Daily Archives: 29. Dezember 2014

29.12.2014 - 21:43 [ UN Report ]

Latest Palestinian draft resolution

2. Decides that the negotiated solution will be based on the following parameters:
– borders based on 4 June 1967 lines with mutually agreed, limited, equivalent land swaps;
– security arrangements, including through a third-party presence, that guarantee and respect the sovereignty of a State of Palestine, including through a full and phased withdrawal of the Israeli occupying forces, which will end the occupation that began in 1967 over an agreed transition period in a reasonable timeframe, not to exceed the end of 2017, and that ensure the security of both Israel and Palestine through effective border security and by preventing the resurgence of terrorism and effectively addressing security threats, including emerging and vital threats in the region;
– a just and agreed solution to the Palestine refugee question on the basis of Arab Peace Initiative, international law and relevant United Nations resolutions, including resolution 194 (III);
– a just resolution of the status of Jerusalem as the capital of the two States which fulfils the legitimate aspirations of both parties and protects freedom of worship;
– the just settlement of all other outstanding issues, including water and prisoners;

29.12.2014 - 21:30 [ Palestine Liberation Organization ]

Draft Resolution (17 December 2014)

2. Decides that the negotiated solution will be based on the following parameters:
– borders based on 4 June 1967 lines with mutually agreed, limited, equivalent land swaps ;
– security arrangements, including through a third-party presence, that guarantee and respect the sovereignty of a State of Palestine, including through a full and phased withdrawal of Israeli security forces which will end the occupation that began in 1967 over an agreed transition period in a reasonable timeframe, not to exceed the end of 2017, and that ensure the security of both Israel and Palestine through effective border security and by preventing the resurgence of terrorism and effectively addressing security threats, including emerging and vital threats in the region.
– A just and agreed solution to the Palestine refugee question on the basis of Arab Peace Initiative, international law and relevant United Nations resolutions, including resolution 194 (III);
– Jerusalem as the shared capital of the two States which fulfils the legitimate aspirations of both parties and protects freedom of worship;
– an agreed settlement of other outstanding issues, including water

29.12.2014 - 19:58 [ Mr. Bill´s Tunes ]

Deck The Halls (Mr.Bill Reinterpretation)

I reinterpreted the classic christmas carol ‘Deck The Halls’ in my own fun, little way. However, instead of just giving you the tune as a gift, you can download the entire free special edition of this tune!

29.12.2014 - 19:16 [ Techdirt ]

French Government Quietly Enacts Controversial Surveillance Law On Christmas Eve

Techdirt has noted that the NSA chose to release embarrassing details of its illegal surveillance of Americans on Christmas Eve. By an interesting coincidence, the French government picked the same date to enact a hugely controversial new surveillance law, which had been passed back in 2013, and will now enter into operation almost immediately, at the start of 2015. One of its most troubling aspects is the vagueness of its terms. As reported by Le Point, here‘s what can be collected (original in French):

„Information or documents processed or retained by electronic communications networks or services, including technical data related to the identification of subscription numbers or connections to electronic communications services, the inventory of all subscription numbers or connection of a designated person, location of the terminal equipment used as well as a subscriber‘s communications including the list of numbers called and callers, duration and timing of communications.“

29.12.2014 - 19:11 [ youtube ]

Turkish Rap – Bla Bla Bla – Amerika Parody

Türkei – Turkey – Burning rap Parts – Monoman with Bla Bla Bla –
Parody of Black Rapstyle – Popstyle Lady Gaga – Politics and bla bla.

29.12.2014 - 19:10 [ Reuters ]

China looking at deal with U.S. to recover dirty assets: report

The China Daily said the central People‘s Bank of China was talking to the U.S. Treasury Department‘s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) about an agreement targeting ill-gotten assets in the United States.

FinCEN spokesman Stephen Hudak declined to comment directly on whether negotiations with China were underway.

29.12.2014 - 19:09 [ William Blum / Counterpunch ]

The Cold Air of the Dark Ages: American Exceptionalism and American Torture

In 1984, an historic step was taken by the United Nations with the drafting of the “Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment” (came into force in 1987, ratified by the United States in 1994). Article 2, section 2 of the Convention states: “No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture.”

29.12.2014 - 19:07 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

German FinMin Schaeuble tells Greece it must stick to reforms path

Greece’s EU partners are in alert and rush one after the other to bless Greek voters and the next government with advice as public opinion polls suggest that main opposition party, left-wing SYRIZA will emerge as the strongest party in the January elections.

After EU Financial Affairs Commissioner, Pierre Moscovici‘ statement, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble warned Greece to stick with the bailout so-called “reforms”

29.12.2014 - 19:06 [ Techdirt ]

Sony‘s Own Copyright Infringement Shows How Broken Our Copyright System Is Today

As we‘ve been covering, Sony was among those involved in the MPAA‘s plot to attack Google by paying for state Attorneys General investigations into Google, a company that the MPAA still thinks isn‘t doing „enough“ to stop piracy online. Yet, now it comes out that in The Interview — a movie whose plotline has become intertwined with the Sony Hack — Sony used some music that it did not license. The musicians in question are now threatening to sue:

29.12.2014 - 18:54 [ Kapitalismus Jetzt ]

Papierflieger feat. Retrogott & Sylabil Spill

Unsere Kumpels aus Köln sind natürlich auch vertreten und zu einem großartigen Song gehört auch ein großartiges Video… nun gut, aufgrund der fehlenden Zeit und der geografischen Umstände ist es ein wenig trashig geworden. Aber ihr liebt ja sowas. Wir auch. Viel Spaß.

29.12.2014 - 18:53 [ Asbarez ]

Russia-Turkey Axis Should Have Given Pause to Armenia’s Mad-Dash to Join Eurasian Union

With Thursday’s ratification of EEU by Armenia’s Parliament our country is one step closer to becoming a member of an elusive and nebulous structure, with the threat of war still looming and the grip of unfriendly neighbors tightening around our country.

For Armenia it should not be a contest between East and West, it should be an aspiration to become a self-sufficient entity that would guarantee its true independence.

29.12.2014 - 18:15 [ ABC News ]

Arabs Discuss UN Resolution to End Israel‘s Occupation

Jordan‘s U.N. Ambassador Dina Kawar, the Arab representative on the Security Council, told reporters as she headed into Monday‘s closed-door meeting that Jordan would have liked more consultations among the 15 council members but respects „very much“ that the Palestinian situation is difficult.

„We will be doing what the Palestinians want and in conformity with the Arab League,“ she said.

29.12.2014 - 18:07 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Hamas calls on Palestinian Authority to withdraw UN statehood bid

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said in a statement on Sunday that, „the draft resolution is unacceptable and aims to liquidate the Palestinian cause. It contains massive concessions.“ The resolution expresses the will of an influential group within the PLO and „does not reflect the national desire of our people,“ he added.

Abu Zuhri pointed out that the draft resolution includes items that Hamas cannot accept, the most prominent being re-designating Jerusalem as the shared capital of the „so- called two-states“. Abu Zuhri stressed that in the eyes of Hamas, Jerusalem will remain the indivisible capital of Palestine.

29.12.2014 - 17:13 [ Mondo Weiss ]

What I’ve learned from living through three wars in the Gaza Strip

“Peace is the opposite of war.
War is the opposite of peace.”

That was how my English teacher at school first taught me the concepts of war and peace. My teacher never explained what each of them means. I realize now that no matter how hard my teacher would try to convey the meaning of war and peace to me, she would never do it as excellently as life in Gaza did.

29.12.2014 - 17:04 [ Parkschützer / Radio Utopie ]

Stuttgart 21: Kein Nutzen, also keine Planrechtfertigung

Stuttgart: Zum Jahresende hin zieht die Bewegung gegen Stuttgart 21 heute bei einer Pressekonferenz ein klares Fazit: Im Jahr 2014 wurde bei der Erörterung des S21-Filderabschnitts von Experten und betroffenen Lokalpolitikern klar dargelegt, dass das Gesamtprojekt Stuttgart 21 viele Nachteile und keinen Nutzen bringt. Das heißt insbesondere, dass ist die Planrechtfertigung nicht gegeben ist.

29.12.2014 - 15:55 [ Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen ]

Current Members

The Council is composed of 15 Members:

five permanent members: China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States,
and ten non-permanent members elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly (with end of term date):
Argentina (2014)
Australia (2014)
Chad (2015)
Chile (2015)
Jordan (2015)
Lithuania (2015)
Luxembourg (2014)
Nigeria (2015)
Republic of Korea (2014)
Rwanda (2014)

29.12.2014 - 15:02 [ Ramsteiner Appell ]

Angriffskriege sind verfassungswidrig – von deutschem Boden darf kein Krieg ausgehen!

Wir Bürgerinnen und Bürger fordern alle Abgeordneten des Deutschen Bun­des­ta­ges auf, die Nutzung von Militärbasen auf unserem Territorium und die Ein­be­zie­hung des Luftraums über der Bundesrepublik zur Vorbereitung und Führung von völkerrechts- und grundgesetzwidrigen Angriffskriegen sofort durch einen Beschluss unserer Volksvertretung zu verbieten, wie es der Ar­ti­kel 26 unseres Grundgesetzes zwingend vorschreibt.

29.12.2014 - 14:47 [ NPR ]

Transcript: President Obama‘s Full NPR Interview

Steve Inskeep: That raises a word that I want to bring up that former Secretary of State Clinton used in a speech the other day. She was criticized for having empathy or understanding for even enemies around the world. There are, though, military people who use empathy for the enemy, by which they mean not sympathy but understanding the enemy so you can …

President Obama: Absolutely.

Steve Inskeep: … outwit them.

President Obama: Right.


President Obama: America‘s never been in the business of colonizing other countries and grabbing their resources; we‘ve never been in the business of bullying folks into doing things that we can‘t do for ourselves. Where we have done that, by the way, it‘s never worked out all that well. That‘s not our best tradition.

Our best tradition is when we just lead by example and when we are strong and secure and we‘re standing up for what we believe in.

29.12.2014 - 14:44 [ Luftpost ]

Die Bedeutung der US-Militärbasen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und im übrigen Europa für die völkerrechts- und verfassungswidrigen Angriffskriege der USA und der NATO

Wir könnten das US-Militär und seine vielen Basen in unserem Land also nach nur zwei Jahren loswerden – wenn sich eine verfassungstreue Bundestagsmehrheit und eine verfassungstreue Bundesregierung bereit fänden, einen Vertrag, der durch Verstöße gegen unser Grundgesetz ständig missbraucht wird, umgehend zu kündigen (s. dazu auch
Damit ist bei den derzeit herrschenden Mehrheitsverhältnissen in absehbarer Zeit allerdings nicht zu rechnen. Durch das Sammeln möglichst vieler zusätzlicher Unterschriften unter den Ramsteiner Appell (s.http://ramsteiner-appell.de/ ) können unsere Leser aber wenigstens mithelfen, die Bundestagsabgeordneten aller Parteien daran zu erinnern, dass sie dem Artikel 26 unseres Grundgesetzes Geltung verschaffen und verhindern müssen, dass demnächst wieder ein Krieg – nicht nur um die Ukraine – von deutschem Boden ausgeht.