Labour unions and student organizations vowed Sunday to continue to take to the streets to protest against the Quebec government’s anti-austerity measures.
Daily Archives: 2. November 2014
North Carolina voters report voting machines switching their votes to GOP candidate
According to Bostick, the machine finally recorded his vote for Hagan on the fourth attempt.
A poll worker then stepped in and cancelled Bostick’s ballot altogether and directed him to another machine which registered his vote correctly. The problematic machine was taken out of service.
On Wednesday a voter using a machine at the Craft Recreation Center in Greensboro experienced the same problem with their vote going to Tillis.
Weather Channel Co-Founder Doubles Down On Climate Change Denial (VIDEO)
„I resent you calling me a denier. That is a word meant to put me down. I’m a skeptic about climate change,“ Coleman said. „Climate change is not happening. There is no significant manmade global warming now, there hasn’t been any int he past, and there’s no reason to expect any in the future. There’s a whole lot of baloney.“
British public not interested in fighting America‘s wars – former London mayor Livingstone
All the main newspapers and media outlets in Britain are owned by a few billionaires and are signed up to the Anglo-American alliance and give unwavering support to America’s interests despite the loss of “thousands of British lives,” says Livingstone.
Europe remembers victims of Odessa massacre (VIDEOS)
People across Europe, Russia, and Ukraine commemorated the victims of the tragedy in Odessa on May 2, when at least 48 people were killed and over 200 badly injured.
Berliner Volksbühne: Kinopremiere von DIE FAMILIE
“In dem Dokumentarfilm DIE FAMILIE geht es nicht nur um ein Einzelschicksal, sondern um kollektive Erinnerungen und Erfahrungen an ein Staatssystem, das seine Taten nach außen hin bis zum letzten Tag des Bestehens erfolgreich zu verschleiern wusste. .. Damals wie heute sind die Grenzen zwischen Recht und Unrecht oftmals nur zu erahnen, denn die Täter von einst berufen sich auch heute noch darauf, dass sie lediglich Befehle befolgt hätten – eine Rechtfertigungsstrategie, die bis heute nachwirkt.”
Roland Jahn ‚Wir Angepassten – Überleben in der DDR‘
Wir haben noch viel zu wenig erzählt darüber, wie wir in der DDR gelebt haben. Viel zu wenig berichtet von all den vielen alltäglichen Details. Vielleicht schaffen wir es, uns zu öffnen für die Geschichten, die in uns schlummern.
#Stasi-Beauftragter #Jahn im Interview: “Es gibt kein Amt für absolute Wahrheit”
Rot-rot-grüne Regierung in Thüringen verletzt nach Ansicht von Stasi-Unterlagen-Chef Jahn die Gefühle der Opfer der SED
Ponta und Johannis in Stichwahl um Rumäniens Präsidentenamt
In Rumänien hat sich am Sonntagabend eine Stichwahl zwischen dem sozialdemokratischen Premier Victor Ponta (PSD) und dem liberalen Bürgermeister von Sibiu (Hermannstadt), Klaus Johannis (Iohannis) (PNL), um das Präsidentenamt abgezeichnet. In der ersten Wahlrunde kam Ponta (42) laut Hochrechnungen auf bis zu 41,5 Prozent, Johannis (55) lag bei rund 30 Prozent.
Iran seeks Norwegian expertise to implement renewable energy projects
Masoumeh Ebtekar, director of Iran’s Environment Protection Organization met with Norwegian Foreign Affairs Minister Borge Brende in Tehran, calling for boosting bilateral relations in the field of environment protection and the use of renewable sources of energy, Iran’s Shana news agency reported on November 2.
Anzahl der Hartz IV Empfänger: Über 6 Millionen
Während die Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) erneut Jubelnachrichten in die Welt posaunt, zeigen die realen Zahlen ein weit aus anderes Bild von Menschen, die akut von Armut betroffen sind. Laut BA seien im September 2014 genau 2.732.769 Menschen von Arbeitslosigkeit betroffen. Doch schauen wir uns die Zahlen etwas genauer an.
Verbände kein Feigenblatt für Atommüll-Kommission: Greenpeace, .ausgestrahlt und BI Lüchow-Dannenberg lehnen Einladung ab
Greenpeace, .ausgestrahlt und die Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg haben ihre Teilnahme an der für den 3. November geplanten Anhörung der Atommüll-Kommission des Deutschen Bundestages abgesagt.
The West is silent as Libya falls into the abyss
Remember the time when Libya was being held up by the American, British, French and Qatari governments as a striking example of benign and successful foreign intervention? It is worth looking again at film of David Cameron grandstanding as liberator in Benghazi in September 2011 as he applauds the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi and tells the crowd that „your city was an example to the world as you threw off a dictator and chose freedom“.
Alabama school system paid former FBI agent $157,000 to spy on black students: critics
Huntsville City Schools (HCS) paid a former Federal Bureau of Investigations agent $157,000 to direct security last year, but critics contend that the system he implemented is designed to monitor the social media activity of black students, according to
Chris McRae, the agent in question, was brought in to oversee the Students Against Fear (SAFe) program, which works by allowing students and teachers to provide anonymous tips to security personnel, who then scour social media sites like Facebook to determine the credibility of the threat.
Noam Chomsky at United Nations: It Would Be Nice if the United States Lived up to International Law
After world-renowned scholar Noam Chomsky gave a major address on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the hall of the United Nations General Assembly last week, Amy Goodman interviewed the world-renowned linguist and dissident before an audience of 800 people. Chomsky spoke at an event sponsored by the United Nations Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.
FJP Statement On Egypt‘s United Nations Universal Periodic Review
On 5 November 2014, Egypt is to have its human rights record considered by the United Nations Human Rights Council. In the four years since Egypt’s last Universal Periodic Review, the state has undergone great changes. The UN UPR has a historic opportunity to hold the Egyptian military regime to account for the crimes committed since the coup.
The Egyptian military regime submission to the UN UPR is silent on this repressive and violent conduct, The Freedom and Justice Party and the Muslim Brotherhood have prepared and widely distributed an alternative submission to expose the atrocious reality of the military dictatorship ruling Egypt. This submission provides a detailed review of the human rights record of Egypt under President Morsi and appraises the record of the military regime. The report looks at the military regime’s violent and ongoing repression of dissent, including scrutiny of the crimes in Rabaa Al-Adawiya in August 2013 as well as consideration of the continuing systematic and widespread violations.
The Freedom and Justice Party and the Muslim Brotherhood will be meeting with governments and NGOs in Geneva to discuss the report. The organisations have also called a press conference to respond to the regime’s UN UPR submission and provide an update of the situation in Egypt, including an analysis of the human rights record from the perspective of the victims and their lawyers.
Location: The Geneva Press Club, Route de Ferney 106, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
#Schweden‘s FM Wallström fürchtet Anerkennung #Palästinas käme zu spät. Da will ich dabei sein wenn sie versucht das #Steinmeier zu erklären
Egyptian army demolishes homes along Gaza border
With dynamite and bulldozers, Egypt‘s army demolished dozens of homes along its border with the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, after the military ordered residents out to make way for a planned buffer zone
Islamic state obtains weapons delivered by US to fight in Syria
„The weapons delivered by the US to fight in Syria were completely transferred to IS,” Erdogan said. “It is difficult to understand this.“
He added that around 40 percent of Iraq’s territory was seized by using this weapon.
Ob das auch gilt, falls Ultraorthodoxe Steine werfen, wenn ich am Sabbat versehentlich in ihr Viertel fahre?
Strafverschärfung in Israel: 20 Jahre Haft für Steinewerfen
Das Kabinett beschloss am Sonntag ein Änderungsgesetz, demzufolge der Wurf von Steinen und Molotow-Cocktails auf Fahrzeuge künftig mit bis zu 20 Jahren Haft bestraft werden kann. Autos von Juden ebenso wie die durch Jerusalem führende Straßenbahn waren in den vergangenen Monaten immer wieder mit Steinen und Brandsätzen attackiert worden.
Gaza Strip: War Crimes Documented (VIDEO)
First comprehensive investigation of latest Israeli assault documents war crimes
Gaza künftig ein Hochsicherheitsgefängnis
Wo sonst in der Welt außerhalb der palästinensischen Territorien würde die internationale Gemeinschaft untätig zuschauen, wie so viele Menschen leiden – nicht aufgrund einer zufälligen Laune Gottes, sondern von Mitmenschen beabsichtigt?
UN experts to Israel: End human rights abuses and institutionalised discrimination
(31. Oktober) A UN panel of independent experts in Geneva has urged Israel to end a host of practices violating Palestinian human rights.
The UN Human Rights Committee, which monitors implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) by its State parties, published its concluding observations Thursday following a review of Israel‘s human rights record earlier this month.
Häuser räumen. Familie vertreiben. Sprengungen. #Ägypten walzt an der Grenze zu #Gaza alles nieder. Neue Pufferzone. #Rafah bleibt dicht.
Alitalia Baggage Loaders on Strike at Rome’s Fiumicino Airport: Reports
Italian national airline Alitalia‘s employees, responsible for loading and unloading baggage, have declared a strike opposing staff cuts, which could affect nearly 1,000 people, Corriere della Sera newspaper reported Sunday.
Wiederaufbau: Geberkonferenz verspricht Gaza-Streifen gut vier Milliarden
(12. Oktober) Zu einer möglichen materiellen oder finanziellen Beteiligung Israels an der Reparatur der Kriegsschäden sagte ein Sprecher von Lieberman, die Frage stelle sich „erst nach Bewertung der Konferenzergebnisse in Kairo“
‚Illegitime Wahlen: Kiew erklärt ausländische Beobachter in Donbass zu unerwünschten Personen
Die Europäische Union will die Wahlen nicht akzeptieren, die gegen die Minsker Vereinbarungen über die Regelung in Donbass verstoßen würden. In Moskau wird hingegen die Meinung vertreten, dass eine künstliche Auslegung der Minsker Vereinbarungen der Konfliktbeilegung in der Ukraine im Wege steht.
Irish charity founder to be honoured by Vladimir Putin
Fiona Corcoran, founder the Greater Chernobyl Cause, will receive the Order of Friendship by Mr Putin for her “outstanding humanitarian work in Russia”.
The disaster happened in April 1986. The Greater Chernobyl Cause, based in Cork, was originally established to deal with the impact of the nuclear explosion at the plant in the Ukraine, part of the former USSR at the time.
Tens of thousands protest against water charges
Thousands of people have taken to the streets in towns, cities and villages across the country to protest over water charges today.
The National Security State Has Filled Us With Fear but Not Improved Our Well-Being
The following is an excerpt from Engelhardt‘s revelations about the covert branch of government hidden behind a classified wall:
The Shadow Government‘s Secret Religion
@UN If you want to get 72, you better move your ass. #Gaza #Blockade #UNsucks
Did you know that the UN is turning 70 in 2015? Check out this new #UN70 animation:
Sadly the UN agreed to conspire in this new version of the #blockade, despite it violating international law #Gaza
@David_Cameron first u supply weapons to #Israel to kill HUNDREDS of children in #Gaza, now u are silent as they tighten blockade. Pls act
Gaza cut off: Israel closes border crossings indefinitely
Israel has said it’s shutting the only two operating Gaza border crossings indefinitely. This comes a day after a projectile hit Israel from the strip, but caused no damage. Border closures threaten to isolate already devastated Gaza completely.
S.P.D. versucht mit Sperrklausel bürgernahe Parlamente zu verhindern
Die Verräterpartei. Nun gibt es in Deutschland einige Parteien, aber jeder weiss sofort, welche damit gemeint ist und bedarf keiner weiteren Erklärung. Der Spitzname hat sich hierzulande tief eingeprägt in das kollektive Gedächtnis. Wie sehr dieser gerechtfertigt ist, erweist sich erneut dieser Tage in Nordrhein-Westfalen.
We Gotta Get Out of This Place – Jello Biafra with D.O.A.
My Captivity: Theo Padnos, American Journalist, on Being Kidnapped, Tortured and Released in Syria
A few days later, the F.S.A. transferred me to a group of Islamists, and I had my first lesson in how to distinguish Islamist fighters from the Free Syrian Army: The fundamentalists think of themselves as the vanguard of an emergent Islamic state. They torture you more slowly, with purpose-specific instruments. You never address them as “sir,” because this reminds everyone of the state’s secular military. When the Islamists torture you, they prefer to be addressed by a title that implies religious learning. For the younger fighters, “ya sheikhi!” (“o, my sheikh!”); for the older ones, “emir.”
The F.S.A., it turned out, had given me to the Nusra Front, or Jebhat al Nusra, which was using the Children’s Hospital in Aleppo as a headquarters and a prison.
Berliner Pannen-Flughafen #BER: 3,2 Milliarden Extrakosten
Pläne für Zuwanderungsquote: Merkel hält erstmals britischen EU-Austritt für möglich
Die Bundesregierung hält erstmals einen Austritt Großbritanniens aus der Europäischen Union für möglich. Das berichtet der SPIEGEL unter Berufung auf entsprechende Einschätzungen in Kanzleramt und Außenministerium.
The film then goes to another promoter of this utopian future – an experimental psychologist called B.F. Skinner. He outlines a new way of controlling and ordering people. It is no longer possible, he says, to tell people what to do. In an age of individualism and mass democracy people won’t accept that any longer. Instead you reward them for behaving in the ways you want them to.
You make them happy, and they feel that they are in control – because by doing something they get the reward.
Adam-Curtis-Filme und -Artikel sind ja immer empfehlenswert, und dieser hier über die Kurden ist auch mal wieder sehr empfehlenswert!
Wenn ihr nicht für das ganze Ding Zeit habt, oder euch die Kurden nicht so interessieren wie die politischen Theorien, die die ausprobieren wollten, guckt euch unbedingt das Video „HERMAN UTOPIA“ an! Bisschen runterscrollen.
Scotland Yard zahlt jetzt Alimente. Ihr erinnert euch bestimmt an den Fall.
Undercover-Cops haben sich an Tierschützer und andere zu überwachende Aktivisten rangemacht, so dass dabei am Ende sogar Hochzeiten und Kinder rauskamen.
Foreign Bank of America Merrill Lynch banker linked to Hong Kong murders: source
A Bank of America Merrill Lynch employee was arrested in Hong Kong on Saturday in connection with the suspected murder of two women in the city‘s central Wan Chai district, a source with direct knowledge of the situation told Reuters.
Mexico questions police over killing of three U.S. siblings
„We can confirm the deaths of U.S. citizens Erica, Alex, and Jose Angel Alvarado near Matamoros, Mexico,“ a statement from the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City said on Saturday.
Their aim is to foster and preserve Southern Slavic traditions of the Serbs and Croats as found in various settlements in Hungary. Most of these communities are situated along the Danube, but quite isolated from each other.
British police give prosecutors file on Sami al-Saadi‘s rendition from Hong Kong to Libya
The Metropolitan police investigation, codenamed Operation Lydd, into the rendition of Libyan opposition activists in 2004 is considering the role of British officials in the combined operation by MI6 and the CIA.
Belhaj and another dissident, Sami al-Saadi, spent six years in jail and were, they say, frequently tortured.
In March 2004, Saadi – along with his wife and four young children – was forced onto a flight out of Chek Lap Kok to Tripoli. CIA documents detail the Hong Kong government‘s complicity with British and US spies involved in the rendition.
A Sacrificial Feast by songsofsilver
Cinémusique – Tarkovsky by Marius-Christian Burcea
`The artist exists because the world is not perfect. Art would be useless if the world were perfect, as man wouldn’t look for harmony but would simply live in it.`
Profectus BioSciences Receives $9.5 Million Department of Defense Funding to Manufacture Trivalent VesiculoVax™-Vectored Vaccine to Protect Against all Ebola and Marburg Viruses
„We are gratified that the Department of the Defense has recognized the potential of Profectus‘ VesiculoVax™ Zaire-Ebola virus vaccine to combat the current outbreak in West Africa, and the potential of our multi-component vaccine to protect civilians and military personnel against all strains of filoviruses, whether from natural outbreak or deliberate misuse.“ said John Eldridge, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer of Profectus. „More than 15 years have been invested in developing the genetically attenuated rVSVN4CT1 VesiculoVax™ vaccine delivery platform and demonstrating its safety in multiple clinical trials. To date, it is the only vaccine to demonstrate single-dose protection of monkeys against lethal challenge with highly virulent low-passage Ebola and Marburg viruses.“
Ebola: Windfall for military-industrial complex
On October 31, Profectus BioSciences, Inc. announced it has received millions of dollars to develop an Ebola vaccine.
The Pentagon awarded the contract through its Medical Countermeasure Systems-Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program, a program that develops and stockpiles vaccines to be used on soldiers.