall in ganz Mexiko,” fügt er hinzu.

22.08.2015 - 18:12 [ Space ]

Wormhole Created in Lab Makes Invisible Magnetic Field

The inner cylinder was made of a ferromagnetic mu-metal. Ferromagnetic materials exhibit the strongest form of magnetism, while mu-metals are highly permeable and are often used for shielding electronic devices.

A thin shell made up of a high-temperature superconducting material called yttrium barium copper oxide lined the inner cylinder, bending the magnetic field that traveled through the interior.

22.08.2015 - 18:08 [ Maskenfall ]

Die OBS-Studie zum Thema „Querfront“ und das Potential zur Instrumentalisierung

(20.August) Kommt eine Zeit, in der mehr und mehr Menschen empirisch tragfähige Vorstellungen von Welt und Gesellschaft erlangen, so dass sie sich emanzipieren von „notwendigen Illusionen“ (Chomsky), die nicht selten andere doch für sie vorgesehen haben? Oder verschieben sich lediglich die Auslassungen und Einseitigkeiten, so dass erneut nicht im Sinne der Aufklärungsidee die beobachtbare Welt Grundlage des eigenen Urteilens wird, sondern eine grobfahrlässig vereinfachte, die in erster Linie wiederum dem Wunsch dient, sich mit der bisherigen Meinung wohl zu fühlen?

22.08.2015 - 17:32 [ Gewerkschaft Deutscher Lokomotivführer ]

Tarifabschluss bei der DB – und nun…?

Die GDL wird mit ihren Mitgliedern der VB/UBB auch weiterhin gegen diese Missstände angehen! Das gilt für Lokomotivführer und Zugbegleiter gleichermaßen. Für die Kollegen gilt: Lasst euch nicht verunsichern, gebt dem Druck nicht nach und verkauft euch nicht unter Wert. Niemand kann euch zwingen aus einer Gewerkschaft auszutreten, eure Rechte sind im Grundgesetz verankert!

22.08.2015 - 09:52 [ Radio Utopie ]

Der Zauberlehrling

Ein weiterer verborgener Riss ist die Kluft zwischen Israel und einem großen Teil der Juden in aller Welt, besonders denen in den USA. Israel erhebt den Anspruch, der „Nationalstaat des jüdischen Volkes“ zu sein. Alle Juden in der Welt schulden ihm bedingungslosen Gehorsam. Ein mächtiger Apparat „jüdischer Organisationen“ überwacht die Vasallen. Wehe dem Juden, der es wagt, Einwände gegen ihn zu erheben.

Damit ist es aus. Eine Kluft innerhalb des Weltjudentums hat sich aufgetan, die wahrscheinlich nicht überbrückt werden kann. Wenn die amerikanischen Juden zwischen ihrem Präsidenten und Israel wählen müssten, würden viele lieber zu ihrem Präsidenten halten oder sie würden sich einfach ausklinken.

22.08.2015 - 09:30 [ Greek Reporter ]

Popular Unity Leader Lafazanis: ‘We’ll Play a Significant Role after the Elections’

When asked if his party’s goal is to return to the drachma, Lafazanis said that one of their proposals will be the exit from the Eurozone and the formation of a progressive development plan. Furthermore, he said that he had discussed with all SYRIZA MPs, especially those who did not follow the government policy. “We plan on making contact with all political forces and social organizations,” he added, stressing that this did not include the neonazi party Golden Dawn.

22.08.2015 - 09:04 [ Socialist Worker ]

Syriza split as elections loom

Alexis Tsipras has become another austerity politician. Once the expression of the hopes of workers across Europe- Syriza have now joined the austerity consensus. Therefore the announcement that the left of Syriza are splitting to form a new party, Popular Unity, is to be welcomed…It’s vital those who have broken from Tsipras organisationally also make a break with ideas that tie the radical left to a strategy of running capitalism. We have to replace this rotten system- not run it.

22.08.2015 - 06:56 [ New York Times ]

In a Twist, Europe May Find Itself Relying on Success of Alexis Tsipras of Greece

“I’m sure that he has talked to European leaders, and they are O.K. with what he is doing now,” said Harry Papasotiriou, a professor of international relations at Panteion University in Athens, adding that Mr. Tsipras was staking his political life on a bailout deal that includes the kind of taxes and pension cuts he once opposed. “He’s taking ownership of it.”

22.08.2015 - 06:48 [ Neues Deutschland ]

Wer ist das: die »Volkseinheit«?

Die Abgeordneten-Gruppe der »Volkseinheit« wird von Ex-Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis geführt – einer der prominentesten Vertreter der Linken Plattform in SYRIZA. Der Mathematiker war früher in der Kommunistischen Partei und im Widerstand gegen die Militärdiktatur bis 1974 engagiert. Er hatte bereits in der vergangenen Woche gemeinsam mit weiteren Linkspolitikern aus oder aus dem Umfeld von SYRIZA zur Bildung einer Bewegung gegen die umstrittenen Auflagen der Gläubiger aufgerufen.

22.08.2015 - 06:39 [ Washington Post ]

Donald Trump says he would scare Pope Francis over capitalism views: ‘ISIS wants to get you’

“I’m gonna have to scare the Pope because it’s the only thing,” Trump said. “The Pope, I hope, can only be scared by God. But the truth is — you know, if you look at what’s going on — they better hope that capitalism works, because it’s the only thing we have right now. And it’s a great thing when it works properly.”

22.08.2015 - 06:34 [ Asia Times ]

North Korea official’s disappearance tied to memoir

Won Tong-yon, a senior North Korean official with years of experience in inter-Korean relations, has disappeared from public view since last December, around the time of the publication of a memoir by former South Korean President Lee Myung-bak that mentioned a mission he was on. (…)

Won, who also led a delegation for high-level talks with South Korea in Kaesong in February 2014, is known for his dovish stance with Seoul.

22.08.2015 - 06:30 [ Techdirt ]

Feds Keep Magically Finding Documents They Insisted Didn‘t Previously Exist

We just wrote about a FOIA request where the government said there were no responsive documents, even though it had already released the very responsive document. It appears that this kind of thing is a common problem in the government — and it doesn‘t seem to get solved until you sue the government. Here are two examples.

22.08.2015 - 04:17 [ Climateer Investing ]

Peak Smartphone: `Smartphone Sales Declined for the First Time in China´

Gartner, Inc. said worldwide smartphone sales recorded the slowest growth rate since 2013 in the second quarter of 2015. Worldwide sales of smartphones to end users totaled 330 million units, an increase of 13.5 percent over the same period in 2014 (see Table 1).

22.08.2015 - 03:55 [ Colossal ]

Welcome to Dismaland: A First Look at Banksy’s New Art Exhibition Housed Inside a Dystopian Theme Park

The entire exhibition is staffed by morose Dismaland employees who seem completely uninterested in being helpful or informative. Getting in requires an uncomfortably awkward NSA-esque screening, and even trying to find the exit required a near herculean effort.

22.08.2015 - 02:56 [ BauNetz ]

Dichtes Dach in Tempelhof pbr sanieren Berliner Ex-Flughafen

Das Dach des Flughafengebäudes in Berlin-Tempelhof (1936–41) plante Architekt Ernst Sagebiel mit einer Besuchergalerie und einer Terrasse. Sagebiel hatte bei diesem Bau die Massen im Blick. Mit einer Publikumstribüne auf dem Dach überzeugte er sie, mit den Dimensionen seines Baus erfasste er sie. Sein Flughafen ist ein Koloss: Die Abfertigungshalle ist 100, die Flugsteighalle 400 Meter lang und geschwungene Hangars setzen die gebogene Form der Flugsteige an beiden Seiten zu einem 1.200 Meter langen Riegel zusammen. Der Flughafen, ein wichtiges Bauwerk der nationalsozialistischen Staatsarchitektur, ist riesenhaft und ebenso ist es ihr 60.000 Quadratmeter Fläche umfassendes Dach.

22.08.2015 - 01:58 [ Reuters ]

Kyrgyzstan to elect new parliament on Oct 4 – decree

President Almazbek Atambayev‘s decree ordered the Central Election Commission „to ensure that the election is free, fair and transparent“. It ordered the government to take steps to safeguard public order and national security during the polls.

22.08.2015 - 01:46 [ Ukraine Today ]

First tourist train links Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan after 2010 deadly ethnic clashes

The train line comes in spite of ethnic tensions. Violence has been endemic across Uzbekistan‘s city of Ferghana some 12 miles off Kyrgyz border, flaring most recently in 2010 when hundreds died in clashes between ethnic Uzbeks and Kyrgyz. But the authorities say it is now under control thanks to strict measures to rein in provocateurs. Kyrgyzstan, a mainly Muslim nation of 5.5 million, is a member of the Customs Union with Russia and Kazakhstan, though its GDP is far lower than that of both nations and it relies on financial assistance from Moscow to survive.

22.08.2015 - 01:27 [ DVIDS ]

US Army contracting team trains local institutions in Kosovo

AST-Balkans serves in support of U.S. Army Europe, the overarching organization which oversees the readiness of Army forces forward-stationed in Europe, and works side-by-side with U.S. allies in the region. AST-Balkans, headquartered out of Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo, supports USAREUR priorities in the region, and also provides logistical support to U.S. Army forces serving in support of the Kosovo Force, or KFOR, mission.

22.08.2015 - 01:23 [ B92 ]

FM at UN: „Abolish either UNSCR 1244, or double standards“

„In the area of ​​Kosovo and Metohija 174 religious sites and 33 cultural and historical monuments have been destroyed, more than 10,000 icons, religious, liturgical, and artistic items stolen. 5,261 headstones have been either destroyed or damaged in 256 Serbian Orthodox cemeteries – and not a single whole tombstone stands on more than 50 of the graveyards,“ said Dacic.

22.08.2015 - 01:19 [ InSerbia Network Foundation ]

Dacic: Those who are destroying Serbian heritage in Kosovo ask for UNESCO membership

Noting that Serbia condemns any instance of desecration of religious facilities belonging to any religious community, Dacic said that the destruction of cultural and religious heritage in the Near East by ISIS is met with fierce condemnation everywhere in the world and is considered an act of terrorism, while those who are desecrating and destroying Serbia’s cultural heritage in Kosovo are asking to be granted UNESCO membership

22.08.2015 - 01:15 [ Sputnik ]

Serbia Considers Kosovo UNESCO, INTERPOL Membership Request Unacceptable

Kosovo, a landlocked region in the central Balkan Peninsula, has declared its independence from Serbia in February 2008. Since then it has been recognized as a sovereign state by over a 100 UN member countries, including 23 out of 28 states of the European Union. Kosovo is currently a member of a number international organizations, including the International Monetary Fund and the Regional Cooperation Council.

22.08.2015 - 01:06 [ Sputnik ]

Kosovo Far From Stable – Russia‘s Deputy Envoy

Besides, Safronkov highlighted the problems of „the hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons“ in the region, the resurgence and activities „by militant organizations such as the Kosovo Liberation Army“ and „the failure to fully address the main issue, which is the establishment of the community of Serbian municipalities in Kosovo.“