Der „Standard“ ist immer gut für Kommentare auf NATO-Linie und gegen weibliche Emanzipation, wie er gerade wieder einmal unter Beweis stellt. Diesmal kam keiner der (auch redaktionseigenen) NATO-Versteher zu Wort, sondern der Autor Georg Schildhammer als Gastkommentator. Man(n) veröffentlichte am 19. März, dem 104. Jahrestag der ersten grossen Frauendemo in Wien, zunächst im Internet „Feminismus: Der Traum vom warmen Eislutscher“.
Daily Archives: 21. März 2015
CIDH besorgt über Situation der Mapuche in Chile
Unternehmen verletzten Menschenrechte der Indigenen. Mapuche-Organisationen klagen gegen geplantes Wasserkraftwerk des europäischen Enel-Konzerns
taz stellt richtig: Kein Stein flog gegen Flüchtlingsheim. Recherche lohnt sich!
… Wir könnten uns unterwerfen … ChristInnen zur blockupy-Berichterstattung
Was wäre dann zu diesen „Gewaltexzessen“ und „bürgerkriegsähnlichen Zuständen“ zu sagen? Wir könnten uns unterwerfen und Abbitte leisten, auch wenn wir diese Taten gar nicht zu verantworten hätten. Wir könnten uns den Regeln dieser Demokratie, die an einem seidenen Faden hängt, unterwerfen und die Gewalt der Polizei von 2013 vergessen, als über 800 DemonstrantInnen einen halben Tag lang festgehalten wurden, faktisch eine erlaubte Demonstration von der Polizei verhindert wurde. Vergessen, dass Grüne in Frankfurt die Unterstützung der Proteste mit dem Argument verweigert haben, dann müsse man ja auch Pegida unterstützen, die uns also als Reaktionäre und Nazis diffamieren wollten.
UK facilitates more secretive arms deals: MPs
British lawmakers say the government is facilitating the concealment of major weapons deals by supporting the use of licenses that allow hiding payment and client information.
Twenty-four Million Wikipedia Users Can’t Be Wrong: Important Allies Join the Fight Against NSA Internet Backbone Surveillance
Wikimedia, the non-profit that operates Wikipedia, succinctly explained in a blog post why the NSA’s “collect it all” mentality is dangerous: it forces Wikipedia users to “look over their shoulders before searching, pause before contributing to controversial articles, or refrain from sharing verifiable but unpopular information.”
Kaum elf Jahre später: U.S.-Gericht ordnet Veröffentlichung der Abu Ghraib-Fotos an
Seit über zehn Jahren befindet sich die Menschenrechtsorganisation ACLU seit dem Auftauchen der ersten Bilder während der Kriege im Irak und in Afghanistan unter Berufung auf den Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) im Rechtsstreit mit der Regierung der U.S.A., um mit diesen Beweismitteln die Foltermethoden gegen Gefangene in dem Gefängnis Abu Ghraib im Irak zu untersuchen.
Die Schonfrist für den B.N.D.-N.S.A.-Untersuchungsausschuss ist endgültig abgelaufen
Eine kleine Beratung für den #NSAUA.
Eminem – Mosh
A video we did back in 2004 at GNN for Eminem‘s controversial hit, Mosh.
Kerry Pushes Iran Nuclear Deal Timetable Amid Differences With France
“We recognize that fundamental decisions have to be made now, and they don’t get any easier as time goes by,” Mr. Kerry said before leaving for a meeting Saturday night in London with his British, French and German counterparts.
“We have not yet reached the finish line but make no mistake we have the opportunity to try to get this right,” Mr. Kerry added.
On the Passing of President Rouhani‘s Mother
We extend our deepest condolences to the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Dr. Hassan Rouhani and his family on the passing of his mother, Mrs. Sakineh Peivandi. Such a loss is especially hard coming on the eve of Nowruz, traditionally a time when families gather together in joy and hope. We share in his grief and that of his brother, Presidential Special Advisor Hossein Fereydoun, who has been participating in the talks in Lausanne, and we keep their family in our thoughts.
Meet the Knesset members from the Joint Arab List
Something has changed inside Israel for its Palestinian citizens. The hard data is revealing: voter turnout jumped by ten-percent from the last election and in the Joint Arab List’s party leader’s home district it was nearly an unheard of 80-percent. Civic engagement is happening, but that is not the only turn. The joint list is full of fresh faces with seven first time Knesset members, and two women, five communists, two national democrats, two Islamists, one Christian and one Israeli-Jew.
Nach dem schrecklichen Verkehrsunfall in Konstantinowka, wo betrunkene ukrainische Soldaten in einem Schützenpanzer drei Menschen überrollten gab es zunächst heftige Unruhen. Die siebenjährige Polina hat diesen Unfall nicht überlebt, sie starb noch an der Unfallstelle. Eine Einwohnerin berichtet unverblümt über ukrainische „Befreier“ und warum es so kommen musste, wie es gekommen ist.
U.S., France ‚on same page‘ over Iran, want stronger deal
(7.März) The United States and France sought on Saturday to play down any disagreements over nuclear talks with Iran, saying they both agreed the accord now under discussion needed to be strengthened.
U.S.‘s Kerry to make statement on nuclear talks with Iran at 0645 ET
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will make a statement on nuclear talks with Iran at 1045GMT (0645 EDT), the State Department said on Saturday, before he leaves for London for a meeting with European counterparts.
Mr. President Rohani, there is no „more time“. None. DO IT OR DON´T! OR STEP ASIDE!
Nothing unsolvable in nuke talks – Iran’s president
The remaining differences even could be resolved in the recent negotiations, Rouhani said, adding both sides felt that they need more time and postponed the negotiations to the next few days.
Iran-P5+1 to finalize details at next round of nuke talks
Suitable technical and political solutions were found for the issues which already seemed impossible to be solved, Zarif wrote on his Facebook page on March 21.
Iran‘s navy repels pirate attacks on Iranian oil tank
The incident which took place on March 20 reportedly was the heaviest armed clash between Iranian navy and pirates last year.
The Gulf of Aden, which links the Indian Ocean with the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean Sea, is the quickest route for thousands of vessels traveling annually among Asia, Europe and the America.
Drohnenleitzentrale: Blockade des U.S.-Luftwaffenstützpunkts Hancock Field mit Büchern
In den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika haben sich Organisationen, die für Frieden, Einhaltung der Menschenrechte, gegen den Polizeistaat und die Brutalität der Polizei, Sanktionen gegen andere Länder, Massenüberwachung der Bevölkerung durch die Geheimdienste, die Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) und die gegen Einsätze des U.S.-Militärs und Drohnen kämpfen, zu einer einzigen grossen Welle vereinigt.
NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss: Zum Abschuss freigegeben
Wir wissen inzwischen: Schon vor den Anschlägen von 9/11 wollte der BND auf „Augenhöhe“ mit den sogenannten Five-Eyes-Staaten – USA, Großbritannien, Kanada, Australien, Neuseeland – gelangen. Nach dem 11. September 2001 gab es dann kein Halten mehr.
Jewish Democrats Slam Rep. King for Questioning their Jewish Commitment, Implying Anti-Semitism
Rep. King is essentially stating that we aren’t Jewish enough for him. How dare he. We demand and deserve an apology at once.
Congressman Steve King on Boston Herald Drive
King: ‚I don‘t understand how Jews in America can be Democrats first and Jewish second‘
„Here is what I don‘t understand, I don‘t understand how Jews in America can be Democrats first and Jewish second and support Israel along the line of just following their President,“ King, a hardline conservative from Iowa, said Friday on Boston Herald Radio,
„It says this, they‘re knee-jerk supporters of the President‘s policy,“ King said.
As a Republican from Iowa, King has met with virtually every Republican considering a 2016 presidential run, hosting the first cattle call of 2016 Republican hopefuls in Iowa in January.
Bang Bang – Asaf Avidan // אסף אבידן בפסטיבל ישראל
Asaf Avidan at the closing event of Israel Festival , Jerusalem,
June 19th, 2014.
Ein Grund, warum ich keine Künstler boykottiere nur weil sie in irgendeinem Staat leben.
Radical Leftist Rocker Aviv Geffen: Send Bibi to Hell!
(20.2.2015) „Netanyahu wrecked the relations with America,“ screamed Geffen to the audience. „We are in complete isolation, he put half of Israel under the poverty line, he didn‘t leave hope for you, for students, to create a normal life here in Israel.“
Making his message crude, Geffen shouted „on behalf of me and all of you I hope that in a democratic process – we need to send Bibi (Netanyahu) to hell!“ His usage of the coarse curse word was met by cheers.
Leftist Author Yehonatan Geffen Assaulted Outside His Home
Geffen’s son is rock musician Aviv Geffen, who before the elections called to called to send Netanyahu „to hell“ while an image of Netanyahu, Naftali Bennett and Avigdor Liberman, with a large red „X“ crossing them all out, appeared on the screen behind him.
Israeli author and journalist Yehonatan Geffen attacked at his home, called ‚leftist traitor‘
Assailant tries to beat him before fleeing; Geffen has been vocal against the reelection of Netanyahu.
Netanyahu was the only one to realize: The worse it gets, the better
Ever the seasoned campaigner, Netanyahu correctly grasped that the more desperate his electoral situation looked, the easier it would be for him to open the tribal floodgates – and be rewarded with a fourth term.
Abgeordnete machen gegen Bespitzelung durch Geheimdienste mobil
Entschließung gegen NSA und Co. erhält die Unterstützung aller Fraktionen im Innenausschuss
„Wahrscheinlichstes Szenario: dass @GregorGysi allein weitermacht, wie immer.“
via @bullion_c @SZ #Linke
EU-Streitmacht: Europas Große Armee bleibt unerfüllbarer Traum
Fast alle Jahre wieder: Wenn die Europäer mit Beklemmung auf ihre schrumpfenden Wehretats schauen, wird der Ruf nach einer EU-Armee laut. Vordergründig spricht vieles für diese Idee. Neun harte Fakten sprechen dagegen.
The charade of Europe’s annual ‘threats’
There is something deeply mendacious and cowardly about this ritual leaking by European diplomats of their annual report on Jerusalem. This year they’ve chosen to deposit the “confidential” report in the hands of the Guardian.
Renzi warns of ‚global threat‘
Wednesday‘s bloody Islamic terrorist attack on European tourists in Tunis is only the latest signal that „we are facing a global threat,“ Premier Matteo Renzi said after an EU summit Friday.
US-Iranian relations entering ‘spring’ period, Kerry says
„The United States and Iran have endured many harsh winters. But now, with the coming of Spring, we can all embrace this opportunity to move toward a better future,“ Kerry said in a message to the Iranian people on Nowruz, the Iranian New Year.
Raw Footage: British troops beating Iraqi children
It takes a real brave man to be armed to the teeth while beating a starving 3‘rd world young boys with a blunt object in response to their protesting your illegal occupation of their country.
An American Translation of Benjamin Netanyahu‘s own words
Here is Benjamin Netanyahu‘s video to get out the vote, which he released on Facebook.
Simple Question: What Cyberattack Would The New Cybersecurity Bill Have Stopped?
But if you want to know the single biggest reason why this bill is bogus: ask those supporting it what cybersecurity attack this bill would have stopped. And you‘ll notice they don‘t have an answer. That‘s because it‘s not a cybersecurity bill at all. It‘s just a bill to try to give the government more access to your user info.
Massive Coalition of Japanese Organizations Campaigns Against TPP Copyright Provisions
„We are deeply concerned about this situation in which important decisions for our nation’s culture and society are being made behind closed doors“ reads a joint public statement from Japanese activists who are fighting the copyright provisions in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). A group of artists, archivists, academics, and activists, have joined forces in Japan to call on their negotiators to oppose requirements in the TPP that would require their country, and five of the other 11 nations negotiating this secretive agreement, to expand their copyright terms to match the United States‘ already excessive length of copyright.
Wollt ihr mal sehen, wie so eine „Bild“-Kampagne von innen aussieht? Guckt mal hier.
Netanyahu row casts doubt on Obama pledge to ‚have Israel‘s back‘
The White House made clear for a second straight day that it had little faith in Netanyahu’s effort to backtrack since winning Tuesday‘s election and insist he was in favor of a two-state solution, long a cornerstone of U.S. Middle East policy.
Netanyahu and the unraveling of the British Jewish consensus
In Britain, if you are a pro-Israel lobby group like We Believe in Israel, or BICOM or the Zionist Federation you have a tricky time ahead. If you are leading our religious or communal bodies from the United Synagogue to Liberal Judaism and of course the Board of Deputies, then you are now in a very serious fix.
United States of America and the United Arab Emirates Space Agency on Bilateral Space Cooperation
Officials from several departments and agencies of the United States of America and the United Arab Emirates Space Agency met in Washington, D.C., during the week of March 16-20, 2015, to review a broad list of potential areas of space cooperation.
Die Sonnenfinsternis in zwei Minuten und ein Foto aus dem All
Ich habe heute gehört, dass manche so Sachen wie eine Sonnenfinsternis total langweilig und toOotal egal finden. Das ist okay, aber da kann ich ja nichts für, weil ein wenig werde ich bei solchen Ereignissen gerne wie ein kleines Kind. Da aber können die ja nichts für. Wir schenken uns da also nichts. Nichts für ungut.
16 Articles That Expose How They Lied Us Into War in Iraq
For the Anniversary of the start of Iraq War II, here‘s how they lied us into war:
Weiterer „Fragenkatalog“ versenkt – Deutsche Unterstützung des US-Drohnenkriegs soll nicht aufgeklärt werden
Im Falle des AFRICOM gab sich die Bundesregierung trotzdem unwirsch. Der Bundestag wurde trotz mehrmaliger Bitte nicht über den Inhalt des „Fragenkataloges“ unterrichtet. Im Juni wurden zweifelnde Abgeordnete von der zuständigen Staatssekretärin Maria Böhmer angeherrscht, man rechne innerhalb weniger Wochen mit einer Antwort.
Flottenaufrüstung mit Hochsee-Patrouillenschiff für Sea Shepherd durch Lotto-Geldspende
Am 17.März 2015 unterzeichnete Sea Shepherd Global und die niederländische Damen Shipyards Group einen Vertrag über den Bau eines Patrouillenschiffs – als Flaggschiff zugeschnitten ganz speziell auf die Vorstellungen der Verteidiger der Meere gegen illegale Fischerei.
Body of Wall Street Journal reporter found in New Jersey river
Bird had worked for Dow Jones & Co., the Wall Street Journal’s publisher, for more than 20 years, covering energy markets since the 1990s.
10 Reasons I’m Praying for AIPAC’s Decline
As a secular Jew, I don’t do much praying. But this week, as the powerful pro-Israeli- government lobby AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) holds its annual policy meeting in Washington, I’m praying that this year marks the beginning of the end of the lobby’s grip on US foreign policy.
Der Messias ist nicht gekommen
DER MESSIAS ist nicht gekommen, und Bibi ist nicht gegangen. Das ist das traurige Ergebnis. Traurig, aber nicht das Ende der Welt.
Wie eine amerikanische Redewendung es ausdrückt: „Heute ist der erste Tag vom Rest unseres Lebens.“ Ich würde sagen: „Heute ist der erste Tag der Schlacht für die nächsten Wahlen.“
Costa Rica powered with 100% renewable energy for 75 straight days
And it‘s mostly thanks to heavy rains and geothermal energy.
UN cancer agency sees a risk in Roundup and other pesticides
The U.N.’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) said Friday that three pesticides, including the popular weedkiller Roundup, were “probably” carcinogenic and two others, which have already been outlawed or restricted, were “possibly” so.
IARC classified the herbicide glyphosate — the active ingredient in Roundup — and the insecticides malathion and diazinon as “probably carcinogenic” on the basis of “limited evidence” of cancer among humans.
Shark fin scandal in Costa Rica has Solís administration on the defensive
In politics, perception is everything. And at the nine-month mark, President Luis Guillermo Solís’ administration is taking a pounding in one of the areas that has long set Costa Rica apart from other nations in the region – environmental protection.