French President Francois Hollande met with Russia’s Vladimir Putin during an impromptu visit to Moscow on Saturday, a rare display of goodwill as tensions remain high over the ongoing conflict in east Ukraine and France’s decision to suspend the delivery of two warships to Moscow.
The French leader’s unexpected stopover in Moscow, as he travelled from neighbouring Kazakhstan back to Paris, makes him the only head of state from a major Western power to visit Russia since it annexed Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula in March.
Das gewaltsame Verschwindenlassen von 43 Lehramtsstudenten im mexikanischen Bundesstaat Guerrero bewegt in Deutschland auch weiterhin Menschen dazu, ihrem Schmerz und ihrer Wut öffentlich Ausdruck zu verleihen. Bereits zum zweiten Mal fand vergangenen Montagnachmittag eine Mahnwache vor dem mexikanischen Konsulat neben der Alten Oper in Frankfurt am Main statt.
Den Firmen Siemens Ltda, Alstom Brasil Ltda, CAF Brasil Ltda, TTrans, Bombardier Ltda, MGE Ltda, Mitsu & CO (Brasil) S.A., Temoinsa do Brasil Ltda, Tejofran Ltda und MPE wirft die Behörde vor, im Untersuchungszeitraum von 2000 bis 2002 bei Ausschreibungsverfahren für die Wartung von U-Bahnzügen der Stadt von São Paulo Kartellabsprachen untereinander getroffen zu haben und bei Verträgen in Höhe von insgesamt 418.315.055,38 Reais (umgerechnet rund 130 Millionen Euro) einen Kartellaufschlag von 30 Prozent erhoben zu haben.
A total of 135,667 eye operations have been performed in Guatemala thanks to the Cuban-Venezuelan aid mission for the blind called Miracle Mission (Mision Milagro in Spanish), Prensa Latina reported on Friday.
Since independence, individuals have come to Uruguay seeking refuge and this is no different, says Mujica.
Uruguay reaffirmed on Friday that the country is willing to accept six detainees from the Guantanamo Bay detention center for what he says are “inescapable humanitarian reasons.”
„A clear statement of our commitment to our sustained presence east of Suez. A reminder of our historic and close relationship with Bahrain and one example of our growing partnership with Gulf allies to tackle the threats we face together.“ (…)
„British defence policy must be strategically-led. The Strategic Defence and Security Review and a National Security Strategy are due to take place next year, and it was expected long term issues like this would be assessed and decided then.“
(Picture Gallery) Authorities have started clearing a huge homeless encampment known as The Jungle, in the heart of California‘s affluent Silicon Valley.
Last week, President Museveni held the first formal face-to-face meeting in Entebbe with an SPLM/A in opposition delegation. It is understood the meeting was a precursor to another with former vice president and leader of the rebel faction Riek Machar, a development mediators from both sides of the conflict say will give the process new impetus.
The lawsuit filed last week by music publishers BMG and Round Hill against Cox Communications could be the next battle in the major media companies’ long-term campaign to turn Internet service providers into copyright police. BMG and Round Hill are asking a federal court to declare that ISPs like Cox must terminate their customers’ accounts whenever the publishers’ agent—a company called Rightscorp—says so. Because Cox didn’t immediately kick subscribers off of its service after Rightscorp accused those subscribers of copyright inf
§ 3 Kreis der Verpflichteten
(1) Die Vorschriften dieses Teils gelten für die Betreiber von Telekommunikationsanlagen, mit denen Telekommunikationsdienste für die Öffentlichkeit erbracht werden. Werden mit einer Telekommunikationsanlage sowohl Telekommunikationsdienste für die Öffentlichkeit als auch andere Telekommunikationsdienste erbracht, gilt dies nur für den Teil der Telekommunikationsanlage, der der Erbringung von Telekommunikationsdiensten für die Öffentlichkeit dient. (…)
§ 27 Grundsätze, technische und organisatorische Umsetzung von Anordnungen, Verschwiegenheit
(1) Die zu überwachende Telekommunikation umfasst bei Überwachungsmaßnahmen nach § 5 oder § 8 des Artikel 10-Gesetzes die Telekommunikation, die auf dem in der Anordnung bezeichneten Übertragungsweg übertragen wird, einschließlich der auf diesem Übertragungsweg übermittelten, für den Auf- oder Abbau von Telekommunikationsverbindungen notwendigen vermittlungstechnischen Steuerzeichen. § 5 gilt mit Ausnahme von seinem Absatz 1, 2 Satz 3 und Absatz 4 Satz 2 entsprechend.
(2) Der Verpflichtete hat dem Bundesnachrichtendienst an einem Übergabepunkt im Inland eine vollständige Kopie der Telekommunikation bereitzustellen, die über die in der Anordnung bezeichneten Übertragungswege übertragen wird.
(3) Der Verpflichtete hat in seinen Räumen die Aufstellung und den Betrieb von Geräten des Bundesnachrichtendienstes zu dulden, die nur von hierzu besonders ermächtigten Bediensteten des Bundesnachrichtendienstes eingestellt und gewartet werden dürfen und die folgende Anforderungen erfüllen: (…)
(4) Der Verpflichtete hat während seiner üblichen Geschäftszeiten folgenden Personen nach Anmeldung Zutritt zu den in Absatz 3 bezeichneten Geräten zu gewähren:
den Bediensteten des Bundesnachrichtendienstes zur Einstellung und Wartung der Geräte,
den Mitgliedern und Mitarbeitern der G 10-Kommission (§ 1 Abs. 2 des Artikel 10-Gesetzes) zur Kontrolle der Geräte und ihrer Datenverarbeitungsprogramme.
Laut CNET sollen FBI-Beamte US-Carriern mit rechtlichen Konsequenzen gedroht haben, sollten sie die von der Regierung gestellte Software nicht implementieren. Dies deckt sich mit Informationen, die c’t zu einem deutschen Provider erhalten hat, der in den USA aktiv ist. Dem Unternehmen wurde demnach mit dem Entzug der Betriebserlaubnis gedroht, sollte es sich weigern, in seinem US-Rechenzentrum alle Daten durch verplombte Abhörschnittstellen-Hardware zu leiten.
Sen. Wyden has led the fight to address the Intelligence Community’s reliance on secret interpretations of surveillance law, arguing that while “intelligence agencies need to be able to conduct operations in secret, even secret operations need to be conducted within the bounds of established, publicly understood law.”
In 2011, Wyden warned that “when the American people find out how their government has secretly interpreted the Patriot Act, they will be stunned and they will be angry.”
„This report must see the light of day before Congress adjourns this year,“ said Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee. „And if the Executive Branch isn’t willing to cooperate the Senate should be willing to act unilaterally to ensure that happens.”
Nigeria’s cancellation of a U.S. program that trained forces to counter the Boko Haram terrorist group could hamper efforts to combat the growing terrorist threat in Africa, analysts say.
The U.S. embassy in Nigeria announced on Monday that the training of a Nigerian Army battalion would cease at the request of the country’s government. Boko Haram, whose leaders have previously praised terrorist groups such as al Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS), continues to conduct daily attacks in Nigeria’s northern provinces and now reportedly holds territory “the size of Maryland.”
While Nigerians wait for closure on the $15 million arms money seized by South African prosecutors, authorities in the two countries appear to have agreed on an unholy barter to exchange bodies of South Africans who died in the Synagogue Church collapse in Nigeria, for South African-made arms needed by Nigeria to fight Boko Haram, The Mail and Guardian, one of South Africa’s most respected newspapers, has reported.
South Africa confiscated the money from arms brokers who travelled there to procure arms for the Nigerian military.
(16. September) South Africa security agencies are currently investigating two Nigerians and an Israeli national for attempting to smuggle US$9.3 million apparently meant for buying arms for the Nigerian intelligence service.
A young peace activist miraculously survived being shot by the IDF during a West Bank protest. Declining to be treated in an Israeli hospital, ‘Patrick’ underwent surgery in Ramallah.
(1. Dezember) Residents in the flashpoint Israeli town of Kafr Kana fear mass expulsion if a controversial new law designating the country a Jewish state is approved
(26. November) Other proposals in the document would see a beefing up and legal affirmation of controversial measures already in tentative use, such as: the demolition of terror suspects‘ family homes; not returning the bodies of terror attackers to their families; and revoking the citizenship, or residency, of relatives that support their actions.
Die Braunfärbung der Grünen wird immer sichtbarer. Ihre eigene Kooperation mit ganz offensichtlich faschistischen Parteien in der Ukraine versuchen sie durch diese Ablenkungsmanöver zu verschleiern. Dabei geht es wie immer, um ganz andere Ziele, wie die schleichende Nato-Ost Erweiterung.
The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People was celebrated on Monday, November 24th, at the U.N. in New York. The evening event began with a reception for the photography exhibit in the lobby of the U.N. building. The exhibit, entitled “The Long Journey,” consists of photographs of Palestinians, from the archive of UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.) Guests at the reception seemed to very much like the image above, which was taken by an unknown photographer.
Israel does not recognize a civic Israeli nationality, lest that avail equal rights, at least theoretically, to all its citizens and undermine its “ethnocratic” identity.
Finally, there is a patently illiberal clause in the new law that would officially adopt halacha (Jewish law) as the arbiter if a civic law is ambiguous. This would be the final nail in the coffin of Israel’s dubious claim to democracy and religious nondiscrimination.
While Israel prepares for elections, Netanyahu‘s government plans to use opportunity to pass massive changes in defense spending, taking 200 million from education, 40 million from Holocaust survivors.
Auch in der Kölnischen Rundschau bezeichnet die SPD die Kölner Klagemauer als antisemitisch. Die Genossen sollten sich schämen. Das S in der SPD steht einmal mehr für alles andere, aber sicher nicht für Solidarität oder sozial in dieser Angelegenheit.
The British Museum decided to lend one of the stolen Parthenon sculptures to Russian Museum Hermitage in St. Petersburg celebrating the 250th anniversary of its founding. It is the first time that the British Museum dares to “lend” something that it does not owe but it has been stolen from Greece in the beginning of 19th century by Lord Ergin.
Residents in and around downtown Los Angeles could hear helicopters or other military aircraft over the coming days as Marines and sailors from Camp Pendleton train in preparation for a deployment.
The training is part of a two-week military exercise that starts Friday and extends through Dec. 16 and involves about 2,400 members of the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, according to the Associated Press.
The federal government‘s controversial prostitution bill comes into force Saturday as Canada marks the national day of remembrance and action on violence against women.
Parliament declared Dec. 6 a national day of remembrance after 14 students were killed at l’École Polytechnique in Montreal, 25 years ago, simply because they were women.
Estimates range from 500 to 4,000 dead Panamanian civilians killed during the invasion and the fighting afterwards. Bush the Elder was later asked if getting Noriega was worth all those deaths.
The German Chancellor — whose party is closely aligned with the telcoms sector — says she wants a two-tier Internet; on the „fast“ Internet, carriers will be allowed to slow down access to services that haven‘t paid bribes for „premium“ carriage; on the „regular“ Internet, ISPs will just give you the data you ask for.
Many years ago, during the 1980s, I witnessed a killing: a New York City cop shooting an unarmed homeless man near the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I was later called as a grand jury witness in the case. The grand jury did not indict the officer.
The incident was captured by security cameras at the Jasper, Texas, police headquarters.
Keyarika „Shea“ Diggles, 25, was brought to the jail on May 5 for an unpaid fine, according to Bernsen. He said she was was on the phone with her mother trying to arrange to get the $100 owed when Officer Ricky Grissom cut off the call.
There‘s no audio on the video, but Diggles and Grissom were apparently arguing when Officer Ryan Cunningham comes in behind Diggles and attempts to handcuff her. When she appears to raise her hand, Cunningham grabs Diggles by the hair and slams her head into a countertop.
Wegen eines Parktickets, das sie seit einer Weile abzustottern versuchte, aber nicht genug Kohle zusammengekratzt kriegte. Zwei weiße Prügel-Cops verprügeln sie. Es gibt ein Video davon.
The country is part of a U.S.-led coalition carrying out airstrikes on the extremist group, which has carved out vast areas of control in Syria and Iraq.
Diese Drohnen, die unsichtbar für Radare seien, seien im Iran ohne westliche Technologien gebaut worden, teilte der Vize-Kommandeur der iranischen Revolutionswächter, Hossein Salami, in Teheran mit. „Erst vor wenigen Jahren konnten wir davon nur träumen und jetzt sind diese Drohnen Realität.“
“When we announced the drill, foreign and trans-regional fleets should stay away from the drills area,” the commander of Iran‘s navy, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said,” the country’s Fars news agency reported Dec. 6.
A massive ongoing probe has uncovered an alleged crime syndicate in the capital led by ex-rightwing terrorist Massimo Carminati and involving contractors and high-ranking politicians, including former center-right mayor Gianni Alemanno.
The German parliament voted earlier on Friday to keep 850 soldiers in Afghanistan in 2015 to train local forces, making Germany one of the biggest contributors after the United States.
The lawyers said police were investigating allegations of involvement in cyber crime, breaking Kenya‘s communications rules by operating private radio broadcasting services and being in the country unlawfully.
Erneut gerät der CDU-Politiker Philipp Mißfelder wegen dubioser Parteispenden und Geschäften mit politischen Kontakten in die Kritik. Wie der Stern in seiner heutigen Ausgabe berichtet, stellte sich Mißfelder einer Lobbyfirma für Termine mit Managern großer Hedgefonds zur Verfügung. Im gleichen Zeitraum flossen Parteispenden aus dem Umfeld des Kontaktvermittlers an die Union.
Members of parliament voted Somalia‘s prime minister out of office on Saturday for the second time in a year, a move Western donors warned would threaten the war-torn nation‘s fragile recovery.
Mr Jawari said he wants today to be the deadline for the motion and called the rival MPs to exercise democratic manner while voting is going on.
MPs supporting the Prime Minister earlier described the motion to be “illegal” and they blamed President Mohamud was bribing the MPs to vote for the no confidence motion against the embattled Prime Minister.
Nobody‘s willing to say it yet. But after Ferguson, and especially after the Eric Garner case that exploded in New York yesterday after yet another non-indictment following a minority death-in-custody, the police suddenly have a legitimacy problem in this country.
06.12.2014 - 03:09 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]
When state officials seek to censor online speech, they‘re going to use the quickest and easiest method available. For many, copyright takedown notices do the trick. After years of lobbying and increasing pressure from content industries on policymakers and tech companies, sending copyright notices to take media offline is easier than ever.
06.12.2014 - 03:07 [ John Pilger / Global Research ]
The times we live in are so dangerous and so distorted in public perception that propaganda is no longer, as Edward Bernays called it, an “invisible government”. It is the government. It rules directly without fear of contradiction and its principal aim is the conquest of us: our sense of the world, our ability to separate truth from lies.
The information age is actually a media age. We have war by media; censorship by media; demonology by media; retribution by media; diversion by media – a surreal assembly line of obedient clichés and false assumptions.
06.12.2014 - 02:56 [ Barbara Lee / Global Research ]
Over the past two decades the United States and Western Europe have been burned badly by the shoddy thinking of its strategists, economists, financiers, policy makers, politicians, academicians and military leaders.
According to US officials who are declining to be named, President Obama is continuing to advance plans to leave many more US ground troops in occupied Afghanistan in January than the 9,800 that were presented to Americans as the residual training force.
But critics say the program is a blatant electioneering ploy, one that reminds people of the „old days“ of client-state handouts under the currently ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI.
The former chief prosecutor for the Air Force said in a Yahoo News interview that he was “put out to pasture” after he criticized top commanders for interfering with his efforts to convict officers who committed sexual assaults.