Daily Archives: 28. Januar 2015

28.01.2015 - 21:44 [ Truthout ]

French Version of „The Daily Show“ Forces Fox Into a Triple Apology

„Le Petit Journal,“ A French comedy show akin to „The Daily Show,“ used facts and satire to force Fox News to apologize for three „errors“ the Murdoch network disseminated in its effort to whip up anti-Islamic hysteria through its „reporting.“

28.01.2015 - 20:55 [ RT ]

4 beheaded in Saudi Arabia less than a week into King Salman‘s rule

So far this year, 16 people have died from the justice sword in the kingdom, AFP reported. Last year, 87 people were put to death. The death penalty can be imposed for a wide range of violations, including murder, rape, and false prophecy. Blasphemy, adultery, witchcraft, and sorcery can also result in beheading with a sword, or more rarely in an execution by a firing squad, or even stoning.

28.01.2015 - 18:50 [ Democracy Now! ]

Howard Zinn (1922-2010): A Tribute to the Legendary Historian with Noam Chomsky, Alice Walker, Naomi Klein and Anthony Arnove

We pay tribute to the late historian, writer and activist Howard Zinn, who died suddenly on Wednesday of a heart attack at the age of eighty-seven. Howard Zinn’s classic work A People’s History of the United States changed the way we look at history in America. It has sold over a million copies and was recently made into a television special called The People Speak. We remember Howard Zinn in his own words, and we speak with those who knew him best: Noam Chomsky, Alice Walker, Naomi Klein and Anthony Arnove.

28.01.2015 - 18:46 [ Common Dreams ]

Five Years After: Long Live Howard Zinn

As Zinn told teachers in Houston: “No, the soldier who is sent to Iraq does not have the same interests as the president who sends him to Iraq. The person who works on the assembly line at General Motors does not have the same interest as the CEO of General Motors. No—we’re a country of divided interests, and it’s important for people to know that.”

28.01.2015 - 16:23 [ Snorre Schwarz / Youtube ]

Snorre Schwarz – Mit Dem Rücken Zur Wand

Produced, recorded and mixed by Oded K.dar (Eisenach Jerusalem)
@ Wunderfeld Studio, Wangelin
mastered @ amsterdammastering by darius van helfteren
filmed by „Klappkatze Production“, Neukölln
editing by Mario Ferraro

28.01.2015 - 14:42 [ the visitor ]

NEUE WEGE-NEUE RÄUME- Dea Loher on “the visitor”

„Die Wirklichkeit ist nicht nur so, wie wir sie vorfinden und nicht nur die, in die wir uns einzupassen haben, sondern wir schaffen sie durch unsere Imagination. Der Film gibt dem Zuschauer die Freiheit zurück, die in seiner Vorstellungskraft liegt.“

28.01.2015 - 14:34 [ Außenministerium der Russischen Föderation ]

Zum Auftakt der zwischensyrischen Gespräche in Moskau

Wir gehen davon aus, dass es unter Mitwirkung der Moderatorengruppe aus den russischen akademischen Kreisen mit dem Leiter des Orientalistik-Instituts der Russischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Witali Naumkin, an der Spitze, den Teilnehmern der zwischensyrischen Konsultationen in Moskau gelingen wird, eine gemeinsame Plattform zu erarbeiten. Auf deren Grundlage könnte entsprechend dem Genfer Kommuniqué vom 30. Juni 2012 ein inklusiver und relevanter Dialog zwischen der Regierung der Syrischen Arabischen Republik und der Opposition erreicht werden. Zum Dialog gehören die Beendigung des brudermörderischen Blutvergießens und der Leiden des syrischen Volkes, das Konsolidieren der Kräfte zum Widerstand gegen den Terrorismus und den Extremismus und zur schnellstmöglichen politischen Regelung aufgrund der Etablierung Syriens als einheitlicher, souveräner, säkularer und demokratischer Staat, in dem sich alle Bürger und ethnokonfessionellen Gruppen geschützt und wohl fühlen.

28.01.2015 - 14:32 [ Kreml ]

International Holocaust Remembrance Day


70 years ago, Soviet troops liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp where the Nazis slaughtered millions of people. By the decision of the United Nations Organisation this day, January 27, was declared International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The Holocaust – one of the deadliest crimes against humanity – has become a symbol of grief and pain, of unbridled cruelty and neglect for human life.

It is hard to imagine that real death factories, mass shootings and deportations were a reality of the 20th century, that they were organised in cold blood in what then seemed to be a civilised Europe. Yes, they were planned, organised in cold blood. We have now seen the exhibition that you have seen as well – this was a planned, deliberate operation to destroy people. Incredibly simple.

However, as history has shown wherever ideas of ethnic or racial supremacy are put into people’s heads and the seeds of inter-ethnic hatred are sown, wherever traditional human values are destroyed and trampled upon, civilisation is quickly and inevitably replaced with barbarity, while peace is replaced with cruel conflicts, war and aggression.

28.01.2015 - 14:24 [ Ajatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Oberhaupt der Islamischen Republik Iran ]

An alle jungen Menschen in Europa und Nordamerika!

Warum ist das internationale Machtsystem von heute bestrebt, das islamische Denken an den Rand und in die Passivität zu drängen? Welche Sinngebungen und Werte gibt es denn beim Islam, die dem Konzept der Großmächte in die Quere kommen, und welche Interessen werden durch die falsche Darstellung des Islams denn gedeckt? Meine erste Bitte lautet daher, dass ihr nach den Motiven dieser großangelegten Schwarzmalerei über den Islam forscht.

Meine zweite Bitte ist die, dass ihr gegenüber der Flut von Vorurteilen und Hetzpropaganda, versucht, euch direkt und unmittelbar mit dieser Religion vertraut zu machen. Der gesunde Verstand befiehlt, dass ihr zumindest wisst, wovor ihr flieht und euch fürchtet und von welcher Beschaffenheit es ist. Ich bestehe nicht darauf, dass ihr meine oder irgendeine andere Deutung des Islams akzeptiert. Ich sage nur: Lasst nicht zu, dass euch, ausgehend von böswilligen und schmutzigen Motive, diese lebendige und die heutige Welt beeinflussende Wahrheit präsentiert wird. Gestattet nicht, dass sie euch heuchlerisch die Terroristen, die sie selber angeheuert haben, als Repräsentanten des Islams vorstellen.

28.01.2015 - 13:41 [ EuroParl ]

Live: members to debate new EU-wide anti-terrorism measures

The strategy will identify measures to prevent radicalisation, step up the fight against terrorism financing, improve information sharing, and reduce the supply of illegal firearms. In a resolution passed by the Parliament in December 2014 MEPs said that the new Internal Security Strategy should be „easily adaptable to evolving situations“, with an EU-wide joint approach to tackle foreign fighters, cyber-security, human trafficking, organised crime, money laundering and corruption.

28.01.2015 - 13:17 [ Techdirt ]

EU‘s ‚Counter-Terrorism Co-ordinator‘ Finally Says It: Force Internet Companies To Hand Over Their Crypto Keys

Although calls to ban or backdoor encryption have been made in the past, David Cameron‘s rather vague threats against crypto clearly mark the start of a new, concerted campaign to weaken online privacy. Thanks to a leaked paper, written by the EU Counter-Terrorism Co-ordinator and obtained by Statewatch, we now have a clear statement of what the European authorities really want here (pdf):

28.01.2015 - 12:54 [ Netzpolitik ]

Leak: EU-Kommission macht neuen Vorschlag für anlasslose Vorratsdatenspeicherung aller Fluggastdaten für fünf Jahre

Das EU-Parlament hatte dieses Vorhaben bisher abgelehnt, nach dem Urteil zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung darf es keine neuen anlasslosen Datensammlungen geben.

Wie bereits gestern angekündigt, verstärkt die EU-Kommission den politischen Druck, die eine EU-weite Vorratsdatenspeicherung von Reisedaten auszubaue

28.01.2015 - 12:49 [ Techdirt ]

France Announces Plans To Hold The Internet Responsible For Terrorism

And on it goes. In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, much of the world rallied around a French magazine‘s free speech right to publish controversial text and images concerning Islam, a major world religion. Since that solidarity was expressed, France has strategically sought to undermine its own support of free expression through some of the most arcane law enforcement actions concerning speech to date. From arresting comedians, to threats against news organizations, all the way to stepping into the muck with a bunch of racist idiots, France has shown that it‘s not a country that defends free and open speech — but rather one that only defends the speech with which it agrees. But if any of that troubled you, you may be disappointed to learn that it was only the precursor to a full on attack on free speech on the internet.

28.01.2015 - 12:28 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Greece’s new coalition tasks: Cabinet, new Parliament, Vote of Confidence, Presidential Election

After the failure of the first three rounds of Presidential voting in December 2014, the next three rounds of voting that lay ahead require:

First round: 180 votes

Second round: simple majority, i.e. 151 votes

Third round: relative majority based on the number of present MPs

There is an interval of five days between the voting rounds.

Practically, SYRIZA-IndepGreeks coalition can elect their candidate on the second round.

28.01.2015 - 12:17 [ Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen ]

Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for the period from 4 September to 19 November 2014

(1.12.2014) On 27 October, position 80 observed two IDF soldiers east of the technical fence returning from the direction of the Alpha line towards the technical fence. UNDOF observed IDF opening the technical fence gate and letting two individuals pass from the Bravo to the Alpha side. Following the evacuation of UNDOF personnel from position 85 on 28 August, UNDOF sporadically observed armed members of the opposition interacting with IDF across the ceasefire line in the vicinity of United Nations position 85.

28.01.2015 - 12:13 [ Vice ]

New Evidence Suggests Israel Is Helping Syrian Rebels in the Golan Heights

(7.12.2014) In his report delivered this week, Ban reported that after the evacuation, UNDOF personnel „sporadically observed armed members of the opposition interacting with IDF across the ceasefire line.“

Ban also reported that during the UN‘s retreat, peacekeepers were unable to secure all of their „assets and equipment.“ Left behind, those materials likely fell into the hands of the al Nusra fighters that control parts of the disengagement zone.

28.01.2015 - 12:09 [ Tachles.ch ]

Israels Kontakte zu syrischen Rebellen

(8.12.2014) Das berichtet die Uno in einem Bericht an die 15 Mitglieder des Sicherheitsrates. Einzelheiten dieses Berichts fanden am Sonntag Eingang in die Zeitung «Haaretz». Dem Bericht zufolge kommt es der Waffenstillstandslinie auf dem Golan zu regelmässigen Kontakten zwischen IDF-Offizieren und Soldaten bewaffneten syrischen Figuren.

28.01.2015 - 11:38 [ Boddinale 2015 ]

Programm 9. Februar

Jerusalem for Cowards _60´
The filmmakers Dalia Castel and Orit Nahmias are part of the about 25.000 Israelis who have settled down in Berlin during the last years.

28.01.2015 - 11:10 [ Arab News ]

Berlin’s ‘Jewish renaissance’

(10.1.) Who could have foreseen that Berlin in 2015 would be home to a community of Israeli Jewish expatriates who prefer Germany to Israel? It is an extraordinary turn of events that there is a fast growing Jewish presence in the capital of the European country that has held grisly associations for Jewish people.

28.01.2015 - 11:06 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Former Obama aide’s thinktank calls for 1/4 of French Jews to move to Israel

Dennis Ross worked for President Obama on Middle East policy (and for a number of other presidents). He was in the administration because he is beloved by Israel supporters. Now Ross is co-chair of the board of the Jewish People Policy Institute, a Zionist organization based in Jerusalem and founded by the Jewish Agency.

The Times of Israel reports that JPPI has “composed a plan to facilitate immigration” of a quarter of all French Jews to Israel in the next five years.

28.01.2015 - 11:05 [ Dennis Ross, Eric Edelman, Ray Takeyh / Politico ]

Time to Take It to Iran

(23.1.) The nuclear negotiations between the United States and Iran appear stalemated. Meanwhile Iran is on the march in the Middle East with its forces supporting the coup in Yemen, buttressing the Assad war-machine in Syria, mediating between factions in Iraq, and plotting with Hezbollah operatives on the periphery of Israel.

28.01.2015 - 01:59 [ Revolution News! ]

Geopolitical Gaslighting, Propaganda & Disinformation

(25.1.) He also cites instances of smear tactics and negative campaign ads as contributing factors to gaslighting. Even though we (the general public) may feel we are intelligent enough to recognize character assassinations as manipulative – they still have devastating consequences for their victims and lasting subliminal effects on our attitudes towards their targets.(…)
Overcoming state censorship is key in undermining gaslighting efforts. Recognizing when narratives are being manipulated in the media is also important. Perhaps most important is understanding that the truth in all news events is always much more complicated than the simple narratives that are broadcast on the evening news.

28.01.2015 - 01:18 [ World Bulletin ]

U.N. runs out of money to repair Gaza war-damaged homes

`It is unclear why this funding has not been forthcoming,´ Turner said, without identifying where the shortfall was coming from. „While some funds remain available to begin the reconstruction of totally destroyed homes, the agency has exhausted all funding to support repairs and rental subsidies.“

28.01.2015 - 01:07 [ Vessel Finder ]

26 Year Imprisonment for Francesco Schettino sought by prosecutor

In the process of gathering proof at the trial in the vicinity of Grosetto, Prosecutor Maria Navarro stated the captain should be sentenced to 14 years for manslaughter and producing damages, 9 years for producing a shipwreck, 3 years for leaving the ship and an additional three months for giving wrong attestations. The trial was anticipated to proceed to jury next month.
According to the prosecutor, the accused should be put to jail straight away because of the chance he would attempt to escape from the country. In Italy most of the accused were left free awaiting appeals trials.

28.01.2015 - 00:41 [ Tasnim ]

Iranian Parliament Preparing Plan against Possible Sanctions

Following the interim nuclear, two deadlines for a final, comprehensive deal have been missed, and now a third one is looming on July 1.
However, the US imposed several sanctions on many Iranian nationals and companies afterwards, accusing them of violating previous anti-Iran sanctions.(…)
On Sunday, senior Iranian lawmaker Mohammad Hassan Asafari said the parliament will push for a bill obliging the administration to enrich uranium to 60 percent purity level with the new generation of centrifuge machines if Tehran is slapped with fresh sanction.