Eye-witnesses report several injuries among protesters; hundreds are barricaded inside the Polytechnic. The burning smell of tear gas is spreading, once again, in Athens.
Daily Archives: 13. November 2014
Israel leading Senate hawks to kill Iran deal: Analyst
“The initiative to disrupt any of Obama’s policies toward easing a nuclear deal with Iran or any deals with Iran has been enhanced by this very aggressive set of senators and representatives that are to take office in January,” Burns said.
Dutch Parliament Bans Monsanto’s RoundUp
Starting from the end of 2015, the sale of glyphosate-based herbicides to private parties will be prohibited due to a recent decision by the Dutch Parliament. People who spray RoundUp on their gardens and lawns will have to find another form of pest control since glyphosate, the main ingredient in RoundUp, has been linked to cancer, infertility, birth defects, nervous system damage, and kidney disease.
“Gerechter unter den Völkern”: 91-jähriger gibt von Israel verliehene Ehrung zurück
Am Donnerstag, den 14. August 2014 gab Henk Zanoli in der israelischen Botschaft in Den Haag seine Ehrenmedaille “Gerechter unter den Völkern” zurück. Er hatte am 20.Juli 2014 in Gaza sechs Verwandte während eines israelischen Luftangriffs verloren.
“Während die EVG als extrem bahnfreundlich gilt, zeigt sich die GDL unbeugsam und unabhängig”
Die Rede von Thilo Böhmer, Lokführer und Mitglied der Gewerkschaft Deutscher Lokomotivführer, auf der 246. Montagsdemo gegen “Stuttgart 21″ (S21) am 10. November. Die Rede trug den Titel “Stuttgart 21 und die Gewerkschaften GDL und EVG”
„Ich bin empört“
„israelische Politiker sprechen selbst von Lagern, wenn es um die Kasernierung afrikanischer Flüchtlinge in der Wüste geht. Juden sind normale Leute. Sie können auch rassistisch und rechtsextrem sein.
Das ist die Realität. Dieses Land und sein Umgang mit seiner Geschichte aber kommen mir bizarr vor. Ich habe noch nirgendwo ein intellektuell so rückständiges Umfeld erlebt wie hier.“
Ramsis Kilani schrieb: Hallo, das Foto, das Max Blumenthal Gysi zeigen wollte, ist das meiner ermordeten Halb-Geschwister. Alle hatten die Deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft, so wie auch mein Vater und seine Frau, die auch getötet wurden.
Elias (4), Yasser (8), Reem (12), Susan (11) and Yassin (6).
Wirtschaftsminister von Argentinien rügt Sojaproduzenten
Argentiniens Wirtschaftsminister Axel Kicillof hat die Sojaindustrie des Landes abgemahnt. Seine Kritik richtete sich gegen die sechs großen Sojaproduzenten, die fast die Hälfte ihrer Ernte einlagert haben, da sie auf besser Preise auf dem Weltmarkt hoffen. In einem Radiointerview mit dem Sender Nacional drängte Kicillof auf einen raschen Verkauf der Ernte.
Protesters burn state congress over Mexico ‚massacre‘
Some 500 masked students and radical teachers broke into the empty Guerrero state legislature, igniting fires in the library and the chamber where local lawmakers hold sessions. Moments earlier, protesters torched the education department‘s audit office in another part of the state capital Chilpancingo.(…)
Protesters set fire to the regional headquarters of his ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in Chilpancingo on Tuesday, November 11, one day after blocking access to Acapulco‘s airport for several hours.
Stellt euch nur vor, was #Toilettengate für ein Shitstorm wäre, wären Sheen und Blumenthal Araber.
Sie lügen wie gedruckt: Über die Kampagne von SPIEGEL und Gregor Gysi gegen Max Blumenthal
Wenn es um den Nahostkonflikt geht, dann wird aus bundesdeutschen Medien schnell eine unerträgliche Mischung aus BILD-Zeitung und Aktueller Kamera. Nun hab ich zufällig die Bücher von Max Blumenthal gelesen und weiß deshalb, dass die Behauptung des SPIEGEL (sowie des englischunkundigen Linksparteipolitikers Gregor Gysi), Blumenthal hätte Israelis in Goliath als “Judäo-Nazis” bezeichnet, nichts als eine abgefeimte Lüge ist. In Wahrheit handelt es sich dabei um ein Zitat von Prof. Jeschajahu Leibowitz, einem der angesehensten israelischen Naturwissenschaftler und orthodoxen Religionsphilosophen, der trotz seiner vehementen Kritik am Staat und seiner Aufforderung zur massenhaften Kriegsdienstverweigerung von Präsident Ezer Weizmann nach seinem Tod als “eine der größten Gestalten im Leben des jüdischen Volkes und des Staates Israel in den letzten Generationen” bezeichnet wurde. Blumenthal erzählt Leibowitz’ heroische Geschichte als Mahner und Warner vor den Folgen der Besatzung und der Legalisierung der Folter, ohne sich dessen Ruf: “Judäonazis existieren!” in irgendeiner Weise zu eigen zu machen (siehe hierzu Seite 268, dritt- und vorletzter Absatz).
J. Edgar Hoover – Das böse Muttersöhnchen
(2. Mai 2014) Der 1895 in Washington geborene J. Edgar Hoover war erst ein Mamititti, das dann zum Arschloch mutierte. Er wohnte bis zum Tod mit der gebürtigen St. Gallerin 1938 zusammen. Da war er bereits seit 14 Jahren FBI-Direktor. (…) Seine enge Beziehung zu seinem Stellvertreter Clyde Tolson trat an die Stelle einer Ehe; Clyde war sein Liebhaber, dem Hoover auch den grössten Teil seines Vermögens vermachte. In der Öffentlichkeit vertrat Hoover puritanische Ansichten über Sex und erpresste viele Leute auch damit, sogar den Präsidenten.
What an Uncensored Letter to M.L.K. Reveals
“There is only one thing left for you to do,” the author warns vaguely in the final paragraph. “You know what it is.”
When the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. received this letter, nearly 50 years ago, he quietly informed friends that someone wanted him to kill himself — and he thought he knew who that someone was. Despite its half-baked prose, self-conscious amateurism and other attempts at misdirection, King was certain the letter had come from the F.B.I. Its infamous director, J. Edgar Hoover, made no secret of his desire to see King discredited.
Kennt ihr eigentlich den „Selbstmord-Brief“ des FBI an Dr. Martin Luther King? Na dann los.
Aber setzt euch vorher hin.
Rechtsauffassung des BND die Zweite: Nach „Weltraumtheorie“ gibt es nun die „Funktionsträgertheorie“, die hebt auch Grundrechte auf #NSAUA
Der Verfassungsschutz darf im #Saarland künftig Handydaten zur Terrorbekämpfung auswerten. Landtag hat Gesetzesänderung verabschiedet.
V-Mann des Verfassungsschutz Tino Brandt wegen Zuhälterei und schwerem Kindesmissbrauch angeklagt
Was für Leute sind das eigentlich, wie beim Verfassungsschutz V-Mann werden? So Leute, gegen die dann der Staatsanwaltschaft in 157 Fällen Anklage wegen Straftaten „gegen die sexuelle Selbstbestimmung“ erhebt.
Die beste Demokratie, die man für Geld kaufen kann!
In der Oberpfalz ist eine Drohne der US-Streitkräfte abgestürzt. Es handelte sich um eine Überwachungsdrohne „Shadow“.
Money Quote:
„Der Unfall zeige, dass Drohnen nicht hundertprozentig beherrschbar seien, sagte der Bürgermeister des unmittelbar angrenzenden Schmidmühlen, Peter Braun (CSU), dem Bayerischen Rundfunk.“
Iran can reach Europe through Azerbaijan – Hassan Rouhani
“We can reach Europe through Azerbaijan and the Caucasus. Azerbaijan can reach the southern corridors and oceans through Iran. Our countries must use this corridor better, take advantage and further expand it. Our countries must strive to achieve the construction and connection of the Qazvin-Rasht and Rasht-Astara railways by assisting each other. It is necessary for us to have an opportunity to reach the Black Sea, Europe and Russia, join their rail systems through this corridor. Our countries must cooperate in this field.”
Iranian-Azerbaijani friendship unbreakable, Aliyev says (PHOTO)
President Ilham Aliyev warmly welcomed his Iranian counterpart.
„Welcome to Azerbaijan, Mr. President. Your visit is very important. This is the fourth time we meet each other, and this testifies that Iran-Azerbaijan relations are developing,“ the president said.
Sources: Obama seeks new Syria strategy review to deal with ISIS, al-Assad
President Barack Obama has asked his national security team for another review of the U.S. policy toward Syria after realizing that ISIS may not be defeated without a political transition in Syria and the removal of President Bashar al-Assad, senior U.S. officials and diplomats tell CNN.
Hagel says air war against Islamic State will intensify
U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel listens during his testimony at the House Armed Services Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, November 13, 2014.
Iraqi finance minister says deal reached to ease tensions over Kurdish oil
The government of Iraq and the semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan have reached a deal to ease tensions over Kurdish oil exports and payments for civil servants from Baghdad, Iraq‘s finance minister told Reuters on Thursday.
Northrop Grumman Signs Global Hawk Sustainment Partnership with the US Air Force
The U.S. Department of Defense awarded Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) a $306 million contract to continue logistics and sustainment services on the high altitude, long endurance (HALE) RQ-4 Global Hawk remotely piloted autonomous unmanned aircraft intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) system.
Robots controlled from Norfolk seek sea change data in Antarctica
The gliders were remotely controlled from Norwich, more than 10,000 miles away, sending data back via satellite mobile phone technology, every few hours, for two months.
New Poll: UKIP Set to Win Rochester By-Election on November 20
UKIP‘s lead in the forthcoming Rochester by-election has jumped eight points in a monthly repeat poll and now stand at 48 percent, indicating Tory defector Mark Reckless is set to retain the seat in three weeks time. Nigel Farage‘s Eurosceptic party is now a remarkable 15-points ahead of the Conservatives who formerly held the seat, who are now on 33 percent, down from the 49 they took in 2010 at the general election.
Italy‘s biggest union calls general strike on December 5
„The social and economic situation … and the ever more clear decision of the government to liaise with the social bloc represented by [business lobby] Confindustria … force us to continue in our mobilization and in our fight,“ CGIL said in a statement.
Italy is battling both its worst economic slump since World War II, as well as near record-high unemployment.
Renzi likely to put Jobs Act to confidence vote
The PD is divided over the bill, which features changes to the rules on unfair dismissal, and the executive used a confidence vote in the Senate last month to snuff out internal dissent there.
Renzi, Berlusconi reach deal on amending election-law pact
They agreed to raise the threshold to get a winner‘s bonus of seats to guarantee a working majority to 40%, the statement said.
Italy‘s Renzi dismisses early election talk, moves closer to vote reform
Growing expectations that Italy‘s 89-year-old President Giorgio Napolitano will step down in the next few months has increased speculation that Renzi, who has a strong lead in opinion polls, could use the occasion to call new elections to consolidate his grip on power
Renzi meets Berlusconi for crunch election law talks
Silvio Berlusconi on Wednesday arrived at Premier Matteo Renzi‘s office in Rome for crunch talks on a new election law.
Why I confronted Gregor Gysi
In the last week, the German media has been replete with articles accusing me and my fellow journalist Max Blumenthal of spreading hatred of Jews. These baseless accusations are not only defamatory, but also amount to a real physical threat to myself, as I live in Israel, where dissidents are branded as “destroyers of Israel” and are often subject to rape threats and violent physical attacks.
Despite the orchestrated attempt to smear our names and get our Berlin speaking gigs cancelled, we testified at the Bundestag – the German Parliament – about the recent Israeli attacks on Gaza and incitement to racist violence by top Israeli leaders. After giving our testimonies, we confronted one of the leading legislators who had publicly endorsed the smear campaign against us. In the wake of that debacle, Max and I might very well be banned from the Bundestag in the future.
Uncut Chronicles: Blood & Tears. Gaza August 2014
Veröffentlicht am 02.09.2014
Israel and Gaza‘s ruling Hamas agreed to an open-ended ceasefire on August 26 after seven weeks of fighting – an uneasy deal that halted the Protective Edge operation, with more than 2,200 killed.
Uncut Chronicles: Gaza-Israel War. Deadly July 2014
Veröffentlicht am 03.08.2014
The IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) began their current operation against Hamas after three teens were kidnapped and killed. The military op has already claimed over 1,500 civilian lives in Gaza.
Außenminister Deutschlands und Italiens warnen vor Antisemitismus
Schon während des Gaza-Krieges im Sommer sei wieder Judenhass zu sehen gewesen, „auch auf deutschen Straßen“, sagte Steinmeier bei einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz mit seinem italienischen Kollegen Paolo Gentiloni am Donnertag in Berlin.
France‘s Fabius says key questions remain on Iran nuclear deal
„I can‘t make any predictions at this time. I think it will only be on the day of the 24th that we‘ll be able to make an assessment,“ Fabius said.
Russland baut Atom-Kooperation mit dem Iran aus
Moskau und Teheran kündigen trotz Atomstreit mit den USA die Ausweitung ihrer atomaren Zusammenarbeit an. Insgesamt wird der russische Konzern Rosatom acht Reaktoren im Iran bauen.
Kerry, Fabius Say Iran Must Show It Has a Peaceful Nuclear Program
(6. November) At a joint press conference Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry and French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said that Iran must prove its nuclear program is peaceful.
Frankreich möchte Kampfjets für Irak-Einsatz nach Jordanien verlegen
Kurds again become focus of Western intervention in Middle East
Saddam Hussein‘s use of chemical weapons against Iraqi Kurds in the 1980s was cited by Western powers as one of the justifications for the 2003 invasion that toppled him.
Obama seeks review of Syria strategy, sees Assad removal as necessary: CNN
President Barack Obama wants his advisers to review the administration‘s Syria policy after determining it may not be possible to defeat Islamic State militants without removing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, CNN reported on Wednesday.
Spy, US official suspected in Moro case
A Rome prosecutor said Wednesday that he suspects a former United States official and a deceased Italian spy may have been involved in the murder of Italian premier Aldo Moro. The Christian Democrat (DC) leader, architect of the so-called Historic Compromise in the 1970s with the Italian Communist Party (PCI), was kidnapped by the Red Brigades (BR) extreme-left terrorist group on March 16 and killed 55 days later, on May 9, 1978.
Pope laments ‚murder‘ of missing Mexican students
The students were taken on the night of Sept. 26 after clashes with local police in the southwestern city of Iguala, whose mayor was arrested last week along with his wife as probable masterminds of the abduction.
Oops, Mr President! CNN typo ‚Navy SEAL killed Obama‘ has Twitter in stitches (VIDEO)
CNN has accidently “killed” President barack Obama instead of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in one of its shows. For nearly a minute, CNN displayed a headline with a typo that viewers just could not miss.
The channel’s Erin Burnett OutFront show was dedicated to Robert O‘Neill, a Navy SEAL, who is claiming to be the one to have shot and killed Osama bin Laden in the 2011 raid on a Pakistani compound.
U.S. Central Command Hosts Coalition Planning Conference In Support of Counter-ISIL Operations
„This gathering of military planners from more than 30 nations is historic in many ways,“ said Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, U.S. Central Command commander. „The nearly 200 participants represent the broad Coalition that has come together and is key to the success of our campaign to defeat ISIL. Indeed, it is the Coalition that our enemies fear most.“
Al Jazeera investigates the USS Liberty attack in ‘The Day Israel Attacked America’
On June 8, 1967, in the midst of the Six Day War, a state of the art intelligence ship controlled by the National Security Agency was sitting near Egypt in international waters when it was attacked by unmarked Israeli aircraft who strafed its decks and dropped napalm. An unmarked Israeli naval vessel torpedoed its target five times. For seventy-five minutes Israel pummeled the unarmed U.S.S. Liberty and when it was over 34 Americans were dead and 172 wounded which amounted to two-thirds of the ship’s crew. Israel owned up to the attack but claimed it was an accident, that the ship was mistaken for an Egyptian vessel.
U.S., allies conduct 23 air strikes in Syria, Iraq: military
U.S.-led forces conducted 16 air strikes in Syria, most of them around Kobani near the Turkish border, and seven in the oil-producing northern region of Iraq since Monday, the U.S. Central Command said.
Iraqi PM sacks 26 army commanders for incompetence and graft
Abadi, who heads a Shi‘ite-led government, did not elaborate and officials in his office were not immediately available to comment on which commanders had been removed.
Islamic State militants have taken control of large areas of Iraq in recent months, facing little resistance from the U.S.-trained army.
Car bombs kill at least four in east Libya as chaos mounts
Libya is in growing chaos as armed factions compete for power.
Ontario Police Inspector Says He Wants A ‚Driver‘s License For The Internet‘
Canada‘s lawful access/cyberbullying bill (C-13) is still creeping through the country‘s legislative arteries and generally getting worse as time goes on — as is to be expected when adding cyberbullying to a long list of presumably thwartable horrors like terrorism, child molestation and drug smuggling. What‘s desired by many is a generous expansion of government and law enforcement powers. And those desiring this expansion have the horrific scenarios needed to back up their requests for more access.
Shanghai:Xilong part 1
Xilong fragt: WHERE DO YOU GO? Ich zucke die Schultern. Er geht in ein einfaches Restaurant mit weissen Plastikstühlen, bestellt Essen. Sagt: I AM WORK. WE COME FROM WANGXU. Xilong und die Männer im Brückenkeller sind Wanderarbeiter. Das Restaurant dröhnt von chinesischem Techno. Wir sind die einzigen Gäste. In der Wand spiegelt sich die Bedienung die uns beobachtet. Wir essen sehr lange Nudeln. Dann gehen wir wieder. Draussen fragt er: COME BACK? Dann dreht er sich um und läuft in die Nacht.
Streit um Krawatten lenkt von gesellschaftlichen Problem ab
(20.01.2011) „Die Auseinandersetzung im Deutschen Bundestag über eine Krawattenpflicht für männliche Schriftführer ist völlig absurd“, findet der Linkspolitiker: „Wir sind gewählte Abgeordnete und sind frei in unserer Mandatsausübung.“