The governor had bad news: The state budget was in crisis, and everyone needed to tighten their belts. High taxes threatened „economic ruin“, said the newly elected Ronald Reagan. Welfare stood to be curbed, the highway patrol had fat to trim. Everything would be pared down; he’d start with his own office.
Daily Archives: 31. Januar 2015
Army sets up new brigade ‚for information age‘
The 77th Brigade, made up of reservists and regular troops and based in Hermitage, Berkshire, will be formally created in April.
Thousands gather in London to protest against lack of affordable housing
Thousands of people gathered outside City Hall on Saturday to demand Boris Johnson urgently tackle the lack of affordable housing in the capital and curb the spiralling rents that they warn are “ripping the heart” out of London.
100,000 flock to Madrid for Podemos rally against austerity
Four years ago, Madrid’s central Puerta del Sol square belonged to los indignados – an impromptu revolt of thousands, camping out for weeks and rallying against a political establishment felt to be out of sync with the people.
Heute vor 409 Jahren: Hinrichtung von Guy Fawkes
Heute vor 409 Jahren wurde Guy Fawkes in Britannien hingerichtet. Bekanntlich der einzige Mensch, der je mit ehrlichen Absichten ins Parlament gegangen ist…
Keine Sorge! Der Generalbundesanwalt wird sicher bald herausfinden, dass die *NASA* überhaupt niemand ausgespäht hat!
Cyberangriff auf Kanzleramt mehr als zwei Jahre unbemerkt
Erst der vertrauliche Hinweis einer IT-Sicherheitsfirma an das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnologie im März 2014 hatte die Ermittler zu der privaten IP-Adresse der Mitarbeiterin geführt.
Ein Vertrag zum Gruseln
Abschaffung der Kennzeichnungspflicht, Einfuhr und Verkauf gentechnisch veränderter Organismen, Fracking – diese und weitere Maßnahmen sollen das Wirtschaftswachstum in Europa mit dem USA-Abkommen TTIP ankurbeln. In diesem Kinospot arbeitet sich ein Mann durch den zentimeterdicken TTIP-Vertrag und wir erfahren, wie hoch der Preis für unglaublich geringe 0,048 Prozent Wachstum wirklich ist.
Kinospot ansehen und verbreiten, per…
Podemos: Zehntausende protestieren in Madrid gegen Sparpolitik
Podemos („Wir können“) hat sich vor fast einem Jahr gegründet, seit Mitte November ist die Bewegung formell eine Partei. Mittlerweile liegt die Linkspartei in einzelnen Umfragen für die im November 2015 anstehende spanische Parlamentswahl bereits in Führung vor Rajoys Volkspartei (PP) und den Sozialisten (PSOE).
Weizsäckers Leben in Bildern
Er war parteiübergreifend beliebt. Manche nannten ihn den „politischsten Präsidenten“, den das Land je hatte. Am 31. Januar 2015 ist Richard von Weizsäcker im Alter von 94 Jahren gestorben.
Mattarella calls for unity on terror at Nazi massacre site
„The alliance between nations and peoples was able to beat the Nazi, racist, anti-Semite, totalitarian hate that this place is a painful symbol of,“ Mattarella said.
„The same unity in Europe and around the world will be able to beat those who want to drag us into a new season of terror“.
M5S warn Mattarella about ‚dirty tricks‘
„What‘s needed is someone who takes the helm, keeps his back straight in the face in the many dirty tricks that this government will try to carry out and is a real defender of the Constitution and representative of national unity“.
Berlin says Mattarella will help reform
„You take on this important role at a time when your country and Europe face great challenges,“ Gauck said in a statement given to ANSA.
Panama kicks out ex-Colombian spy chief to face charges at home
Panama on Saturday expelled a former Colombian intelligence chief, Maria del Pilar Hurtado, to face charges at home of illegally intercepting phone calls from opposition Colombian lawmakers.
Greece, the US and the Neo-Liberal Coup
The rise of Syriza in Greece is a welcomed development if Mr. Tsipras and his colleagues understand what they are up against and act accordingly.
Half of Humanity Now Forms the ‘Resistance’
Because no matter how dark the night appears to be, no matter how hopeless the struggles seems to be, the world had changed in the last several years; and it had changed profoundly.
Griechenland half Deutschland – Deutschland trat Griechenland
„Nicht Teil des Schuldenabkommens von 1953 war die Frage der Reparationen für die von Nazi-Deutschland besetzten Länder.
Dazu zählten auch Verrechnungsschulden des Dritten Reiches, die laut Ritschl 100 Prozent der deutschen Wirtschaftsleistung des Jahres 1938 ausmachten. Diese Zahlungen sollten nach einer Wiedervereinigung in einem Friedensvertrag geregelt werden. Auch dies sollte sich als
Glücksfall für Deutschland erweisen. Denn die Reparationsfrage wurde im 2+4-Vertrag ausgelassen, die Ansprüche gelten daher als untergegangen.“
Tja, ist das nicht goldig? ‚Glücksfall‘ nennt es die FR. Normalerweise nennt man so etwas ‚ordinären Betrug‘. Nun, liebe Griechen, nehmt den Stift zur Hand und zieht einen dicken Strich durch eure Schulden an Deutschland. Man hat euch gezeigt, wie man das macht. Man vergisst die Schulden und dann „gelten sie als untergegangen“. Und lasst euch von dieser Bullenbeißeren in Berlin nicht ins Bockshorn jagen. Was dem einen recht ist, ist dem anderen billig. Was soll Berlin denn machen? Es kann ja versuchen, einem nackten Mann in die Tasche zu greifen. Oder soll es die Armee schicken? Das ist zweifelhaft, da die ja demnächst ihren Faschisten-Freunden in der Ukraine helfen muss und gegen die Russen antreten soll. Darauf muss sich die Bundeswehr gut vorbereiten und vor allem auch warm anziehen.
Ignoriert einfach das Gekeife aus Berlin, setzt euch die Kopfhörer auf und hört Theodorakis.
Lauter Zionisten
OFT FRAGEN mich Leute: “Sind Sie Zionist?”
Meine Standardantwort ist: “Es kommt darauf an, was Sie unter Zionismus verstehen.”
Das meine ich ganz ernst. Der Ausdruck Zionismus kann sehr Unterschiedliches bedeuten. Wie zum Beispiel auch der Ausdruck Sozialismus. François Hollande ist Sozialist. Auch Josef Stalin war Sozialist. Haben sie irgendeine Ähnlichkeit miteinander?
Solo cuando el pueblo lucha se consigue la victoria. Increible @ahorapodemos #EsAhora31E #MarchaDelCambio
„Yes we can, yes we can!“ Podemos supporters in Madrid‘s main square. #Podemos #MarchaDelCambio #EsAhora31E
Video: Huge Crowds Join Rally Backing Spain‘s Podemos Party
Tens of thousands of people have joined a march in support of Spain‘s anti-austerity Podemos party – which has been compared to Greece‘s recently-elected Syriza.
Shimon Peres fordert Netanjahu auf, seine USA-Reise abzusagen
Zwar könne Netanjahu eine Rede halten wann und wo er wolle, doch wenn er vom US-Präsidenten aufgefordert werde, vor den Wahlen in Israel nicht in die USA zu reisen, so müsse er dies respektieren.
Rani de Leon – Tizita Radio (01.12.15)
Rani de Leon is known for his signature blend of worldly sounds, jazz textures, and feel-good roots and soul vibes. Aside from DJing around town, he’s been the resident selector and curator of LA’s Soul in the Park, which brought various circles of LA together for 4 years. These days you might also catch him making short documentary films about people and places with Form follows Function or collaborating on site-specific experiences with Fieldwork.
I Know No Weekend by Ketev
`pushing the structures of industrial techno into ever slower, uncomfortably dank and dismal headspaces…juicing out briny sewer pulses and the most noxious ambient vapours. You may struggle to stay upright if dancing to this stuff, but please don‘t let that put you off.
Al-Qaradawi and Sayyid Qutb books banned
Ahmed Megahed, director of the General Egyptian Book Organisation, confirmed that Dar El-Shorouk withdrew the books from its wing.(…)
Dar El-Shorouk is the publisher of the works of Al-Qaradawi since many years. It also publishes the works of radical Islamist author and educator Sayyed Qutb, the former leader of the Muslim Brotherhood who was executed in 1966.
El-Shorouk did not release any statement on the matter and could not be reached for comment.
4 million books burned in Russian library fire
Russian Emergency services reported that one of Russia‘s largest academic libraries, which contains millions of unique historic documents, has gone up in flames in Moscow.(…)
Of the 14 million archived books and documents, 10 million were saved.
Investigations are continuing to determine what caused the disaster.
`Group-Thinking´ the World into a New War │ Robert Parry
Part of the problem, in both cases, has been that neocon propagandists understand that in the modern American media the personal is the political, that is, you don’t deal with the larger context of a dispute, you make it about some easily demonized figure.(…)
Many of those exact same people are still around holding down the same powerful jobs as if nothing horrible had happened in Iraq. Their pontifications still are featured on the most influential opinion pages in American journalism, with the New York Times’ Thomas L. Friedman a perfect example.
Though Friedman has been wrong again and again, he is still regarded as perhaps the preeminent foreign policy pundit in the U.S. media.(…)
In other words, as the United States rushes into a new Cold War with Russia, we are seeing the makings of a new McCarthyism, challenging the patriotism of anyone who doesn’t get into line. But this conformity of thought presents a serious threat to U.S. national security and even the future of the planet.(…)
In other words, there is another side of the Ukraine story, a darker reality that Friedman and the rest of the mainstream media don’t want you to know. They want to shut out alternative information and lead you into another conflict, much as they did in Iraq.(…)
But Friedman is wrong about why. Ukraine matters more because he and the other “group thinkers,” who turned Iraq into today’s slaughterhouse, are just as blind to the reality of the U.S. military confronting Russia over Ukraine, except in the Ukraine case, both sides have nuclear weapons.
British Army‘s new 77th Brigade will wage online PSYOP war with terrorists
The formation of the unit comes after online propaganda campaigns waged by jihadist group Islamic State (Isis), in which it boasts of its exploits to attract recruits over social media and intimidate citizens in areas it operates, and Russia, which has portrayed the conflict in east Ukraine as one waged by independent volunteers from Russia and Ukrainian forces.
Shale in Poland: Another One Bites the Dust
Chevron drilled five exploratory wells in Poland, however, the company’s efforts met with heavy resistance. For 400 days, farmers and their families from Zurawlow and nearby villages blockaded a drilling site with tractors and agricultural machinery. Eventually, the company abandoned its plans for the site.
The Tubes Live – What Do You Want From Life
Recorded live December 6th 2004
Vernichtende Kritiken nach skurriler Rede von Sarah Palin
Die Washington Post formulierte es so: „Die Kritiken waren vernichtend – und das sind jene von ihren Freunden“.
Gov. Sarah Palin • Iowa Freedom Summit • 1/24/15 •
This material is made available for educational, research, and news reporting purposes only.
Public support for PM Ewa Kopacz plummets
Public support for Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz plummeted in January, with more people disapproving than approving of her for the first time since she became premier, according to as survey by pollster TNS Polska.
Miners protest against destruction of coal mining in Ukraine
(29.1.) Social benefits such as miners‘ preferential taxation and free domestic fuel, have already been abolished, and a lower threshold for the pension taxation has been introduced. Some workers have not received their wages since August 2014. Wage arrears now amount to 600 million hryvnia (USD 38 million) and keep rising.
@RadioUtopie_de @ntvde Apropos Donbass. Stellt Euch mal vor, die Bayern werden unabhängig. Die haben doch in 2 Jahren Atomwaffen.
@ntvde Trau keinem unter 99? Es ist nicht mehr anno ´42. Und Griechenland ist nicht unser Donbass, Kollegen.
Krawallspiel mit Risiken: Athens Halbstarke lassen‘s gefährlich krachen
.. BBC-Filmreihe “The Trap“ ansehen. Findest du bei @RadioUtopie_de Der griech. Finanzminister hat auch ein Buch dazu geschrieben.
Game Theory
In recent years game theory has swept through all of the social sciences. Its practitioners have great designs for it, claiming that it offers an opportunity to unify the social sciences and that it it the natural foundation of a rational theory of society. Game Theory is for those who are intrigued but baffled by these claims, and daunted by the technical demands of most introductions to the subject. Requiring no more than simple arithmetic, the book: * Traces the origins of Game Theory and its In recent years game theory has swept through all of the social sciences.
Ist jetzt natürlich schwer zu ertragen für Helmkinder. Hehehe…
Hui,hui,hui..ob das mal alles „Patriotische Europäer“ sind..?
#Podemos #Spanien #31e
Spaniens Empörte läuten Countdown ein
(29.1.)`Ich will nicht, dass mein Land in ein zweites Griechenland wird, deshalb müssen wir gewinnen´, mahnt Iglesias. Er sieht seine “Podemos” als Teil eines künftigen Bündnisses der Regierunen im Süden Europas gegen das “Spardiktat” aus Berlin und Brüssel. “Syriza oder Merkel” beschrieb der Spanier den Urnengang in Griechenland, als er im Wahlkampf seinen Freund Alexis Tsipras besuchte. In Spanien gehe es ebenfalls um “Merkel oder Podemos”.(…)
Spaniens traditionellen Parteien sind sichtlich nervös. Sie haben alles versucht. Sie beschimpfen die neue Formation wahlweise als “veraltete Kommunisten”, “Bolivarianos”, “Freaks”, “Freunde der Terroristen von ETA”, als “verantwortungslose Träumer”. Sie warnen vor dem Chaos, vor einem Spanien, das aus dem Euro ausgeschlossen wird, stöbern in den Lebensläufen der führenden Mitglieder, um irgend etwas zu finden, was deren Popularität schaden könnte. Nichts funktioniert. Die Umfragewerte steigen stetig.
Impresionante respuesta a la convocatoria de Podemos. La Marcha del Cambio
En la Marcha de Podemos del #31e Habla Soumia. 20 años, est
Millon gente acude a Marcha de Podemos en Puerta del Sol Madrid INCREIBLE
Increíble!! Posiblemente entre 1 y 2 millones de personas acuden ahora en la Marcha de partido Podemos en Puerta del Sol en Madrid! Probably between 1 and 2 Million people are at meeting now at Madrid‘s square Puerta del Sol, asked from Podemos party! The biggest meeteng for at least 10 year in Madrid – maybe time to changes come new power
Podemos: Madrid‘s Puerta del Sol almost full. View from above.
RT @elespanolcom @93metros #31E
Großdemo von Podemos in Spanien
(30.1.) In Madrid findet morgen die erste Großkundgebung der neu gegründeten Partei Podemos statt, die Rückschlüsse auf den Rückhalt der Partei in der Bevölkerung geben dürfte.
Tens of thousand rally for Spain‘s Podemos before elections
Crowds chanted „yes we can“ and „tic tac tic tac“, suggesting the clock was ticking for the political elite. Many waved Greek and Republican flags and banners reading „the change is now“.
Syriza versus the Troika: the first week
A serious write-off of Greek debt holds out the prospect of turning the tide back on Europe’s own version of neoliberalism, right the way across the continent.(…)
As a result of these concerns, the QE that has been implemented is flawed, and itself contains the potential for the eurozone’s future break-up.(…)
But Europe’s Old Guard don’t want to budge on Greece, lest it any weakness now opens the floodgates in the future. The crisis is no longer strictly economic. It is now vey much political.(…)
Martin Wolf in the Financial Times, and The Economist have both come out broadly in favour of this approach, and Bank of England Governor Mark Carney’s intervention point in the same direction. Reports in the Greek press, meanwhile, suggest that Barack Obama phoned Tsipras earlier this week to inform the Greek PM that he, too, opposed excessive austerity.This programme, in other words, would see a reduction in Greece’s debt burden, but no immediate change to the demands for austerity and “structural reform”.(…)
Far better, then, to treat the need for “structural reform” as an opportunity to shift the Greek economy out of the hands of the bankers and oligarchs, and for the benefit of ordinary Greeks. That would mean, exactly as Syriza argue, both increases in the minimum wage, job creation, and restoring pensions, alongside tackling chronic evasion and graft by, in particular, Greece’s elite. Varoufakis has vowed to “destroy” the oligarchs, the ultra-rich families who dominate Greece’s economy, and, if he and Syriza are successful in bringing some order to the tax system, there can be a huge transfer of wealth and resources towards the rest of Greek society.
Sacconi quits as AP whip in Senate
Maurizio Sacconi on Saturday quit as Senate whip for the AP group, which brings together Interior Minister Angelino Alfano‘s New Centre Right (NCD) and the centrist UDC party, ANSA sources said.
Mattarella elected president of Italy
Sergio Mattarella was elected Italy‘s new president on Saturday.
Brüssel und Berlin haben ein Problem: Bürger haben 10x mehr Verständnis für Tsipras als für die Troika.
Es sind also nicht nur die Leser von, die ganz anders ticken als die deutsche Regierung und die Euro-Bürokratie. Berlin und Brüssel haben ein Problem mit dem Volk. Sie sollten sich ein neues Volk beschließen. Sicher werden sie einen Weg finden, das zu arrangieren, ohne die dafür eigentlich nötige Vertragsänderung.
Is There a `Triple Government´ at Work?
(4.Januar) While most institutions suffer from some form of dysfunction, it’s clear that both the Pentagon and the American intelligence community largely do what they’re told by POTUS. In the absence of overwhelming public sentiment, the President mainly attends to the needs of various corporate factions which have the ability to provide incentives to political leadership. These business interests transmit their mandates to the political class through a structural layer of intermediaries that surround the visible state, the “Deep State” first described by Peter Dale Scott.
Who Controls US Foreign Policy?
Was Realpolitik making a comeback and putting in question the End of History beliefs of the Neoconservatives, the key promoters of Idealism?(..)
It raises the question of who really is in control of U.S. foreign policy. Is it the silent minority who believe in an interest-based policy, or is it the voluble majority who insist that democratic, free market values must drive policy, that peaceful relations are only possible between states that the U.S. qualifies as democratic and that other regimes must be overthrown.
Reuters Now Claims It Is `Impossible to Verify´ Who Shelled Donetsk
Kiev said Friday‘s shelling of Donetsk was carried out by the rebels themselves to ruin the chance of peace talks. Both sides have made similar allegations throughout the conflict, which are impossible to verify.