Netanjahu wird lügen, betrügen, sich reinwaschen und falsche Flaggen hissen – alles zum Zweck seines einen und einzigen wahren Zieles, des Felsens unserer Existenz (wie er gerne sagt), des Erbes seines Vaters: des jüdischen Staates vom Meer bis zum Fluss.
Daily Archives: 1. Mai 2015
Regierung kopiert Internet-Daten an Netzknoten seit 2005, auch “vom und in das Ausland”
Eine weitere Verschärfung der Telekommunikations-Überwachungsverordnung (TKÜV) der Regierung in 2005 verfügte die “Überwachung” von Netzknoten auf deutschem Territorium, auch “vom und in das Ausland geführten Telekommunikationsverkehr”.
‚I speak for the poor, hungry at Expo‘
Pope Francis said in a video message Friday to the Expo world‘s fair inauguration that his is „the voice of pilgrims throughout the world“. „Mine is the voice of the many poor who…with dignity, try to earn their bread with the sweat of their brow,“ Francis said.
Hat eigentlich schon jemand die Vorratsdatenspeicherung gefordert wegen der Gartenteichterroristen?
Update: Der Bosbach hat sie gerade im Interview auf N-TV gefordert bzw. die „Mindestspeicherfrist“.
Italy’s strategic decision
This is clearly confirmed by the fact that the Italian government has recently approved a project route for the construction of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) through the region of Apulia in the country’s south.
Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey sign energy declaration with EU
Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Turkey have signed a declaration with the European Union in the energy sphere, a source close to the negotiations told Trend.
The document was signed during the meeting in Ashgabat with participation of the heads of oil and gas ministries of Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey and high-ranking representatives of EU on May 1.
Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey to discuss gas supplies with EU
Ashgabat will host a meeting with the heads of oil and gas ministries of Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey and representatives of the EU, which will promote further cooperation in the energy sector, the message released by the government of Turkmenistan said.
10-day strike by Portuguese airline pilots grounds flights
Pilots at Portugal‘s state-owned national airline have begun a 10-day strike, forcing flight cancellations as they press their demand to be given up to a 20 percent stake in the company when it is privatized later this year. TAP Air Portugal said it expected up to 3,000 flights and 300,000 passengers to be affected by the walkout that started Friday, causing losses of at least 30 million euros ($33.7 million).
Saudi-Israeli axis losing influence, power, pundit says
Harris: Well that is good guess. Like I said, Iran is gaining credibility. They are gaining influence everywhere in the world right now. They are on the verge of breaking out of this containment that has been against them since the Islamic Revolution really. And so where it is going to end up, Iran comes across, seeming like the reasonable party here, whereas the Saudi-Israeli axis seems to be coming off as clearly the aggressors.
Azerbaijan becomes commercial operator in South Caucasus gas pipeline
SOCAR (State Oil Company of Azerbaijan) has become the commercial operator of the South Caucasus gas pipeline through which Azerbaijan currently sells its gas to Georgia and Turkey.
Gas is extracted at the Shah Deniz field.
EU, Turkmenistan discuss Iran gas route
Iran and the P3+3 group of countries are currently holding talks in New York on a final draft deal which would put their decades of differences over Tehran’s nuclear program to rest.
Lehrerproteste in Brasilien eskalieren
Wie Medien berichten verweigerten am Mittwoch über 50 Polizisten den Befehl gewaltsam gegen die Demonstration vorzugehen. 17 Polizeibeamten wurden daraufhin wegen Befehlverweigerung festgenommen
Fidel Castro – „Das letzte Relikt des Kalten Krieges“
Mit der Darstellung Kubas als anachronistisches System soll der „real existierende“ Kapitalismus als alternativlos dargestellt werden
China Comes to Djibouti
Washington protested against the China–Djibouti pact and expressed concern over China’s plans to build a military base in the Obock region, but to no avail. That’s hardly surprising in light of the huge economic package that Beijing offered Guelleh. In the run-up to the deal, China Merchant Holdings, a sizable state-owned enterprise, purchased a large stake in the country’s vital Port of Djibouti, spending $185 million. To further drum up enthusiasm, Beijing threw in an offer to develop the port’s facilities—awarding the state-owned China State Construction Engineering Corporation a $420-million contract to begin this work—as well as improve the infrastructure that supports the port’s functioning, including a railway to Ethiopia and two international airports.
Eutin: Bundeswehr beginnt Drohnen-Tests für Einsatz in der Ukraine
In Eutin wurde heute eine Flugverbotszone erklärt, damit die Bundeswehr die Testflüge der „Luna” und „KZO” Drohnen durchführen kann. Die Drohnen sollen in der Ukraine zur Überwachung der Waffenruhe eingesetzt werden.
American Psychological Association played critical role in CIA torture program
A report by health professionals and human rights activists has exposed the role of the American Psychological Association (APA) in collaborating with the Bush White House and the CIA in developing and defending torture and abuse of detainees in the so-called “war on terror.”
“Assad-Milizen halten unseren Reporter als Geisel“ – US-Sender NBC fälscht Entführung
NBC fällt nicht zum ersten Mal mit Falschmeldungen auf. Erst in den letzten Monaten kam ans Licht ,dass ein NBC-Starreporter seine Irak-Berichterstattung teilweise erlogen hatte.
How NBC lied to promote regime change
When artist Frederic Remington cabled back to his publisher from Cuba in 1897 that “There will be no war,” media mogul William Randolph Hearst cabled back: “You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.” (Time, Oct. 27, 1947).
Iran, US hold 8-hour talks drafting agreement
Iranian deputy foreign ministers Seyyed Abbas Araqchi and Majid Takte-Ravanchi continued their 2 rounds of negotiations with deputy EU foreign policy adviser Helga Schmid here, drafting the text of Iran-Sextet comprehensive nuclear agreement.
EFF Amicus Brief Argues Military Internet Surveillance of Civilians Must Be Excluded From Criminal Trials
While the PCA is a criminal statute, it appears the government has never charged anyone with violating it since it passed 136 years ago. Given the history of improper military excursions into civilian affairs, the expansive Internet surveillance that occurred here, and the fact technological advancements make it easier for the military to conduct widespread Internet surveillance, the only way to deter military officials from intruding into civilian affairs is to exclude evidence it improperly obtains.
Executive Summary: Missing Stories From the 301 Blacklist
But the Special 301 Report fails to tell the whole story about copyright across the modern online world. It doesn’t talk about the damage that restrictive copyright can do to artists and researchers in the digital era. It ignores how innovators have benefited from a more balanced enforcement system and generous exceptions—most famously in the United States itself.
Error: Copyright Balance Not Found in United States‘ Special 301 Report
The USTR urges countries to enact new and higher criminal penalties for the “theft” of trade secrets. Yet the last leak of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement’s Intellectual Property chapter revealed language on trade secrets that is so dangerously broad that it could be used to crackdown on journalists and whistleblowers who reveal corporate wrongdoing “through a computer system.” If this is the kind of language that the USTR holds as a minimum standard for enforcement, we should expect to see the agency to increasingly push for draconian rules that would threaten critical reporting published online.
Location Is Your Most Critical Data, and Everyone’s Watching
“This information is all collected and stored by a third party,” Lynch says, “and once the third party has the data, as the user you don’t have any control over it.”
Jewish Groups Welcome the National September 11 Memorial Museum, Call on the Museum to Ensure Dignity and Respect for All
(2.Juni 2014) “Jews have long resisted the idea of ‘collective guilt’ as applied to Jews,” said Dorothy Zellner of Jews Say No!, another one of the organizing groups. “Editing this video for fairness will prevent the acts of a small group from being associated with an entire worldreligion. We are standing here today as Jews, together with our allies, to reflect our profound commitment to dignity and respect for all.”
The vigil is co-sponsored by several Jewish organizations–Jews Say No!, Jewish Voice for Peace, Jewish Voice for Peace—New York, Jews Against Islamophobia Coalition, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, Jewish Voice for Peace—Westchester.
Biden: U.S. will go to war to keep Iran from going nuclear
Biden’s warning was the bluntest ever threat from any administration of war against Iran should it pursue a nuclear weapon. The George W. Bush administration introduced the locution “all options are on the table,” and that has remained until now the favored formulation.
Poll: More Americans Believe Our Military Budget Isn‘t Big Enough
(20.Februar 2015) „Since 2011, the belief that the U.S. has spent too little on the military has gradually increased among all political groups.“
U.S. Security Spending Since 9/11
(26.Mai 2011) The United States has spent more than $7.6 trillion on defense and homeland security since the attacks of September 11, 2001.
Everyone Is Losing Yemen’s War
Saudi Arabia wants to convince the world that it is on the verge of victory in the poverty-stricken country. The truth is, only more destruction and death lies ahead.
U.S. Navy starts to accompany U.S. ships passing through Strait of Hormuz
The officials, speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, described the decision as incremental, saying it was a precautionary move expected to be for a limited time involving Navy ships already deployed to the area.
Chaos in tower, danger in skies at base in Africa
Conditions at Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti, the base for U.S. pilots flying sensitive missions over Yemen and Somalia, have become so dire that American warplanes and civilian airliners alike are routinely placed in jeopardy, according to federal aviation experts and documents obtained by The Washington Post under the Freedom of Information Act.
Secretary Kerry Travel to Colombo, Nairobi and Djibouti
(27.April) The Secretary will travel to Djibouti, Djibouti, on May 5, where he will meet high-level leaders to discuss our bilateral cooperation and their support to evacuation efforts from Yemen. He will engage with Djiboutian youth and religious leaders on a range of issues. The Secretary will also visit with U.S. military personnel at Camp Lemonnier.
This is the first time that a sitting Secretary of State will visit Djibouti.
Die P-3C am Horn von Afrika – Teil 1: Vorbereitung auf den Start
(24.April) In Djibouti ist die Sonne noch nicht aufgegangen – tiefschwarze Nacht umhüllt am frühen Morgen den Flugplatz. Auf dem Vorfeld des Hangars, in dem die deutsche Einsatzgruppe P-3C untergebracht ist, steht der Seefernaufklärer, erleuchtet von starkem Scheinwerferlicht.
Djibouti opens airspace to anti-Houthi warplanes
(18.April) CAIRO – Djibouti has opened its airspace to the Saudi-led coalition against Yemen’s Shiite Houthi group, coalition spokesman Ahmed al-Asiri said Saturday.
Saudi-led operations are making progress on the ground to support Yemeni citizens and aid is being delivered to Yemenis on a daily basis, al-Asiri said at a press briefing in Saudi capital Riyadh.
Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control
(2013) Djibouti is a tiny, poor former French colony with less than one million people. The US military has had a presence in Djiboutu since 2001 as a base for US operations in the Horn of Africa. Starting witth a 2002 strike in Yemen that killed a suspected ringleader of the attack on the USS Cole, for a decade the United States flew an occasional drone from its base there called Camp Lemonnier.
S.P.O.N. – Die Mensch-Maschine: Automatischer Mord
Hier ist das Schnittfeld von Drohne und Überwachung. Die NSA zapft den Frankfurter Netzknoten unter Mithilfe deutscher Behörden an, weil durch Deutschland ein großer Teil der Daten aus Ländern in Afrika, dem Nahen und dem Mittleren Osten fließt.
Terrorkriegs-Koalition: Regierung will “Stabsoffiziere” der Bundeswehr zu “Befehlszentralen” in Irak und Kuwait entsenden
(13.Dezember 2014) Die Merkel-Steinmeier-Regierung lässt heute über den “Spiegel” verkünden, dass sie nächste Woche im Kabinett die Entsendung von Bundeswehr-“Stabsoffizieren” der Republik außer Funktion in die “Befehlszentralen” der am 4. / 5. September auf dem Nato-Gipfel in Wales offiziell gebildeten weltweiten neuen Kriegskoalition der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika entsenden will, nach Kuwait und Bagdad. Wir hatten bereits vor dem N.A.T.O.-Gipfel zur Sache berichtet.
Wir prognostizieren, dass die Bundesregierung als Rechtfertigung für ihre “Auslegung” des Grundgesetzes sich auf Resolution 2178 des U.N.O.-Sicherheitsrates vom 24. September berufen wird, der im Übrigen auch die Russische Föderation und China zugestimmt haben.
Eagle Resolve“ in Kuweit mit deutscher Beteiligung?
(30.März 2015) In Kuweit und in den küstennahen Gewässern des Emirats findet seit dem 8. März eine breit angelegte multinationale Übung unter Federführung der USA statt. „Eagle Resolve“ ist nach Angaben des amerikanischen Verteidigungsministeriums die größte Übung dieser Art in der Golfregion mit rund 5500 Soldaten aus 29 Nationen. Auch Deutschland soll sich beteiligen. Dies geht aus Presseveröffentlichungen des Pentagon und des Zentralkommandos der Vereinigten Staaten (United States Central Command, CENTCOM) hervor. Unsere Anfragen im Bereich der Bundeswehr konnten die Teilnahme deutscher Kräfte an „Eagle Resolve 2015“ jedoch nicht bestätigen.
Wer sich von dem Mautsystem totalüberwacht fühlte, für den habe ich ein Leckerli: Ab 2018 müssen alle Modelle von neuen Fahrzeugreihen „eCall“ an Bord haben.
Das ist ein System, das bei einem Unfall vollautomatisch Hilfe ruft. Und für so einen Notruf braucht man? Na? Die Positionsdaten und eine Kommunikationsmöglichkeit nach draußen! Ja super!
Damit fällt für die Polizei endlich dieses nervige Herumfummeln mit Peilsendern weg!
Law Enforcement‘s Cluelessness On Display In Congressional Hearing On Undermining Encryption
Yesterday, the House Oversight Committee held a hearing over this whole stupid kerfuffle about mobile encryption. If you don‘t recall, back in the fall, both Apple and Google said they would start encrypting data on mobile devices by default, leading to an immediate freakout by law enforcement types, launching a near exact replica of the cryptowars of the 1990s.
While many who lived through the first round had hoped this would die a quick death, every week or so, we see someone else in law enforcement demonizing encryption, without seeming to recognize how ridiculous they sound. There was quite a bit of that in the hearing yesterday, which you can sit and watch in its entirety if you‘d like:
Referendum called on Italicum
Politicians across the spectrum including dissidents in Premier Matteo Renzi‘s Democratic Party (PD) called Thursday for a referendum on the ‚Italicum bill‘ introducing a new electoral system after the government used three confidence votes to push through the controversial legislation.
Das Zugpersonal hat die Nase gestrichen voll!
Die Verhandlungstaktik der Deutschen Bahn AG nimmt nun endgültig skurrile Züge an. Im Rahmen eines gestrigen Spitzengesprächs in Frankfurt am Main gab es nicht die geringste Annäherung im bestehenden Tarifkonflikt.
Bolivien tritt dem Mercosur bei
Bolivien wird ab Juni dieses Jahres vollständiges Mitglied des südamerikanischen Wirtschaftsbündnisses Mercosur sein. Die Regierung des linksgerichteten Präsidenten Evo Morales hat dann vollständiges Stimmrecht in dem Regionalverband.
Zeitgemäß, ansprechend, emotional (IV)
Wie die Bundeswehr erklärt, sollen bei der Benennung von Kasernen historische „Persönlichkeiten“ gewürdigt werden, die durch ihre „soldatische Haltung und militärische(n) Leistungen“ hervorstechen und gleichzeitig durch ihr „Gesamtverhalten beispielgebend in unsere Zeit hineinwirken“.[1] Grundlage dieser Anordnung ist der nach wie vor gültige „Traditionserlass“ des Bundesverteidigungsministeriums aus dem Jahr 1982. Dieser bekennt sich zwar offiziell zu den Werten „Demokratie“ und „Humanität“, verzichtet jedoch darauf, die nationalsozialistische Wehrmacht als grundsätzlich traditionsunwürdig zu bezeichnen. Vielmehr heißt es exkulpierend, die deutschen Streitkräfte seien vom NS-Regime oftmals „schuldlos missbraucht“ worden. Gleichzeitig gelten dem Erlass „gewissenhafter Gehorsam und treue Pflichterfüllung“ sowie der „Wille zum Kampf“ als besonders förderungswürdige „Verhaltensweisen und Einstellungen“, denen nicht zuletzt durch die Benennung von Kasernen Rechnung getragen werden soll.[2] Entsprechend schmücken sich aktuell mehr als zwanzig militärische Liegenschaften mit den Namen vormals hochrangiger NS-Militärs.
US House votes to end NSA phone collection
The authorized collection of those records as well as the other related surveillance provisions of the Patriot Act will expire on June 1 but can be reauthorized by Congress. The new House bill make it possible as long as certain changes occur.
Kenya: Eritrea Denies Blocking Uhuru Plane, Blames Ethiopia for Aborted U.S. Trip
„We are protesting formally because this is completely false information that Eritrea did not allow the Kenyan plane,“ Russom said in a letter copied to foreign missions based in Nairobi. „The aircraft was in fact turned away in Ethiopian airspace.
Gambia: Amnesty International Urges Gambia, Egypt, Others to Abolish Death Penalty
In presenting its report to the 56th Ordinary Session of African Commission on Human and Peoples‘ Rights in Banjul on Tuesday, 28th April 2015, Amnesty International has called on the African states such as Gambia, Egypt and Nigeria, among others, to respect human rights and abolish the death penalty.Mr. Japhet Biegon, the Africa Regional Advocacy Coordinator for Amnesty International, said as far as his organization is concerned, they are opposed to the death penalty in all cases without exception.