The new force named ‘Special Security Division’ would be of the size of a division consisting of nine army battalions and six wings of paramilitary forces – Rangers and Frontier Corps. A two-star general would head the special force.
Daily Archives: 2. Mai 2015
New ACLU Cellphone App Automatically Preserves Video of Police Encounters
The ACLU in California today released a free smart-phone app that allows people to send cellphone videos of police encounters to the ACLU, automatically—and the ACLU will preserve the video footage, even if the cops seize the phone and delete the video or destroy the phone. The app, “Mobile Justice CA,” works for both iPhones and Android users. It’s available at Apple’s App Store and at Google Play.
Boeing entdeckt Softwarefehler im Dreamliner
In der Softwaresteuerung der Boeing 787-8 und -9 alias Dreamliner steckt ein Fehler. Ein interner Zähler für bestimmte Generatoreinheiten läuft nach 248 Tagen über. Eine entsprechende Regel wurde durch die FAA bereits an Betreiber der Maschinen verteilt. Ein Grund zur Panik besteht nicht.
PayPal: Bald Datenweitergabe an Jobcenter!
„Name, Adresse, E-Mail-Adresse, Telefonnummer, Benutzername, Foto, IP-Adresse, Geräte-ID, Standortdaten, Kontonummern, Kontoarten, Angaben zu den mit dem Konto genutzten Zahlungsinstrumenten, Details der Zahlungsvorgängen, Details zu geschäftlichen Zahlungen, Kundenangaben und -berichte, Kontovoreinstellungen, Angaben zur Identität, die im Rahmen unserer „Know Your Customer“-Prüfungen erfasst wurden und Kundenkorrespondenz.“
Die Radio Utopie Musikcharts Mai 2015
Im April habt Ihr die Neuvorstellung von Medicisoundsystem aus der internationalen freien Musikwerkstatt mit Musik unter Creative Commons (CC) Lizenz CCmixter auf Nr. 1 gewählt. Sein Remix von “Stay For This Moment” mit der Stimme von Snowflake, entstammt Snowflakes Originaltrack auf CCmixter.
Diesen Monat gibt es wegen Stimmengleichheit nur eine Neuvorstellung. The Bourgeois aus Tulsa, U.S.A., sind beeinflusst von Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, The Smiths und Violent Femmes. Zu ihrem Titel “Perverting the American Dream” (download) gibt es ein Video:
HD Historic Stock Footage Vietnam War SAIGON EVACUATION 1975
True HD Direct Film Transfers – NO UPCONVERSIONS!
Last US Marines to leave Saigon describe chaos of war‘s end
It was still dark when the U.S. ambassador left the roof on a helicopter around 5 a.m. April 30, 1975. A message went out over the radio with his code name, “Tiger, Tiger, Tiger,” followed by “Tiger out,” to signal that the diplomat was en route to safety.
As the sun came out, the remaining Marines realized they had been forgotten.
Keep the U.S. Military Home: Washington Is a Bigger Threat to Mideast Stability Than Iran
Iran is a populous and potentially prosperous nation that cannot be expected to supinely accept U.S. or Saudi domination. Perhaps Tehran should ask in return that more humane U.S. and Saudi Arabia governments stop backing multiple allies, friends, and proxies, including flagrant authoritarians and extremists, and warring against various enemies and adversaries, including indigenous democracy and independence movements, in the region. Who is dominating whom?
‘Baltimore Is Here‘: Ethiopian Israelis protest police brutality in Jerusalem
A video released of a white Israeli police officer attacking a black Israeli soldier in Tel Aviv on April 26 angered many in the Ethiopian Israeli community, which is disproportionately targeted by Israeli police. The video shows officers pushing Demas Fekadeh, an Ethiopian Israeli soldier, to the ground and beating him.
EXTENDED COVERAGE: Violent Clashes in Jerusalem as Ethiopians Protest Racist Attack
(30.April) Following an alleged racist incident of police brutality against an orthodox Ethiopian IDF soldier, the Ethiopian community in Israel took to the streets of Jerusalem in what was to be a peaceful protest, shutting down traffic and public transport in many parts of the city.
Cops beat Ethiopian IDF soldier in alleged racist attack
(27.April) Pakada told Channel 10 that he was riding his bicycle when he noticed the two officers.
He said that he asked them what they were up to and one of them confronted him and pushed him off his bike, saying, “I can do whatever I want.”
He said that the officer threatened to shoot him in the head, and that they only let up only after he backed away and lifted a rock.
Ihr dachtet, die Bankster-Meldung gestern war schon der Hammer? Wartet, kommt noch besser! Die Bank klagt gerade über Bande vor einem internationalen Schiedsgericht gegen Österreich.
Ja wie jetzt, wie kann das Schiedsgericht überhaupt zuständig sein?
„Zwar wird die Bank nach wie vor Julius Meinl V. zugerechnet, formell aber ist sie in ausländischer Hand, was diese Art der Klage erst möglich macht.“
1970s Researchers Predicted Debit Cards Would Be Great For Surveillance
This was the question posed to the researchers in 1971:
„Suppose you were an advisor to the head of the KGB, the Soviet Secret Police. Suppose you are given the assignment of designing a system for the surveillance of all citizens and visitors within the boundaries of the USSR. The system is not to be too obtrusive or obvious. What would be your decision?“
What amazing, unobtrusive surveillance system did they come up with? It wasn’t a network of intercepting every phone call or placing cameras on every street corner. They imagined an electronic funds transfer system, or EFTS—a system that looks strikingly similar to the debit card system we all use today.
Akt 1: Justiz ermittelt gegen Bankster. Akt 2: Bankster lässt Justiz bespitzeln.
Akt 3:
Night of horror at Ben Gurion airport for two French music students
We are two students, both studying musicology at the Université Paris 8 and in the CRR 93 at Aubervilliers and the CRD at Gennevilliers [translator’s note : all located in the suburbs north of Paris]. After taking our baccalauréat exams at the end of high school, we left in September 2013 to spend a year living in Palestine. We gave and attended music classes (violin and flute) at the Edward Said National Conservatory in Ramallah and helped to create a music school in Jericho. This year we had decided to go back during our recent Easter break to see our friends again and to return to the places where we had spent time the previous year.
On Sunday April 19, we arrived at 2:30 AM at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv…
Kuwait arrests ex-lawmaker over Iran tweet
The Interior Ministry said Waleed al-Tabtabai had been „arrested on the orders of the public prosecution for spreading false news about the internal situation and undermining the status of the crown prince on social media.“
Egypt‘s Sisi makes unexpected visit to Saudi Arabia, after royal shake-up
Egypt‘s President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi arrived in Saudi Arabia on Saturday, three days after a major royal shakeup in the oil-rich kingdom.
The Intelligence Time Machine
An intelligence time machine is a concept first articulated to me by network security expert Eric Rescorla. The idea is that there may be some point in the future when an intelligence analyst will wish he had collected some piece of intelligence in the past. But he can’t know today exactly what intelligence he may want in the future, so any selective collection method always leaves open the possibility that he may fail to collect what he will need. If instead he collects everything, he has effectively built himself a sort of time machine: in the future, he can go back and reprocess the data to find the intelligence he didn’t know he would need at the time it was collected.
More Excuses on the Patriot Act
The same idea — let’s do what we can and improve it later — was used to shove the original Patriot Act through Congress. It was used to justify the inadequate changes later made to the act, many of which made it more intrusive on Americans’ rights. In 2008, we got a “reform” of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, that provided retroactive cover for the illegal surveillance of innocent Americans conducted under President George W. Bush behind the false flag of counterterrorism.
Europäischer „Patriot Act“ schafft Totalüberwachung und Unrechtsstaatlichkeit in der EU
Nach dem Vorbild der USA soll jetzt auch in der EU ein Gesetz durchgepeitscht werden, dass eine „europäische Sicherheitsagenda“ für ein „Europäisches-Anti-Terror-Zentrum“ schafft.
Die sogenannte “Europäische Sicherheitsagenda” ist de facto eine Art Fünf-Jahres-Plan zur lückenlosen Überwachung europäischer Bürger, umfassende Vorratsdatenspeicherung inklusive.
In der sehr kurz gehaltenen öffentlichen Ankündigung aus Brüssel heißt es in nüchternen Worten:
“Die drei Hauptprioritäten der Europäischen Sicherheitsagenda sind die Bekämpfung von Terrorismus, organisiertem Verbrechen und Cyberkriminalität. Die Agenda wird die Grundlage für gemeinsamen Maßnahmen und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den EU-Institutionen und Agenturen, Mitgliedstaaten, der Zivilgesellschaft und internationalen Partnern bilden.”
Die Überwachung zivilgesellschaftlicher Kommunikationswege und der direkte Angriff auf die Privatsphäre der Bürger wird mit einem diffusen, angeblichen Kampf gegen Terrorismus und Kriminalität begründet.
A Secret Warrior Leaves the Pentagon as Quietly as He Entered
He said that when a Pentagon work crew removed a special telephone installed in his home for after-hours secure communications, he found that his cable connection was accidentally cut at the same time — and he had lost all access to the outside world via Internet and TV.
“Das wäre die Infrastruktur zur Totalüberwachung”
Bürgerrechtler, Abgeordnete, Presse, Anwälte, 80 Millionen Menschen sehen in der Spionage-Affäre um den Bundesnachrichtendienst den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht.
Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, EU creating working group on energy
A declaration, which reflected discussed issues and which confirmed the desire of Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey and the European Union to continue active cooperation within international organizations on the establishment of effective mechanisms in order to ensure energy security, was initialed following this meeting.
Amnesty slams Saudi rights violations under King Salman
Amnesty International has criticized Saudi Arabia over its grim human rights record, arguing that widespread violations continue unabated in the oil-rich country even though a new king has taken the helm of the absolute monarchy.
Russian space agency: 3 launches of Russian-Ukrainian carrier rockets due in 2016-2018
Russian space agency Roscosmos plans three more launches of Russian-Ukrainian rockets in the framework of the Federal Space Program for 2016-2025, according to the program’s project made public on Thursday.
Maidan-Regime deckt Massen-Mörder von Odessa
Am 02.05.2014 stürmten rechtsextreme und nationalistische Bewaffnete das Gewerkschaftshaus in Odessa an, erschlugen Oppositionelle, steckten das Gebäude an. Bis heute ist die Schandtat ungesühnt.
Wo wir gerade bei AI waren: Software kann jetzt Vordergrund- und Hintergrundgeräusche separieren.
Das heißt: Auf einer Cocktailparty schützt einen der Hintergrundlärm nicht mehr davor, abgehört zu werden.
The Psychology of Climate Communication: A Guide for Scientists, Journalists, Educators, Political Aides, and the Interested Public
(2009) 1: Know Your Audience
– What Is a Mental Model?
– Mental Models and the Confirmation Bias
Example: The Confirmation Bias and Climate Change
– How To Identify and Update Mental Models about Climate Change
Example: A Common Mental Model about the Ozone Layer and Greenhouse Gases
Bug des Tages: So ein Boeing 787 Dreamliner kann sich schon mal spontan abschalten.
„The US air safety authority has issued a warning and maintenance order over a software bug that causes a complete electric shutdown of Boeing’s 787 and potentially “loss of control” of the aircraft.“
Hahahaha, sie probieren es ernsthaft nochmal mit „der Generalbundesanwalt prüft“. Ja nee, klar.
Das kennen wir schon, wie das aussieht, wenn der Generalbundesanwalt was prüft. Verarschen kann ich mich selber.
Das heißt, die haben erst mal ALLES.
„gefiltert, um deutsche Staatsbürger auszuschließen“: Ihr merkt jetzt aber schon, was das heißt, gell?
MONITOR-Pressemeldung: BND-Mitarbeiter im Visier der Bremer Staatsanwaltschaft
Laut Staatsanwaltschaft Bremen besteht „der hinreichende Tatverdacht, dass ein Mitarbeiter des BND sich der Beihilfe zum Verstoß gegen das Außenwirtschaftsgesetz strafbar gemacht hat“, so Oberstaatsanwalt Frank Passade im MONITOR-Interview.
Who Pays When The DEA Destroys Your Vehicle And Kills Your Employee During A Botched Sting? Hint: Not The DEA
The DEA likes to borrow stuff. It‘s just not very good about returning borrowed items in the same shape it got them.
Like a woman‘s Facebook account.
Or a businessman‘s semi truck.
And his employee‘s life.
The variability of the Sun and the effects on Earth
The first thing to remember is that space is not a vacuum through which only radiation can pass, as scientists in the early 20 th century thought. We now know that space is filled with plasma.
The second thing is that the atmosphere is not an electrical insulator, as it’s often thought to be. Recently it’s been recognised that the atmosphere is also a weak plasma; so it’s plasma all the way down from the Sun to the air we’re breathing right here in this room!
Searching for „american psychological association“ found 46 results
.. is likely calculated to „disrupt the senses or personality.“ “ Of relevance to those of us struggling to change American Psychological Association policy on psychologist participation in the APA included clauses in its 2007 resolution … for an Ethical Psychology, one of the organizations leading the struggle to change American Psychological Association policy on participation in abusive Retrieved from „
Sagt mal, wie regelmäßig werden die Leute eigentlich geblitzdingst?
American Psychological Association Bolstered C.I.A. Torture Program, Report Says
The report is the first to examine the association’s role in the interrogation program.
Die American Psychological Association hat der Bush-Junta beim Folter-Verargumentieren geholfen.
Naja, Sack Reis umgefallen, denkt ihr euch jetzt vielleicht. Dazu der Einsender:
„Für Dachfremde: Der Einfluss der APA auf Psychologen weltweit ist immens, die legen Richtlinien fest, an denen sich normalerweise quasi jeder Psychologe orientiert. Schäme mich gerade unsagbar mit so einer Organisation assoziiert zu sein.“
Old and busted: Drohneneinsatz in Afghanistan. New hotness: Drohneneinsatz in Berlin.
„Das ZDF-Kamerateam hatte den Bewohner einer Flüchtlingsunterkunft in Berlin verängstigt, der in seiner Heimat tödliche Drohnenangriffe erlebt hat.“
Grijalva, Ellison, Lee, Polis Oppose Proposed Reauthorization of the PATRIOT Act
We oppose Senator McConnell‘s proposed reauthorization of the PATRIOT Act. Americans have been clear that mass collection of private data and invasions of privacy by intelligence agencies must be addressed. We would be abdicating our oath to uphold the constitution if we reauthorized the PATRIOT Act without meaningful reform. Ensuring our safety shouldn’t come at the cost of our civil liberties.
„You Dont Have To Be Jewish To Be A Zionist“
(26.August 2008) As the Vice-Presidential nominee for the Democratic party, Senator Joseph Biden answered questions on Jewish issues.
Obama Sends Biden to Threaten War on Iran
Obama lost the elections in Israel two weeks later. His aides not only have given up hope that Netanyahu won’t be able to form a new coalition government, they also have finally realized it will be much more stable and more right-wing than previous governments.
The president has no choice but to play ball with Netanyahu, and Biden is his pitcher, although he showed his ignorance of Jewish self-guilt by throwing a couple of spitballs in his Yom Ha’Atzmaut speech , bragging that two of his children married Jews.
#MOFA @aAlqirbi, @foreignoffice @WilliamJHague, @KSAMOFA HRH Saud alFaisal, @UN‘s Jeffrey Feltman (Friends of Yemen)
(25.September 2013)
‘Friends of Yemen’ Focus on Consolidating Conditions for a Peaceful Transition
(24.September 2014) The eighth ministerial level meeting of the ‘Friends of Yemen’ welcomed the recent Peace and National Partnership Agreement that averted a civil war in Yemen, and called for a renewed commitment to compromise and dialogue to ensure the success of the political and economic transition.
New UN envoy for Yemen to visit region next week
Top UN official Jeffrey Feltman told the Security Council that the visit will take place as part of UN efforts to jump-start negotiations, diplomats said.
UN-Sicherheitsrat kann sich nicht auf Erklärung zu Jemen einigen
Russland hatte die Sitzung in New York beantragt und in einem Entwurf einen sofortigen Waffenstillstand oder zumindest Feuerpausen zugunsten von humanitären Hilfen gefordert.
US will not accept results of „elections“ in Nagorno-Karabakh – Department of State
The United States does not recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as an independent sovereign state, and accordingly, will not accept the results of the so called „elections“ on May 3rd as affecting the legal status of Nagorno-Karabakh, according to Acting Deputy Spokesperson Jeff Rathke‘s Daily Press Briefing May 1 in Washington, DC, U.S. Department of State reported.
Three die in grenade attacks in Burundi capital, more than 10 hurt
Two Burundi police officers and a civilian were killed in two separate grenade attacks in the capital late on Friday, a police spokesman said, after the president warned of tough measures against those behind street protests.
Russia: U.N. Security Council should stay out of Burundi dispute
Diplomats said Russia and China on Thursday blocked a French-drafted council statement on the situation in Burundi, where there has been almost a week of street protests over President Pierre Nkurunziza‘s decision to seek a third term.
Russian U.N. Ambassador Vitaly Churkin told reporters, „it‘s not the business of the Security Council and the U.N. Charter to get involved in constitutional matters of sovereign states.“
COMMENTARY: Step back from war with Iran
We must face the fact that the United States is neither omnipotent nor omniscient … that we cannot impose our will upon the other ninety-four percent of mankind … and that therefore there cannot be an American solution to every world problem.”
President John F. Kennedy’s words are as true today as they were in 1961. America must work with other nations to achieve its objectives.
U.S. says China‘s activity in South China Sea won‘t help peace
The U.S. State Department said on Friday that China‘s activities building on reclaimed land in the South China Sea do not contribute to peace in the region, regardless of how the facilities are used.
U.S. Navy might accompany other nations‘ ships in Strait of Hormuz
„Our current plans are for accompanying U.S.-flagged ships, although there are discussions with other nations to include their vessels as well,“ said Colonel Patrick Ryder, a spokesman at the U.S. military‘s Central Command, declining to identify the other countries.
Who supported leniency for former CIA chief David Petraeus in leaks case?
Keesler is said to have received nearly three dozen such letters, including some from high-level military and government officials.
„The letters paint a portrait of a man considered among the finest military leaders of his generation who also has committed a grave but very uncharacteristic error in judgment,” Keesler said at the sentencing hearing.
You Will Be Surprised Who the Outside Agitators Really Are in Baltimore
On Monday, the country watched as a band of outside agitators descended on the streets of Baltimore, attacked locals with blunt force, intimidated innocent bystanders, and even threw rocks at native residents. Every day, these gun-toting rogues come from as far as New Jersey and Pennsylvania to intimidate the good people of Baltimore, forcing communities to cower under the threat of violence.