Frau Simone Gbagbo, ehemalige erste Dame der Elfenbeinküste hatte am 26. Dezember ihren ersten Termin vor Gericht im Lande. Ihr werden Verbrechen vorgeworfen in Verbindung mit der Amtszeit ihres Mannes, dem gestürzten Präsidenten Laurent Gbagbo, der sich jetzt in Den Haag in Haft des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofes (ICC) befindet.
Daily Archives: 8. Januar 2015
Policy Paper on Preliminary Examinations
76. Upon receipt of a referral or a declaration pursuant to article 12(3), the Office will open a preliminary examination of the situation at hand. However, it should not be assumed that a referral or an article 12(3) declaration will automatically lead to the opening of an investigation. Documents accompanying a referral or declaration as well as any other information will be subject to critical analysis and independent evaluation by the Office. The Office’s approach to considering the factors set out in article 53(1)(a)-(c) will be the same irrespective of the way in which the preliminary
examination is initiated.
Palestinians say ICC can examine war crimes allegations now
Fadi El Abdallah, a spokesman for the ICC in The Hague, Netherlands, confirmed that the prosecutor can now in theory begin a „preliminary examination“ of potential cases in the Palestinian territories. Those could include allegations of crimes during last summer‘s Gaza war and Israeli settlements.
The State of Palestine accedes to the Rome Statute
The deposit of the instruments of accession by the State of Palestine, effected on 2 January 2015, brings to one hundred twenty-three (123) the number of States Parties to the Rome Statute, and to seventy-four (74) the number of States Parties to the APIC.
Recalling the common resolve of the States Parties to work towards achieving universality and full implementation of the Statute, President Kaba stated:
„Each ratification of the Rome Statute constitutes welcomed progress towards its universality. I call on all members of the United Nations to join this permanent and independent system of international justice to fight against impunity and prevent the most serious crimes under international law, which is based on the principle of complementarity with domestic jurisdictions.“
Rüstungsskandal: Drei Schweizer Topbanker angeklagt, einer in Haft
Der Schweizer Finanzplatz ist stärker in die Korruption in Griechenland verwickelt, als bisher bekannt war.
‚Pope shouldn‘t dialogue with Islam‘
The pope shouldn‘t call for interfaith dialogue with Islam, Northern League chief Matteo Salvini said Thursday. He is „doing a disservice“ to Catholics, the anti-immigrant party leader said.
PM Samaras politically exploits Charlie Hebdo attack for …votes
Greece’s acting Prime Minister Antonis Samaras could not help it. He could not go beyond his inner demons of vanity and political ambitions and self-righteousness. So he made a linking of the Charlie Hebdo massacre with the migration in Greece just for the sake of attacking main opposition left-wing SYRIZA.
Die CSU war offensichtlich noch voll im Neujahrsbesäufnisrausch. Die haben über einen Tag gebraucht nach den Pariser Morden für ihre Forderung nach der Vorratsdatenspeicherung.
Nicht mal in ihrer Kerndisziplin können die was!
Bibi’s vulgarity: Using the Paris shooting to justify Israeli colonialism
Making Israel the focal point of his message of condolence was crass and vulgar. Sure, he correctly stated that the Charlie Hebdo massacre was an attack on the values of Western civilization, but he was wrong in assuming that Israel is a shining beacon of that civilization.
Netanyahu: Israel is standing by Europe, Europe must stand by Israel
Speaking a day after gunmen killed 12 people in a terror attack in Paris, Netanyahu said, „Israel is standing by Europe. Europe must stand by Israel.“ The comment also came on the backdrop of a number of European parliaments voting on resolutions in support of recognizing a Palestinian state in recent months.
Correa Heads to China for Financial Lifeline
Correa has already netted loans worth US$7.5 billion and signed nine bilateral cooperation agreements with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping.(…)
Chinese officials have been full of praise for the Quito-Beijing economic relationship. Spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hong Lei states that financial cooperation between the two countries is “mature and effective.”(…)
Pending accords will be signed on Friday, January 9. In the interim, both Correa and Xi Jinping are due to attend the opening of the first ministerial forum between China and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) on Thursday.
Auf dem Weg zum eigenen Staat: Palästina tritt Strafgerichtshof bei
Zudem setzt Israel ungeachtet aller internationalen Proteste den Siedlungsausbau im Westjordanland und Ostjerusalem unbekümmert fort. Für die Unterstützung des Siedlungsprojektes könnten israelische Poitiker künftig von Den Haag angeklagt werden, so der israelische Juraprofessor Aeyal Gross. „Das römische Statut definiert die unmittelbare oder mittelbare Überführung von Zivilisten in das besetzte Gebiet als schweren Verstoß.“ Es sei nicht schwer zu beweisen, dass Israel das tue, so Gross gegenüber der Nachrichtenagentur dpa.
Wurde das nigerianische Militär vor der Mädchen-Entführung gewarnt?
(10.5.2014) Laut Amnesty International hätten die über 200 verschleppten Mädchen vor ihrem Schicksal bewahrt werden können. Doch die Armee Nigerias habe nicht auf die Warnsignale reagiert.
Nigerian Authorities Failed to Act on Warnings About Boko Haram Raid on School
(9.5.2014) Damning testimonies gathered by Amnesty International reveal that Nigerian security forces failed to act on advance warnings about Boko Haram‘s armed raid on the state-run boarding school in Chibok which led to the abduction of more than 240 schoolgirls on April 14-15.
Außer Kontrolle
Sogar transatlantische Unterstützer des Kiewer Umsturzes vom Februar 2014 warnen inzwischen, der Einflussgewinn faschistischer Milizen und gewisser Oligarchen drohe ein Warlord-System zu schaffen, das sich jeglicher Kontrolle entziehe. Mit der Unterstützung extrem rechter Bataillone hat sich vor allem die Partei von Ministerpräsident Jazenjuk hervorgetan, der bereits gestern von Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck feierlich empfangen worden ist.(…)
Die Lieferung „nicht-tödlicher Ausrüstung“ erlaubt es, Kritik wegen der Unterstützung einer Kriegspartei abzuschwächen; sie ermöglicht es dieser Kriegspartei jedoch zugleich, sich mit ganzer Energie auf die Beschaffung tödlicher Waffen zu konzentrieren.
Foreign Trade minister comments on rapprochement with US
But despite those difficulties, the minister said resuming the discussions towards a Mercosur agreement with the European Union is an important step to boost Brazilian exports. “The Mercosur countries have agreed some common ground to submit a proposal to the European Union,” he said. The next round of negotiations is in March.
“Kabale” in Nigeria: Massenmord unter falscher Flagge
(10.3.2010) Seit einem 2008 bekannt gewordenen “geheimen Sicherheitspakt” der Regierung Nigerias mit Israel wird der nigerianische Geheimdienst SSS vom Mossad (bzw. anderen israelischen Diensten) ausgebildet. Dies aber nur am Rande.
Es war ausgerechnet die “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, die in einem Anfall von Journalismus immerhin erwähnte, dass fast 100 Bewaffnete trotz einer vom Militär verhängten Ausgangssperre in der Nacht zum 7.März in aller Ruhe in die drei in der Nähe der Ortschaft Jos gelegenen Dörfer einrücken konnten. Anschliessend liessen sich die militärisch aufgestellten Killer in einer “kommando-ähnlichen Operation” drei Stunden Zeit für ihr Massaker. Polizei und Militär (kommandiert aus dem Regierungspalast des Südens) kamen erst am nächsten Mittag, um mal guten Mittag zu sagen.
Dabei hatte der leitende Polizeichef Nigerias, Ogbonna Okechukwu Onovo, nur Tage vorher stolz berichtet, man habe eine Verschwörung zu genau solch einer Tat in genau dieser Region aufgedeckt.
Terrormiliz tötet in Nigeria offenbar rund 2000 Menschen
Es ist der zweite Angriff von Boko Haram auf die Stadt binnen weniger Tage.
Frankreich nach dem Anschlag auf „Charlie Hebdo“: Wehe, wenn der Schmerz nachlässt
So sagte Le Pen, sie warne seit Jahren vor den Gefahren des Fundamentalismus. Nun müssten die Franzosen dafür bezahlen, dass die Regierungen den Geheimdiensten das Geld gekürzt hätten. Ihr Stellvertreter Louis Aliot warf der Regierung unter Hollande vor, die Bedrohungslage bei jeder Gelegenheit zu verharmlosen.
NYT Still Pretends No Coup in Ukraine
(6.Januar) But most false narratives are not really about the past; they are about how the public perceives the present and addresses the future. And it should fall to journalists to do their best to explain this background information even if it embarrasses powerful people and institutions, including the news organizations themselves.
Egypt to remove border city Rafah for buffer zone
In a news conference Wednesday, Harhour said it would be necessary to remove Rafah city completely in order to create a buffer zone on the borders with the Gaza Strip.
UBS Turns to Artificial Intelligence to Advise Clients
Big global banks like UBS are turning to technology to mine data for insight on its customers that could help lenders stay competitive in the digital era.
Präsident Abbas unterzeichnet Beitrittsgesuche und Internationale Verträge
Zum Jahresende unterzeichnete Präsident Mahmoud Abbas die nachfolgenden 18 Beitrittsgesuche und Internationale Verträge:
Cape Town traffic police impound 34 Uber vehicles
Cape Town is currently updating its policy on regulating public transport vehicles, and expects to have new by-laws in place by the end of this financial year. This new strategy will specifically deal with “e-hailing”, or the electronic hailing of cabs through an app as is the case with Uber, and payment via debit and credit cards.
Iowa cop shoots woman dead in front of family, while trying to pacify their dog
The victim, Autumn Mae Steele, of South Garden Ave. in Burlington, Iowa, was pronounced dead on arrival at hospital on Tuesday.
Leap second: Internet giants atwitter as world to catch up with clocks
One solution increasingly proposed today is to completely depart from leap seconds altogether. Calls for revising the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) have been heard in many international organizations. The issue has been hotly contested at the International Communication Union (ITU), which is responsible for defining the UTC. Some countries want to end leap seconds, while others believe there’s no need. Yet others believe we should do leap minutes – but this is usually met with skepticism.
Fahrtdienstvermittler Uber verteidigt Auswertung von Kundendaten
Auch Oskar Lafontaine folgt weiter der Logik des Terrorkrieges
Einen Tag nach dem Charlie Hebdo Attentat in Paris erzählt Oskar Lafontaine vom Krieg wie er ihn versteht.
18yo Charlie Hebdo suspect surrenders to police, says has alibi
According to iTele, Hamid Mourad said that at the time of the attack he was in lycée in Charleville-Mezieres. It was reported earlier that Mourad is a student.
Earlier on Thursday AFP reported citing source close to the investigation that 18-year-old Hamyd Mourad surrendered to police at 22:00 GMT Wednesday “after seeing his name circulating on social media“ and was placed in custody.
Confusion as French Hunt Magazine Attack Suspects
Earlier Wednesday, two senior U.S. counterterrorism officials told NBC News that one of the suspects in the attack had been killed and that two others were in custody. However, the officials later said the information that was the basis of that account could not be confirmed. (…)
A source familiar with the investigation told NBC News on Wednesday night that two officers who had been assigned to protect editor and cartoonist Stephane Charbonnier for the past several years came down from an upper floor and intercepted the gunmen. Both officers were shot, however, and one died at the scene.
Two Paris Attack suspects in Custody , one Suspect dead
One of the suspects in the Paris attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine has been killed and the two others are in custody, two senior U.S. counterterrorism officials told NBC News on Wednesday.
French authorities would not confirm the U.S. officials’ report.
Authorities earlier had identified the three men as Said Kouachi and Cherif Kouachi, both French and in their early 30s, and Hamyd Mourad, 18.
UK‘s Prince Andrew steps up denial of underage sex
The Palace had already denied on Friday allegations made in Florida court documents by a woman, who said she was forced as a minor by financier Jeffrey Epstein to have sex with several people, including Andrew, the second son of Queen Elizabeth.
In Sachsen ist die Polizei mal wieder beim Zurecht-Doktorn von Beweisvideos erwischt worden.
Deutsche Patriot-Raketen bleiben weiterhin in der Türkei
Das Bundeskabinett verlängerte den Einsatz am Mittwoch um ein weiteres Jahr bis Ende Januar 2016, wie aus Regierungskreisen in Berlin verlautete.
Neue Studie – Deutsche fühlen sich vom Islam bedroht
#Strafgerichtshof: Israel auf der Anklagebank?
(von Reinhard Müller)
UN: Palästina tritt Anfang April Strafgerichtshof bei
Die Palästinenser treten nach Angaben der Vereinten Nationen am 1. April dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof bei. Dann werde der dafür notwendige Grundlagenvertrag, das sogenannte Rom-Statut, auch für den Staat Palästina gelten, teilte UNO-Generalsekretär Ban Ki Moon mit.
Je ne suis pas Charlie (Yo no soy Charlie)
También, en su época, colonos ingleses en Tierra del Fuego creían que era gracioso posar en fotografías junto a los indígenas que habian „cazado“, con amplias sonrisas, carabina en mano, y con el pie encima del cadáver sanguinolento aún caliente. En vez de graciosa, esa caricatura me parece violenta y colonial, un abuso de la tan ficticia como manoseada libertad de prensa occidental. ¿Qué ocurriría si yo hiciera ahora una revista cuya portada tuviera el siguiente lema: “Matanza en París. Charlie Hebdo es una mierda: no detiene las balas” e hiciera una caricatura del fallecido Jean Cabut acribillado con una copia de la revista en sus manos?
Charlie Hebdo Attentat kurz erklärt
Bekanntlich haben sich seit dem Einmarsch des morgendländisch-muslimischen Golf-Kooperationsrates in Europa vor über 13 Jahren, zunächst in Portugal und dann in Frankreich, über eine Million Katholiken und Evangelisten gegenseitig umgebracht. Anlass für die Befreiung Europas – und heute der ganzen Welt – vom Christianismus waren Attentate in Mekka und Medina, von denen die Geheimdienste ihre Majestät (in Riad) zwar wussten, aber nichts davon wussten.
President of ICC‘s governing body welcomes Palestine‘s accession
The president of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the ICC, Sidiki Kaba, welcomed the accession of Palestine to the Rome Statute on Wednesday, which brings the total to 123 States Parties.
„Each ratification of the Rome Statute constitutes welcome progress towards its universality,“ Kaba said in a ICC press release. „I call on all members of the United Nations to join this permanent and independent system of international justice to fight against impunity and prevent the most serious crimes under international law, which is based on the principle of complementarity with domestic jurisdictions.“
‘Blair may face war crimes charges’ – Liberal Democrat peer
One well-informed source told the Times that the report’s findings are far more scathing than expected, and have prompted a legal firestorm in the heart of the British establishment.
James Holden – 6th January 2015 by NTS Radio
The first show of James Holden‘s month long residency on NTS
Swedish Foreign Minister Postpones Trip to Israel
Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstroem has indefinitely postponed a planned trip to Israel, a spokesman said Wednesday, in an apparent cooling of relations between the European country and the Israeli regime since Sweden recognized Palestine.
Coal Strike: Police Using Force to Break Strike, Say Trade Unions. Meeting With Minister On
Police lathicharged workers at Jharkhand‘s Rajmahal, where two persons were injured. At another mine in Jharkhand, five people were arrested, said a union leader.
Up to 27,000 Bus Workers to Go on Strike in Britain
The strike will be underway at 18 bus companies, affecting routes in East, West and Central London.
Nationale Front für die Befreiung Südvietnams
Die militärische Abkürzung lautete „VC“. Die Entsprechungen der beiden Buchstaben im NATO-Alphabet sind Victor und Charlie, weshalb der unter US-amerikanischen Soldaten geläufige Name für ihre Feinde kurz Charlie war.
Sahra Wagenknecht bei Luxusveranstaltung
Doch wie glaubhaft sind die Inhalte, wenn Politiker an Veranstaltungen teilnehmen, die im durchlauchten und exklusiven Rahmen stattfinden, an denen nur diejenigen sich bei einem Glas Champagner erfreuen können, die zu den Reichen dieses Landes gehören?
New Zealand has become the latest founding member state of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
The AIIB has an authorized capital of $100 billion and the initial subscribed capital is expected to be around $50 billion. Beijing will be the host city for the AIIB‘s headquarters.
Video `Roteano´ from the album `Natura Morta´
`Rhythm may well be written into the DNA of every human, as fundamental as a heartbeat, yet with `Wege´ Belfi demonstrates a rare understanding of its subtleties and complexities.´
Nathan Thomas – Fluid Radio
`UberPop va continuer encore quelques années´
(6.Januar) Alors que le porte-parole du ministère de l’Intérieur a déclaré que UberPop serait interdit en France au 1er janvier 2015, l’application est toujours en ligne et fonctionnelle. Elle le restera jusqu’à ce qu’un tribunal ne vienne en prohiber l’utilisation, ce qui pourrait encore prendre des mois.
Summer 2014 – electronic & ambient sampler (pay-as-you-wish)
Projekt is America‘s premier independent label specializing in passionately intense introspective music across a variety of darkwave genres (ambient, ethereal, darkwave, electronic, goth, dark cabaret, dreampop & more). Projekt is home to a diverse roster including Steve Roach, Voltaire, Erik Wollo, Black Tape For A Blue Girl, vidnaObmana, Unto Ashes, Alio Die, Byron Metcalf, and others.
Green Comet Lovejoy Now Visible in ‚Heavenly River‘ of Stars: Where to Look
Two heavenly sights are shining in the night sky for stargazers this month: Eridanus, the long, winding Heavenly River constellation, and Comet Lovejoy, the bright green comet that is now streaking through the star pattern
Located due south around 8 p.m. your local time this week, Eridanus, is actually fun to trace out. Begin at Orion, where the star Cursa is located to the north and west (upper right) of the brilliant blue star Rigel in Orion.