In last Monday‘s Washington Post, right-wing lobbyists Rick Berman and Newt Gingrich call for the new Republican Congress to pass without delay the ludicrously mistitled „Employee Rights Act“ (ERA), a reactionary bill that would promote the interests of powerful corporations and billionaires at the expense of US workers.
Daily Archives: 22. Dezember 2014
Sony leaks reveal troubling new push for SOPA in the states.
One of the most damning revelations from the recent Sony leaks is that Hollywood has not yet given up on SOPA, the dangerous bill that would lead to online censorship.
Top UK parliamentarians named in pedophile dossier
The list was compiled after detailed examination of hundreds of pieces of evidence presented to Mann by members of the public.
Names of 12 former ministers, several of whom “definitely child abusers,” were also included in the list, Mann said.
This comes as the UK police are investigating allegations that several young boys were killed by the pedophile ring. They are believed to have been physically and sexually abused at the hands of Westminster MPs in the 1970s and 1980s.
Russia’s Rosneft abandons transaction with Morgan Stanley
The deal, signed in late 2013, allowed Rosneft to buy Morgan Stanley’s Global Oil Merchanting unit. The big transaction included a dispersed international network of Morgan Stanley’s oil facilities, equipment and personnel.
ADHD drugs increasingly prescribed to treat hyperactivity in pre-schoolers
A fifth of educational psychologists say they know of children being given medication despite guidelines advising against it
Saudi Arabia making US dependent on cheap OPEC oil: Analyst
“At the same time, the collapse in oil prices – which, by the way, clearly has not been passed on to consumers – will provide a boost to western economies which have suffered under high oil prices since the global financial crisis.
Werner Faymann bei SPÖ-Klubtagung
In Brüssel beim EU-Rat ist Bundeskanzler Werner Faymann für das TTIP, in Wien in der ORF-Pressestunde tritt er jedoch dagegen aus. Vielfach wird Politikern vorgeworfen, bei der EU ganz anders zu tönen als zuhause, doch Faymann treibt diese Strategie nun auf die Spitze. Dabei mag auch eine Rolle spielen, dass der SPÖ-Chef in seiner Partei immer stärkerer Kritik ausgesetzt ist, aber auch, dass er zeitweise so tun muss, als wäre er Kanzler eines souveränen und neutralen Staates.
Joe Cocker, Grammy-winning singer, dies at age of 70
Cocker, famous for his raspy voice and wild hip gyrations on stage, rose to fame with his covers of popular songs, including the Beatles’ song With a Little Help From My Friends, which went to number one in 1968, and Leon Russell’s Delta Lady.
Obama unterzeichnet Gesetz, dass die Schließung von Guantánamo verbietet, behauptet, dass er es ignorieren wird
Anlässlich der Unterzeichnung gab er eine Stellungnahme von sich, in der er behauptete, dass er alles ignorieren wird, was er als Beeinträchtigung seiner verfassungsmäßigen Rechte betrachtet, darunter auch das Guantánamo-Gesetz.
This Caesar is an idiot.
Obama Has No Plans to Visit Russia Any Time Soon: White House
„At this time, the President has no plans to travel to Russia in the near future,“ Stroh said.
Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov told journalists on Monday that Moscow had sent an invitation to Obama to attend the celebrations devoted to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in World War II.
Obama lehnt Putins Einladung nach Russland ab
US-Präsident Barack Obama hat keine Pläne, Russland in nächster Zeit zu besuchen. Das teilte der Sprecher des US-Rates für nationale Sicherheit beim Weißen Haus, Mark Strauch, am Montag in einem Interview für die russische Agentur Sputnik mit.
Ex-minister wins Tunisia’s presidential election
The 88-year-old from the Nidaa Tounes secular political party garnered 55.68 percent of the vote to overcome incumbent Moncef Marzouki, who collected 44.32 percent of the ballots, in Sunday‘s run-off, the electoral commission said on Monday.
Palestinian FM: We won’t push off UN bid until Israelis vote
The Palestinian Authority has refused to postpone a vote on a UN Security Council statehood bid until after Israel’s March 17 elections, despite international pressure, PA Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said Monday. (…)
“Kerry believes the Security Council vote will negatively impact the Israeli elections and the identity of the winner of these elections. We said, however, that the bid now will have a positive effect.”
Erekat: Kerry didn‘t ask us to hold off UN bid until after Israeli election
Speaking in an interview with Army Radio, Erekat said, „Today we have technical and expert consultations and we hope to move forward the resolution…within the next few days.“
He slammed Israel for wanting to cancel the move at the UN and putting pressure on the US to veto the resolution.
Russia‘s Lavrov Meets Palestinian Negotiator
Israel fiercely opposes the draft and the United States said it would not support it.
In opening remarks at his meeting with Erekat in Moscow, Lavrov said Russia „fully supports the lawful aspiration of the Palestinian people to finally obtain their statehood.“
The 2015 Israeli election may be decided by super-egoists
There may not be any clear winner in the upcoming election. The decision regarding the future prime minister may well end up in the hands of Lieberman, Lapid and Kahlon – hardly an outcome to be welcomed.
Moscow concerned by deadlock in Middle East conflict settlement — Lavrov
Russian Permanent Representative in the UN Vitaly Churkin said Russia was ready to support the draft resolution on the Palestinian state. The United States said it planned to veto the resolution.
Jailed Fatah leader Barghouti blasts Palestinian leadership for UN draft resolution
He criticized the PA’s readiness to hold land swaps with Israel, saying this would undermine the Palestinian right to self-determination and to a sovereign state. He also warned that the concept of land swaps would be exploited by Israel to legalize settlements.
Barghouti also voiced opposition to the wording of the draft resolution on Jerusalem, which says that the city should be the capital of two states. He stressed that any resolution should emphasize that east Jerusalem is the capital of a Palestinian state.
Totalverlust eines Grundrechts
(04. Oktober) Die Erkenntnisse über die Aktion „Eikonal“ zeigen, dass das G-10-Gesetz von den Geheimdiensten genutzt wird wie ein Generalschlüssel, wie ein Einbruchswerkzeug: Man sperrt damit auf, was man aufsperren will. Der BND schleift sich das G-10-Gesetz mit Billigung des aufsichtsführenden Kanzleramts so zurecht, wie es gerade passt.
Wie die NSA sich Informationen der deutschen Dienste sichert: Verfassungsschutz erhält XKeyscore für Datenaustausch
(15.09.2013) Aus den Dokumenten lässt sich laut dem NDR aber nicht herauslesen, woher die übermittelten Datensätze konkret stammen.
BND-Jurist: „Das ist kein Trick, das ist die Nutzung gesetzlicher Befugnisse mit erwünschten Nebeneffekten.“
(30. November)
verdammter Kack-Staat hier… Ich sag euch mal eins: wer Deutschland nicht liebt, soll Deutschland VERBESSERN.
Kann es sein, dass sich grad Tausende Spitzel, über den wieder mal aus dem Hut gezogenen „Terror-Muselmanen“,neue Vollmachten besorgt haben?
Doris Bures: Nationalratspräsidentin als Parteisoldatin
Vor vielen Jahren war Nationalratspräsidentin Doris Bures mit Bundeskanzler Werner Faymann in der Sozialistischen Jugend. Wenn man ihre heutigen Auftritte verfolgt, hat man den Eindruck, dass sich seither nichts geändert hat. Bures ist nach wie vor treue Parteisoldatin und garniert ihre Sätze mit zahllosen „Ähs“.
Weihnachtsempfang des Papstes: Die kurialen Krankheiten
„Da ist auch die Krankheit des geistlichen Alzheimer, also des Vergessens der Heilsgeschichte, der persönlichen Geschichte mit dem Herrn, der „ersten Liebe“ (Apg 2,4). Dabei handelt es sich um ein fortschreitendes Absenken der geistlichen Fähigkeiten, die früher oder später zu einer schweren Behinderung des Menschen führen und ihn unfähig werden lassen, autonom zu handeln, und ihn so in einem Zustand völliger Abhängigkeit von den von ihm selbst geschaffenen Selbstbildern leben lassen.“
Viel Aufmerksamkeit bekamen auch die „Krankheiten“ der Eitelkeit: Titel und Auszeichnung zu suchen, das Einschleimen beim Chef – und die Chefs, die sich schmeicheln lassen.
„Dann gibt es die Krankheit der existenziellen Schizophrenie: die Krankheit derer, die ein Doppelleben leben, Ergebnis einer Heuchelei des Mittelmaßes und der fortschreitenden geistlichen Leere, die akademische Titel oder Abschlüsse nicht beruhigen können. Diese Krankheit betrifft vor allem diejenigen, welche die Pastoral aufgegeben haben und sich auf Verwaltung beschränken und so den Kontakt mit der Wirklichkeit verloren haben, mit konkreten Menschen. So schaffen sie sich eine Parallelwelt.“
Nach einem asiatischen Handwerker? Nein. Wussten Sie natürlich nicht. (Danke nochmal, Chef.)
Wussten Sie, dass die meisten #Pegida-Anhänger schonmal eine Partei gewählt haben, die nach dem 2höchsten islamischen Propheten benannt ist?
Flight MH370 was `shot down by the US military and covered up´, former airline CEO claims
“It’s an extremely powerful military base. It’s surprising that the Americans have lost all trace of this aircraft. Without getting into conspiracy theories, it is a possibility that the Americans stopped this plane,” he told France Inter, according to a translation by The Local.
New report claims 2.6 million Israelis live in poverty
According to the charitable organization, a quarter of the children whose parents accept assistance from foundations were reported as going to sleep hungry several times a month, with 36% of children whose families receive aid were forced to work in order to keep the family afloat.
Netanyahu recieves hefty donations from US patrons
Netanyahu received 538,783 shekels from 15 donors abroad – 14 of which are from the United States. The data was found on the State Comptroller‘s website – all politicians must report donations on the website.
Abbas coordinates efforts on UN vote over phone with Egypt, Jordan FMs
(17.12.) Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas received a phone call on Tuesday from Egypt‘s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri to discuss exerted efforts on a UN vote on a draft resolution to end Israeli occupation.
Also, the President received a phone call from Jordan‘s Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh to discuss preparation for the vote.
Arab states try to delay Palestinian UN bill
Regarding whether the delay is related to the Palestinians wanting to ensure nine votes in the Security Council, Hamad said, “The nine votes still have not been ensured because the calls and deliberations with France, followed by Germany and Britain, are still ongoing in the hope of reaching a unanimous version to be submitted to the Security Council this month.”
Kerry to Palestinians: Delay UN bid until after Israeli elections
(17.12.) U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry holds „tough and sensitive“ meeting in London with chief PA negotiator, ahead of potential unilateral Palestinian move at U.N. Security Council
Lapid: Reaching a two-state solution deal could take ‘four, five, six years’
Yair Lapid, head of the centrist Yesh Atid Party, told a large crowd of English-speaking immigrants on Sunday that despite his earlier reservations, he was convinced now that the upcoming election provided an opportunity “to make lemonade out of lemons.”
India PM tweets Hanukkah greeting in Hebrew
Netanyahu reportedly invited India to participate in a joint effort on cyberdefense, a project that will aim to be a link between civilian and military authorities in both countries.
In October, India reportedly agreed to a $525 million deal to buy Israel’s guided Spike missiles, which were widely used during Operation Protective Edge.
India may end support to Palestine at U.N.
“Like other foreign policy issues, the Modi government is looking at India’s voting record at the United Nations on the Palestinian issue,” a government source told The Hindu. The change only needs an administrative nod, the second source said.
Livni: Western Wall will stay under Israeli sovereignty forever
At Kotel Hanukkah ceremony, former chief negotiator with the Palestinians Tzipi Livni says Israeli rule over Jerusalem is expression of ‚the historic link between a people and its land.‘
2015 elections: Zipi Livni, left wing MP at #WesternWall today: Jerusalem will forever remain under Israeli control.
#Israel #Palastine
Prosecute Torturers and Their Bosses
Since the day President Obama took office, he has failed to bring to justice anyone responsible for the torture of terrorism suspects — an official government program conceived and carried out in the years after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
He did allow his Justice Department to investigate the C.I.A.’s destruction of videotapes of torture sessions and those who may have gone beyond the torture techniques authorized by President George W. Bush. But the investigation did not lead to any charges being filed, or even any accounting of why they were not filed.
CIA Travel Advice To Operatives
Today, 21 December 2014, WikiLeaks releases two classified documents by a previously undisclosed CIA office detailing how to maintain cover while travelling through airports using false ID – including during operations to infiltrate the European Union and the Schengen passport control system. This is the second release within WikiLeaks‘ CIA Series, which will continue in the new year.
EU testet neue Vorratsdatenspeicherung von Fingerabdrücken. Kriegen grenzüberschreitend eingesetzte Spitzel nun das Schlottern?
Bei allen Einreisen an den Außengrenzen sollen in einem “Ein/Ausreiseystem” zukünftig bis zu zehn Fingerabdrücke abgenommen werden. Dies beträfe sämtliche Angehörigen von “Drittstaaten”, also jenen Ländern außerhalb der EU.
Protecting the Internet From Government Control
During the World Conference on International Telecommunication (WCIT) in Dubai in 2012, countries including Russia, Iran and China sought to legitimize these practices by placing aspects of Internet governance under the UN’s International Telecommunication Regulations administered by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
The ITU dates back to 1865, when it was established as the International Telegraph Union to coordinate the delivery of telegraphs among nations. Governments are the only voting members.
Congress blocks ICANN transition. Good.
When Congress passes a bill that‘s 1,603 pages long you can be sure that there‘s a great deal in it that is noticed by few people, including the members who voted for it.
Obama: Sony Hack Was Cyber-Vandalism, Not an ‚Act of War‘
In an interview airing Sunday, he told CNN‘s „State of the Union“ that he did not think the hacking was an act of war. „I think it was an act of cybervandalism that was very costly, very expensive,“ he told the program.
Security Experts: Welcome To The New World Of Cyber Terror
(18. Dezember) “Today is the day the whole game changes,” says cyber security expert Bill Kresse of Governors State University.
“We see both the marriage of hacking with terrorism, and we see the weaponization of the Internet,” he adds.
China condemns ‚cyber terrorism‘ as Obama pledges N. Korea review
China condemned „cyber terrorism“ on Monday after US President Barack Obama pledged to consider officially labelling North Korea, accused by Washington of hacking Sony Pictures, a state sponsor of terrorism.
The Chinese foreign ministry statement came after talks Sunday between Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his counterpart John Kerry and followed calls by Washington for China and other nations for help in deterring future attacks.
Sufsuf Ya Gufi Ktantan: A WeirdwithBeard/ black_ops Collaboration
In the process of making this one, black_ops and I created several drafts, quite different from each other. I thought it would be interesting to make a separate list of the tracks that didn‘t make it to the final version. Hope you‘d enjoy what we eventually chose to keep.
Per Mausclick durch die Wiki-Galaxy
Owen Cornec, ein französischer Student der Ingenieurwissenschaften in Paris, hat den Raum des Wissens des Internets um ein neues interaktives Programm bereichert.
Georgian foreign ministry is against Margvelashvili-Putin meeting in Moscow
If the presidents of Georgia and Russia meet, the venue must have a symbolic value and it can not be Moscow, Georgian Foreign Minister Tamar Beruchashvili said.
Syria downs Israeli drone over al-Qunaitera province
Citing a military source, the TV said the drone was downed near the town of Hadar in al-Qunaitera, which borders the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. It said the drone‘s brand is Skylark 1, said the report, spelling no further details.
Der Schlüssels zur Atombombe steht zum Verkauf
Wer zehn Milliarden Euro auf dem Konto hat – der könnte sich jetzt den kompletten Baukasten samt Zubehör für eine Atombombe kaufen! Klingt irre – ist aber so. Denn die Uranaufbereitungsanlage in Gronau steht zum Verkauf. Daraus machen ihre Eigentümer – u.a. RWE und Eon – keinen Hehl. So könnte die brisante Technik meistbietend verkauft – und der Schlüssel zur Atomwaffentechnik unkontrollierbar weitergegeben werden.
Largest Tar Sands Pipeline into US Shut Down after Spilling Nearly 60,000 Gallons of Oil
Earlier this month, Enbridge agreed to pay a $6.75 million settlement over a July 2010 spill, which resulted in more than 800,000 gallons of Canadian tar sands crude oil spilled into the Kalamazoo River in Michigan. Enbridge estimated that, aside from the settlement, cleanup costs for that spill alone were about $1.2 billion.
Blackwater Lobbyist Will Manage House Intelligence Committee
After lobbyist-run SuperPACs and big money efforts dominated the last election, legislators are now appointing lobbyists to literally manage the day-to-day affairs of Congress. For the House Intelligence Committee, which oversees government intelligence operations and agencies, the changing of the guard means a lobbyist for Academi, the defense contractor formerly known as Blackwater, is now in charge.
Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA), the incoming chairman of the Intelligence Committee when the House reconvenes in January, announced that Jeff Shockey will be the new Staff Director of the committee. As a paid representative of Academi, Shockey and his firm have earned $80,000 this year peddling influence on behalf of Academi.
Imprisoned Former CIA Agent John Kiriakou Speaks About Torture & Prison
It would focus on the fact that I’m a regular guy doing decidedly irregular things, who found himself in historic situations. If it happened to me, it could happen to anybody.