Daily Archives: 14. März 2015

14.03.2015 - 23:19 [ RT ]

Fracking will ruin sacred, preserved sites in the ‘American cradle of civilization’ – lawsuit

Fracking sites have proliferated immensely across the US amid the current oil and gas boom in North America. Though the costs of fracking – including groundwater contamination, heightened earthquake activity, exacerbation of drought conditions, and a variety of health concerns for humans and the local environment – have given many Americans pause, as they must deal with the effects while government regulators allow industry to drill like mad.

14.03.2015 - 20:55 [ RT ]

‚Innocent mistake‘: UK’s nuclear weapons web data routed through Ukraine

Sensitive data from around 170 major companies, including the UK’s Atomic Weapons Establishment and Lockheed Martin, might have be compromised after British Telecom web traffic was accidentally rerouted through Ukraine.

14.03.2015 - 20:33 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Seltsame Wahlblockade der Rechten in El Salvador

Die rechtsgerichtete Partei Arena will das Ergebnis der Wahlen in El Salvador für das Zentralamerikanische Parlament (Parlacen) nicht mittragen. Unterstützt werden die Rechten von ihren Verbündeten PDC (christdemokratisch) und PCN (ehemalige Partei der Militärdiktaturen).

14.03.2015 - 20:31 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Proteste gegen Televisa in Mexiko wegen Rufmord-Kampagnen

Die Eltern von seit über fünf Monaten verschwundenen Lehramtsstudenten aus dem südmexikanischen Ayotzinapa haben gemeinsam mit Unterstützern den Eingang des größten Medienkonzerns des Landes, Televisa, in Mexiko-Stadt für mehrere Stunden besetzt, um gegen die Darstellung ihrer Bewegung zu protestieren.

14.03.2015 - 19:10 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Das pazifische Bündnissystem des Westens

Berlin befürwortet künftige Auslandseinsätze der japanischen Armee. Dies haben Regierungskreise anlässlich der soeben beendeten Japan-Reise der deutschen Kanzlerin bestätigt. Demnach „schätzt“ die Bundesregierung die „Übernahme internationaler Verantwortung durch Japan“ und hält es für „normal“, wenn das Land seine militärischen Aktivitäten, die bislang strikt auf die Landesverteidigung beschränkt waren, auch ins Ausland ausdehnt.

14.03.2015 - 17:16 [ USArmy-Cyber Center of Excellence - Fort Gordon ]

Epic Google snafu leaks hidden whois data for 280,000 domains

Google leaked the complete hidden whois data attached to more than 282,000 domains registered through the company‘s Google Apps for Work service, a breach that could bite good and bad guys alike.

The 282,867 domains counted by Cisco Systems‘ researchers account for 94 percent of the addresses Google Apps has registered through a partnership with registrar eNom. Among the services is one that charges an additional $6 per year to shield from public view all personal information included in domain name whois records.

14.03.2015 - 16:58 [ M-Impresión ]

Aufruhr im Steuerparadies

(12.3.) Doch ein Blick auf die Statistiken verwundert schon. Andorra – dessen Staatsspitze sich der Präsident der französischen Republik und der Bischof im spanischen Urgell teilen – hat bei gerade einmal 76.000 Einwohnern fünf Banken mit 40 Filialen. Sie sollen insgesamt Einlagen von 40 Milliarden Euro verwalten. Die Geldhäuser unterhalten Geschäftsbeziehungen zu Finanzinstituten auf den Bahamas, Panama, Monaco bis hin in die Schweiz und Luxemburg.

14.03.2015 - 16:49 [ Resident Advisor ]

RA.458 Edward – Podcast

Gilles Aiken, the Berlin DJ better known as Edward, makes shadowy club tracks with a surrealistic edge. Consider his latest album, Into A Better Future: though it mostly works within house and techno templates, the LP echoes Brian Eno, Robert Fripp and krautrock figures like Connie Plank.

14.03.2015 - 16:38 [ NOlympia ]

NOlympia – publik!

16.03.2015 ab 16 Uhr vor dem LUX (Ecke Schlesische Straße/Falkensteinstr.)
Aktivist*innen und Unterstützer*innen des NOlympia Bündnis Berlin treffen sich am Montag vor der Veröffentlichung der Empfehlung des DOSB noch einmal ihre Argumente in die Öffentlichkeit zu tragen.

14.03.2015 - 16:23 [ Post ]

Iran-China trade balance to hit $60 billion

Iran and China hope to bring the level of their trade exchanges to $60bln from the current $52bln in a year or so, Head of Iran-China Joint Chamber of Commerce Asadollah Asgaroladi said.
„We are determined to raise the volume of our trade with China to $60 billion at the beginning of the Sixth (Five-Year Economic) Development Plan“ to start in March 2016, he added.

14.03.2015 - 16:18 [ VesselFinder ]

Italian companies displaying high interest regarding investing in Suez Canal project

In total 62 Italian companies have already displayed a fair share of willingness towards investing in the Suez Canal Corridor Area Project, which is to be presented at the economic summit in Sharm el Sheikh that will be held in the time frame of Friday to Sunday.The news was backed up on CBC television by Mohab Mamish, Suez Canal Authority (SCA) chairman, who made a visit to Milan eleven days prior along with Ashraf Salman, Egypt’s Investment Minister.(…)
Egypt is currently building a brand new 72-kilometre long channel parallel to the existing canal, and is thus almost doubling the capacity of the infrastructure, going from 49 to 97 vessels on a daily basis.

14.03.2015 - 16:12 [ Verge ]

A network error routed traffic for the UKs nuclear weapons agency through Russian telecom

`At this point, I have to believe this was an innocent mistake by Vega,´ said Dyn‘s Doug Madory, who first discovered the redirection, „but it‘s concerning nonetheless.“
It‘s particularly disconcerting because of the sensitive nature of many of the sites involved. Among the dozens of sites involved was the UK‘s Atomic Weapons Establishment, which is tasked with managing and delivering the UK‘s nuclear warheads, as well as the UK‘s official mail service, the Royal Mail. US defense contractor Lockheed Martin was also running a VPN connection that was caught up in the redirection.

14.03.2015 - 15:33 [ Truthout ]

Prescribed Burn at Former Nuclear Weapons Plant Stirs Public Concerns

Plutonium-239, with a half-life of 24,100 years, was „released to the air and water in greater quantities than most of the other radioactive materials used at the site,“ according to the „Technical Summary Report for the Historical Public Exposures Studies for Rocky Flats,“ a 1999 report by the Radiological Assessments Corporation.

14.03.2015 - 15:22 [ Stars And Stripes ]

Dragoon Ride will send US troops through eastern Europe in show of support

(12.3.) STUTTGART, Germany — U.S. Army soldiers with the 2nd Cavalry Regiment will soon begin a 1,100-mile convoy through six countries en route to their home station in Vilseck, Germany as they wrap up months of training with allies in Poland and the Baltics, Army officials said.(…)
“This is a complex mission involving a significant amount of international diplomatic and military cooperation,” Lt. Col. Craig Childs, a USAREUR spokesman, said in a statement. “It will allow all units involved an opportunity to test their unit maintenance and leadership capabilities while simultaneously providing a highly visible demonstration of U.S, commitment to its NATO allies and demonstrating NATO’s ability to move military forces freely across allied borders in close cooperation.”

14.03.2015 - 15:06 [ BBC ]

Egypt unveils plans to build new capital east of Cairo

The Egyptian government has announced plans to build a new capital to the east of the present one, Cairo.
Housing Minister Mostafa Madbouly said the project would cost $45bn (£30bn) and take five to seven years to complete.
He said the aim was to ease congestion and overpopulation in Cairo over the next 40 years.

14.03.2015 - 14:57 [ eureporter ]

Health group alliance rounds on efforts to alter EU legislation

`However, we are particularly disappointed to observe that the ENVI Committee resolution amendments in some aspects appear to do more to promote commercial interests than public health.
`As Europe is the world’s heaviest drinking region, alcohol abuse constitutes a major public health problem that inflicts large-scale socio-economic damage. Addressing alcohol-related harm is crucial to reduce health inequalities.´

14.03.2015 - 14:22 [ Mixcloud ]

Terreno Desconhecido by meistsonnig

Tropical tunes from the wintry hideout where I spent the past couple of weeks.(…)
Audience and circumstances under which this set was played demanded to include some mainstreamers in here.

14.03.2015 - 14:20 [ Agência Brasil ]

Thousands take to streets on so-called National Fight Day

In São Paulo, the gathering took place outside Petrobras headquarters. The march headed downtown. Among the exclamations one could hear `Stay, Dilma!´ in response to the opposition movement calling for the president‘s ouster.
Representative from the Unified Federation of Oil Workers (FUP) João Antonio de Moraes drew attention to how closely united demonstrators were: “Rural and urban workers are saying that stopping Petrobras means stopping Brazil.

14.03.2015 - 11:19 [ JP Updates ]

Likud Officials Preparing to Replace Netanyahu if He Loses Reelection

„The Likud is a depressed area, activists are struggling and many of them seemed resigned to a possible loss. Worse, they do not care that the Likud will lose, “said a senior source to Maariv.”

In this case, the Likud central committee will convene soon to declare a primary and early elections to select a successor to Netanyahu.

14.03.2015 - 10:40 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu accuses leftists, media of conspiring to bring him down

„Left-wing and media elements in Israel and abroad have conspired to bring [Zionist Union leaders Isaac Herzog and Tzipi Livni] to power illegitimately, by means of slander at home and unprecedented money from abroad,“ Netanyahu wrote.

The prime minister also lashed out Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, accusing it of running an intensive campaign against himself and his Likud party in collaboration with unnamed organizations, NGOs, tycoons and foreign governments.

14.03.2015 - 10:36 [ Tablet ]

The Arab Joint List Is Reshaping Israeli Politics

Among those points are a demand for resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of two states, including full Israeli withdrawal to the pre-Six Day War borders and realization of a Palestinian right of return; recognition of Israel’s Arab population as a national minority, which is to be afforded cultural, religious, and educational autonomy; and the establishment of a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East. Other elements in what admittedly sounds more like a wish list than a practical program include a commitment to fight poverty and to raise the minimum wage and full equality for women in all areas of life.

14.03.2015 - 10:12 [ Mondo Weiss ]

The Obama-linked ad that imagines Mr. and Mrs. Netanyahu leaving the official residence

Talk about wishful thinking, talk about projection — we’re having so much fun watching this V15 video from March 2 in which PM Benjamin Netanyahu has to pack up his bomb cartoon and leave the official residence with his wife Sara we decided to feature it twice today. A friend thinks the screenshot below (from 0:45 in the video as the actors are on the precipice of taking one step out the door) is an impersonator but I think it’s some fancy photoshopping.

14.03.2015 - 09:24 [ Wikipedia ]

United States Chamber of Commerce

Die United States Chamber of Commerce ist eine privatrechtliche Handelskammer in den Vereinigten Staaten. Sie ist der weltgrößte Unternehmenszusammenschluss und repräsentiert

über lokale Kammern und assoziierte Vereinigungen 3 Mio Unternehmen. (Direktmitglieder sind einige 10.000 Unternehmen)
2.800 Bundesstaatliche und lokale Kammern
830 Geschäftsvereinigungen (…)

Die Kammer hat zwischen 1998 und 2005 für politisches Lobbying in den USA 267 Mio. US$ ausgegeben und ist damit mit deutlichem Abstand zur American Medical Association der größte Einflussnehmer auf die US-Politik.[2] Sie unterhält in Belgien eine Dependance, die US-amerikanische Geschäftsinteressen in der Europäischen Union vertritt, sowie zahlreiche andere wie etwa in Vietnam, Bangladesch, Neuseeland, Italien und Deutschland.

14.03.2015 - 09:19 [ Wikipedia ]

Institute of International Finance

Das Institute of International Finance, Inc. (IIF) ist die einzige globale Vereinigung von Finanzinstituten. Es wurde 1983 von 38 Banken der führenden Industrienationen gegründet und dient als Lobbyorganisation der Finanzindustrie. So arbeiten 200 der 260 Experten der europäischen Kommission für Großbanken des IIF.

14.03.2015 - 09:18 [ Wikipedia ]

Motion Picture Association of America

Die Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) ist der Verband der sechs großen amerikanischen Filmproduktionsgesellschaften, namentlich Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros., Sony Pictures Entertainment, Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group, Universal Studios und 20th Century Fox. Sie sieht sich als Interessenvertretung der gesamten amerikanischen und weltweiten Film- und Fernsehindustrie und betreibt in deren Namen Lobbyismus.

14.03.2015 - 09:17 [ Wikipedia ]

Musikindustrie: Die drei weltgrößten Major-Labels

– Marktführer ist die Universal Music Group, die mit ihren Labels wie Island, Polydor, Verve, Motown und Mercury einen Weltmarktanteil von 25,5 % (2004) hält.[19] Die konzernzugehörige Universal Music Publishing ist seit 2006 führend im Musikverlagswesen. Der Marktführer gehört wiederum zur Vivendi S.A., dem französischen Medien-Konglomerat. (…)

– Zur Warner Music Group gehören die Labels Elektra Records und Atlantic Records (1968), Reprise Records und Rhino Records. Warner fusionierte 1987 mit der Time Corp. zu Time Warner, die das Musikgeschäft 2003 an den kanad. Milliardär Bronfman verkaufte. Der Musikverlag Warner-Chappell gehört zum Konzern. Weltmarktanteil: 11,3 %.

– Sony Music Entertainment ist ein Tochterunternehmen der Sony Corporation, die im Jahr 1987 mit der spektakulären Übernahme der größten amerikanischen Plattenfirma Columbia Records in das Musikgeschäft eingestiegen war. Im Jahr 1994 hatte Sony Music Entertainment einen Weltmarktanteil von ca. 18 % und einen Jahresumsatz von ca. 5 Mrd. US$. Im August 2004 schlossen sich Sony Music Entertainment und BMG Entertainment zu einem Joint Venture zusammen. Der Weltmarktanteil von Sony BMG stieg auf ca. 21,5 % (Deutschland: 28,7 %). Vier Jahre später stieg BMG aus dem Kerngeschäft der Tonträgerherstellung aus und überließ Sony Music Entertainment die Anteile von BMG.

14.03.2015 - 09:11 [ Dana Priest & Williarm M. Arkin / Washington Post ]

Top Secret America: National Security Inc.

(Juli 2010) The Post investigation uncovered what amounts to an alternative geography of the United States, a Top Secret America created since 9/11 that is hidden from public view, lacking in thorough oversight and so unwieldy that its effectiveness is impossible to determine.

It is also a system in which contractors are playing an ever more important role. The Post estimates that out of 854,000 people with top-secret clearances, 265,000 are contractors.