A broad alliance of farmers, ethical consumers, and anti-capitalist activists staged a march through Berlin that numbered up to 50,000, to denounce the proposed TTIP treaty between the US and EU, and mass farming technologies.
Daily Archives: 17. Januar 2015
Wer glaubt, er habe keine schmutzigen Abgründe, dem sage ich mit innerer Sicherheit: IHR SEID ALLES POTENTIELLE MINISTER!
Greece‘s Syriza party widens lead over conservatives: poll
The survey, conducted on Jan. 13-15, showed that Syriza, which is running on a pledge to end austerity policies and renegotiate the country‘s debt, would win 31.2 percent of the vote if the election was held now, versus 28.1 percent for Prime Minister Antonis Samaras‘ New Democracy conservatives.
1,000 paratroopers to deploy to Iraq
There are about 1,600 troops in Iraq now, including the 1st Infantry Division headquarters.
Merkel under intense domestic pressure over anti-Russia policy: Expert
“Obviously, the key country is Germany. Chancellor Merkel at this point is still standing more or less with London and Washington, but she is under a lot of domestic pressure as well,” he added.
Lebanon hails ICC bid to probe Israeli war crimes
An official statement released by the Lebanese Foreign Ministry on Saturday expressed optimism that the move would lead to “the prosecution of Israeli officials for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.”
Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil had urged the ICC last year to initiate a probe into the war crimes committed by the Israeli regime forces during their July-August 2014 war on Gaza.
Swedish FM Wallström Blames Israel for Over-reacting to Recognition of Palestine, Cancelled Visit
Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström said that Israel is over-reacting to the recognition of Palestine and that Israel’s rhetoric directed against those States who recognized Palestine had crossed all limits. Wallström cancelled a scheduled visit to Tel Aviv earlier this week citing “scheduling problems”.
Watch: US racial justice activists rally for Palestine in Nazareth
A group of activists for racial justice from communities of color in the United States have released a video filmed in Nazareth in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle against Israeli „apartheid.“
Denied visa by Israel, UN rights expert cancels visit to Palestine
The UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes, and consequences, Rashida Manjoo, had been invited on a fact-finding mission by the Palestinian Authority to „obtain first-hand understanding of issues related to violence against women“ from Jan. 19-29, 2015.
Obama und Cameron einigen sich auf Fortsetzung der Sanktionen gegen Russland
Die Sanktionen riskieren, zu einer Auseinandersetzung in der Europäischen Union zu führen, nachdem sowohl Deutschland als auch Frankreich sich vor kurzem für ein Ende der Sanktionen ausgesprochen haben und der deutsche Vizekanzler den Befürwortern von Sanktionen vorwarf, ohne guten Grund Sanktionen zu fordern.
Edathy-Affäre: Weitere Genossen sollen frühzeitig informiert gewesen sein
In geheimer Runde offenbarte der SPD-Politiker die Namen von fünf Personen, die seiner Darstellung zufolge schon im Spätherbst 2013 von den drohenden Ermittlungen gegen ihn wegen des Besitzes von Kinderpornografie wussten.
Der Verfall der saudi-arabischen Monarchie: Comeback der antiken Grenzwälle
Staatsgebilde, die sich durch Schutzwälle vor äusseren Einflüssen abschotten, sind ein Anachronismus und von Auflösung gekennzeichnet.
Für Freunde des gepflegten Eiertanzes und Genießer von hilflosem Herumgestammel liefert Tilo Jung Nachschub.
Er fragt in der Bundespressekonferenz u.a., ob wir jetzt den Blasphemie-Paragraphen abschaffen, ob die „Gefährder“ eigentlich alle Muslime sind, was eigentlich ein Phänomenbereich ist, und ob die Bundesregierung auch gerne Ende-zu-Ende-Krypto abschaffen würde.
Greek media: All four Greek systemic banks ask for ELA funding
A third bank, Piraeus Bank, requested for Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) on Friday, after the Eurobank and Alpha bank, Greek media report on Saturday. Citing sources from the banking sector, Greek media report that all four systemic Greek banks have submitted requests for ELA funding from the Europeran Central Bank, either on their own initiative or on the initiative of the Bank of Greece.
Fitch revised Greece’s outlook to negative, due to Syriza?
Huh? I was told that Greece’s economy was recovering. Everybody has been saying that: the Greek coalition government, our Troika lenders, our EU partners, even our German ones. Apparently Greece’s recovery has been very fragile, a “giant” on shaking feet, a card-house built on sand that would be a risk to collapse, should a left-wing party win the upcoming elections. Therefore, ratings agency Fitch revised Greece’s outlook to negative.
SYRIZA candidate claims: “We’ll print €100 billion, if ECB stops funds”
“The emergency ELA will be activated and we can print at the Bank of Greece up to 100 billion euro.”
Asked if this the position of SYRIZA, Makri claimed “this is what we will do, it is provided by the eurozone Treaty”.
Russland hat keinen Bock mehr, dass bei Erdgasdurchleitungen durch die Ukraine immer die Hälfte auf der Strecke „verloren geht“ und will dann halt jetzt nicht mehr durch die Ukraine Gas verkaufen.
There is no pride for Jews in the state of Israel
As an American Jew, I, likely similar to most non-Israeli Jews, reacted with scorn upon hearing Netanyahu’s exhortation that Jews will always feel ashamed of their identity outside of their “natural homeland.”
‘It’s the political problem Black bodies pose for the US state and Palestinian bodies pose for the Israeli state‘: NYC panel looks at militarized policing in the US and Israel
The New York chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace and the Weaving the Fabric of Diversity at the First Unitarian Congregational Society Brooklyn co-hosted a panel last night with Dr. Robyn Spencer, an assistant professor of history at Lehman College and curator of the Black on Palestine website, and Linda Sarsour, a Palestinian American activist and the director of the Arab American Association of New York, on the connections of militarized policing between the US and Israel. The panel was held one day after a press conference hosted by a coalition of over fifty groups, including JVP, in opposition to the New York City Council’s upcoming delegation to Israel and the US-Israel military/police relationship.
Azerbaijani Armed Forces reps to take part in military drills in Turkey
Representatives of Azerbaijani Armed Forces will participate in bilateral and multilateral joint military drills with the participation of representatives of the Armed Forces of Turkey, Russia and Kazakhstan in 2015, said the message of the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry Jan.16.
Georgia to participate in EU advisers mission in Ukraine
Georgia will join the EU advisers mission in Ukraine, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia Tamar Beruchashvili said Jan.16 at a lecture at the Ilia State University.
Renzi warns PD it will take blame for presidential failure
Premier Matteo Renzi told a meeting of his centre-left Democratic Party (PD) that it will take the blame if the upcoming vote for a new president results in a stalemate like the one that led to Giorgio Napolitano‘s re-election in 2013.
World’s largest oil service company cuts 9,000 jobs on low oil prices
The world’s largest oil service company Schlumberger will cut 9,000 jobs in response to lower oil prices and a reduction in anticipated exploration and production by oil companies, a representative from the company told Sputnik Thursday.
Jean-Pierre Gorges, French Parliament‘s Lone Voice for Peace
I know little to nothing about Jean-Pierre Gorges, other than that he is a member of the French National Assembly and that he alone, out of 502 lawmakers, voted against expanding France‘s participation in the US-led war against Islamic State militants.
Who gets paid without working? Our esteemed Greek MPs….
Three hundred members of the Greek Parliament received their January salary despite the fact that the Parliament was formally closed on December 31st due to proclaimed elections on January 25th. Three hundred MPs saw their parliamentary allowance of 5,500 euro net (€7,000 gross) being credited in their bank accounts, despite the fact that they will not work throughout January and some of them they will not manage to enter the Parliament ever again.
Musicians Union Threatens To Expel Composer If He Doesn‘t Pay Fine For Unapproved Videogame Work
Last summer, the American Federation of Musicians hit videogame composer Austin Wintory (Monaco, Journey) with a $50,000 fine for working on The Banner Saga in violation of its (nonexistent) game music contract. Thanks to the union‘s own stubbornness and greed, none of its members were allowed to compose music for videogames. A contract put together in 2012 without the input of AFM‘s members was so skewed towards the union that no videogame producers were willing to agree to it. (It wasn‘t until 2014 that Microsoft agreed to the terms of AFM‘s revamped contract. It remains the sole company to do so.)
Bookies see Prodi as next president
Foreign bookies are busy taking bets on who is to be the next president of Italy after Giorgio Napolitano stepped down Wednesday, sources said Thursday.
Napolitano goes to work at Senate office
Giorgio Napolitano went to work at his office in the Senate on Thursday, the day after he resigned as Italian president, the Upper House‘s press office said in a statement.
Lawsuit Says Caltech Provost And Others Ignored Israeli Spying
The lawsuit is by a distinguished physicist named Dr. Sandra Troian, who was recruited from Princeton, has won numerous scientific awards, and serves on national and international scientific boards. In her suit Dr. Troian says that an Israeli postdoctoral student blatantly violated US laws and transmitted information on potential space technology to Israel.
Interview mit dem Online-Journalist Daniel Neun
Wohin kanalisieren die Europäer die aktuellen Entwicklungen (Attentate, Bewegungen, Außenpolitik usw.) in der Welt? Welche Rolle hat Deutschland in dem Weltkrieg, der schon längst begonnen hat? Auf welche weise wird die Kontrolle über die Menschen übernommen? Was erwartet uns in der nächsten Jahrzehnten? Diese und andere Themen besprechen wir mit dem freien Online-Journalist Daniel Neun.
Arab states endorse new Palestinian move at U.N. Security Council
A committee including Jordan will be formed to make consultations to mobilize international support for the -reintroduction of a new resolution, Arab foreign ministers said in a statement after their extraordinary meeting in Cairo.
The resolution will call for an end to the Israeli occupation and the completion of a final settlement, it said.
ICC opens war crimes inquiry into Israel over Gaza war as Palestinians prepare another UN resolution
The Palestinians did have an offer from France and the United Kingdom to allow them to submit a resolution on their behalf, which was widely regarded as having a better chance of success at the Security Council. Yet they are again looking to Jordan, the Arab partner on the Security Council, to submit their resolution. Khatib said the new draft will not have any substantive changes. Right now the leaders are discussing with the Arab league ways to “strengthen the language” and close “loopholes,” he added.
UN failing to show leadership over Israel/Palestine, NZ says
NZ‘s representative has lashed out, saying the council has failed to show leadership and is abdicating its responsibilities.
Spokesman Jim McLay told 20 member states in New York that the council needs to do much more over the conflict that has lasted more than 60 years.
He said a two-state solution is the most realistic – an independent state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel.
Israel extremely aggressive towards Palestinians – Sweden’s FM
Wallstrom underlined that a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict should be implemented „while it is still possible“, adding: “I am for Israel, I am for Palestine“.
Swedish FM says Israel irritating allies over Palestine recognition
„It is unacceptable how they have been talking about us and everybody else,“ Margot Wallstrom said in an interview in daily Dagens Nyheter. „It has irritated not only us, but the Americans and everyone who has anything to do with them right now.“
The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, opens a preliminary examination of the situation in Palestine
Today, Friday, 16 January 2015, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Mrs. Fatou Bensouda, opened a preliminary examination into the situation in Palestine.
The Prosecutor‘s decision follows the Government of Palestine‘s accession to the Rome Statute on 2 January 2015 and its declaration of 1 January 2015, lodged under article 12(3) of the Rome Statute – the Court‘s founding treaty – accepting the jurisdiction of the ICC over alleged crimes committed „in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, since June 13, 2014.“
Prosecutors dismissed for investigating MİT truck en route to Syria
On Wednesday the Adana 5th Criminal Court of Peace, which operate without jurisdiction, ordered a ban on any visual and written publication or distribution on the investigation after an anonymous source disclosed proceedings of the search and seize of the trucks, adding validity in the claim that there were weapons on the trucks, whilst disclosing the names of the MİT officials.
Das türkische Militär sagt, der türkische Geheimdienst habe Waffen an Al-Kaida geliefert.
Die Reaktion der türkischen Regierung ist wie so häufig Zensur.
Pentagon to deploy 400 troops to train Syrian rebels
Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have offered to host the training.
Warren did not offer additional details on the troop figures, first reported by Defense One website.
Obama, Cameron vow to take on ‚poisonous ideology‘ of radical Islam
U.S. President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron vowed on Friday to take on „the poisonous ideology“ of Islamic extremists and said intelligence agencies must be allowed to track militants online despite privacy concerns.
EU Consultation On Corporate Sovereignty In TAFTA/TTIP Shows 145,000 Against It; European Commission Carries On Anyway
In other words, the Commission clearly implies, those 145,000 replies were more or less cheating, because they used „pre-defined answers“ to make things easier, and thus shouldn‘t really be treated as seriously as individual and unique contributions that required many days work by highly-paid lobbyists.
Verfassungsschutz bekämpft Mittelalter mit Pranger
Der Verfassungsschutz möchte hier offenbar zeigen, wie akribisch er im Zeitgeist arbeiten kann. Dass ihm nichts entgeht und dass er wohl weiß, wo das Mittelalter aufhört und die Neuzeit anfängt. Und was hätte er auch tun sollen, nachdem er diese Textstellen gefunden hat? Ignorieren vielleicht? Nein. Herrn Radhan mal ansprechen vielleicht? Aha, keine Zeit! Oder ihn verklagen? Ach so, vor Gericht würde die Argumentation nicht reichen. Und was ist die Lösung? Leute in die Ecke drängen und sie in der Hoffnung provozieren, dass sie Fehler machen, die dann rückblickend den Anfangsverdacht bestätigen, so dass man gut da steht, weil man das schon vorher wusste?
Dass ein paar Millionen Wähler aus den Wählerlisten verschwinden, das kennt man sonst nur aus den USA. Jetzt gibt es das auch in Großbritannien.
Nicht ganz so übel (sie schmeißen niemanden raus, aber sie verhindern, dass die Frischlinge wählen können), aber vermutlich mit dem selben Hintergrund.
Spanien: Verhaftung nach Nutzung von Verschlüsselung
Mehrere Personen festgenommen, darunter ein Österreicher – ihnen wird vorgeworfen, verschlüsselt kommuniziert zu haben
Vereinigungskirche hinter Twitter-Hacking zu chinesischem Angriff auf U.S.-Flugzeugträger?
Antwort der U.S. Navy zu Twitter-Meldung: “Nein, China hat den U.S.-Flugzeugträger U.S.S. George Washington nicht angegriffen. Das Schiff befindet sich in seinem Hafen und der Dritte Weltkrieg hat nicht begonnen, trotz allem, was die Tweets von United Press International sagen.”
Commentary: U.S. should listen to DPRK‘s peace appeal
The Democratic People‘s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has expressed unusual willingness to resume DPRK-South Korea summits and hold direct dialogue with the United States since the beginning of the new year.
Nuclear satellite terminal upgrade to begin operational testing
The nuclear satellite communication terminals that connect U.S. leaders to Minuteman combat crews in the event of a nuclear attack are currently undergoing an upgrade and scheduled to begin operational testing this month.
USS Boise Returns from US Central Command Deployment
Port visits were conducted in Duqm, Oman; Manama, Bahrain; Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates; Souda Bay, Greece; and Rota, Spain.
Alte Fliegerabwehrsysteme der Schweizer Armee werden ersetzt:
Ausstieg aus dem umstrittenen Ölgeschäft in Nigeria
FBI beefs up resources against foreign corruption
As the government in recent years has ramped up its focus on overseas corruption, defense lawyers and business groups have criticized the approach as overly aggressive and inconsistent. Despite successes, federal prosecutors in Washington endured a high-profile stumble in 2012 with the collapse of a case against businessmen accused of bribing undercover FBI agents to do business in the African nation of Gabon.
Robert White vs. the Death Squads
Once again, a serious whistleblower was totally vindicated by the events that took place in Central America in the 1980s. White warned the Reagan administration against a policy of militarism, but the neoconservatives of the time–led by Haig, Casey, Gates, and Abrams–got their policy and the violence that accompanied it. The United States would clearly benefit by having more diplomats like Bob White.
Holder limits seized-asset sharing process that split billions with local, state police
Holder’s decision follows a Washington Post investigation published in September that found that police have made cash seizures worth almost $2.5 billion from motorists and others without search warrants or indictments since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
Poll shows significant distrust of police in US
A new poll has found a significant distrust of police in the United States, where many Americans believe police target minorities unfairly and often lie for their own interests.
Expert: Obama to veto new Iran sanctions
„If the Congress passes a new sanctions bill that the administration considers damaging to prospects for negotiations, President Obama is very likely to veto it,“ wrote Robert Einhorn, former State Department adviser for nonproliferation and arms control, in the National Interest on Wednesday.