Offerings: Lost Songs 2000 – 2004, meanwhile, consists of two early demos of album tracks, along with eight unheard songs from the period, which were unearthed in an archival search for unreleased material to accompany the reissues.
Daily Archives: 24. November 2014
Tamir Rice: 12-Year-Old Boy Playing With Fake Gun Dies After Being Shot By Police In Ohio Park
The 911 responder twice asked whether the boy was black or white before dispatching officers.
VP Joe Biden racks up a $625K hotel bill while in Turkey for two days
Joe Biden was in Turkey trying to mend his relationship with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in person, after apologising over the phone for his comments made last month on Turkey’s role in regards to ISIS.
It was an expensive two day apology tour!
#TNPrez Tunesien, die Zweite
Bei den ersten freien Präsidentschaftswahlen Tunesiens konnte am Sonntag keiner der 27 Kandidaten mehr als 50 Prozent der Stimmen auf sich vereinigen. Damit wird am 28. Dezember eine Stichwahl zwischen den beiden Meistgewählten notwendig.(…)
Beide Kandidaten werden jetzt um die Anhänger der unterlegenen Kandidaten werben. Der 87-jährige Essebsi gilt als klarer Favorit.
Uber stellt erneut Personenbeförderungsgesetz infrage
Wer die Prüfung in Zweifel zieht, will Verbraucherschutz zugunsten von Profit aushebeln.
Die Politik hat mit der Verkehrsministerkonferenz bei Ubers Änderungswünschen schon vor Monaten längst abgewunken.
LISTEN: Stream Bintus´ New EP Lightnin
This project sees Smee explore his love of heavy electronics, creating chaotic and abrasively acidic slabs of propulsive techno. Lightnin features four tracks of heavy dance music full of distorted rhythms, haywire arpeggiators and aggressively tweaked 303‘s.
South Pacific islands prepare to sue French government for $1billion over nuclear tests
The French Polynesia Assembly is preparing to ask Francois Holland’s government for nearly a billion dollars in compensation for damage caused to the islands by nuclear weapons tests.
Freiwirte sehen sich von Europäischer Zentralbank bestätigt – für Minus-Zinsen
Zu den diesjährigen „Mündener Gesprächen“ trafen sich Freiwirte der Wirtschaftslehre von Silvio Gesell und diskutierten aktuelle Entwicklungen.
Commentary recommends Joe Lieberman 4 Defense. That‘s my idea: skip the middle man. Let Israel run Pentagon directly.
Israel checklist: 1) get France to subvert Iran negotiations. CHECK. 2) get Hagel fired for pushing negotiations CHECK 3) bomb Iran
Rutgers Professor “Certain” Hagel Did Not Make Adjunct To Israel Comment During 2007 Visit
(19. Februar 2013) Charles Häberl, a Rutgers University professor at the Center for Middle East Studies which hosted the event, says he is “certain” Hagel did not make the comment attributed to him.
“I did attend the event, and even though the event was nearly six years ago I’m certain that he did not make the remark attributed to him. The one blogger who related this remark, George Ajjan, has also claimed that the event was ‘closed to the press,’ which is demonstrably false, as the document you referenced indicates,” Häberl wrote in an email to BuzzFeed.
Chuck Hagel Faces New Jewish Snag Over Israel ‚Adjunct‘ Comment
(17. Februar 2013) The Washington Free Beacon reported Jan. 14, in a posting just hours before the failed bid in the Senate to advance Hagel’s nomination, a contemporaneous account of a Hagel speech delivered in 2007 at Rutgers University.
George Ajjan, a blogger sympathetic to Hagel’s foreign policy views, quoted him as saying “The State Department has become adjunct to the Israeli Foreign Minister’s office.”
Shin Bet to monitor social media to detect individual resistance plans
The Israeli intelligence services are currently working on intensifying their monitoring of social network sites used by Palestinians, especially the youth living in occupied Jerusalem. This is an effort to identify those who are willing and preparing to carry out individual resistance operations. According to Israel‘s Yedioth Ahranoth newspaper, this task has fallen to the Shin Bet internal security agency.
Israel’s security brass: Abbas blocking Palestinian uprising
If you compare the declarations made in recent days by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his ministers to the assessments of the heads of the security services, you might get the impression that each group is operating in its own alternative reality, one totally divorced from that the of other group.
Obama‘s immigration reform benefits Israelis
Changes to the US immigration policy announced by President Obama will have far-reaching effects on Israelis wishing to work or move to the US.
U.S. rabbi: Arabs in Israel ‘must be vanquished’
‚They have no future in the land of Israel,‘ says the rabbi of a major modern Orthodox synagogue in New Hersey calling for Israel to collectively punish Arab Israelis.
Hagel Halted: US Congress blocks nomination of Israel critic
(16.02.2013) Republican Senators have blocked the vote to confirm Chuck Hagel as U.S. Secretary of Defence, he is the first such Presidential nominee for Pentagon chief this has happened to. Paul Craig Roberts, a Reagan administration official, joins RT studio from Florida to discuss the confirmation hearings.
Vote on ‘Jewish state’ bill delayed amid coalition jockeying
Decision comes just hours after Livni dared PM to break up government over law she says defies democracy in Israel
Gysi: DDR war kein Unrechtsstaat
(1.Oktober) »Wir sind uns einig, diese Bezeichnung nicht zu verwenden«, sagte Gysi. »Wenn ich die DDR als Unrechtsstaat bezeichne, dann erkläre ich, dass die drei Westmächte das Recht hatten, die Bundesrepublik zu gründen, die Sowjetunion aber als Antwort nicht das Recht hatte, die DDR zu gründen.«
Israel: USA müssen Iran deutlich drohen
Zeitung verweist auf Entschlossenheit, möglichen Bau von Atomwaffen auch mit Gewalt zu stoppen
USA: Atomgespräche mit Iran bis Juli 2015 verlängert
Der dazugehörige Anhang mit sämtlichen Detailregelungen soll demnach voraussichtlich bis zum 1. Juli 2015…
Meine Interpretation dieser Republik: Ein Haufen Schwachsinniger, Lügner und Feiglinge
(20. Juni 2014) Ich lebe in einem Land ohne Verteidigung. Weder verteidigt es einen einzigen seiner Menschen, noch sich selbst. Dieses Land ist ein Land der Opfer und der Untertanen. Und als Ausgleich wird ihm regelmäßig irgendetwas gegeben, woran es sich abreagieren kann. Irgendein Nächstschwächerer. Oder so ein Nörgler, wie ich zum Beispiel.
Vertun Sie sich nicht.
Es besteht für mich zwar keine Möglichkeit mich gegen alle diese Maßnahmen juristisch zur Wehr zu setzen, noch diese Maßnahmen überhaupt von den Behörden bestätigen oder dementieren zu lassen. Doch lebe ich nicht im rechtsfreien Raum. Ich lebe nur in einer Republik, in der das Recht dem Staat nichts mehr zählt. Aber auch gar nichts.
Doch nicht nur das. Ich lebe in einer Republik, in denen den Menschen ihr eigener Verstand fast nichts mehr zählt.
Ich bin es leid, meinen lieben MitbürgerInnen versuchen das Lesen beizubringen.
Is Israel‘s president an anti-Semite?
(22. Oktober) At a conference earlier this week, Rivlin, Israel’s president, said “It’s time to admit honestly that Israeli society is sick.” He went on to suggest that his country’s Jewish citizens have “forgotten how to be decent human beings.”
Chuck Hagel is not right for defense secretary
(18. Dezember 2012) The current secretary, Leon Panetta, has said the defense “sequester” cuts that Congress mandated to take effect Jan. 1 would have dire consequences for U.S. security. Mr. Hagel took a very different position when asked about Mr. Panetta’s comment during a September 2011 interview with the Financial Times. “The Defense Department, I think in many ways, has been bloated,” he responded. “So I think the Pentagon needs to be pared down.”
Why Christian conservatives oppose Chuck Hagel’s nomination
(14. Januar 2013) Even before his nomination, many on both sides of the aisle warned President Obama that a Hagel nomination would face severe opposition. The Washington Post’s editorial board recently put it succinctly; “Chuck Hagel is not the right choice for defense secretary.”
Among the reasons to opposed Hagel’s nomination, including his desire for “huge cuts” in defense spending that could leave America vulnerable abroad, two stand particularly disturbing to evangelicals and many Americans: Israel and Iran.
Chuck Hagel and the Neocon Smear Machine
(19. Dezember 2012) What is the evidence that Chuck Hagel is anti-Semitic, or at least borderline anti-Semitic? Apparently he once said, „The political reality is that … the Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up here [on Capitol Hill].“ The Weekly Standard‘s anonymous „top Republican Senate aide“ is quoted as calling this „the worst kind of anti-Semitism“ because it means Hagel „believes in the existence of a nefarious Jewish lobby that secretly controls U.S. foreign policy.“
Actually, it doesn‘t mean that. It means what it says: Hagel believes that AIPAC, like the NRA, is powerful enough to sometimes intimidate legislators.
Chuck Hagel ‚not antisemitic for saying pro-Israel lobby has a powerful voice‘
(7. Januar 2013) Miller said Hagel was only saying what many members of Congress think but do not voice. „Hagel talked about the issue of domestic political pressure. Most sitting senators and congressmen don‘t. But it‘s a fact: the pro-Israeli community or lobby has a powerful voice. It does not have a veto over American policy but it has a powerful voice. To deny that is simply to be completely out of touch with reality,“ he said.
That has not stopped a barrage of accusations against Hagel. William Kristol, a prominent neo-conservative and editor of the Weekly Standard, accused him of harbouring an „unpleasant distaste for Israel and Jews“.
Smelling Chuck Hagel & Other Anti-Semites
(18. Februar 2013) My grandparents emigrated from Russia to the U.S. before the revolution. They were the type that divided things, and people, into Good For The Jews or Bad For The Jews. They were wary people, who understood that a Jew always had to be careful, even in America. They could smell antisemitism, and they believed that a Jew could not count on the authorities, or on his non-Jewish neighbors if the worse happened. I was close to them, closer than to my Americanized parents, and I became this kind of Jew as well.
Exclusive: Hagel says critics distort his views on Israel, Iran
(7. Januar 2013) Critics have hammered Hagel for not joining most of his Senate colleagues in signing on to a number of policy pronouncements that sometimes were sought by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the influential pro-Israel lobbying organization in Washington.
„How does that further the peace process in the Middle East?“ Hagel asked. „What‘s in Israel‘s interest is to help Israel and the Palestinians find some peaceful way to live together.“
More trouble for Hagel
(19. Dezember 2012) Joining other groups and individuals opposing Chuck Hagel as secretary of defense, the generally liberal American Jewish Committee (among the older and better known Jewish organizations) has signaled it opposes the potential nomination. Executive director David Harris e-mails me the following:
Hagel’s Anti-Semitism
(22. Februar 2013) Beneath his anti-Israelism is a broader anti-Jewish bias, often frankly expressed.
Druck von Obama: US-Verteidigungsminister Chuck Hagel tritt zurück
Der Republikaner Chuck Hagel hatte sich in der Vergangenheit immer kritisch über die kriegerische Außenpolitik der Regierung von George W. Bush geäußert.
Hagel Said to Be Stepping Down as Defense Chief Under Pressure
Mr. Hagel struggled to fit in with Mr. Obama’s close circle and was viewed as never gaining traction in the administration after a bruising confirmation fight among his old Senate colleagues, during which he was criticized for seeming tentative in his responses to sharp questions.
He never really shed that pall after arriving at the Pentagon, and in the past few months he has largely ceded the stage to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, who officials said initially won the confidence of Mr. Obama with his recommendation of military action against the Islamic State.
Urfaschismus (von Umberto Eco)
(Juli 1995) Am Morgen des 27. Juli 1943 erfuhr ich aus dem Radio, der Faschismus sei zusammengebrochen und Mussolini verhaftet. Als meine Mutter mich zum Zeitungholen schickte, entdeckte ich, daß die Zeitungen am nächsten Kiosk verschiedene Titel hatten. Mehr noch: Nachdem ich die Überschriften gelesen hatte, wurde mir klar, daß in jeder Zeitung etwas anderes stand.(…)
Der Urfaschismus ist immer noch um uns, manchmal sehr unscheinbar gewandet. Es wäre für uns so viel leichter, träte jemand vor und verkündete: „Ich will ein zweites Auschwitz, ich will, daß die Schwarzhemden wieder über Italiens Plätze paradieren.“ Das Leben ist nicht so einfach. Der Urfaschismus kann in der unschuldigsten Verkleidung wieder auftreten. Wir haben die Pflicht, ihn zu entlarven und jedes seiner neueren Beispiele kenntlich zu machen – an jedem Tag, an jedem Ort der Welt.
(via The Vineyard of the Saker)
`Dr. Death´ to Be Sentenced on November 26
In fact, much of what Basson did at Project Coast is still veiled in secrecy. High ranking sources within the former apartheid government as well as within the US intelligence community have admitted that Basson’s secret work on this targeted race bioweapon may have, in fact, come to fruition.
Language has the power to disarm the concerned citizen
(21. November) Investor-State Dispute Settlement is a triumphantly boring-sounding name for all this. Let us admire the use of “investor”, rather than “speculator” or, I don’t know, “rapacious corporation that artifically headquarters itself in Luxembourg for the purposes of tax avoidance”. (…)
While paying lip service to the idea of public (or at least “relevant stakeholder”) consultation, the architects of TTIP nonetheless intend to keep secret all the documentation of how the eventual agreement is reached – for 30 years.
Barley fuelled farmers‘ spread onto Tibetan plateau
(20. November) All the archaeological sites higher than about 2,500 metres contained primarily barley and not millet, Chen and his colleagues say. That includes a 4,000-year-old site with the oldest known evidence for barley on the plateau. Barley may have arrived in the region as part of the same cultural exchange that brought wheat from the West, Chen‘s team says.
Lithuania to supply Ukraine with military aid
It was not clear, however, if Lithuania was following fellow NATO member the United States in providing non-lethal military equipment, or supplying weaponry.
Eine kontrollierte Entgleisung
Berlin bemüht sich weiter, den Haushaltskompromiss, den die französische Regierung und die EU-Kommission Ende Oktober erzielen konnten, zu torpedieren – um Frankreich zu neuen massiven Etatkürzungen zu zwingen. Beobachter warnen seit Monaten nicht nur vor einer Deflationsspirale, sondern auch vor heftigen Sozialprotesten in Frankreich. Eine für heute angekündigte Stellungnahme der EU-Kommission zum französischen Etat muss wegen der deutschen Interventionen womöglich verschoben werden.
AD Bourke – Equal Turns EP (FFOLD003)
Welcome to Five Fold, a new imprint founded on the principle of releasing quality dance music free from genre and tempo constraints.
Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan railway to open early next month
President Rouhani urged officials in charge to complete the Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan and the Khwaf-Herat (between Iran and Afghanistan) railways maximum within the next few months.
Prosecutors mull new Oktoberfest terror probe
Until recently, investigators believed that the bomber had acted alone, despite his ties to the far-right “Hoffmann military sports group”.
But the witness says she found flyers with an obituary of Köhler in the new suspect‘s locker before the bomber‘s name had been published.
On Bangladesh Factory Fire Anniversary Victims Demand Compensation from Western Companies
„It‘s been two years since the fire, yet we‘ve not seen any compensation for the victims,“ said labor leader Taslima Akter, after placing wreaths at the Tazreen ruins.
„The victims have only been given some grants, but it‘s not a matter of charity. The brands must come forward with a full package of compensation in accordance with the law,“ she said.
Iran nuclear talks expected to reconvene next month
„We will meet again before the new year.“
Remarks by the President in a Press Conference
(5. November) Second, I‘m going to begin engaging Congress over a new Authorization to Use Military Force against ISIL. The world needs to know we are united behind this effort, and the men and women of our military deserve our clear and unified support.
Voting to Authorize War
In 2001, I was the lone vote in Congress against the Authorization for Use of Military Force, because it was a blank check for endless war. Thirteen years later, it has been used more than 30 times to justify American military action, according to a Congressional Research Service report.
We need to repeal the 2001 authorization intended for Afghanistan and the 2002 Iraq authorization. We must debate and vote on any military action in Iraq and Syria, to re-establish the constitutional checks and balances laid out by our founders.
Failure to act is an endorsement for perpetual war.
U.S.-Imperium will “globale Koalition” für Terrorkrieg 2.0 und bastelt an “Nachrüstung” der Kriegsvollmacht aus 2001
(2. September 2014) Einen Tag nach der Bekanntmachung des Zusammenhangs zwischen militärischen Operationen von U.S.-Kräften im Irak (und entsprechend auch Syrien) und den Schattenarmeen unter den Labeln “Islamischer Staat”, “Isis” und “Isil” durch die Meldung der “New York Times” am 28. August, veröffentlichte U.S.-Außenminister John Kerry dann am 29. August in der “New York Times” einen blumigen, an das weltweite Boulevard-Publikum gerichteten Artikel, in dem er für eine “globale Koalition” gegen den “Islamischen Staat” warb.
Sämtliche nun in der Informationsindustrie über das Fantom “lslamischen Staat” lancierten Meldungen und Berichte über Gräuel, Massenmorde und Schwerverbrechen, die letztlich von diesen Schattenarmeen selbst stammen und eins zu eins von der etablierten Presse übernommen werden, sind in diesem Zusammenhang zu sehen.
Kern- und Knackpunkt ist dabei das nun seit bald 13 Jahren ausgerufene quasi-religiöse Dogma und Denkverbot, was gerade von allen ehemals oder vermeintlich progressiven, linken, sozialdemokratischen oder sozialistischen Gruppen und Organisationen am vehementesten verteidigt und hochgehalten wird:
Legenden der Geheimdienste dürfen nicht in Frage gestellt werden.
Dafür darf dann um so lauter an ihnen rumgejammert, ein bisschen rumgezupft und sich beklagt werden.
Congress Must Act on War Authority: Military Action in Syria Requires a New A.U.M.F.
Some Democrats, including Senate leader Harry Reid, seem oddly passive, saying they are open to an authorization vote but doing little to advance it now. At the start of the campaign against ISIS in September, Mr. Obama insisted he had all the legal authority he needed to attack. After Election Day, he said he would ask Congress to authorize the military campaign specifically against ISIS.
Yet now it seems clear that he has no problem waiting until next year for Congress to act.
Statement on Expanded Role of U.S. Forces in Afghanistan
After more than a decade of open-ended war, I am deeply troubled to see the Administration expanding the role of U.S. servicemen and women in Afghanistan.
Many military and foreign policy experts agree that there is no military solution in Afghanistan. The future of Afghanistan is in the hands of the Afghan people.
Our brave servicemen and women have performed their mission with courage, valor and commitment in an impossible situation.
It is time to stop endless war and bring our servicemen and women home to their families.
Italy‘s Renzi claims victory in local elections marked by low
Another notable development was the success of the hard-right, anti-immigrant Northern League in Emilia-Romagna, where it picked up 19.5 per cent of the votes, leaving the mainstream conservative Forza Italia of ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi on 8.4 per cent.
Verschwörungstheorie des Tages: Putin baut die ganzen Naziparteien (äh … Rechtspopulisten) in Westeuropa gezielt auf.
Das ist mal eine schöne Theorie. Ob die Springer-Leute da ganz alleine drauf gekommen sind, oder ob ihnen das ihre Handler von den Diensten gesteckt haben?
Berufen wird sich auf „Geheimdienstkreise“ und das „Centre for Strategic Communications“
Neue Blödelattacke, (mutmaßlich vom #BND) via @BILD: #Putin / Russland als Sponsor der Rechten & Nationalisten in EU-Staaten.