New Brief Urges Justices to Protect Citizens from Warrantless Analysis of Genetic Material
Daily Archives: 18. Februar 2015
UK admits unlawfully monitoring legally privileged communications
It follows hard on the heels of the British court ruling on 6 February declaring that the regime surrounding the sharing of mass personal intelligence data between America’s national security agency and Britain’s GCHQ was unlawful for seven years.
Conny ist tot
Wenn ein Mensch stirbt, stirbt ein ganzes Universum …
Jeb Bush’s foreign policy team is eerily familiar, in one Venn diagram
If Bush‘s goal is to present himself as his „own man,“ that list of advisers undermines the point somewhat: 19 of the 21 people on it worked in the administrations of his father or brother. We‘ve identified the roles each played in the past three Republican administrations, divvying them up as needed in the following Venn diagram.
Tom Mulcair says NDP will oppose anti-terrorism bill C-51
„Mr. Harper and the Conservatives have intimidated the Liberals into supporting this deeply-flawed legislation. We in the NDP are going to fight it,“ Mulcair told reporters. „The truth is we cannot protect our freedoms by sacrificing them.“
Bill C-51, which would give more powers to law enforcement and intelligence agencies, is up for second reading and debate today.
Holder: die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika zensurieren Journalisten nicht, weil wir uns nicht in einer Zeit des Kriegs befinden’
In einem Vortrag heute im National Press Club warnte Justizminister Eric Holder Reporter vor einer Berichterstattung, die „negative Auswirkungen auf die nationale Sicherheit des Landes“ hat.
GDL-Gremien haben einstimmig für Arbeitskämpfe votiert
Weselsky: „Unsere Mitglieder arbeiten eben im Schichtbetrieb und nur sie haben Probleme mit den unzulänglichen Arbeitszeitregelungen und den massiven Überstunden. Und wir haben mit unserem Flächentarifvertrag ein bewährtes Mittel, um in ganz Deutschland faire Entgelt- und Arbeitszeitbedingungen zu verankern. Das darf nicht kaputt gemacht werden.“ (…)
Die GDL wird rechtzeitig über den Zeitpunkt und die Dauer des Streiks informieren.
Bundeswehr: Zwei Millionen für ein paar Unterschriften
In Whose America?
Machine Guns, MRAPs, Surveillance, Drones, Permanent War, and a Permanent Election Campaign
Greece, Its International Creditors and the Euro
In addition, the Eurogroup controls the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) and, its successor, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). Established in June 2010, the EFSF was a private company — a special purpose vehicle — created as a temporary crisis resolution mechanism. Established in September 2012, the ESM is an international organisation created as a permanent rescue mechanism with the same mission as the EFSF: to “safeguard” financial stability in Europe by providing bailout loans to the eurozone countries. The ESM and EFSF now share the same staff and offices.
American Millennials’ Skills Are Lagging Behind the Rest of the World
The study, by the Education Testing Service Center for Research on Human Capital and Education, shows young Americans fared poorly compared to other countries studied, tying for last in math skills with Italy and Spain, and landing in the bottom of the pack in problem-solving, along with Ireland, Poland and the Slovak Republic. Americans also had lower literacy scores than 15 out of 22 countries, only doing better than young Italians and Spaniards, Education Week reports.
1 in 4 Americans Apparently Unaware the Earth Orbits the Sun
A National Science Foundation study involving 2,200 participants find that about 25 percent of Americans got this question wrong: ‚Does the Earth go around the sun, or does the sun go around the Earth?‘
Move over Galileo! Saudi cleric says Earth doesn’t revolve around sun
He proceeded to say that if the plane stopped dead in its tracks in mid-air, “China would be coming towards it in case the Earth rotates in one direction. If the Earth rotates in the opposite direction, the plane would never reach China, because China is also rotating,” he said.
Max Igan: US, Israel desperately seek to wage more wars in Mideast
Max Igan, a radio host and political commentator from Brisbane, Australia, was interviewed by Press TV to discuss the warmongering policies adopted by the United States and Israel against the Middle Eastern nations.
Griechenland als Chance für Europa
Während in Brüssel die Parole „Exempel statuieren“ ausgegeben scheint, faszinieren die neuen politischen Verhältnisse in Griechenland viele Menschen in ganz Europa und darüber hinaus. Das Renner-Institut der SPÖ lud am 17.Februar Giorgos Chondros (Syriza), Dimitris Droutsas (Ex-Außenminister), Jens Bastian (in Athen lebender Ökonom) und Katerina Anastasiou (Solidarity4all) zur Diskussion.
Grieg Peer Gynt-Suite Nr.1 In der Halle des Bergkönigs
Christof Harr dirigiert das CJD Orchester am 15.10.2011 im KMS der Philharmonie Berlin
Im Kampf zwischen einem weltoffenen und einem düsteren Israel hat Netanyahu eine schwere Niederlage eingesteckt:
PHONE-IN DAY: Ask your Members of Congress to join 29 others & #SkipTheSpeech by Netanyahu
Tibi: we the joint arab list don‘t need to undermine Israel‘s existence. Lieberman and Bennett are doing a great job with that @haaretz conf
The State Comptroller report tells us what we already know about Netanyahu
Report revealing hedonism of Israel‘s prime minister is out. And yet, somehow Netanyahu and his aides will manage to convince Israelis that he‘s the victim in all of this.
Regierung Obama distanziert sich von Israel
Ein israelischer Regierungsmitarbeiter bestätigte gegenüber der Zeitung «Haaretz» am Montag, dass Washington nicht mehr detaillierte Einzelheiten der Atomverhandlungen an die Regierung Netanyahu weiterleite. Die Informationen seien jetzt «von niedrigerer Auflösung», sagte der Offizielle.
India under pressure to explain who blew up Pakistani boat
The comments contradict the Indian government‘s version that the boat laden with explosives was intercepted by the coast guard because it was planning an unspecified illegal transaction and the people on board set it on fire, causing it to explode.
Rüstungsexporte: Das Geschäft mit U-Booten boomt – auch in Krisenländer wie Ägypten
Eine Herstellungsgenehmigung wurde für zwei weitere U-Boote für Ägypten bei TKMS in Kiel – ehemals HDW – erteilt. Die Kieler Werft darf sich nun weiter über Aufträge für Israel, Ägypten und Kolumbien freuen.
ThyssenKrupp Aerospace announces India foray
ThyssenKrupp Aerospace, part of ThyssenKrupp AG, the Garmany-based conglomerate, and supplier of aerospace materials and logistics, announced its foray into the Indian aerospace market with the setting up of a facility here.
India clears $8 billion warships project to counter Chinese navy
Modi summoned a meeting of the cabinet committee on security on Monday to approve construction of seven frigates equipped with stealth features to avoid easy detection, a defense ministry source said.
The Times of India said the government had also approved six nuclear-powered submarines for a further $8 billion.
Israeli defense minister lands at India airshow to boost arms sales
Israel‘s defense minister arrived in India on Wednesday to help sell his country‘s arms industry to the world‘s largest defense importer and promote deepening military ties between the two nations.
Libya mission had support-Napolitano
„I‘d like to recall that there was very wide parliamentary support for the March 18 resolution of the House and Senate assemblies,“ added the Life Senator. „We cannot step back, we cannot dodge or evade. Italy must do its bit, like we did not step back in 2011“..
Italy ‚ready for peacekeeping in Libya‘
Italy is willing to participate in peacekeeping operations in Libya, said Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni in an address Wednesday to the Lower House and Senate prior to a United Nations Security Council emergency meeting on the North African nation currently undergoing a crisis with Islamist insurgents.
Fierce crackdown on dissent no laughing matter in Egypt
„Whoever opposes Sisi is seen as someone who opposes the nation, so the political joke has little place in society and people reject it,“ said comedian Mahmoud al-Ghoul.
„Political jokes are not dead but they are frozen.“
PD to present Palestinian State motion
Two other motions, respectively presented by lawmakers for the Left, Ecology and Freedom (SEL) and the Socialist (PSI) parties, calling on the government to recognise the State of Palestine, should also be voted on on Thursday.
Comptroller: Netanyahu family spending raises criminal concern
State Comptroller Yosef Shapira releases report on expenditure of Prime Minister‘s Office; announces suspected criminal behavior in findings into bottle affair and garden furniture affair.
UN Security Council to Hold Emergency Meeting on Libya
The draft resolution is not expected to be presented Wednesday.
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi urged the Security Council on Tuesday to allow international military intervention in Libya, where Egypt launched airstrikes this week targeting the Islamic State group.
Jewish Georgian official: Our army has IDF training to thank
(10.8.2008) Yakobashvili said that a small group of Georgian soldiers had able to wipe out an entire Russian military division due to this training.
„We killed 60 Russian soldiers just yesterday,“ said Yakobashvili. „The Russians have lost more than 50 tanks, and we have shot down 11 of their planes. They have enormous damage in terms of manpower,“
Yakobashvili warned that the Russians would try and open another battlefront in Abkhazia and he denied reports that the Georgian army was retreating. „The Georgian forces are not retreating. We move our military according to security needs.“
USA was ready to hand over powerful defensive weapons to Georgia – Saakashvili
“In January 2012, after long discussions I had reached an agreement with President Obama to give us weapons,” he said. “In the end it was agreed that the US would give us anti-aircraft, antiship, antitank, land and engineering defensive systems.”
He said that then a group of US specialists came to Georgia, which designed a detailed plan for the supply of arms.
Georgian ex-president does not intend to hold new revolution
“If I had wanted to carry out a coup, then I would not have missed the power in 2012,” Saakashvili said in an interview with Rustavi 2 TV company.
Can Egypt drag Europe into a new Libyan intervention?
by Monday evening, as the euphoria of Egypt’s retaliation for the IS group’s killing of 21 Coptic Christians settled, reality had started to settle in. And with it, the realization that in Libya today, impossible is not just a possibility, it’s a certainty.
Israeli pundits call for supporting Sisi‘s regime in Egypt
(6.Februar) The Institute of National Security Strategies (INSS), one of Israel‘s leading think tanks, urged decision-making circles in Tel Aviv to increase military, intelligence and political assistance to Sisi‘s regime so as to enable it to win over Islamists in Egypt and Sinai.
In a research paper published on its website on Wednesday entitled „Egypt‘s war in the Sinai Peninsula: A Struggle that Goes beyond Egypt“, INSS stressed that it is important for Israel to employ its political and diplomatic capabilities in order to convince the United States to enhance its support for Sisi‘s regime.
Netanyahu tells incoming IDF chief: Next four years will be worse
The prime minister warns Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot about the task facing him: ‚The Mideast is falling apart … Iran vows to destroy Israel.‘
France wants to let shops open on Sundays—by any means necessary
The law—named for Emmanuel Macron, the 37-year-old former Rothschild banker who is now the economy minister—would allow large shops in specially-designated tourist zones in Paris and the French Riviera to open on Sundays until midnight.
Marine Le Pen Leads French Presidential Poll With 30% of Vote
(29.1.) Current President François Hollande, whose approval ratings doubled following his handling of the Charlie Hebdo attacks which killed 17 people in Paris, received only 21%.
French government tells rebels: back us or go
Opposition lawmakers called for the no-confidence vote – which is unlikely to succeed – after Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Tuesday used a decree to ram a key economic reform bill through parliament in the face of opposition from his own camp.
French government overrides parliament to ram though reforms
French PM forces pro-business bill through parliament
France’s Socialist Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Tuesday justified his decision to bypass parliament on a controversial pro-business economic reform bill, saying that France “badly needs a bit of authority”.
Dollar, euro continue to grow in Azerbaijan
The exchange rate of Azerbaijani manat compared to the world currencies and precious metals on Feb. 18, according to the Central Bank of Azerbaijan.
U.S. to support Cameroon military in Boko Haram fight
„My government is working on a logistic pipeline of material that will enhance Cameroon‘s ability to defend itself from Boko Haram,“ U.S. ambassador to Cameroon Michael Stephen Hoza said in a notice published in a local paper on Wednesday.
He did not elaborate on what would be provided, saying only that it would be „equipment necessary to defend the country“.
UK Police Forces Have Secret Facial Recognition Database Of 18 Million People, Many Innocent
As BBC News notes, the photos of innocent people have been retained in contempt of an explicit order from the court to remove them:
„It comes despite a ruling in 2012, when two people went to the High Court to force the Metropolitan Police to delete their photos from databases.“
Inside the Fight Over Obama’s Terror Summit
Despite Sewall’s efforts to proliferate the PVE branding beyond her office, it’s had difficulty penetrating elsewhere in the building, according to multiple State Department officials. “If you ask people in Sewall’s office, they’ll be able to tell you what the difference is between PVE and CVE, but it’s a bit unclear to everyone else,” said one official.
The battle of the acronyms has also been seen as a proxy fight between Sewall’s office and the State Department’s Bureau of Counterterrorism, which previously took the lead on counter-extremism efforts.
Italienische Kriegsverbrechen in Afrika
Während des Italienisch-Türkischen Krieges 1911 und der Herrschaft des Faschismus (1922 bis 1945) kam es zu Italienischen Kriegsverbrechen in Afrika bzw. Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit. Dazu zählten unter anderem Hinrichtungen (auch Massenhinrichtungen), Deportationen, Zerstörung von Häusern, Vergiftung von Wasserstellen, der Einsatz von Giftgas, Terror und Pogrome.
Rom will 5.000 Soldaten nach Libyen entsenden
(15.2.) „Italien ist bereit, seinen Teil im Rahmen einer UN-Mission zu leisten, um das Prinzip der Freiheit und der Rechte zu verteidigen“, bestätigte Renzi Gentilonis Ankündigung am Sonntag laut Medien.
EIL – Volkswehr beginnt mit Abzug schwerer Waffen von der Trennlinie
„Die Streitkräfte der Donezker Volksrepublik haben mit dem Abzug schwerer Artilleriesysteme von der Trennlinie begonnen, die von dem am 19. September 2014 geschlossenen Minsker Abkommen vorgesehen war“, meldet die Donezker Nachrichtenagentur unter Berufung auf das Donezker Verteidigungsamt.
Ukrainische Truppen ziehen sich aus Debalzewe zurück
Andere russische Agenturberichte beriefen sich auf ein Mitglied des ukrainischen Parlaments. Dieses sagte demnach, der Abzug von Truppen aus Debalzewe verlaufe geordnet. Auch ein ukrainischer Kommandant einer regierungstreuen Miliz sagte den Angaben zufolge, dass Einheiten abgezogen würden.
UN verabschieden Resolution zu Abkommen von Minsk
Das höchste UN-Gremium verabschiedete eine von Russland eingebrachte Resolution, die alle Konfliktparteien zur vollen Umsetzung der Vereinbarungen aufruft und die Unabhängigkeit der Ukraine betont. Die Unabhängigkeit der Ukraine wurde als Formulierung noch in den russischen Entwurf eingefügt.
Ukraine – Security Council, 7384th meeting
The United Nations Security Council today adopted unanimously resolution S/RES/2202 (2015) endorsing the 13-point accord on ending the Ukraine crisis agreed in Minsk – including a cease-fire – and called on all parties to the conflict to fully implement that cessation of hostilities.
Alle auf die Kleinen
Solidarität wird in Europa zum Fremdwort. Eurogruppenchef Jeroen Dijsselbloem agiert wie der Anführer einer Schulhofgang – die Schwachen werden bedroht und erpresst.
CIA-Folterbericht: Grüne werfen Bundesregierung „unglaubliche Ignoranz“ vor
Es ist ja nicht so, dass sie die Sachzwänge und Nöte nicht kennen würde, denen Regierende oft ausgesetzt sind. Die Grünen-Politikerin war selbst Bundesministerin. Aber in diesem Fall findet sie die Zurückhaltung der Regierung einfach skandalös.