Another cloud hanging over QE, which could be introduced as soon as the central bank’s next policy meeting on Jan. 22, is the risk of a legal challenge in Germany’s Constitutional Court.
Daily Archives: 4. Januar 2015
Angst vor Terrorismus: Daimler will Mitarbeiter durchleuchten – alle drei Monate
Der Daimler-Konzern will nach Informationen des SPIEGEL künftig alle drei Monate seine rund 280.000 Mitarbeiter durchleuchten. Laut einer Konzernbetriebsvereinbarung vom 12. November 2014 darf das Unternehmen „zur Terrorismusbekämpfung“ seit dem 1. Dezember Name, Anschrift und Geburtsdatum sämtlicher Beschäftigter mit den Daten auf entsprechenden Sanktionslisten der Europäischen Union und der USA abgleichen – und die Listen sechs Jahre lang aufbewahren.
Always Winter Some Strange Reason by black_ops
no one else for miles . . . no sound . . . just the tears . . . sat and watched them dry . . . all over in a second . . . or grabbing at straw . . . the brain . . . flickering away on its own . . . quick grab and on. . . nothing there . . . on to the next . . . bad as the voice . . . worse . . . as little sense . . . all that together . . . can‘t– . . . what? . . the buzzing? . . yes . . . all the time the buzzing . . . dull roar like falls . . . and the beam . . . flickering on and off . . . starting to move around . . . like moonbeam but not . . . all part of the same . . . keep an eye on that too . . . corner of the eye . . . all that together . . . can‘t go on . . .
Berlin Is Losing Its Cool
Some Berliners‘ nostalgia goes further back. The hottest museum exhibition is about West Berlin as a freedom-loving, libertine and yet parochial island surrounded by East Germany. These days, by contrast, locals are annoyed by throngs of expats and westerners gentrifying formerly edgy neighborhoods like Prenzlauer Berg.
Eisenbahnverbindung zwischen Iran und Irak kurz vor der Realisierung
Außer um die Eisenbahnverbindung ging es bei den Gesprächen der Minister auch um Straßen- und Luftwege, Wasserstraßen und technische Dienstleistungen.
Erdbeben der Stärke 6,1 im Westen Irans
Als Erstes wurden Strom und Wasser der Stadt wiederhergestellt, so das Gouverneursamt. Die Häuser in der Stadt sind zu 70 Prozent beschädigt. Für die Menschen wurden Zelte aufgebaut.
Netanyahu: Israel ‚won‘t let its soldiers be dragged‘ to ICC
According to ICC sources, the Palestinian Authority wants the court to investigate war crimes committed in the Palestinian territories since June 13, 2014. It includes the 50-day Operation Protective Edge that took lives of over 2,200 civilians, most of them Gazans.
IRNA and Russia Today sign cooperation agreement
In the meeting, Khoddadi underlined that IRNA is to develop its activities with friendly countries news agencies to break monopoly by the western media.
Jena erstickt im Stillstand… vom Aufbruch ´89 zum Aufbruch 2015
Ich rede hier nicht von den Bürgern und der Wirtschaft, sondern alleine von der verkarsteten Politik, die seit Jahren ihrer Aufgabe nicht mehr nachkommt, wirklich zum Wohle aller Menschen in Jena ihre Arbeit zu machen. Koalitionen, wie aktuell wieder die neue, bestehend aus CDU, SPD und Grüne, sind für die Stadt nicht gut, sondern einzig und allein für die verkrustete Stadtverwaltung, damit alles so schön weiter gehen kann wie bisher.
Hinzu kommt neuerdings die nicht verkennbaren Zeichen, dass Politik und Verwaltung eigentlich gar keine Lust haben, sich noch in irgendeiner Form mit dem Bürger und seinen Problemen in Jena auseinanderzusetzen.
Freedom and Justice Party Condemns Forced Displacement of Sinai Residents
Egypt‘s Freedom and Justice Party statement condemns the military junta‘s ongoing forced displacement operations against the people of Sinai, and calls all Egyptians to close ranks and stop the Egyptian bloodbath in the Sinai.
UN Reviewing ICC Application, Treaties‘ Documents
The documents – for accession to 16 conventions and treaties for which the United Nations Secretary-General performs depositary functions – are being reviewed with a view to determining the appropriate next steps, according to a note issued to the media by a United Nations spokesperson.
According to the UN News Center the original versions of the documents were delivered on Thursday to the UN Deputy Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, James Rawley, in the presidential headquarters in the city of Ramallah.
Israel behält palästinensische Steuergelder ein
Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu will rund eine halbe Milliarde Schekel (etwa 106 Millionen Euro) einbehalten, die den Palästinensern zustehen.
Bei den Geldern handelt es sich um Steuern und Zölle, die Israel für die Palästinenser-Behörde einsammelt.
Report: Jordan suspends talks with Israel over $15b gas deal
The head of the Jordanian House of Representatives Energy Committee, Jamal Gamouh, told the Israeli business daily Globes that there can be no deal until it is clear who will own the Leviathan gas field…
Russia preparing to develop Gaza gas field
(24.01.2014) However, three months ago, the Financial Times mentioned that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had granted his approval to develop the field. The newspaper noted that Netanyahu had given the green light to the development of the field hoping to create joint economic interests between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
If I were a Palestinian
I would learn a lesson from David Ben-Gurion: Take anything you are handed and always ensure the support of a world power.
Couldn’t there be just one ‘NYT’ columnist who was critical of Israel? (No)
For the second time in ten days, Roger Cohen has a column today quoting Israeli novelist Amos Oz on the urgency of getting a two-state solution because a one-state outcome will be a nightmare. On December 22, Oz warned that Israel is becoming an “isolated ghetto.” This time he warns of a disaster if the two-state solution is not achieved.
Netanyahu: We won‘t let soldiers be dragged to ICC
„We will not let (IDF) soldiers and officers be dragged to the International Criminal Court in The Hague,“ Netanyahu said at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting, two days after the Palestinians filed an application to become a party to the court.
Israelis are in Nigeria to help search for girls — Susan Rice
She said:
„The United States is very actively involved. We have a team of now up to 30 people on the ground… Our team consists of diplomats, military advisers, intelligence experts, law enforcement experts and even development experts, all coordinating closely with the Nigerian government and now increasingly with representatives from the British government, the French government and the Israeli government, all of whom are there in search of the girls….“
What Makes Nigeria Israel‘s Strongest Ally in Africa?
First Publish: 9/11/2014 (..) A month before the rallies, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu had sent military and intelligence hardware to Nigeria to help the army in its search for the missing schoolgirls. After the abduction of the Israeli youths, Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan sent a letter to Netanyahu condemning the act and demanding their immediate release.
Nigeria and Israel have not always enjoyed such a healthy relationship. In the aftermath of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, relations came to an abrupt end when Nigeria’s military government cut ties with Israel to comply with a resolution passed by the Organisation of African Unity, the precursor to the African Union set up in 1963.
UN considers ‘appropriate action’ to avert execution of 54 Nigerian soldiers
This followed a petition submitted to Mr. Heyns by the Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project, SERAP, in December 2014 in which the group asked five UN human rights independent experts to individually and jointly use their “good offices and positions to urgently request the Nigerian government and its military authorities not to carry out the mass death sentences imposed on 54 Nigerian soldiers for what the government claimed was disobeying a direct order from their commanding officer.”
NGR: Boko Haram erobert Militärbasis
Nach mehrstündigen Gefechten bei Baga habe die Boko Haram einen wichtigen Stützpunkt der nigerianischen Armee eingenommen.Laut der britischen BBC gab es Tote und Verletzte.
Czech President Says `Only Poorly Informed People´ Don´t Know About Ukraine Coup
It’s also interesting that the first two EU nations to indicate that they might leave the EU for an alliance with Russia are both former Soviet satellite countries that revolted against the Soviet dictatorship; both are Eastern European, not Western European. Perhaps these leaders are more loathe to be controlled by tyrants than are the ones for whom the very idea of being subordinate to a tyrant is just a mere abstraction. (Merkel, however, seems simply to love whatever is conservative, even if it might happen to be nazi, as in Ukraine.)
Project Syndicate – die globale Mediensteuerung
Laut eigenen Angaben ist „Project Syndicate“ eine „gemeinnützige“ Organisation mit Sitz in Prag, die Artikel an über 500 Zeitungen und anderen Publikationen in 154 Länder in 12 Sprachen verteilt und über 300 Millionen Menschen damit erreicht. Das heisst, das Syndikat lässt Artikel schreiben, die dann über dieses grosse Netzwerk an Print- und Online-Medien in Nord- und Südamerika, Europa, Australien, Afrika und Asien überall gleichzeitig erscheinen können
The Trans-Pacific Trade (TPP) Agreement Must Be Defeated
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a disastrous trade agreement designed to protect the interests of the largest multi-national corporations at the expense of workers, consumers, the environment and the foundations of American democracy. It will also negatively impact some of the poorest people in the world.
The TPP is a treaty that has been written behind closed doors by the corporate world. Incredibly, while Wall Street, the pharmaceutical industry and major media companies have full knowledge as to what is in this treaty, the American people and members of Congress do not. They have been locked out of the process.
CORD leader Raila Odinga’s son Fidel passes on
Fidel Odinga, son of former Prime Minister Raila Odingahas been found dead in his Karen home, Nairobi in unclear circumstances. Police are investigating cause of death of the youthful businessman-cum politician.
MPs support Raila Odinga‘s call for dialogue on security challenges
He said insecurity challenges should not be a concern for the political class only but for all to discuss and find solutions as a people with one destiny.
Infographic: The Apps That Know Everything About You
(30.Dezember) . . we asked Hong to highlight four permissions that he thought were potentially the most alarming. Across the top, we list those four: contacts, text messages, call log and microphone. All of these are pretty straightforward, but the microphone permission is especially eerie. Imagine all the audio around you being recorded by some app, without your knowledge.
Stop Spamming Us, Class Tells Uber
(2.Januar) Four named plaintiffs from three states, from Oregon to New Hampshire, claim Uber violates the Telephone Consumer Protection Act and invades their privacy on a massive scale.
Google veröffentlicht Windows-Sicherheitslücke
Die Schwachstelle betrifft ein System mit der Bezeichnung NtApphelpCacheControl. Ein Nutzer mit eingeschränkten Rechten kann sich nach Angaben von Google damit Administrator-Rechte über den Rechner sichern. Er bekommt damit Zugriff auf das komplette System.
Möglicherweise ist auch Windows 7 betroffen
Interview mit J. Appelbaum über staatl. Überwachung: „(…) Ich gehöre zur letzten in Freiheit geborenen Generation.“
The Who – My Generation
Anti-terror plan to spy on toddlers ‚is heavy-handed’
Nursery staff and childminders are given ‚duty‘ to report toddlers they suspect of being at risk of becoming terrorists under new Home Office measures
In #England sollen Krankenschwestern und Kindermädchen verpflichtet werden terrorverdächtige Kleinkinder zu melden
Genaue Höhe der Zinseinnahmen durch Staatsanleihen unklar. Statistiken gut versteckt.
Gewinne aus Zinseinnahmen durch Staatsanleihen: Bundesbank überwies in 1. Halbjahr 2014 vier Mrd Euro an den Staat.
Griechenland: Syriza-Chef Tsipras bekräftigt Forderung nach Schuldenerlass
Tsipras forderte zugleich, dass die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) auch Griechenland in ihr geplantes Programm von Anleihenkäufen („Quantitative Easing“) aufnehmen solle. „Die direkten Anleihenkäufe durch die EZB müssen Griechenland inkludieren“, sagte Tsipras auf einem Syriza-Parteitag drei Wochen vor der Parlamentswahl.
Bofinger: Da wird ein „Geist aus der Flasche gelassen“
France to block David Cameron‘s treaty change plan
(18.12.2014) Francois Hollande will block Mr Cameron’s request for a change to the EU treaty to include a new settlement for Britain in Europe, The Telegraph has learnt.
Mr Hollande will tell the Prime Minister that he is opposed to amending the EU’s treaty on the grounds that change is not needed and might trigger a referendum in France.
Man kann das als euro-imperialistische Ardennenoffensive verstehen. Also, ABFLUG.
Merkel und Cameron treffen sich am Mittwoch in London um neuen #EU-Vertrag auszuhecken. Alte Offensivtaktik.
UK‘s EU referendum may be earlier than planned: UK PM
Cameron is expected to discuss his plans, which he has said will require EU treaty change, during a meeting with German leader Angela Merkel in London on Wednesday.
„Podemos“ in Spanien: Eine Bewegung will an die Macht
(16.10.2014) „Die Kaste“, wie Podemos all diejenigen nennt, die von der Politik oder der Nähe zur Macht leben, soll aus den Amtsstuben verjagt, Korrupte vor den Kadi gestellt, der Einfluss der Banken und Großunternehmen gebrochen werden.
The Podemos Phenomenon: A New Left-Wing Party Has Transformed Spanish Politics in 2014
If Spain were to go to the polls today, its next prime minister would be Pablo Iglesias, a 36-year-old professor and talk show guest with no previous political experience, according to a recent survey conducted for the upcoming general elections in 2015.
Spain: The rise of Podemos
Subsequently it became the target of a wild (and desperate) campaign against it in the mainstream media, including attempts by leading politicians to link it with the Basque terrorist group ETA and the other usual “bêtes noires” of Spanish society — Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, etc. The counter-reaction has been an abject failure, particularly as Podemos representatives have deftly used their media exposure to talk exclusively about the social changes they plan to make — leaving their adversaries to look down and suddenly realise they are entering free fall like a Warner Brothers cartoon character, suspended in mid-air after running off a cliff.
Public survey: SYRIZA 30.4%, ND 27.3%; but poll before Papandreou’s party announcement
To the question “Who is the most suitable Prime Minister?” respondents replied:
41% Antonia Samaras
33.4% Alexis Tsipras
23.6% Nobody
Oppermann: Kurswechsel in Griechenland „neue Geschäftsgrundlage“
SPD-Fraktionschef Thomas Oppermann warnt Griechenland vor einer Abkehr vom Sparkurs nach der Parlamentswahl am 25. Januar. Es sei den Steuerzahlern in Europa nicht zu vermitteln, wenn in Griechenland die Probleme ausgesessen würden.
Neue Westfälische (Bielefeld): Kommentar: SPD-Chef erfindet die “gehetzte Generation”
Erst nach Gesprächen mit Hartmann habe er gewusst: BKA ist informiert, Fritsche, Oppermann, Steinmeier, Gabriel sind informiert. #Edathy
#NSU #Lügner #CDU Klaus Dieter Fritsche: „Es dürfen keine Staatsgeheimnisse bekannt werden, die ein Regierungshandeln unterminieren.“
Für Klaus-Dieter Fritsche & die Seinen, vor allem seine Mutti – mit den besten Wünschen für das neue Jahr:
Oktoberfest-Attentat: Generalbundesanwalt fordert Geheimdienst-Akten an
34 nach dem Oktoberfest-Attentat hat Generalbundesanwalt Harald Range die Ermittlungen wieder aufgenommen. Nun verlangt er von Geheimdiensten die Herausgabe aller Akten – weil die nur unzureichend ausgewertet wurden.
#Kanzleramt: Urheber der Cyber-Attacke bleiben im Dunkeln
Nordkorea kritisiert „feindselige Politik“ der USA
Das würde Nordkorea nur weiter in seiner Politik stärken, die dem Militär Vorrang gibt, sagte ein Sprecher des Außenministeriums den nordkoreanischen Staatsmedien. Das Außenministerium in Pjöngjang warf Washington eine „feindselige Politik“ vor. Die amerikanische Regierung missbrauche den Hackerangriff auf Sony, um Nordkorea international weiter zu isolieren.
New evidence Sony hack was ‘inside’ job, not North Korea
“When the FBI made this announcement, just a few days after the attack was made public, it raised eyebrows in the community because it’s hard to do that kind of an attribution that quickly — it’s almost unheard of,” Stammberger told Bloomberg News in a telephone interview from San Francisco.
“All the leads that we did turn up that had a Korean connection turned out to be dead ends,” he said.
U.S. slaps more sanctions on North Korea after Sony hack
North Korea was hit with more sanctions on Friday designed to impede access to the U.S. financial system in the wake of a cyberattack on Sony Pictures Entertainment (6758.T), which the Obama Administration has said was supported by the reclusive country.