Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas reviews honor guards with Japan‘s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (C) upon Abe‘s arrival in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Jan. 20, 2015.
Daily Archives: 21. Januar 2015
China renews calls for Japan to reflect upon its aggression history
China on Wednesday renewed its call for Japan to profoundly reflect upon its aggression history in World War II, and earnestly carry out its promise of peaceful development. The call came as Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, while on a tour to the Middle East, paid a visit Monday to Yad Vashem, a memorial in Jerusalem for the victims of the Holocaust.
U.S. company to make AK-47s after sanctions on Russia
It‘s unclear if RWC‘s existing contract with the Russian company allows for it to manufacture the firearm under the Kalashnikov name.
Kalashnikov has reportedly worked to assert its presence in new markets in Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa after being shut out of the U.S. market.
What You Can Learn from Oakland‘s Raw ALPR Data
Police cars mounted with automatic license plate readers (ALPRs) wind their way through the streets of Oakland like a “Snake” game on an old cell phone. Instead of eating up pixels of food, these cameras gobble down thousands of license plates each day. And instead of growing a longer tail, ALPRs feed into a giant database of locational data as they conduct surveillance on every driver within the city limits, and sometimes beyond.
Rewriting history? Polish FM says Ukrainians liberated Auschwitz, Russia puzzled
UK-based journalist and writer Neil Clark told RT that today, history is being rewritten for political purposes.
‚A social obscenity‘: 28 percent of Ireland’s population living in ‘enforced deprivation’
On Tuesday, during a visit to Ireland, IMF chief Christine Lagarde said the Irish populace were “heros.”
Her assessment related to Ireland’s supposed economic recovery, following a gruelling 4-year TROIKA bailout.
The IMF-EUstructural readjustment program shredded Ireland’s social fabric, and sparked the highest levels of emigration the state has seen since its Great Famine (1845-1852).
Neue Studi-Wohnungen zu Wuchermieten
13 Euro, plus Nebenkosten, plus Provision, plus Tiefgarage…
BPA plastics chemical poses no health risk, says European watchdog
The chemical bisphenol A, used to stiffen some plastic food containers, poses no health risk to consumers of any age, including unborn children, at current levels of exposure, Europe‘s food safety watchdog said on Wednesday.
Some studies have suggested possible links to everything from cancer to heart disease to infertility to kidney and liver problems, prompting European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to re-evaluate the potential risks of BPA.
Study warns bisphenol A plastic substitutes may impair testicle development
Two substitutes for bisphenol A, a plastic ingredient banned in some countries over health fears, are also a source of concern, French researchers warned Thursday.
The chemical compounds bisphenol F and S may impair testicle development in foetuses, the team wrote in the journal Fertility and Sterility.
Urteil im Prozess wegen Massakers an Botschaft in Guatemala
Die Richterin Jeanette Valdés erklärte bei der Urteilsverkündung: „Dieses Urteil wird zum Wasser, welches das Feuer der lange sich hinziehenden Gerechtigkeitssuche der Familien der Opfer löscht. Und wir hoffen, dass dieser Akt der Gerechtigkeit, der heute gesprochen wird, zum Präzedenzfall für alle Beamten wird, ihr Verhalten an den Gesetzesrahmen anzupassen, die Menschenrechte, das Leben und die Menschenwürde zu respektieren.“
Thai workers being abused in Israel: HRW
The Human Rights Watch (HRW) says Thai laborers employed in Israeli farms are being abused in a series of highly unfavorable working conditions.
Äthiopien: Weltbank brach eigene Regeln
Es besteht eine Verbindung zwischen der Zwangsumsiedlung von indigenen Menschen in Äthiopien und der Weltbank. Das hat eine interne Untersuchung der Institution ergeben, dessen vorläufiger Bericht an Medien durchgesickert ist. Es geht um eine Gesundheits- und Bildungsinitiative, in die in den vergangenen zehn Jahren fast zwei Milliarden Dollar investiert wurde. Aus diesem Topf sollen Regionalregierungen, aber auch die Gehälter von Beamten bezahlt worden sein, die indigene Anuak mit Gewalt umgesiedelt hatten.
Generalstreik der arabischen Israelis nach tödlichem Polizei-Einsatz
(20.1.2015) In Israel haben führende Vertreter der rund 1,7 Millionen arabischen Staatsbürger für Dienstag einen landesweiten Generalstreik ausgerufen. Der Protest richtet sich gegen Einsätze der Polizei, bei denen in den vergangenen Tagen zwei Beduinen getötet wurden.
Atlas V bringt Marine-Comsat MUOS 3 ins All
General Dynamics, ein US-amerikanisches Unternehmen, das Aufgaben im Bereich des MUOS-Bodensegments zu erledigen hat, berichtete im Jahre 2013, die MUOS-Konstellation übertreffe die UFO-Konstellation in ihrer Gesamtkapazität um das sechszehnfache.
Israeli military vessel shoots at Palestinian boats, wounds fishermen
The Israeli vessel fired at the Palestinian boats sailing off the northern Gaza coast on Wednesday.
„ Haben Texacos Umweltverschmutzungen in Ecuador ein Menschlichkeitsverbrechens verursacht ? “
Am 23.10.2014 haben Indigene aus Ecuador gegen John Watson, den Generaldirektor des Erdölkonzerns Chevron-Texaco, Anzeige beim Internationalen Strafgerichtshof (IStGH) in Den Haag eingereicht wegen vermutetem Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit (Art. 7 Römisches Statut). Es geht vor allem um Gesundheitsschäden, welche die Anzeigeerstatter durch Texacos Erdölkontaminationen in Ecuador verursacht se
Perioden des „Anti-Terror-Kriegs“
Das gestern in rund 20 Ländern weltweit veröffentlichte „Guantanamo-Tagebuch“ des Folterhäftlings Mohamedou Ould Slahi wirft zu Beginn einer neuen Periode des „Anti-Terror-Kriegs“ ein Schlaglicht auf die Verbrechen des Westens in dessen erster Phase. Ould Slahi beschreibt in dem Werk, das er schon 2005 verfasste, das aber erst jetzt und nur in erheblich zensierter Form publiziert werden darf, wie er im US-Lager Guantanamo misshandelt und gefoltert wurde.
Mixtape #14: AMERIKKKA // This is the American Dream, Kongfuzi Way!
L‘Amérique je veux l‘avoir et je l‘aurai. Ha ça, tu l‘as voulue tu l‘as eue ! Disney ayant décidé de fermer Lucasfilms, Kongfuzi a décidé de réagir contre l‘impérialisme américain. Au menu (forcément junk et gras) nos meilleurs artistes burger, ceux qui empêchent la planche à billets verts de tourner en rond et les outsiders les plus acérés de l‘Empire !
„Das sind gute Nachrichten, Leute!“
Er blickt kurz auf die vergangenen 15 Jahre zurück, den 11. September, die Kriege in Afghanistan und im Irak, die Wirtschaftskrise. Und kündigt dann an, dieses Kapitel sei nun abgeschlossen, denn „der Schatten der Krise ist vorbeigezogen, die Nation ist stark“. Es sei nun an den Vereinigten Staaten zu entscheiden, wer man die nächsten 15 Jahre sein möchte.
President Obama‘s 2015 State of the Union Address
President Barack Obama delivers his sixth State of the Union address, at the United States Capitol, January 20, 2015.
Remarks by the President in State of the Union Address | January 20, 2015
THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Americans:
We are 15 years into this new century. Fifteen years that dawned with terror touching our shores; that unfolded with a new generation fighting two long and costly wars; that saw a vicious recession spread across our nation and the world. It has been, and still is, a hard time for many.
Unemployment on the rise over next five years as inequality persists
The report says income inequality will continue to widen, with the richest 10 per cent earning 30 to 40 per cent of total income while the poorest 10 per cent will earn between 2 and 7 per cent of total income.
These trends have undermined trust in governments and kept the risk of social unrest high, the report warns. Social unrest is particularly acute in countries and regions where youth unemployment is high or rising rapidly.
Obama vows to veto ‘any new sanctions’ on Iran
„New sanctions passed by this Congress, at this moment in time, will all but guarantee that diplomacy fails — alienating America from its allies, and ensuring that Iran starts up its nuclear program again,“ the president warned lawmakers.
„It doesn’t make sense,“ he continued. „That is why I will veto any new sanctions bill that threatens to undo this progress. The American people expect us to only go to war as a last resort, and I intend to stay true to that wisdom.“
Congress Confused About Who Will Write The Authorization For The Military Operation Against ISIS
President Obama called on Congress to “a resolution to authorize the use of force against” ISIS in his State of the Union address — but what that will look like or even who will write the new authorization remains a mystery to most lawmakers.
Following the president’s speech, lawmakers from both parties expressed disappointment and confusion that President Obama did not say Tuesday that his administration will take the lead on language approving the U.S. military mission.
Obama Wants ISIS War Authorization But Won‘t Say If He‘ll Send Language To Congress
President Barack Obama used his State of the Union address on Tuesday night to urge Congress to pass legislation authorizing the ongoing war against Islamic State militants.
But the president gave no signs that he would start that process by sending Congress draft language for an Authorization for the Use of Military Force — something lawmakers have been waiting for him to do for months. To the contrary, White House officials signaled earlier in the day that Obama might not send language at all.
Obama calls for major new personalized medicine initiative
The sequencing of individual genomes, read-outs of a person‘s complete genetic information, could speed scientific research and help drug companies and physicians tailor medicines to an individual‘s genetic profile.
Attacking financial reform is risky and wrong. Better for Congress to focus on jobs and wages for middle class families.
FBI Defuses Another Of Its Own Terrorist Plots; John Boehner Pretends It‘s Evidence That We Need To Renew The PATRIOT Act
But with continued pressure from „FBI informants“ (who tend to either by paid by the FBI or are trying to reduce punishment for other crimes they‘ve been charged with — or both), eventually these men agree to take part in a „plot“ that was entirely designed by the FBI and had no chance of ever happening. We‘ve written about similar occurrences over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
It looks like this one is more of the same. As The Intercept reports:(…)
Obama Is Finally Having the Reagan Moment He Dreamed About for Years
If Democrats controlled Congress, Congress wouldn‘t have treated Obama‘s address like a dead letter and Obama might have tailored it more narrowly, careful not to ask for more than Congress could plausibly deliver. But Democrats don’t control Congress, and won’t control it again until Obama is no longer president. Under the circumstances, it stands to reason that when Obama proposes progressive policies like these, he’s playing a longer game
Chile schafft Wahlrecht aus Pinochet-Ära ab
Präsidentin Michelle Bachelet kündigte für dieses Jahr außerdem eine Reform der Verfassung an, die ebenfalls noch aus Zeiten der Diktatur
Bundesheer: Freundschaftsdienst für Saudi-Arabien
Im vergangen April empfing das österreichische Bundesheer fünf Offiziere aus Saudi-Arabien. Die Gäste aus dem Nahen Osten sollten eine Einweisung in das Führungsinformationssystem Phoenix C2IS und eine praktische Vorführung des Programms erhalten. Der Grund des saudischen Interesses: Saudi-Arabien möchte ein ähnliches Software-Paket kaufen und stand laut einem Bundesheer-Bericht deshalb „in Verhandlungen mit der deutschen Firma Rheinmetall, die gemeinsam mit der österreichischen Firma Frequentis ein derartiges System entwickelt“.
Spliff – Computer sind doof (live 1982)
Houthi leader says no one, including president, is above any measures
In a speech broadcast live on television, Houthi also urged Hadi not to listen to foreign advice, which he said would result in dividing Yemen into six regions with devolved powers.
„This move is serious and we are determined and will not hesitate to impose any necessary measures to implement the peace and partnership agreement,“ Houthi said.
Australia‘s asylum seekers say hunger strike goes on
Refugee advocate Sally Thompson told Fairfax Media that armed guards stormed the Delta compound to search for protest ringleaders. „There are quite a lot of injuries among the asylum seekers,“ she said.(…)
The Australian government has banned media access to the center, making it difficult to verify reports
Houthi leader sets 4 conditions to end Yemen crisis
`There is conspiracy against Yemen and its people that is led by forces targeting the entire region,´ al-Houthi said in a televised speech.
„Yemen in on the verge on political, security and economic collapse,“ al-Houthi said. „Yemeni leadership is mired in corruption.“
Dutch UN attack helicopters strike Mali rebels in north
Dutch United Nations attack helicopters carried out air strikes on Tuareg rebel forces in northern Mali, the first such engagement by Dutch forces serving in the U.N. mission in Mali.
Saudi Arabia: Problems of Succession
Many fear that the next generation of Saudi princes, who have been educated in the West, differ in mentality from the older generation and could instigate conflicts amongst the various branches of the royal family in a struggle for power. In the region’s current situation, this risks the serious destabilization of the country’s political situation.
Russia and Iran sign defense deal, `may resolve´ S300 missile delivery issue
`The two countries have decided to settle the S300 issue,´ Iran‘s Defense Ministry said, as cited by the Interfax news agency. No further details have been provided.
War and the Dollar by Valentin Katasonov
World War III will be fundamentally different than anything the world has ever seen. It will begin without an official proclamation. And although we remain unaware until the end, this war has most likely already begun. It will include the use of mercenaries (private military contractors), reliance on support from a fifth column within certain countries, the active use of «Maidan» technology, the involvement of the Washington-controlled media, the proclamation of economic sanctions, etc. This undeclared war is being waged under the guise of a war against terrorism, «radical Islam», «Russian aggression», violations of human rights, etc. etc.
Shostakovich: Symphony No.7 in C major – Mravinsky / Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra
Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra
Yevgeny Mravinsky, conductor
Mixtape KONGFUZI #33: Prisoner Of Hope
„A tape for the heart, through dark ages“
Looks like dark ages are on us, times of violence and death alongside a global and neverending crisis. This tape has been started before the terrorist attack in Paris and the incredible popular gatherings that followed here and there. Hope it‘ll bring some light and warmth to your hearts. So here is our „Prisoner of Hope“ tape, a little contemplative and beautiful selection to hold the course of time a second and think about our loved ones and our future for this new year. So happy new year to all, may it be peaceful.