The former head of Colombia‘s secret police, Maria del Pilar Hurtado, has been found guilty on charges of spying on politicians, judges and journalists, according to the Wall Street Journal.
The spying, which aimed to track the political opponents of the then-president Alvaro Uribe, happened between 2007 and 2008.
(24.11.2010) Maria del Pilar Hurtado hat sich durch diese Flucht dem Gerichtsprozess um den Abhörskandal und der zu erwartenden Gefängnisstrafe entzogen. Gegen mehrere führende Mitarbeiter laufen gegenwärtig die Prozessverhandlungen und einige sind schon hinter Schwedischen Gardinen (Auflösung des kolumbianischen Geheimdienstes DAS – Ex-Vizechef Lagos wandert hinter Gitter).
In this document, the leaders of the Russian Jewry againnoted that the current regime in Kiev was portraying as heroes and liberators the OUN-UPA group (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists – Ukrainian Insurgents’ Army), regardless of the fact that its members had only gained notoriety by killing thousands of civilians over their ethnic roots, mostly Jews and Poles.
Under the deal with Houston-based Chenier Energy company, the first LNG fuel is expected to arrive in Lithuania as early as next year, state-owned company Litgas said in a statement.
The PKK‘s military presence in Iraq‘s Kurdistan region, from which it launches attacks on Turkey, has led the Turkish military to carry out frequent ground incursions and air and artillery strikes in the region, because the Kurdistan Regional Government claims it does not have sufficient military forces to prevent the PKK from operating.
(17.5.2013) Zum kurdischen Neujahrsfest Newroz, am 21. März 2013 nun forderte Abdullah Öcalan aus dem Gefängnis auf der Insel Imrali den sofortigen Abzug der bewaffneten PKK-Männer aus der Türkei in den Norden des Irak (vollständiger Wortlaut der Rede in enlischer Sprache). Der sei notwendig, um fruchtbare Friedensverhandlungen zu führen um der kurdischen Bevölkerung mehr Rechte einzuräumen.
Sanao‘s people were fighting for their right to exist after being evicted in 2002 by the Botswanan government from the reserve. Authorities had sealed their wells, leaving them without water, and barred them from hunting.
Natürlich hat man im letzten Jahr plötzlich einen leichten Zug gespürt, aber unsere EP hat damals noch niemanden aus der Industrie interessiert. Und als wir dann in aller Munde waren, waren da plötzlich die selben Leute, nur wollten sie auf einmal doch was von uns. Daran sieht man einfach, wie wendehalsig dieses Geschäft ist und, dass es am Ende nur auf einen selber ankommt. Man lernt durch solche Erfahrungen, sich selbst ohne Kompromisse treu zu bleiben, wenn es nicht so gut läuft, aber eben auch dann, wenn man mit etwas Erfolg hat.
Ziel sei die Räumung der Grundstücke in der Ebene von Corinto, die von Indigenen der umliegenden Reservate in einer friedlichen Aktion besetzt gehalten werden.
`Portland’s Muscle and Marrow are a duo consisting of vocalist/guitarist Kira Clark and drummer Keith McGraw, and they sound like if their neighbors in Witch Mountain started listening to a lot of Swans.´(…)-pitchfork
`It only makes sense to seek out and identify structures of authority, hierarchy, and domination in every aspect of life, and to challenge them; unless a justification for them can be given, they are illegitimate, and should be dismantled, to increase the scope of human freedom.´
( Noam Chomsky )
Vladimir Putin instructed the heads of the Russian Investigative Committee, Interior Ministry and Federal Security Service to form an investigative group and keep the course of the investigation into the crime under personal control.
The President stated that this cruel murder has all the makings of a contract crime and is absolutely provocative in nature.
Vladimir Putin expressed his deep condolences to the family and friends of the tragically deceased Boris Nemtsov.
28.02.2015 - 15:50 [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ]
Michael M. Hastings (1980-2013), was a journalist and author. This release of a 6/11/2012 FBI document and its attachments (21 pages total) consists of the only material found in FBI records mentioning Hastings. No FBI records indicate an investigative interest in Hastings.
Er war Mitherausgeber des Rolling Stone und Korrespondent für BuzzFeed. Sein Artikel 2010 über den Vier-Sterne-General, ehemaligen JSOC-Kommandeur und US-Oberbefehlshaber der NATO in Afghanistan, Stanley McChrystal, führte zu dessen umgehender Entlassung durch US-Präsident Barack Obama. Hastings arbeitete zuletzt, laut Aussage seiner Witwe Elise Jordan, an einer Geschichte über CIA-Director John O. Brennan, er fiel 2013 einem Autounfall zum Opfer, so der offizielle Polizeibericht. Allerdings zeichneten Kameras drei Explosionen auf, der Motorblock lag in erheblicher Entfernung. Es gab diverse weitere Indizien, Hinweise und auch Zeugenaussagen, unter anderem von WikiLeaks, Richard Clarke und dem „Buzz-Feed“-Chefredakteur Ben Smith, die insgesamt einen Mord wahrscheinlicher erscheinen lassen.
„September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor“ is a 5 hour documentary that summarizes 12 years of public debate on 9/11. While aimed primarily at a general, uninformed audience, the film also contains some new findings that may be of interest to advanced researchers.
(27.2.2015) Nichtsdestotrotz bekommen die drei Todesfälle eine gewisse Brisanz, angesichts der Berichte und Recherchen von RT, dass alle drei betroffenen Journalisten einen gemeinsamen Dokumentarfilm über die Anschläge von 9/11 und mögliche Verwicklungen von US-Regierungsstellen planten. Nach bisher unbestätigten Berichten, sollen sie auch einen Antrag auf Einsicht in russische Archive im Zuge ihrer Recherchen zum Film beantragt haben.
28.02.2015 - 15:31 [ David Carr / New York Times ]
(25.11.2012) On the same day as the Waldorf event, three employees of news organizations were killed in Gaza by Israeli missiles. Rather than suggesting it was a mistake, or denying responsibility, an Israeli Defense Forces spokeswoman, Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich, told The Associated Press, “The targets are people who have relevance to terror activity.”
So it has come to this: killing members of the news media can be justified by a phrase as amorphous as “relevance to terror activity.”
(15.Februar) The city‘s Medical Examiner ruled that the renowned media columnist died of natural causes stemming from the two diseases, discovered after an autopsy was performed following his untimely and unexpected death on Thursday.
(13.Februar) Authorities at the scene suspected he died of a heart attack, sources said, but the official cause of death hasnot been announced.
Carr — a slim man whom the Times described in its obit as “storklike” — also suffered from diabetes and took insulin shots to manage the disease, authorities said.
(12.Februar) Mr. Carr collapsed in the Times newsroom, where he was found shortly before 9 p.m. He was taken to St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The cause had not been determined.
Mr. Carr also survived cancer and struggled with alcoholism, but none of that undercut his energy.
(12.Februar) So, liberal, elitist, anti-American, anti-Israel, self-hating Jew and professional propagandist Bob Simon is dead. No tears from me. He lied about Israel, he lied in favor of the Palestinians, and his lies cost American lives in Vietnam. If this is “great journalism”–and the conventional mainstream media wisdom is that it is–then we have yet more confirmation that “great journalism” is lying-through-your-teeth propaganda pimping leftist garbage.
(11. Februar) Simon‘s career in war reporting was extensive, beginning in Vietnam. While based in Saigon from 1971-72, his reports on the war — and particularly the Hanoi 1972 spring offensive — won an Overseas Press Club award award for the Best Radio Spot News for coverage of the end of the conflict. Simon was there for the end of the conflict and was aboard one of the last helicopters out of Saigon in 1975.
(12. Februar) He covered devastating earthquakes in India and Turkey, the ever-evolving relations between Washington and Beijing, reuniting families in North and South Korea, and the U.S. war against terror in Afghanistan.
Colt was instrumental in the network‘s coverage of the Iraq war, and was part of a four-person team that was kidnapped and held for three days near Fallujah.
(21.1.) Zunächst einmal ist hervorzuheben, dass als Quelle der Warnungen an das Landeskriminalamt (LKA) das Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) benannt worden ist. Das mag sein, nachprüfen können wir es nicht, denn die Meldung ist als »geheim« eingestuft worden, wurde uns also nicht vorgelegt. Glaube ich heutigen Medienberichten, dann stammt die Ursprungsfassung der Meldung von einem »befreundeten Nachrichtendienst«, ging von dort zuerst an das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, dann an das Gemeinsame Terrorismusabwehrzentrum und von da an das BKA und das LKA Sachsen
(21.11.2014) „Es gibt zwei große Themenbereiche. Das eine ist die Frage der Organisierten Kriminalität und der Hintergründe. Da haben wir eine Entwicklung in den letzten zwanzig Jahren hin zum Tatort Internet.“
(12.9.2013) Die Regierungskommission hatte zahlreiche Gesetze untersucht, die dem BKA zu immer mehr Kompetenzen verhalfen. Kritisiert wird insbesondere die „präventivpolizeiliche Terrorismusabwehr“. Gemeint ist die Verfolgung von Straftaten, deren Begehung noch nicht in Sicht ist. In Begrifflichkeiten des BKA-Gesetzes ist die Rede von sogenannten „Vorfeldtatbeständen“.
It all seems depressingly straightforward, and depressingly similar to stories emanating from Britain, France, and other countries whence ISIS’s foreign fighters hail. Except for one thing: in this case, the would-be ISIS recruits were assisted and encouraged in their plans by a paid F.B.I. informant.
“They – Turkey – have taken steps on every aspect of our anti-ISIL coalition, which is not just military,” said State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki. “It is also cracking down on foreign fighters. It‘s also about financing. It‘s also about delegitimizing ISIL.”
Psaki‘s comments came after Director of U.S. National Intelligence James Clapper told a Senate committee on Thursday that Turkey does not place a high priority on fighting Daesh – leading to a flow of foreign fighters through its country into Syria.
„I think Turkey has other priorities and other interests,“ Clapper told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday, answering questions about whether Ankara was expected to take a more active role against ISIS, the extremist group also known as ISIL.
Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, said Turkey was more concerned with its Kurdish opposition and the economy than fighting ISIS, the terrorist group that controls a third of Iraq and as much of Syria.
In 1992, Benjamin Netanyahu wasn‘t yet Prime Minister; he was a Likud member of the Knesset, Israel‘s parliament. He told his fellow lawmakers that Iran was 3 to 5 years away from a nuclear bomb, and that the only way to stop them was for them to be “uprooted by an international front headed by the U.S.”
Especially on the Iranian nuclear threat, Israelis are one. We know that the theocracy in Tehran combines hegemonic and nuclear ambitions that pose a strategic danger to our small nation.
But a nuclear Iran would endanger not only Israel. If it goes nuclear, the Middle East will go nuclear, putting world peace itself in jeopardy.
28.02.2015 - 12:28 [ Elizabeth Tsurkow / Twitter ]